[ENHANCEMENT] Clarify usage of some object : home and textinfo #38

opened 2020-12-17 00:38:20 +01:00 by Ghost · 4 comments

The usage of home and textinfo are not clear cause of their name.

The usage of home and textinfo are not clear cause of their name.
Ghost added the
labels 2020-12-17 00:38:20 +01:00

It requires, to clarify their usage, to be clearly separated and the creation of a new object named community. Now, the home object is only concerning the platform home related and only manages the homepage of platform and communities. The textinfo no longer manages the homepages but only content of new pages/content and the new community object is managing all actions related to communities like community select on public part of platform, communities informations print and communities subscriptions.

It requires, to clarify their usage, to be clearly separated and the creation of a new object named community. Now, the home object is only concerning the platform home related and only manages the homepage of platform and communities. The textinfo no longer manages the homepages but only content of new pages/content and the new community object is managing all actions related to communities like community select on public part of platform, communities informations print and communities subscriptions.

Enhancement done.

Enhancement done.
Ghost added the
label 2020-12-17 00:38:51 +01:00
Ghost referenced this issue from a commit 2020-12-17 00:40:27 +01:00

The new community object, the home object modifications and the textinfo object modifications has been pushed to master

The new community object, the home object modifications and the textinfo object modifications has been pushed to master
Ghost referenced this issue from a commit 2020-12-17 00:42:27 +01:00

The required database structure and datas modifications in create_structure.sql and insert_datas.sql has been pushed to master.

The required database structure and datas modifications in create_structure.sql and insert_datas.sql has been pushed to master.
Ghost closed this issue 2020-12-17 00:43:49 +01:00
Ghost referenced this issue from a commit 2020-12-17 00:44:34 +01:00
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