319 lines
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2020-12-03 16:35:44 +01:00
(function (factory) {
'use strict';
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define('bootstrap.wysihtml5', ['jquery', 'wysihtml5', 'bootstrap', 'bootstrap.wysihtml5.templates', 'bootstrap.wysihtml5.commands'], factory);
} else {
// Browser globals
factory(jQuery, wysihtml5); // jshint ignore:line
}(function ($, wysihtml5) {
'use strict';
var bsWysihtml5 = function($, wysihtml5) {
var templates = function(key, locale, options) {
if(wysihtml5.tpl[key]) {
return wysihtml5.tpl[key]({locale: locale, options: options});
var Wysihtml5 = function(el, options) {
this.el = el;
var toolbarOpts = $.extend(true, {}, defaultOptions, options);
for(var t in toolbarOpts.customTemplates) {
if (toolbarOpts.customTemplates.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
wysihtml5.tpl[t] = toolbarOpts.customTemplates[t];
this.toolbar = this.createToolbar(el, toolbarOpts);
this.editor = this.createEditor(toolbarOpts);
Wysihtml5.prototype = {
constructor: Wysihtml5,
createEditor: function(options) {
options = options || {};
// Add the toolbar to a clone of the options object so multiple instances
// of the WYISYWG don't break because 'toolbar' is already defined
options = $.extend(true, {}, options);
options.toolbar = this.toolbar[0];
this.initializeEditor(this.el[0], options);
initializeEditor: function(el, options) {
var editor = new wysihtml5.Editor(this.el[0], options);
editor.on('beforeload', this.syncBootstrapDialogEvents);
editor.on('beforeload', this.loadParserRules);
// #30 - body is in IE 10 not created by default, which leads to nullpointer
// 2014/02/13 - adapted to wysihtml5-0.4, does not work in IE
if(editor.composer.editableArea.contentDocument) {
editor.composer.editableArea.contentDocument.body || editor.composer.editableArea.contentDocument,
} else {
this.addMoreShortcuts(editor, editor.composer.editableArea, options.shortcuts);
if(options && options.events) {
for(var eventName in options.events) {
if (options.events.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {
editor.on(eventName, options.events[eventName]);
return editor;
loadParserRules: function() {
if($.type(this.config.parserRules) === 'string') {
dataType: 'json',
url: this.config.parserRules,
context: this,
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
success: function (parserRules) {
this.config.parserRules = parserRules;
console.log('parserrules loaded');
if(this.config.pasteParserRulesets && $.type(this.config.pasteParserRulesets) === 'string') {
dataType: 'json',
url: this.config.pasteParserRulesets,
context: this,
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
success: function (pasteParserRulesets) {
this.config.pasteParserRulesets = pasteParserRulesets;
//sync wysihtml5 events for dialogs with bootstrap events
syncBootstrapDialogEvents: function() {
var editor = this;
$.map(this.toolbar.commandMapping, function(value) {
return [value];
}).filter(function(commandObj) {
return commandObj.dialog;
}).map(function(commandObj) {
return commandObj.dialog;
}).forEach(function(dialog) {
dialog.on('show', function() {
dialog.on('hide', function() {
setTimeout(editor.composer.focus, 0);
$(dialog.container).on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
$(this).find('input, select, textarea').first().focus();
this.on('change_view', function() {
createToolbar: function(el, options) {
var self = this;
var toolbar = $('<ul/>', {
'class' : 'wysihtml5-toolbar',
'style': 'display:none'
var culture = options.locale || defaultOptions.locale || 'en';
if(!locale.hasOwnProperty(culture)) {
console.debug('Locale \'' + culture + '\' not found. Available locales are: ' + Object.keys(locale) + '. Falling back to \'en\'.');
culture = 'en';
var localeObject = $.extend(true, {}, locale.en, locale[culture]);
for(var key in options.toolbar) {
if(options.toolbar[key]) {
toolbar.append(templates(key, localeObject, options));
toolbar.find('a[data-wysihtml5-command="formatBlock"]').click(function(e) {
var target = e.delegateTarget || e.target || e.srcElement,
el = $(target),
showformat = el.data('wysihtml5-display-format-name'),
formatname = el.data('wysihtml5-format-name') || el.html();
if(showformat === undefined || showformat === 'true') {
toolbar.find('a[data-wysihtml5-command="foreColor"]').click(function(e) {
var target = e.target || e.srcElement;
var el = $(target);
return toolbar;
addMoreShortcuts: function(editor, el, shortcuts) {
/* some additional shortcuts */
wysihtml5.dom.observe(el, 'keydown', function(event) {
var keyCode = event.keyCode,
command = shortcuts[keyCode];
if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.altKey) && command && wysihtml5.commands[command]) {
var commandObj = editor.toolbar.commandMapping[command + ':null'];
if (commandObj && commandObj.dialog && !commandObj.state) {
} else {
wysihtml5.commands[command].exec(editor.composer, command);
// these define our public api
var methods = {
resetDefaults: function() {
$.fn.wysihtml5.defaultOptions = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.wysihtml5.defaultOptionsCache);
bypassDefaults: function(options) {
return this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
$this.data('wysihtml5', new Wysihtml5($this, options));
shallowExtend: function (options) {
var settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.wysihtml5.defaultOptions, options || {}, $(this).data());
var that = this;
return methods.bypassDefaults.apply(that, [settings]);
deepExtend: function(options) {
var settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.wysihtml5.defaultOptions, options || {});
var that = this;
return methods.bypassDefaults.apply(that, [settings]);
init: function(options) {
var that = this;
return methods.shallowExtend.apply(that, [options]);
$.fn.wysihtml5 = function ( method ) {
if ( methods[method] ) {
return methods[method].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ));
} else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
$.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.wysihtml5' );
$.fn.wysihtml5.Constructor = Wysihtml5;
var defaultOptions = $.fn.wysihtml5.defaultOptions = {
toolbar: {
'font-styles': true,
'color': false,
'emphasis': {
'small': true
'blockquote': true,
'lists': true,
'html': false,
'link': true,
'image': true,
'smallmodals': false
useLineBreaks: false,
parserRules: {
classes: {
'wysiwyg-color-silver' : 1,
'wysiwyg-color-gray' : 1,
'wysiwyg-color-white' : 1,
'wysiwyg-color-maroon' : 1,
'wysiwyg-color-red' : 1,
'wysiwyg-color-purple' : 1,
'wysiwyg-color-fuchsia' : 1,
'wysiwyg-color-green' : 1,
'wysiwyg-color-lime' : 1,
'wysiwyg-color-olive' : 1,
'wysiwyg-color-yellow' : 1,
'wysiwyg-color-navy' : 1,
'wysiwyg-color-blue' : 1,
'wysiwyg-color-teal' : 1,
'wysiwyg-color-aqua' : 1,
'wysiwyg-color-orange' : 1
tags: {
'b': {},
'i': {},
'strong': {},
'em': {},
'p': {},
'br': {},
'ol': {},
'ul': {},
'li': {},
'h1': {},
'h2': {},
'h3': {},
'h4': {},
'h5': {},
'h6': {},
'blockquote': {},
'u': 1,
'img': {
'check_attributes': {
'width': 'numbers',
'alt': 'alt',
'src': 'url',
'height': 'numbers'
'a': {
'check_attributes': {
'href': 'url'
'set_attributes': {
'target': '_blank',
'rel': 'nofollow'
'span': 1,
'div': 1,
'small': 1,
'code': 1,
'pre': 1
locale: 'en',
shortcuts: {
'83': 'small',// S
'75': 'createLink'// K
if (typeof $.fn.wysihtml5.defaultOptionsCache === 'undefined') {
$.fn.wysihtml5.defaultOptionsCache = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.wysihtml5.defaultOptions);
var locale = $.fn.wysihtml5.locale = {};
bsWysihtml5($, wysihtml5);