[ADDCOM] Community icon is not defined when creating a new community #45

opened 2021-03-30 01:47:24 +02:00 by Ghost · 2 comments

On ew community creation, the dropdown select is not shown so community icon can't be defined. This generates an error on database creation of the new node for community : Date:2021-03-30 01:08:45, Errno:1, Message:UTILISATEUR:Node:Erreur d'INSERTION dans FetchNodeManagerDb avec le libelle<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <XML XLANGUECHAINEVERSION="1.0"> <FR>Qware</FR> </XML> </xml> INSERT INTO sts_node (node_node_id, node_libelle, node_icone, node_template, node_domain, node_haslanding, node_ctype, node_ctypereg, node_usergroupid, node_subsgroupid, node_subsgrouptempid, node_mailnode) VALUES ('1', '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <XML XLANGUECHAINEVERSION="1.0"> <FR>Qware</FR> </XML> </xml>', '', 'lcube6', 'www.qware.fr', '0', 'assoc', 'default', '0', '0', '0', 'comendatore@comendatore.net'), lib/system/system_data/node/ressource/nodemanagerdb.php, Line:222, Page:%2Findex.php%3Foid%3D5%26action%3DexecAdmin%26navigationNodeId%3D99%26abs%3D1

On ew community creation, the dropdown select is not shown so community icon can't be defined. This generates an error on database creation of the new node for community : `Date:2021-03-30 01:08:45, Errno:1, Message:UTILISATEUR:Node:Erreur d'INSERTION dans FetchNodeManagerDb avec le libelle<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <XML XLANGUECHAINEVERSION="1.0"> <FR>Qware</FR> </XML> </xml> INSERT INTO sts_node (node_node_id, node_libelle, node_icone, node_template, node_domain, node_haslanding, node_ctype, node_ctypereg, node_usergroupid, node_subsgroupid, node_subsgrouptempid, node_mailnode) VALUES ('1', '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <XML XLANGUECHAINEVERSION="1.0"> <FR>Qware</FR> </XML> </xml>', '', 'lcube6', 'www.qware.fr', '0', 'assoc', 'default', '0', '0', '0', 'comendatore@comendatore.net'), lib/system/system_data/node/ressource/nodemanagerdb.php, Line:222, Page:%2Findex.php%3Foid%3D5%26action%3DexecAdmin%26navigationNodeId%3D99%26abs%3D1`
Ghost added the
labels 2021-03-30 01:47:24 +02:00

Issue fixed by implementing dropdown icon selection in the template file and in the AddCom class.

Issue fixed by implementing dropdown icon selection in the template file and in the AddCom class.
Ghost added the
label 2021-03-30 01:51:26 +02:00
Ghost referenced this issue from a commit 2021-03-30 01:51:36 +02:00

Pushed to master

Pushed to master
Ghost closed this issue 2021-03-30 01:51:52 +02:00
Ghost changed title from Community icon is not defined when creating a new community to [ADDCOM] Community icon is not defined when creating a new community 2021-03-30 02:08:38 +02:00
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