[ADMINUSER] Birth date when editing an user generates an error #64

opened 2021-04-08 01:11:37 +02:00 by Ghost · 2 comments

The birth date field in the adminuser editing form generates an error :

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to a member function format() on bool in [...]/lib/object_coordination/adminuser/adminuser.php:651\nStack trace:\n#0 [...]/lib/system/system_control/systemcontrol.php(498): AdminUser->ChangeUserAdmin()\n#1 [...]/lib/system/system_control/systemcontrol.php(285): SystemControl->__exec()\n#2 [...]/index.php(78): SystemControl->execute()\n#3 {main}\n  thrown in [...]/lib/object_coordination/adminuser/adminuser.php on line 651, referer: https://www.qware.fr/configuration-99-gaerer_les_comptes-actionAdmin-8.htm?abs=1
The birth date field in the adminuser editing form generates an error : ``` PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function format() on bool in [...]/lib/object_coordination/adminuser/adminuser.php:651\nStack trace:\n#0 [...]/lib/system/system_control/systemcontrol.php(498): AdminUser->ChangeUserAdmin()\n#1 [...]/lib/system/system_control/systemcontrol.php(285): SystemControl->__exec()\n#2 [...]/index.php(78): SystemControl->execute()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in [...]/lib/object_coordination/adminuser/adminuser.php on line 651, referer: https://www.qware.fr/configuration-99-gaerer_les_comptes-actionAdmin-8.htm?abs=1 ```
Ghost added the
labels 2021-04-08 01:11:37 +02:00

Issue fixed.

Issue fixed.
Ghost added the
label 2021-04-08 01:12:25 +02:00
Ghost referenced this issue from a commit 2021-04-08 01:13:04 +02:00

Pushed to master

Pushed to master
Ghost closed this issue 2021-04-08 01:13:15 +02:00
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