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synced 2025-03-11 03:29:17 +01:00
This changeset: - moves all ground targets one level up, under build directory. The build/ground was created as a workaround, now unnecessary; - fixes QtCreator builds, they are separated from command line builds; - moves GCS autogenerated files into openpilotgcs-synthetics directory. The resulting build subdirectory now looks like: build openpilotgcs <- Qt-Creator build directory openpilotgcs-synthetics <- version-info and opfw_resource openpilotgcs_debug openpilotgcs_release <- Makefile build directory uavobject-synthetics uavobjgenerator NOTE: you should update the shadow build path in QtCreator to build, not build/ground as before. +review OPReview
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# Qmake project for UAVObjects generation.
# Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org
TEMPLATE = subdirs
# Some handy defines
defineReplace(targetPath) {
return($$replace(1, /, $$QMAKE_DIR_SEP))
defineReplace(addNewline) {
# QMAKESPEC should be defined by qmake but sometimes it is not
isEmpty(QMAKESPEC) {
win32:SPEC = win32-g++
macx-g++:SPEC = macx-g++
linux-g++:SPEC = linux-g++
linux-g++-32:SPEC = linux-g++
linux-g++-64:SPEC = linux-g++-64
} else {
# Some platform-dependent options
win32|unix {
CONFIG(release, debug|release) {
BUILD_CONFIG = release
} else {
win32 {
# Windows sometimes remembers working directory changed from Makefile, sometimes not.
# That's why pushd/popd is used here - to make sure that we know current directory.
uavobjects.commands += -$(MKDIR) $$targetPath(../uavobject-synthetics) $$addNewline()
uavobjects.commands += pushd $$targetPath(../uavobject-synthetics) &&
uavobjects.commands += $$targetPath(../uavobjgenerator/$${BUILD_CONFIG}/uavobjgenerator)
uavobjects.commands += $$targetPath(../../shared/uavobjectdefinition)
uavobjects.commands += $$targetPath(../..) &&
uavobjects.commands += popd $$addNewline()
uavobjects.commands += -$(MKDIR) $$targetPath(../openpilotgcs) $$addNewline()
uavobjects.commands += pushd $$targetPath(../openpilotgcs) &&
uavobjects.commands += $(QMAKE) -spec $$SPEC CONFIG+=$${BUILD_CONFIG} -r
uavobjects.commands += $$targetPath(../../ground/openpilotgcs/)openpilotgcs.pro &&
uavobjects.commands += popd $$addNewline()
!win32 {
uavobjects.commands += $(MKDIR) -p ../uavobject-synthetics $$addNewline()
uavobjects.commands += cd ../uavobject-synthetics &&
uavobjects.commands += ../uavobjgenerator/uavobjgenerator
uavobjects.commands += ../../shared/uavobjectdefinition ../.. &&
uavobjects.commands += $(MKDIR) -p ../openpilotgcs $$addNewline()
uavobjects.commands += cd ../openpilotgcs &&
uavobjects.commands += $(QMAKE) ../../ground/openpilotgcs/openpilotgcs.pro
uavobjects.commands += -spec $$SPEC CONFIG+=$${BUILD_CONFIG} -r $$addNewline()
uavobjects.target = FORCE