Full git update

This commit is contained in:
Rooty 2021-04-02 02:45:09 +02:00
parent 0f8461d415
commit 4e145fd982
12 changed files with 0 additions and 196 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
********************** Avant-propos **********************
A rédiger.

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
"sProcessing": "Working...",
"sLengthMenu": "Show _MENU_ news",
"sZeroRecords": "None news to show",
"sInfo": "Showing news _START_ to _END_ on _TOTAL_ news",
"sInfoEmpty": "None news to show",
"sInfoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total news)",
"sInfoPostFix": "",
"sSearch": "Search :",
"sUrl": "",
"oPaginate": {
"sFirst": "First",
"sPrevious": "Previous",
"sNext": "Next",
"sLast": "Last"

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
classnhsystemesforum = "Forum nh-systemes"
methodactionviewer = "Lecture seule"
methodactionuser = "Utiliser"
methodactionmodo = "Modérer"
methodactionadmin = "Administrer"
lgdAddCategory = "Add a Category"
ldgDelCategory = "Delete Category"
lgdAddRubrique = "Add a Forum"
lgdEditRubrique = "Modifier la rubrique"
lgdNewSubject = "New Subject"
lgdRubname = "Forum Name"
lgdNbsubj = "Subjects"
lgdNbmsg = "Posts"
lgdLastmsg = "Last Post"
lgdComment = "Comments"
lgdUnseenmsgs = "Voir les nouveaux messages"
lblForum = "Forum"
lblRubname = "Forum"
lblManageForum = "Gestion forum"
lblAction = "Action"
lblSubjname = "Subject"
lgdNbresp = "Answers"
lgdNbseen = "Seen"
lblDiscusauthor = "Author"
lblDiscusdata = "Content"
lblCategoryRight = "Portée de la catégorie"
lblRubriqueRight = "Portée de la rubrique"
lblHide = "Hide"
lblShow = "Afficher"
btnAdd = "Add"
btnAnswer = "Answer"
btnModify = "Modifier"
btnReturn = "Back"
tabSubjectDetail = "From %author% at %date% - %heure%"

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
TxtPGNavigation = "Navigation"
TxtPGPage = "Page : "
TxtPGNbItemByPage = "Afficher par tranche de : "
TxtPGNbItem = "Nombre total d'éléments : "
TxtPGGoFirst = "première page"
TxtPGGoBack = "page précédente"
TxtPGGoNext = "page suivante"
TxtPGGoLast = "dernière page"
TxtDisplayAll = "[Tous]"

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
lblUserSee = "Video Library"
lblUserAdmin = "Manage my videos"
lblUserPlaylists = "My Playlists"
videoCommentNone = "None"
videoDescNone = "Aucune description"
videoCopyrightNone = "None"
videoAuthorNone = "unknown"
lgdComVsConfiguration = "Informations de configuration"
lblCfgdirlocalpath = "Chemin local absolu de la racine"
lblCfgdirurlpath = "Chemin url de la racine"
lgdFichierUpload = "Envoi de fichiers au serveur"
lgdGererVideos = "Gérer mes vidéos"
lgdVideoMiniature = "Miniature"
lgdVideoTitleAll = "Title, Author and Descritpion of the video"
lgdVideoTitle = "Title"
lgdVideoCategorie = "Catégorie"
lgdVideoDescription = "Description"
lgdVideoDate = "Date du média"
lgdVideoTaille = "Volume du média"
lgdVideoDuree = "Durée de lecture"
lgdVideoActions = "Actions"
txtFile ="Fichier à uploader"
wrongExtFile = "Le type de fichier n'est pas valide !"
errorUploadTmp = "Erreur d'écriture du fichier dans l'espace temporaire"
wrongNameFile = "Le nom de fichier n'est pas valide !"
errorUpload = "L'upload a échoué : impossible de déplacer le fichier dans son espace définitif !"
uploadSuccess = "L'upload a été effectué avec succès ;-)"

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
lgdWhosOnLine = "Current sessions"
lblUserSessionId = "Session Id"
lblUserLogin = "Identifiant"
lblUserSessionIp = "AdresseIP"
lblUserSessionBegin = "Session start"
lblUserSessionLastAction = "Last action"
lblUserSessionUrl = "Current Uri"
lblUserSessionUserEntryNodeId = "NodeId"
lblUserSessionUserEntryNavigationNodeId = "NavigationNodeId"

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
********************** Avant-propos **********************
A rédiger.

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
classnhsystemesforum = "Forum nh-systemes"
methodactionviewer = "Lecture seule"
methodactionuser = "Utiliser"
methodactionmodo = "Modérer"
methodactionadmin = "Administrer"
lgdAddCategory = "Add a Category"
ldgDelCategory = "Delete Category"
lgdAddRubrique = "Add a Forum"
lgdEditRubrique = "Modifier la rubrique"
lgdNewSubject = "New Subject"
lgdRubname = "Forum Name"
lgdNbsubj = "Subjects"
lgdNbmsg = "Posts"
lgdLastmsg = "Last Post"
lgdComment = "Comments"
lgdUnseenmsgs = "Voir les nouveaux messages"
lblForum = "Forum"
lblRubname = "Forum"
lblManageForum = "Gestion forum"
lblAction = "Action"
lblSubjname = "Subject"
lgdNbresp = "Answers"
lgdNbseen = "Seen"
lblDiscusauthor = "Author"
lblDiscusdata = "Content"
lblCategoryRight = "Portée de la catégorie"
lblRubriqueRight = "Portée de la rubrique"
lblHide = "Hide"
lblShow = "Afficher"
btnAdd = "Add"
btnAnswer = "Answer"
btnModify = "Modifier"
btnReturn = "Back"
tabSubjectDetail = "From %author% at %date% - %heure%"

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
lblUserSee = "Video Library"
lblUserAdmin = "Manage my videos"
lblUserPlaylists = "My Playlists"
videoCommentNone = "None"
videoDescNone = "Aucune description"
videoCopyrightNone = "None"
videoAuthorNone = "unknown"
lgdComVsConfiguration = "Informations de configuration"
lblCfgdirlocalpath = "Chemin local absolu de la racine"
lblCfgdirurlpath = "Chemin url de la racine"
lgdFichierUpload = "Envoi de fichiers au serveur"
lgdGererVideos = "Gérer mes vidéos"
lgdVideoMiniature = "Miniature"
lgdVideoTitleAll = "Title, Author and Descritpion of the video"
lgdVideoTitle = "Title"
lgdVideoCategorie = "Catégorie"
lgdVideoDescription = "Description"
lgdVideoDate = "Date du média"
lgdVideoTaille = "Volume du média"
lgdVideoDuree = "Durée de lecture"
lgdVideoActions = "Actions"
txtFile ="Fichier à uploader"
wrongExtFile = "Le type de fichier n'est pas valide !"
errorUploadTmp = "Erreur d'écriture du fichier dans l'espace temporaire"
wrongNameFile = "Le nom de fichier n'est pas valide !"
errorUpload = "L'upload a échoué : impossible de déplacer le fichier dans son espace définitif !"
uploadSuccess = "L'upload a été effectué avec succès ;-)"

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
lgdWhosOnLine = "Current sessions"
lblUserSessionId = "Session Id"
lblUserLogin = "Identifiant"
lblUserSessionIp = "AdresseIP"
lblUserSessionBegin = "Session start"
lblUserSessionLastAction = "Last action"
lblUserSessionUrl = "Current Uri"
lblUserSessionUserEntryNodeId = "NodeId"
lblUserSessionUserEntryNavigationNodeId = "NavigationNodeId"