you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email_detailed:"In wenigen Minuten wirst Du eine Email erhalten mit der du deine Anmeldung bestätigen kannst."
your_email_address_is_unknown:"Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ist unbekannt."
you_will_receive_in_a_moment_an_email_with_instructions_to_reset_your_password:"Sie erhalten in Kürze eine E-Mail mit Anweisungen zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Passworts."
current_version:"Sie verwenden derzeit Version {VERSION} von Fab-Manager."
upgrade_to:"Eine neue Version ist verfügbar. Sie können bis zu Version {VERSION} upgraden."
read_more:"Details dieser Version ansehen"
security_version_html:"<strong>Ihre aktuelle Version ist unsicher!</strong><br> Eine neue Version mit Sicherheitsupdates ist verfügbar. Aktualisieren Sie so bald wie möglich!"
and_NUMBER_other_notifications:"und {NUMBER, plural, one {} =0{keine weiteren Benachrichtigungen} =1{eine weitere Benachrichtigung} other{{NUMBER} weitere Benachrichtigungen}}..."
search_over_the_whole_network:"Suche über das gesamte Fab-Manager-Netzwerk"
tooltip_openlab_projects_switch:"Mit der Suche über das gesamte Netzwerk können Sie die Projekte aller Fab-Manager durchsuchen, die diese Funktion nutzen!"
openlab_search_not_available_at_the_moment:"Suche über das gesamte Netzwerk ist derzeit nicht verfügbar. Sie können nach Projekten auf dieser Plattform suchen."
project_search_result_is_empty:"Leider haben wir keine Ergebnisse gefunden, die Ihren Suchkriterien entsprechen."
you_ve_just_selected_a_subscription_html:"Sie haben ein <strong>Abonnement</strong> ausgewählt:"
confirm_and_pay:"Bestätigen und bezahlen"
you_ve_just_payed_the_subscription_html:"Sie bezahlten das <strong>Abonnement</strong>:"
thank_you_your_subscription_is_successful:"Vielen Dank. Ihr Abonnement ist erfolgt!"
your_invoice_will_be_available_soon_from_your_dashboard:"Ihre Rechnung wird bald in Ihrem Dashboard verfügbar sein"
your_group_was_successfully_changed:"Ihre Gruppe wurde erfolgreich geändert."
the_user_s_group_was_successfully_changed:"Die Gruppe des Nutzers wurde erfolgreich geändert."
an_error_prevented_your_group_from_being_changed:"Ein Fehler verhinderte das Ändern Ihrer Gruppe."
an_error_prevented_to_change_the_user_s_group:"Fehler beim Ändern der Benutzergruppe."
an_error_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later:"Beim Zahlungsvorgang ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut."
here_is_the_NAME_subscription_summary:"Hier ist die Zusammenfassung des {NAME}-Abonnements:"
confirm_payment_of_html:"{ROLE, select, admin{Bezahlung vor Ort} other{Bezahlen}}: {AMOUNT}"#(contexte : validate a payment of $20,00)
online_payment_disabled:"Zahlung per Kreditkarte ist nicht möglich. Bitte kontaktieren Sie die FabLab Rezeption direkt."
events_deleted:"The event, and {COUNT, plural, =1{one other} other{{COUNT} others}}, have been deleted"
unable_to_delete_the_event:"Unable to delete the event, it may be booked by a member"
events_not_deleted:"On {TOTAL} events, {COUNT, plural, =1{one was not deleted} other{{COUNT} were not deleted}}. Some reservations may exists on {COUNT, plural, =1{it} other{them}}."
cancel_the_reservation:"Cancel the reservation"
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation_this_apply_to_all_booked_tickets:"Do you really want to cancel this reservation? This apply to ALL booked tickets."
reservation_was_successfully_cancelled:"Reservation was successfully cancelled."
projects_using_the_space:"Projects using the space"
title:"Thank you for your attention"
content:"<p>If you want to restart this contextual help, press <strong>F1</strong> at any time or click on « ? Help » from the user's menu.</p><p>If you need additional help, you can <a href='' target='_blank'>check the user guide</a> (only in French for now).</p><p>The Fab-manager's team also provides personalized support (help with getting started, help with installation, customization, etc.), <a href=''>contact-us</a> for more info.</p>"
title:"Welcome to Fab-manager"
content:"To help you get started with the application, we are going to take a quick tour of the features."
content:"<p>Auf dieser Seite können Sie die Liste aller Maschinen einsehen und einen Slot im Namen eines Mitglieds reservieren.</p><p>Eine Maschine kann zum Beispiel ein 3D-Drucker sein.</p><p>Mitglieder können auch auf diese Seite zugreifen und eine Maschine selbst reservieren wenn Kreditkartenzahlung aktiviert ist, oder wenn einige Preise gleich 0 sind.</p>"
content:"<p>Auf dieser Seite können Sie die Liste aller Schulungen einsehen und ein Mitglied für eine Schulung registrieren.</p><p>Trainings können als Voraussetzungen gesetzt werden, bevor die Reservierung bestimmter Maschinen erlaubt wird.</p><p>Mitglieder können auch auf diese Seite zugreifen und sich für eine Schulung registrieren wenn Kreditkartenzahlung aktiviert ist, oder wenn einige Preise gleich 0 sind.</p>"
content:"<p>This page will allow you to consult the list of all available spaces and to reserve a place on a slot, on behalf of a member.</p><p>A space can be, for example, a woodshop or a meeting room.</p><p>Their particularity is that they can be booked by several people at the same time.</p><p>Members can also access this page and reserve a machine themselves, if credit card payment is enabled, or if some prices are equal to 0.</p>"
content:"<p>An open house evening or an internship to make your desk lamp? It's over here!</p><p>Events can be free or paid (with different prices), with or without reservation.</p><p>Again, members can access this page and book themselves places for free events, or paid events if credit card payment is enabled.</p>"
content:"Visualize at a glance everything that is scheduled for the next coming weeks (events, training, machines available, etc.)."
content:"<p>Document and share all your creations with the community.</p><p>If you use OpenLab, you will also be able to consult the projects of the entire Fab-manager network. <a href=''>Contact-us</a> to get your access, it's free!</p>"
content:"Subscriptions provide a way to segment your prices and provide benefits to regular users."
title:"{ROLE} section"
content:"<p>All of the elements below are only accessible to administrators and managers. They allow you to manage and configure Fab-manager.</p><p>At the end of this visit, click on one of them to find out more.</p>"
content:"A page that you can fully customize, to present your activity and your structure."
title:"Notifications center"
content:"<p>Every time something important happens (reservations, creation of accounts, activity of your members, etc.), you will be notified here.</p><p>Your members also receive notifications there.</p>"
title:"User's menu"
content:"<p>Find your personal information here as well as all your activity on Fab-manager.</p><p>This space is also available for all your members.</p>"
content:"<p>This space allows you to display the latest news from your structure.</p><p>You can easily change its content from « Customization », « Home page ».</p>"
title:"Last projects"
content:"<p>This carousel scrolls through the latest projects documented by your members.</p>"
title:"Last tweet"
content:"<p>The last tweet of your Tweeter feed can be shown here.</p><p>Configure it from « Customization », « Home page ».</p>"
title:"Last members"
content:"The last registered members who have validated their address and agreed to be contacted will be shown here."
title:"Upcoming events"
content:"The next three scheduled events are displayed in this space."
title:"Customize the home page"
content:"<p>This page can be fully personalized.</p><p>You can <a href=''>contact-us</a> to make a tailored customization of the home page.</p>"
title:"Application version"
content:"Hover your cursor over this icon to find out the version of Fab-manager. If you are not up to date, this will be reported here and you'll be able to get details by clicking on it."
content:"<p>Machines are the tools available for your users. You must create here the machines which can then be reserved by the members.</p><p>You can also create entries for non-bookable or free access machines, then you just need to not associate availability slots with them.</p>"
content:"Machines are the tools available for the users to reserve."
content:"To modify or delete a machine, click here first. You will not be able to delete a machine that has already been associated with availability slots, but you can deactivate it."
content:"Click here to access an agenda showing free slots. This will let you book this machine for an user and manage existing reservations."
content:"<p>Spaces are places available for your users. For example, a meeting room or a woodshop. You must create here the spaces which can then be reserved by members.</p><p>The specificity of the spaces is that they can be reserved by several users at the same time.</p>"
content:"<p>Spaces are places available to users, by reservation. For example, a meeting room or a woodshop.</p><p>The specificity of the spaces is that they can be reserved by several users at the same time.</p>"
content:"To modify or delete a space, click here first. You will not be able to delete a space that has already been associated with availability slots, but you can deactivate it."
content:"Click here to access an agenda showing free slots. This will let you book this space for an user and manage existing reservations."