mirror of https://github.com/LaCasemate/fab-manager.git synced 2025-03-22 13:19:50 +01:00

(i18n) updated translations

This commit is contained in:
Du Peng 2024-01-19 14:41:34 +01:00
parent f77b4af211
commit 25a4dda429
8 changed files with 1966 additions and 1966 deletions

View File

@ -3,353 +3,353 @@ sv:
#user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider
confirm_your_new_account: "Confirm your new account"
or: "or"
do_you_already_have_an_account: "Do you already have an account?"
do_not_fill_the_form_beside_but_specify_here_the_code_you_ve_received_by_email_to_recover_your_access: "Do not fill the form beside but specify here the code you've received by email, to recover your access."
just_specify_code_here_to_recover_access: "Just specify here the code you've received by email to recover your access."
i_did_not_receive_the_code: "I didn't receive the code"
authentification_code: "Authentification code"
confirm_my_code: "Confirm my code"
an_unexpected_error_occurred_check_your_authentication_code: "An unexpected error occurred, please check your authentication code."
send_code_again: "Send the code again"
email_address_associated_with_your_account: "Email address associated with your account"
email_is_required: "Email address is required"
email_format_is_incorrect: "Email format is incorrect"
code_successfully_sent_again: "Code successfully sent again"
used_for_statistics: "This data will be used for statistical purposes"
your_user_s_profile: "Your user's profile"
user_s_profile_is_required: "User's profile is required."
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "I've read and I accept"
_the_fablab_policy: "the FabLab policy"
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
confirm_your_new_account: "Bekräfta ditt nya konto"
or: "eller"
do_you_already_have_an_account: "Har du redan ett konto?"
do_not_fill_the_form_beside_but_specify_here_the_code_you_ve_received_by_email_to_recover_your_access: "Fyll inte i formuläret bredvid men ange här koden du har fått via e-post, för att återställa din åtkomst."
just_specify_code_here_to_recover_access: "Fyll i koden du har fått via e-post, för att återställa din åtkomst."
i_did_not_receive_the_code: "Jag tog inte emot koden"
authentification_code: "Auktoriseringskod"
confirm_my_code: "Bekräfta kod"
an_unexpected_error_occurred_check_your_authentication_code: "Ett oväntat fel uppstod, kontrollera din autentiseringskod."
send_code_again: "Skicka koden igen"
email_address_associated_with_your_account: "E-postadress kopplad till kontot"
email_is_required: "E-postadress krävs"
email_format_is_incorrect: "E-postformatet är felaktigt"
code_successfully_sent_again: "Koden har skickats igen"
used_for_statistics: "Dessa uppgifter kommer att användas för statistiska ändamål"
your_user_s_profile: "Din användares profil"
user_s_profile_is_required: "Användarprofil måste fyllas i."
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "Jag har läst och accepterat"
_the_fablab_policy: "fabLab policy"
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Din profil har uppdaterats."
rules_changed: "Please fill the following form to update your profile and continue to use the platform."
sso_intro: "You've just created a new account on {GENDER, select, neutral{} other{the}} {NAME}, by logging from"
duplicate_email_info: "It looks like your email address is already used by another user. Check your email address and please input below the code you have received."
details_needed_info: "To finalize your account, we need some more details."
rules_changed: "Fyll i följande formulär för att uppdatera din profil och fortsätt att använda plattformen."
sso_intro: "Du har precis skapat ett nytt konto på {GENDER, select, neutral{} other{}} {NAME}genom att logga från"
duplicate_email_info: "Det verkar som om din e-postadress redan används av en annan användare. Kontrollera din e-postadress och ange nedan den kod du har fått."
details_needed_info: "För att slutföra ditt konto behöver vi lite mer information."
title: "New on this platform?"
please_fill: "Please fill in the following form to create your account."
disabled_data_from_sso: "Some data may have already been provided by {NAME} and cannot be modified."
confirm_instructions_html: "Once you are done, please click on <strong>Save</strong> to confirm your account and start using the application."
duplicate_email_html: "It looks like your email address <strong>({EMAIL})</strong> is already associated with another account. If this account is not yours, please click on the following button to change the email associated with your {PROVIDER} account."
edit_profile: "Change my data"
after_edition_info_html: "Once your data are up to date, <strong>click on the synchronization button below</strong>, or <strong>disconnect then reconnect</strong> for your changes to take effect."
sync_profile: "Sync my profile"
title: "Är du ny här?"
please_fill: "Fyll i följande formulär för att skapa ditt konto."
disabled_data_from_sso: "Vissa data kan redan ha tillhandahållits av {NAME} och kan inte ändras."
confirm_instructions_html: "När du är klar, klicka på <strong>Spara</strong> för att bekräfta ditt konto och börja använda programmet."
duplicate_email_html: "Det verkar som om din e-postadress <strong>({EMAIL})</strong> redan är associerad med ett annat konto. Om detta konto inte är ditt, klicka på följande knapp för att ändra e-postmeddelandet som är kopplat till ditt {PROVIDER} -konto."
edit_profile: "Ändra mina uppgifter"
after_edition_info_html: "När dina data är uppdaterade, <strong>klicka på synkroniseringsknappen under</strong>, eller <strong>koppla bort sedan återanslut</strong> för att dina ändringar ska träda i kraft."
sync_profile: "Synkronisera min profil"
event: "Event"
family: "Reserved for members"
nominative: "Nominative"
pre_registration: "Pre-registration"
NUMBER_normal_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{normal place reserved} other{normal places reserved}}"
NUMBER_of_NAME_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{of {NAME} place reserved} other{of {NAME} places reserved}}"
tracking_your_reservation: "Tracking your reservation"
in_the_process_of_validation: "In the process of validation"
settle_your_payment: "Come to the reception desk to settle"
paid: "Paid"
canceled: "Canceled"
registered: "Registered"
not_validated: "Not validated"
present: "Present"
event: "Evenemang"
family: "Reserverat för Medlemmar"
nominative: "Nominativ"
pre_registration: "Föranmälan"
NUMBER_normal_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, one {}=0{} =1{normal plats reserverad} other{normala platser reserverade}}"
NUMBER_of_NAME_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, one {}=0{} =1{av {NAME} plats reserverad} other{av {NAME} platser reserverade}}"
tracking_your_reservation: "Spåra din bokning"
in_the_process_of_validation: "I processen för validering"
settle_your_payment: "Betala på plats"
paid: "Betald"
canceled: "Avbruten"
registered: "Registrerad"
not_validated: "Ej validerad"
present: "Närvarande"
#dashboard: public profile
empty: ''
#dashboard: edit my profile
last_activity_on_: "Last activity on {DATE}"
i_want_to_change_group: "I want to change group!"
your_subscription_expires_on_: "Your subscription expires on"
no_subscriptions: "No subscriptions"
i_want_to_subscribe: "I want to subscribe!"
to_come: "to come"
approved: "approved"
projects: "Projects"
no_projects: "No projects"
labels: "Labels"
no_labels: "No labels"
last_activity_on_: "Senaste aktivitet på {DATE}"
i_want_to_change_group: "Jag vill byta grupp!"
your_subscription_expires_on_: "Din prenumeration löper ut den"
no_subscriptions: "Inga prenumerationer"
i_want_to_subscribe: "Jag vill prenumerera!"
to_come: "kommande"
approved: "godkänt"
projects: "Projekt"
no_projects: "Inga projekt"
labels: "Etiketter"
no_labels: "Inga etiketter"
cookies: "Cookies"
cookies_accepted: "You have accepted cookies"
cookies_declined: "You have refused cookies"
cookies_unset: "You have not chosen yet"
reset_cookies: "Change my choice"
delete_my_account: "Delete my account"
edit_my_profile: "Edit my profile"
your_group_has_been_successfully_changed: "Your group has been successfully changed."
an_unexpected_error_prevented_your_group_from_being_changed: "An unexpected error prevented your group from being changed."
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
confirm_delete_your_account: "Do you really want to delete your account?"
all_data_will_be_lost: "All your data will be destroyed and won't be recoverable."
invoicing_data_kept: "According to regulation, all data related to your invoices will be kept separately for 10 years."
statistic_data_anonymized: "Some data (sex, date of birth, group) will be anonymized and kept for statistical purposes."
no_further_access_to_projects: "Your published projects will be anonymized and you won't get any further ability to edit them."
your_user_account_has_been_successfully_deleted_goodbye: "Your user account has been successfully deleted. Goodbye."
an_error_occured_preventing_your_account_from_being_deleted: "An error occurred, preventing your account from being deleted."
used_for_statistics: "This data will be used for statistical purposes"
used_for_invoicing: "This data will be used for billing purposes"
used_for_reservation: "This data will be used in case of change on one of your bookings"
used_for_profile: "This data will only be displayed on your profile"
used_for_pricing_stats: "This data will be used to determine the prices to which you are entitled, and for statistical purposes"
public_profile: "You will have a public profile and other users will be able to associate you in their projects"
trainings: "Trainings"
no_trainings: "No trainings"
subscription: "Subscription"
group: "Group"
or: "or"
confirm_changes: "Confirm changes"
change_my_data: "Change my data"
sync_my_profile: "Sync my profile"
once_your_data_are_up_to_date_: "Once your data are up to date,"
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "click on the synchronization button opposite"
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "disconnect then reconnect"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "for your changes to take effect."
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
cookies_accepted: "Du har accepterat cookies"
cookies_declined: "Du har avböjt cookies"
cookies_unset: "Du har inte valt ännu"
reset_cookies: "Ändra mitt val"
delete_my_account: "Ta bort mitt konto"
edit_my_profile: "Redigera min profil"
your_group_has_been_successfully_changed: "Din grupp har ändrats."
an_unexpected_error_prevented_your_group_from_being_changed: "Ett oväntat fel förhindrade att din grupp ändrades."
confirmation_required: "Verifiering krävs"
confirm_delete_your_account: "Vill du verkligen radera ditt konto?"
all_data_will_be_lost: "Alla dina data raderas och kan inte återställas."
invoicing_data_kept: "Enligt lag kommer uppgifter om dina fakturor att sparas upp till 10 år."
statistic_data_anonymized: "Vissa uppgifter (kön, födelsedatum, grupp) kommer att anonymiseras och sparas för statistiska ändamål."
no_further_access_to_projects: "Dina publicerade projekt anonymiseras och du får ingen ytterligare möjlighet att redigera dem."
your_user_account_has_been_successfully_deleted_goodbye: "Ditt användarkonto har tagits bort."
an_error_occured_preventing_your_account_from_being_deleted: "Ett fel uppstod, vilket förhindrar att ditt konto tas bort."
used_for_statistics: "Dessa uppgifter kommer att användas för statistiska ändamål"
used_for_invoicing: "Dessa uppgifter kommer att användas för faktureringsändamål"
used_for_reservation: "Dessa uppgifter kommer att användas i händelse av ändring av dina bokningar"
used_for_profile: "Dessa uppgifter kommer endast att visas på din profil"
used_for_pricing_stats: "Dessa uppgifter kommer att användas för att bestämma vilka priser du har rätt till, och för statistiska ändamål"
public_profile: "Du kommer att ha en publik profil och andra användare kommer att kunna knyta dig till sina projekt"
trainings: "Utbildningar"
no_trainings: "Inga utbildningar"
subscription: "Prenumeration"
group: "Grupp"
or: "eller"
confirm_changes: "Bekräfta ändringar"
change_my_data: "Ändra mina uppgifter"
sync_my_profile: "Synkronisera min profil"
once_your_data_are_up_to_date_: "När dina uppgifter är uppdaterade,"
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "klicka på synkroniseringsknappen mittemot"
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "koppla bort sedan återanslut"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "för att dina ändringar ska träda i kraft."
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Din profil har uppdaterats."
#dashboard: my projects
you_dont_have_any_projects: "You don't have any projects."
add_a_project: "Add a project"
author: "Author"
collaborator: "Collaborator"
rough_draft: "Draft"
description: "Description"
machines_and_materials: "Machines and materials"
machines: "Machines"
materials: "Materials"
collaborators: "Collaborators"
you_dont_have_any_projects: "Du har inte några projekt."
add_a_project: "Lägg till projekt"
author: "Upphovsman"
collaborator: "Samarbetspartner"
rough_draft: "Utkast"
description: "Beskrivning"
machines_and_materials: "Utrustning och material"
machines: "Utrustning"
materials: "Material"
collaborators: "Medverkande"
#dashboard: my trainings
your_next_trainings: "Your next trainings"
your_previous_trainings: "Your previous trainings"
your_approved_trainings: "Your approved trainings"
no_trainings: "No trainings"
your_training_credits: "Your training credits"
subscribe_for_credits: "Subscribe to benefit from free trainings"
register_for_free: "Register for free to the following trainings:"
book_here: "Book here"
canceled: "Canceled"
your_next_trainings: "Dina kommande utbildningar"
your_previous_trainings: "Dina tidigare utbildningar"
your_approved_trainings: "Dina godkända utbildningar"
no_trainings: "Inga utbildningar"
your_training_credits: "Dina utbildningskrediter"
subscribe_for_credits: "Prenumerera för att dra nytta av gratis utbildningar"
register_for_free: "Registrera dig gratis till följande utbildningar:"
book_here: "Boka här"
canceled: "Avbruten"
#dashboard: my events
your_next_events: "Your next events"
no_events_to_come: "No events to come"
your_previous_events: "Your previous events"
no_passed_events: "No passed events"
NUMBER_normal_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{normal place reserved} other{normal places reserved}}"
NUMBER_of_NAME_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{of {NAME} place reserved} other{of {NAME} places reserved}}"
your_next_events: "Dina kommande händelser"
no_events_to_come: "Inga kommande evenemang"
your_previous_events: "Dina tidigare händelser"
no_passed_events: "Inga tidigare evenemang"
NUMBER_normal_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, one {}=0{} =1{normal plats reserverad} other{normala platser reserverade}}"
NUMBER_of_NAME_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, one {}=0{} =1{av {NAME} plats reserverad} other{av {NAME} platser reserverade}}"
#dashboard: my invoices
reference_number: "Reference number"
date: "Date"
price: "Price"
download_the_invoice: "Download the invoice"
download_the_credit_note: "Download the refund invoice"
no_invoices_for_now: "No invoices for now."
reference_number: "Referensnummer"
date: "Datum"
price: "Pris"
download_the_invoice: "Hämta faktura"
download_the_credit_note: "Hämta kreditnota"
no_invoices_for_now: "Inga fakturor för tillfället."
no_payment_schedules: "No payment schedules to display"
load_more: "Load more"
card_updated_success: "Your card was successfully updated"
no_payment_schedules: "Inga betalningsscheman att visa"
load_more: "Ladda mer"
card_updated_success: "Ditt kort har sparats"
file_successfully_uploaded: "The supporting documents were sent."
unable_to_upload: "Unable to send the supporting documents: "
supporting_documents_files: "Supporting documents"
my_documents_info: "Due to your group declaration, some supporting documents are required. Once submitted, these documents will be verified by the administrator."
upload_limits_alert_html: "Warning!<br>You can submit your documents as PDF or images (JPEG, PNG). Maximum allowed size: {SIZE} Mb"
file_size_error: "The file size exceeds the limit ({SIZE} MB)"
save: "Save"
browse: "Browse"
edit: "Edit"
file_successfully_uploaded: "Underlagen har skickats."
unable_to_upload: "Det går inte att skicka underlagen: "
supporting_documents_files: "Underlag"
my_documents_info: "På grund av din grupptillhörighet krävs vissa underlag. När de har skickats in kommer dessa dokument att verifieras av administratören."
upload_limits_alert_html: "Varning!<br>Du kan skicka dina dokument som PDF eller bilder (JPEG, PNG). Maximal tillåten storlek: {SIZE} Mb"
file_size_error: "Filstorleken överskrider gränsen ({SIZE} MB)"
save: "Spara"
browse: "Bläddra"
edit: "Redigera"
machine_section_title: "Machines reservations"
space_section_title: "Spaces reservations"
machine_section_title: "Utrustningsbokning"
space_section_title: "Lokalbokning"
title: "My reservations"
upcoming: "Upcoming"
date: "Date"
history: "History"
no_reservation: "No reservation"
show_more: "Show more"
cancelled_slot: "Cancelled"
title: "Mina bokningar"
upcoming: "Kommande"
date: "Datum"
history: "Historik"
no_reservation: "Ingen bokning"
show_more: "Visa mer"
cancelled_slot: "Inställt"
title: "Reservations"
title: "Bokningar"
title: "My credits"
info: "Your subscription comes with free credits you can use when reserving"
remaining_credits_html: "You can book {REMAINING} {REMAINING, plural, one{slot} other{slots}} for free."
used_credits_html: "You have already used <strong> {USED} {USED, plural, =0{credit} one{credit} other{credits}}</strong>."
no_credits: "You don't have any credits yet. Some subscriptions may allow you to book some slots for free."
title: "Mina krediter"
info: "Din prenumeration levereras med gratis krediter du kan använda när du bokar"
remaining_credits_html: "Du kan boka {REMAINING} {REMAINING, plural, one{plats} other{platser}} gratis."
used_credits_html: "Du har redan använt <strong> {USED} {USED, plural, =0{kredit} one{kredit} other{krediter}}</strong>."
no_credits: "Du har inga krediter ännu. Vissa prenumerationer kan tillåta dig att boka några platser gratis."
title: "Credits"
remaining_credits_html: "{REMAINING} {REMAINING, plural, one{slot} other{slots}} can be booked for free."
used_credits_html: "<strong> {USED} {USED, plural, =0{credit} one{credit} other{credits}}</strong> already used."
no_credits: "No credits yet."
title: "Krediter"
remaining_credits_html: "{REMAINING} {REMAINING, plural, one{plats} other{platser}} kan bokas gratis."
used_credits_html: "<strong> {USED} {USED, plural, =0{krediter} one{kredit} other{krediter}}</strong> används redan."
no_credits: "Inga krediter ännu."
title: "My prepaid packs"
name: "Prepaid pack name"
end: "Expiry date"
countdown: "Countdown"
history: "History"
consumed_hours: "{COUNT, plural, =1{1H consumed} other{{COUNT}H consumed}}"
cta_info: "You can buy prepaid hours packs to book machines and benefit from discounts. Choose a machine to buy a corresponding pack."
select_machine: "Select a machine"
cta_button: "Buy a pack"
no_packs: "No prepaid packs available for sale"
reserved_for_subscribers_html: 'The purchase of prepaid packs is reserved for subscribers. <a href="{LINK}">Subscribe now</a> to benefit.'
title: "Mina förbetalda paket"
name: "Förbetalt paket"
end: "Förfallodatum"
countdown: "Nedräkning"
history: "Historik"
consumed_hours: "{COUNT, plural, one {}=1{1timme förbrukad} other{{COUNT}timmar förbrukade}}"
cta_info: "Du kan köpa förbetalda paket för att boka utrustning och dra nytta av rabatter. Välj utrustning för att köpa motsvarande paket."
select_machine: "Välj utrustning"
cta_button: "Köp ett paket"
no_packs: "Inga förbetalda paket tillgängliga för försäljning"
reserved_for_subscribers_html: 'Köpet av förbetalda paket är reserverat för prenumeranter. <a href="{LINK}">Prenumerera nu</a> för att dra nytta av det.'
title: "Prepaid packs"
title: "Förbetalda paket"
#public profil of a member
members_list: "Members list"
members_list: "Medlemslista"
#list of members accepting to be contacted
the_fablab_members: "The Fab Lab members"
display_more_members: "Display more members..."
no_members_for_now: "No members for now"
avatar: "Avatar"
user: "User"
the_fablab_members: "Fab Lab medlemmar"
display_more_members: "Visa fler medlemmar..."
no_members_for_now: "Inga medlemmar just nu"
avatar: "Profilbild"
user: "Användare"
pseudonym: "Pseudonym"
email_address: "Email address"
email_address: "E-postadress"
#add a new project
add_a_new_project: "Add a new project"
add_a_new_project: "Lägg till ett nytt projekt"
#modify an existing project
edit_the_project: "Edit the project"
rough_draft: "Draft"
publish: "Publish"
edit_the_project: "Redigera projektet"
rough_draft: "Utkast"
publish: "Publicera"
#book a machine
machine_planning: "Machine planning"
i_ve_reserved: "I've reserved"
not_available: "Not available"
i_reserve: "I reserve"
i_shift: "I shift"
i_change: "I change"
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation: "Do you really want to cancel this reservation?"
reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "Reservation was cancelled successfully."
cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed."
a_problem_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "A problem occurred during the payment process. Please try again later."
machine_planning: "Utrustningsplanering"
i_ve_reserved: "Jag har bokat"
not_available: "Inte tillgänglig"
i_reserve: "Jag reserverar"
i_shift: "Jag byter"
i_change: "Jag ändrar"
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation: "Vill du avboka den här bokningen?"
reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "Bokningen avbröts."
cancellation_failed: "Avbokning misslyckades."
a_problem_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "Ett problem uppstod under betalningsprocessen. Försök igen senare."
#modal telling users that they must wait for their training validation before booking a machine
machine_reservation: "Machine reservation"
wait_for_validated: "You must wait for your training is being validated by the FabLab team to book this machine."
training_will_occur_DATE_html: "Your training will occur at <strong>{DATE}</strong>"
machine_reservation: "Utrustningsbokning"
wait_for_validated: "Du måste vänta på din utbildning valideras av teamet för att boka denna maskin."
training_will_occur_DATE_html: "Din utbildning kommer att ske den <strong>{DATE}</strong>"
#modal telling users that they need to pass a training before booking a machine
to_book_MACHINE_requires_TRAINING_html: "To book the \"{MACHINE}\" you must have completed the training <strong>{TRAINING}</strong>."
training_or_training_html: "</strong> or the training <strong>"
enroll_now: "Enroll to the training"
no_enroll_for_now: "I don't want to enroll now"
close: "Close"
to_book_MACHINE_requires_TRAINING_html: "För att boka \"{MACHINE}\" måste du ha slutfört utbildningen <strong>{TRAINING}</strong>."
training_or_training_html: "</strong> eller utbildningen <strong>"
enroll_now: "Anmäl dig till utbildningen"
no_enroll_for_now: "Jag vill inte anmäla mig nu"
close: "Avsluta"
available_packs: "Prepaid packs available"
packs_proposed: "You can buy a prepaid pack of hours for this machine. These packs allows you to benefit from volume discounts."
no_thanks: "No, thanks"
pack_DURATION: "{DURATION} hours"
buy_this_pack: "Buy this pack"
pack_bought_success: "You have successfully bought this pack of prepaid-hours. Your invoice will ba available soon from your dashboard."
validity: "Usable for {COUNT} {PERIODS}"
available_packs: "Förbetalda paket tillgängliga"
packs_proposed: "Du kan köpa ett förbetalt paket timmar för denna utrustning. Med dessa paket kan du dra nytta av volymrabatter."
no_thanks: "Nej, tack"
pack_DURATION: "{DURATION} timmar"
buy_this_pack: "Köp detta paket"
pack_bought_success: "Du har köpt detta paket med förbetalda timmar. Din faktura kommer att vara tillgänglig inom kort från kontrollpanelen."
validity: "Giltig för {COUNT} {PERIODS}"
day: "{COUNT, plural, one{day} other{days}}"
week: "{COUNT, plural, one{week} other{weeks}}"
month: "{COUNT, plural, one{month} other{months}}"
year: "{COUNT, plural, one{year} other{years}}"
day: "{COUNT, plural, one{dag} other{dagar}}"
week: "{COUNT, plural, one{vecka} other{veckor}}"
month: "{COUNT, plural, one{månad} other{månader}}"
year: "{COUNT, plural, one{år} other{år}}"
prepaid_hours: "Prepaid hours"
remaining_HOURS: "You have {HOURS} prepaid hours remaining for this {ITEM, select, Machine{machine} Space{space} other{}}."
no_hours: "You don't have any prepaid hours for this {ITEM, select, Machine{machine} Space{space} other{}}."
buy_a_new_pack: "Buy a new pack"
unable_to_use_pack_for_subsription_is_expired: "You must have a valid subscription to use your remaining hours."
prepaid_hours: "Förbetalda timmar"
remaining_HOURS: "Du har {HOURS} förbetalda timmar kvar för detta {ITEM, select, Machine{utrustning} Space{lokal} other{}}."
no_hours: "Du har inga förbetalda timmar för denna {ITEM, select, Machine{utrustning} Space{lokal} other{}}."
buy_a_new_pack: "Köp ett nytt paket"
unable_to_use_pack_for_subsription_is_expired: "Du måste ha en giltig prenumeration för att använda dina återstående timmar."
#book a training
trainings_planning: "Trainings planning"
planning_of: "Planning of " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training
all_trainings: "All trainings"
cancel_my_selection: "Cancel my selection"
i_change: "I change"
i_shift: "I shift"
i_ve_reserved: "I've reserved"
trainings_planning: "Utbildningsplanering"
planning_of: "Planering av " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training
all_trainings: "Alla utbildningar"
cancel_my_selection: "Avmarkera alla"
i_change: "Jag ändrar"
i_shift: "Jag byter"
i_ve_reserved: "Jag har bokat"
#book a space
planning_of_space_NAME: "Planning of the {NAME} space"
i_ve_reserved: "I've reserved"
i_shift: "I shift"
i_change: "I change"
planning_of_space_NAME: "Planering av lokalen {NAME}"
i_ve_reserved: "Jag har bokat"
i_shift: "Jag byter"
i_change: "Jag ändrar"
notifications_center: "Notifications center"
notifications_center: "Notifieringscenter"
notifications: "All notifications"
mark_all_as_read: "Mark all as read"
date: "Date"
notif_title: "Title"
no_new_notifications: "No new notifications."
archives: "Archives"
no_archived_notifications: "No archived notifications."
load_the_next_notifications: "Load the next notifications..."
notifications: "Alla notifikationer"
mark_all_as_read: "Markera alla som lästa"
date: "Datum"
notif_title: "Rubrik"
no_new_notifications: "Inga nya notifikationer."
archives: "Arkiv"
no_archived_notifications: "Inga arkiverade meddelanden."
load_the_next_notifications: "Ladda nästa avisering..."
mark_as_read: "Mark as read"
mark_as_read: "Markera som läst"
notifications_list: "All notifications"
notifications_settings: "My notifications preferences"
notifications_list: "Alla notifikationer"
notifications_settings: "Meddelandeinställningar"
enable_all: "Enable all"
disable_all: "Disable all"
notify_me_when: "I wish to be notified when"
users_accounts: "Concerning users notifications"
supporting_documents: "Concerning supporting documents notifications"
agenda: "Concerning agenda notifications"
subscriptions: "Concerning subscriptions notifications"
payments: "Concerning payment schedules notifications"
wallet: "Concerning wallet notifications"
shop: "Concerning shop notifications"
projects: "Concerning projects notifications"
accountings: "Concerning accounting notifications"
trainings: "Concerning trainings notifications"
app_management: "Concerning app management notifications"
enable_all: "Aktivera alla"
disable_all: "Inaktivera alla"
notify_me_when: "Jag vill bli underrättad när"
users_accounts: "Angående användaraviseringar"
supporting_documents: "Angående meddelanden om underlag"
agenda: "Angående meddelanden om dagordningen"
subscriptions: "Angående meddelanden om prenumerationer"
payments: "Angående meddelanden om betalningsscheman"
wallet: "Angående plånboksmeddelanden"
shop: "Angående butiksmeddelanden"
projects: "Angående projektnotifieringar"
accountings: "Angående bokföringsmeddelanden"
trainings: "Angående utbildningsmeddelanden"
app_management: "Angående aviseringar för apphantering"
notify_admin_when_user_is_created: "A user account has been created"
notify_admin_child_created: "A child has been created"
notify_admin_when_user_is_imported: "A user account has been imported"
notify_admin_profile_complete: "An imported account has completed its profile"
notify_admin_user_merged: "An imported account has been merged with an existing account"
notify_admins_role_update: "The role of a user has changed"
notify_admin_import_complete: "An import is done"
notify_admin_user_group_changed: "A user has changed his group"
notify_admin_user_supporting_document_refusal: "A supporting document has been rejected"
notify_admin_user_child_supporting_document_refusal: "A supporting document of child has been rejected"
notify_admin_user_supporting_document_files_created: "A user has uploaded a supporting document"
notify_admin_user_supporting_document_files_updated: "A user has updated a supporting document"
notify_admin_user_child_supporting_document_files_created: "A child has uploaded a supporting document"
notify_admin_user_child_supporting_document_files_updated: "A child has updated a supporting document"
notify_admin_member_create_reservation: "A member books a reservation"
notify_admin_slot_is_modified: "A reservation slot has been modified"
notify_admin_slot_is_canceled: "A reservation has been cancelled"
notify_admin_reservation_validated: "A reservation has been validated"
notify_admin_reservation_invalidated: "A reservation has been invalidated"
notify_admin_member_pre_booked_reservation: "A pre-booking has been made"
notify_admin_subscribed_plan: "A subscription has been purchased"
notify_admin_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: "A member subscription expires in 7 days"
notify_admin_subscription_is_expired: "A member subscription has expired"
notify_admin_subscription_extended: "A subscription has been extended"
notify_admin_subscription_canceled: "A member subscription has been cancelled"
notify_admin_payment_schedule_failed: "Card debit failure"
notify_admin_payment_schedule_check_deadline: "A check has to be cashed"
notify_admin_payment_schedule_transfer_deadline: "A bank direct debit has to be confirmed"
notify_admin_payment_schedule_error: "An unexpected error occurred during the card debit"
notify_admin_refund_created: "A refund has been created"
notify_admin_user_wallet_is_credited: "The wallet of an user has been credited"
notify_user_order_is_ready: "Your command is ready"
notify_user_order_is_canceled: "Your command was canceled"
notify_user_order_is_refunded: "Your command was refunded"
notify_admin_low_stock_threshold: "The stock is low"
notify_admin_when_project_published: "A project has been published"
notify_admin_abuse_reported: "An abusive content has been reported"
notify_admin_close_period_reminder: "The fiscal year is coming to an end"
notify_admin_archive_complete: "An accounting archive is ready"
notify_admin_training_auto_cancelled: "A training was automatically cancelled"
notify_admin_export_complete: "An export is available"
notify_user_when_invoice_ready: "An invoice is available"
notify_admin_payment_schedule_gateway_canceled: "A payment schedule has been canceled by the payment gateway"
notify_project_collaborator_to_valid: "You are invited to collaborate on a project"
notify_project_author_when_collaborator_valid: "A collaborator has accepted your invitation to join your project"
notify_admin_order_is_paid: "A new order has been placed"
notify_admin_when_user_is_created: "Användarkonto har skapats"
notify_admin_child_created: "Ett barn har lagts till"
notify_admin_when_user_is_imported: "Ett användarkonto har importerats"
notify_admin_profile_complete: "Ett importerat konto har slutfört sin profil"
notify_admin_user_merged: "Ett importerat konto har slagits samman med ett befintligt konto"
notify_admins_role_update: "Rollen för en användare har ändrats"
notify_admin_import_complete: "En import är klar"
notify_admin_user_group_changed: "En användare har ändrat sin grupp"
notify_admin_user_supporting_document_refusal: "Ett underlag har avvisats"
notify_admin_user_child_supporting_document_refusal: "Ett underlag för ett barn har avvisats"
notify_admin_user_supporting_document_files_created: "En användare har laddat upp ett underlag"
notify_admin_user_supporting_document_files_updated: "En användare har uppdaterat ett underlag"
notify_admin_user_child_supporting_document_files_created: "Ett barn har laddat upp ett underlag"
notify_admin_user_child_supporting_document_files_updated: "Ett barn har uppdaterat ett underlag"
notify_admin_member_create_reservation: "En medlem gör en bokning"
notify_admin_slot_is_modified: "En plats har ändrats"
notify_admin_slot_is_canceled: "En bokning har avbokats"
notify_admin_reservation_validated: "En bokning har validerats"
notify_admin_reservation_invalidated: "En bokning har ogiltigförklarats"
notify_admin_member_pre_booked_reservation: "En förbokning har gjorts"
notify_admin_subscribed_plan: "En prenumeration har köpts"
notify_admin_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: "Ett medlemsabonnemang löper ut om 7 dagar"
notify_admin_subscription_is_expired: "Din medlemskap har löpt ut"
notify_admin_subscription_extended: "En prenumeration har förlängts"
notify_admin_subscription_canceled: "En medlemsprenumeration har avbrutits"
notify_admin_payment_schedule_failed: "Debitering av kortet misslyckades"
notify_admin_payment_schedule_check_deadline: "En check måste lösas in"
notify_admin_payment_schedule_transfer_deadline: "En bankbetalning måste bekräftas"
notify_admin_payment_schedule_error: "Ett oväntat fel inträffade under kortdebiteringen"
notify_admin_refund_created: "En återbetalning har skapats"
notify_admin_user_wallet_is_credited: "En användares plånbok har krediterats"
notify_user_order_is_ready: "Din beställning är redo"
notify_user_order_is_canceled: "Din beställning är avbruten"
notify_user_order_is_refunded: "Din beställning har återbetalats"
notify_admin_low_stock_threshold: "Lagersaldot är lågt"
notify_admin_when_project_published: "Ett projekt har publicerats"
notify_admin_abuse_reported: "Ett kränkande innehåll har rapporterats"
notify_admin_close_period_reminder: "Räkenskapsåret närmar sig sitt slut"
notify_admin_archive_complete: "Ett bokföringsarkiv är klart"
notify_admin_training_auto_cancelled: "En utbildning avbröts automatiskt"
notify_admin_export_complete: "En export är tillgänglig"
notify_user_when_invoice_ready: "En faktura är tillgänglig"
notify_admin_payment_schedule_gateway_canceled: "Ett betalningsschema har avbrutits av betalningsleverantören"
notify_project_collaborator_to_valid: "Du är inbjuden att delta i projektet"
notify_project_author_when_collaborator_valid: "En samarbetspartner har accepterat din inbjudan att gå med i ditt projekt"
notify_admin_order_is_paid: "En ny beställning har lagts"

View File

@ -3,613 +3,613 @@ sv:
#header and "about" page
about_the_fablab: "About {GENDER, select, male{the} female{the} neutral{} other{the}} {NAME}"
return: "Return"
about_the_fablab: "Om {GENDER, select, male{den} female{den} neutral{} other{den}} {NAME}"
return: "Tillbaka"
about_cookies: "This website uses cookies for audience measurement purposes."
learn_more: "Learn more"
accept: "Accept cookies"
decline: "Refuse"
about_cookies: "Denna webbplats använder cookies för målgruppsmätning."
learn_more: "Läs mer"
accept: "Acceptera cookies"
decline: "Neka"
#dashboard sections
dashboard: "Dashboard"
my_profile: "My Profile"
my_children: "My Children"
my_settings: "My Settings"
my_supporting_documents_files: "My supporting documents"
my_projects: "My Projects"
my_trainings: "My Trainings"
my_reservations: "My reservations"
my_events: "My Events"
my_invoices: "My Invoices"
my_payment_schedules: "My payment schedules"
my_orders: "My orders"
my_wallet: "My Wallet"
dashboard: "Översikt"
my_profile: "Min profil"
my_children: "Mina barn"
my_settings: "Mina inställningar"
my_supporting_documents_files: "Mina hjälpdokument"
my_projects: "Mina projekt"
my_trainings: "Mina utbildningar"
my_reservations: "Mina bokningar"
my_events: "Mina evenemang"
my_invoices: "Mina fakturor"
my_payment_schedules: "Mina återkommande betalningar"
my_orders: "Mina beställningar"
my_wallet: "Min plånbok"
#contextual help
help: "Help"
help: "Hlp"
sign_out: "Sign Out"
sign_up: "Sign Up"
sign_in: "Sign In"
sign_out: "Logga ut"
sign_up: "Skapa konto"
sign_in: "Logga in"
#left menu
notifications: "Notifications"
notifications: "Aviseringar"
admin: "Admin"
manager: "Manager"
reduce_panel: "Reduce panel"
manager: "Ansvarig"
reduce_panel: "Minska panelen"
#left menu (public)
home: "Home"
reserve_a_machine: "Reserve a Machine"
trainings_registrations: "Trainings registrations"
events_registrations: "Events registrations"
reserve_a_space: "Reserve a Space"
projects_gallery: "Projects gallery"
subscriptions: "Subscriptions"
public_calendar: "Calendar"
fablab_store: "Store"
home: "Startsida"
reserve_a_machine: "Boka en maskin"
trainings_registrations: "Registrera utbildning"
events_registrations: "Registrera evenemang"
reserve_a_space: "Boka lokal"
projects_gallery: "Projektgalleri"
subscriptions: "Prenumerationer"
public_calendar: "Kalender"
fablab_store: "Butik"
#left menu (admin)
trainings_monitoring: "Trainings"
manage_the_calendar: "Calendar"
manage_the_users: "Users"
manage_the_invoices: "Invoices"
subscriptions_and_prices: "Subscriptions and Prices"
manage_the_events: "Events"
manage_the_machines: "Machines"
manage_the_store: "Store"
manage_the_spaces: "Spaces"
projects: "Projects"
statistics: "Statistics"
customization: "Customization"
open_api_clients: "OpenAPI clients"
trainings_monitoring: "Utbildningar"
manage_the_calendar: "Kalender"
manage_the_users: "Användare"
manage_the_invoices: "Fakturor"
subscriptions_and_prices: "Prenumerationer och priser"
manage_the_events: "Evenemang"
manage_the_machines: "Utrustning"
manage_the_store: "Butik"
manage_the_spaces: "Lokaler"
projects: "Projekt"
statistics: "Statistik"
customization: "Anpassning"
open_api_clients: "OpenAPI-klienter"
#account creation modal
create_your_account: "Create your account"
create_your_account: "Skapa konto"
man: "Man"
woman: "Woman"
gender_is_required: "Gender is required."
your_first_name: "Your first name"
first_name_is_required: "First name is required."
your_surname: "Your surname"
surname_is_required: "Surname is required."
your_pseudonym: "Your pseudonym"
pseudonym_is_required: "Pseudonym is required."
your_email_address: "Your e-mail address"
email_is_required: "E-mail address is required."
your_password: "Your password"
password_is_required: "Password is required."
password_is_too_short: "Password is too short (minimum 12 characters)"
password_is_too_weak: "Password is too weak:"
password_is_too_weak_explanations: "minimum 12 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character"
type_your_password_again: "Type your password again"
password_confirmation_is_required: "Password confirmation is required."
password_does_not_match_with_confirmation: "Password does not match with confirmation."
i_am_an_organization: "I am an organization"
name_of_your_organization: "Name of your organization"
organization_name_is_required: "Organization name is required."
address_of_your_organization: "Address of your organization"
organization_address_is_required: "Organization address is required."
your_user_s_profile: "Your user's profile"
user_s_profile_is_required: "User's profile is required."
birth_date: "Birth date"
birth_date_is_required: "Birth date is required."
phone_number: "Phone number"
phone_number_is_required: "Phone number is required."
address: "Address"
address_is_required: "Address is required"
i_authorize_Fablab_users_registered_on_the_site_to_contact_me: "I agree to share my email address with registered users of the site"
i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "I accept to receive information from the FabLab"
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "I've read and I accept"
_the_fablab_policy: "the terms of use"
field_required: "Field required"
profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} is required"
user_supporting_documents_required: "Warning!<br>You have declared to be \"{GROUP}\", supporting documents may be requested."
unexpected_error_occurred: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."
used_for_statistics: "This data will be used for statistical purposes"
used_for_invoicing: "This data will be used for billing purposes"
used_for_reservation: "This data will be used in case of change on one of your bookings"
used_for_profile: "This data will only be displayed on your profile"
public_profile: "You will have a public profile and other users will be able to associate you in their projects"
you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email_detailed: "If your e-mail address is valid, you will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes."
woman: "Kvinna"
gender_is_required: "Kön krävs."
your_first_name: "Ditt förnamn"
first_name_is_required: "Förnamn måste fyllas i."
your_surname: "Ditt efternamn"
surname_is_required: "Efternamn måste fyllas i."
your_pseudonym: "Din pseudonym"
pseudonym_is_required: "Pseudonym krävs."
your_email_address: "Din e-postadress"
email_is_required: "E-postadress måste anges."
your_password: "Lösenord"
password_is_required: "Lösenord krävs."
password_is_too_short: "Lösenordet är för kort (minst 12 tecken)"
password_is_too_weak: "Lösenordet är för svagt:"
password_is_too_weak_explanations: "minst 12 tecken, minst en stor bokstav, en liten bokstav, ett nummer och ett specialtecken"
type_your_password_again: "Ange ditt lösenord igen"
password_confirmation_is_required: "Ange lösenord igen."
password_does_not_match_with_confirmation: "Lösenorden stämmer inte överens."
i_am_an_organization: "Jag företräder en organisation"
name_of_your_organization: "Namnet på din organisation"
organization_name_is_required: "Organisationsnamn måste fyllas i."
address_of_your_organization: "Adress till din organisation"
organization_address_is_required: "Organisationsadress måste fyllas i."
your_user_s_profile: "Din användares profil"
user_s_profile_is_required: "Användarprofil måste fyllas i."
birth_date: "Födelsedatum"
birth_date_is_required: "Födelsedatum måste fyllas i."
phone_number: "Telefonnummer"
phone_number_is_required: "Telefonnummer måste fyllas i."
address: "Adress"
address_is_required: "Adress måste fyllas i"
i_authorize_Fablab_users_registered_on_the_site_to_contact_me: "Jag samtycker till att dela min e-postadress med registrerade medlemmar på denna sida"
i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "Jag accepterar att få information från FabLab"
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "Jag har läst och accepterat"
_the_fablab_policy: "användarvillkoren"
field_required: "Obligatoriskt fält"
profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} krävs"
user_supporting_documents_required: "Varning!<br>Du har förklarat att du är \"{GROUP}\", underlag kan komma att begäras in."
unexpected_error_occurred: "Ett oväntat fel inträffade. Var god försök senare."
used_for_statistics: "Dessa uppgifter kommer att användas för statistiska ändamål"
used_for_invoicing: "Dessa uppgifter kommer att användas för faktureringsändamål"
used_for_reservation: "Dessa uppgifter kommer att användas i händelse av ändring av dina bokningar"
used_for_profile: "Denna data kommer endast att visas på din profil"
public_profile: "Du kommer att ha en publik profil och andra användare kommer att kunna knyta dig till sina projekt"
you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email_detailed: "Om din e-postadress finns i vår databas får du inom ett par minuter ett e-postmeddelande med instruktioner för hur du bekräftar ditt konto."
#password modification modal
change_your_password: "Change your password"
your_new_password: "Your new password"
your_password_was_successfully_changed: "Your password was successfully changed."
change_your_password: "Byt lösenord"
your_new_password: "Ditt nya lösenord"
your_password_was_successfully_changed: "Ditt lösenord har nu ändrats."
#connection modal
connection: "Connection"
password_forgotten: "Forgotten password?"
confirm_my_account: "Confirm my e-mail"
not_registered_to_the_fablab: "Not yet registered?"
create_an_account: "Create an account"
wrong_email_or_password: "Wrong e-mail or password."
caps_lock_is_on: "Caps lock key is on."
connection: "Kontakter"
password_forgotten: "Glömt lösenordet?"
confirm_my_account: "Bekräfta e-postadress"
not_registered_to_the_fablab: "Ännu inte registrerad?"
create_an_account: "Skapa ett konto"
wrong_email_or_password: "Fel användarnamn eller lösenord."
caps_lock_is_on: "Caps lock är på."
#confirmation modal
you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email: "You will receive confirmation instructions by email."
you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email: "Du kommer att få bekräftelse med instruktioner via e-post."
#forgotten password modal
you_will_receive_in_a_moment_an_email_with_instructions_to_reset_your_password: "If your e-mail address is valid, you will receive in a moment an e-mail with instructions to reset your password."
you_will_receive_in_a_moment_an_email_with_instructions_to_reset_your_password: "Om din e-postadress är giltig kommer du strax att få ett e-postmeddelande med instruktioner för att återställa ditt lösenord."
#Fab-manager's version
version: "Version:"
upgrade_fabmanager: "Upgrade Fab-manager"
current_version: "You are currently using version {VERSION} of Fab-manager."
upgrade_to: "A new release is available. You can upgrade up to version {VERSION}."
read_more: "View the details of this release"
security_version_html: "<strong>Your current version is vulnerable!</strong><br> A later version, currently available, includes security fixes. Upgrade as soon as possible!"
how_to: "How to upgrade?"
upgrade_fabmanager: "Uppgradera Fab-manager"
current_version: "Du använder för närvarande version {VERSION} av Fab-manager."
upgrade_to: "En ny utgåva är tillgänglig. Du kan uppgradera till version {VERSION}."
read_more: "Visa detaljerna i denna utgåva"
security_version_html: "<strong>Din nuvarande version är sårbar!</strong><br> En senare version finns tillgänglig som inkluderar säkerhetsuppdateringar. Uppgradera så snart som möjligt!"
how_to: "Hur man uppgraderar?"
and_NUMBER_other_notifications: "and {NUMBER, plural, =0{no other notifications} =1{one other notification} other{{NUMBER} other notifications}}..."
and_NUMBER_other_notifications: "och {NUMBER, plural, one {}=0{inga andra notifieringar} =1{ytterligare en notifiering} other{{NUMBER} andra notifieringar}}..."
#about page
read_the_fablab_policy: "Terms of use"
read_the_fablab_s_general_terms_and_conditions: "Read the general terms and conditions"
your_fablab_s_contacts: "Contact us"
privacy_policy: "Privacy policy"
read_the_fablab_policy: "Användarvillkor"
read_the_fablab_s_general_terms_and_conditions: "Läs de allmänna villkoren"
your_fablab_s_contacts: "Kontakta oss"
privacy_policy: "Integritetspolicy"
#'privacy policy' page
title: "Privacy policy"
dpo: "Data protection officer"
last_update: "Last update,"
title: "Integritetspolicy"
dpo: "Dataskyddsombud"
last_update: "Senast uppdaterad"
#home page
latest_documented_projects: "The latest documented projects"
follow_us: "Follow us"
latest_tweets: "The latest tweets"
latest_registered_members: "Latest registered members"
create_an_account: "Create an account"
discover_members: "Discover members"
latest_documented_projects: "De senaste dokumenterade projekten"
follow_us: "Följ oss"
latest_tweets: "De senaste tweetarna"
latest_registered_members: "Senast registrerade medlemmar"
create_an_account: "Skapa ett konto"
discover_members: "Upptäck medlemmar"
#next events summary on the home page
fablab_s_next_events: "Next events"
every_events: "Every events"
fablab_s_next_events: "Nästa evenemang"
every_events: "Alla evenemang"
on_the_date: "On the {DATE}"
from_date_to_date: "From {START} to {END}"
from_time_to_time: "From {START} to {END}"
all_day: "All day"
still_available: "Available place(s): "
event_full: "Event full"
without_reservation: "Without reservation"
free_admission: "Free admission"
full_price: "Full price: "
on_the_date: "Den {DATE}"
from_date_to_date: "Från {START} till {END}"
from_time_to_time: "Från {START} till {END}"
all_day: "Hela dagen"
still_available: "Tillgängliga lokaler: "
event_full: "Evenemanget fullbokat"
without_reservation: "Utan bokning"
free_admission: "Fri entré"
full_price: "Ordinarie pris: "
#projects gallery
filter: Filter
the_fablab_projects: "The projects"
add_a_project: "Add a project"
network_search: "Fab-manager network"
tooltip_openlab_projects_switch: "The search over the whole network lets you search over the projects of every Fab-manager using this feature !"
openlab_search_not_available_at_the_moment: "Search over the whole network is not available at the moment. You still can search over the projects of this platform."
project_search_result_is_empty: "Sorry, we found no results matching your search criteria."
reset_all_filters: "Clear all"
keywords: "Keywords"
all_projects: "All projects"
my_projects: "My projects"
projects_to_whom_i_take_part_in: "Projects to whom I take part in"
all_machines: "All machines"
all_themes: "All themes"
all_materials: "All materials"
load_next_projects: "Load next projects"
rough_draft: "Rough draft"
filter_by_member: "Filter by member"
created_from: Created from
created_to: Created to
download_archive: Download
filter: Filtrera
the_fablab_projects: "Projekten"
add_a_project: "Lägg till projekt"
network_search: "Fab-manager nätverk"
tooltip_openlab_projects_switch: "Med en sökning i hela nätverket kan du söka över projekt i varje Fab-manager med denna funktion!"
openlab_search_not_available_at_the_moment: "Sökningar över hela nätverket är inte tillgängligt just nu. Du kan fortfarande söka över projekten i denna plattform."
project_search_result_is_empty: "Tyvärr hittade vi inga resultat som matchar dina sökkriterier."
reset_all_filters: "Radera Allt"
keywords: "Sökord"
all_projects: "Alla projekt"
my_projects: "Mina projekt"
projects_to_whom_i_take_part_in: "Projekt som jag deltar i"
all_machines: "All utrustning"
all_themes: "Alla teman"
all_materials: "Allt material"
load_next_projects: "Ladda nästa projekt"
rough_draft: "Grovt utkast"
filter_by_member: "Filtrera efter medlem"
created_from: Skapad fr. o. m
created_to: Skapad t. o. m
download_archive: Ladda ner
all_statuses: "All statuses"
select_status: "Select a status"
all_statuses: "Alla statusar"
select_status: "Välj status"
#details of a projet
rough_draft: "Draft"
project_description: "Project description"
by_name: "By {NAME}"
step_N: "Step {INDEX}"
share_on_facebook: "Share on Facebook"
share_on_twitter: "Share on Twitter"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
posted_on_: "Posted on"
CAD_file_to_download: "{COUNT, plural, =0{No CAD files} =1{CAD file to download} other{CAD files to download}}"
machines_and_materials: "Machines and materials"
collaborators: "Collaborators"
licence: "Licence"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
report_an_abuse: "Report an abuse"
unauthorized_operation: "Unauthorized operation"
your_report_was_successful_thanks: "Your report was successful. Thank you."
an_error_occured_while_sending_your_report: "An error occurred while sending your report."
your_first_name: "Your first name"
your_first_name_is_required: "Your first name is required."
your_surname: "Your surname"
your_surname_is_required: "Your surname is required."
your_email_address: "Your email address"
your_email_address_is_required: "Your email address is required."
tell_us_why_this_looks_abusive: "Tell us why this looks abusive"
message_is_required: "Message is required."
report: "Report"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "Do you really want to delete this project?"
rough_draft: "Utkast"
project_description: "Projektbeskrivning"
by_name: "Av {NAME}"
step_N: "Steg {INDEX}"
share_on_facebook: "Dela på Facebook"
share_on_twitter: "Dela på Twitter"
deleted_user: "Ta bort användare"
posted_on_: "Postat den"
CAD_file_to_download: "{COUNT, plural, one {}=0{Inga CAD-filer} =1{CAD-fil att ladda ner} other{CAD-filer att ladda ner}}"
machines_and_materials: "Utrustning och material"
collaborators: "Medverkande"
licence: "Licens"
confirmation_required: "Verifiering krävs"
report_an_abuse: "Anmäl missbruk"
unauthorized_operation: "Obehörig åtgärd"
your_report_was_successful_thanks: "Er anmälan lyckades, tack."
an_error_occured_while_sending_your_report: "Ett fel inträffade när din anmälan skulle skickas."
your_first_name: "Ditt förnamn"
your_first_name_is_required: "Förnamn måste fyllas i."
your_surname: "Ditt efternamn"
your_surname_is_required: "Efternamn måste fyllas i."
your_email_address: "Din e-postadress"
your_email_address_is_required: "E-postadress måste anges."
tell_us_why_this_looks_abusive: "Berätta varför detta ser kränkande ut"
message_is_required: "Ett meddelande krävs."
report: "Anmäl"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "Vill du verkligen ta bort detta projekt?"
status: "Status"
markdown_file: "Markdown file"
markdown_file: "Markdown-fil"
#list of machines
the_fablab_s_machines: "The machines"
add_a_machine: "Add a machine"
new_availability: "Open reservations"
book: "Book"
_or_the_: " or the "
the_fablab_s_machines: "Utrustningen"
add_a_machine: "Lägg till utrustning"
new_availability: "Öppna bokningar"
book: "Boka"
_or_the_: " eller "
title: "Discover our store"
buy: "Check out products from members' projects along with consumable related to the different machines and tools of the workshop."
sell: "If you also want to sell your creations, please let us know."
link: "To the store"
title: "Upptäck vår butik"
buy: "Se produkter från medlemmarnas verksamheter samt förbrukningsmateriel relaterade till utrustning och verktyg i våra lokaler."
sell: "Om du också vill sälja dina produkter, vänligen meddela oss."
link: "Till butiken"
show_machines: "Show machines:"
status_enabled: "Enabled"
status_disabled: "Disabled"
status_all: "All"
filter_by_machine_category: "Filter by category:"
all_machines: "All machines"
show_machines: "Visa utrustning:"
status_enabled: "Aktiverad"
status_disabled: "Inaktiverad"
status_all: "Allt"
filter_by_machine_category: "Filtrera efter kategori:"
all_machines: "All utrustning"
book: "Book"
consult: "Consult"
book: "Boka"
consult: "Fråga"
#details of a machine
book_this_machine: "Book this machine"
technical_specifications: "Technical specifications"
files_to_download: "Files to download"
projects_using_the_machine: "Projects using the machine"
_or_the_: " or the "
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_machine: "Do you really want to delete this machine?"
unauthorized_operation: "Unauthorized operation"
the_machine_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "The machine can't be deleted because it's already reserved by some users."
book_this_machine: "Boka utrustning"
technical_specifications: "Tekniska specifikationer"
files_to_download: "Filer att ladda ner"
projects_using_the_machine: "Projekt som använder utrustningen"
_or_the_: " eller "
confirmation_required: "Verifiering krävs"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_machine: "Vill du verkligen ta bort den här utrustningen?"
unauthorized_operation: "Obehörig åtgärd"
the_machine_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "Utrustningen kan inte tas bort eftersom den redan är reserverad av andra användare."
#list of trainings
book: "Book"
the_trainings: "The trainings"
book: "Boka"
the_trainings: "Utbildningarna"
#details of a training
book_this_training: "Book this training"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_training: "Do you really want to delete this training?"
unauthorized_operation: "Unauthorized operation"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
the_training_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "The training can't be deleted because it's already reserved by some users."
book_this_training: "Boka utbildningen"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_training: "Vill du verkligen ta bort den här utbildningen?"
unauthorized_operation: "Obehörig åtgärd"
confirmation_required: "Verifiering krävs"
the_training_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "Utbildningen kan inte tas bort eftersom den redan är reserverad av andra användare."
AMOUNT_per_month: "{AMOUNT} / month"
i_subscribe_online: "I subscribe online"
more_information: "More information"
i_choose_that_plan: "I choose that plan"
i_already_subscribed: "I already subscribed"
AMOUNT_per_month: "{AMOUNT} / månad"
i_subscribe_online: "Jag prenumererar online"
more_information: "Mer information"
i_choose_that_plan: "Jag väljer betalningsplanen"
i_already_subscribed: "Redan prenumerant"
#summary of the subscriptions
subscriptions: "Subscriptions"
your_subscription_expires_on_the_DATE: "Your subscription expires on the {DATE}"
no_plans: "No plans are available for your group"
my_group: "My group"
his_group: "User's group"
he_wants_to_change_group: "Change group"
change_my_group: "Validate group change"
summary: "Summary"
your_subscription_has_expired_on_the_DATE: "Your subscription has expired on the {DATE}"
subscription_price: "Subscription price"
you_ve_just_payed_the_subscription_html: "You've just paid the <strong>subscription</strong>:"
thank_you_your_subscription_is_successful: "Thank you. Your subscription is successful!"
your_invoice_will_be_available_soon_from_your_dashboard: "Your invoice will be available soon from your dashboard"
your_group_was_successfully_changed: "Your group was successfully changed."
the_user_s_group_was_successfully_changed: "The user's group was successfully changed."
an_error_prevented_your_group_from_being_changed: "An error prevented your group from being changed."
an_error_prevented_to_change_the_user_s_group: "An error prevented to change the user's group."
subscriptions: "Prenumerationer"
your_subscription_expires_on_the_DATE: "Ditt abonnemang löper ut den {DATE}"
no_plans: "Inga betalningsplaner finns tillgängliga för din grupp"
my_group: "Min grupp"
his_group: "Användargrupp"
he_wants_to_change_group: "Ändra grupp"
change_my_group: "Validera gruppändring"
summary: "Sammanfattning"
your_subscription_has_expired_on_the_DATE: "Ditt abonnemang löper ut den {DATE}"
subscription_price: "Prenumerationspris"
you_ve_just_payed_the_subscription_html: "Du har betalat <strong>prenumerationen</strong>:"
thank_you_your_subscription_is_successful: "Tack. Din prenumeration är genomförd!"
your_invoice_will_be_available_soon_from_your_dashboard: "Din faktura kommer att finnas tillgänglig från din översiktsvy inom kort"
your_group_was_successfully_changed: "Din grupp har ändrats."
the_user_s_group_was_successfully_changed: "Användarens grupp har ändrats."
an_error_prevented_your_group_from_being_changed: "Ett fel förhindrade att din grupp ändrades."
an_error_prevented_to_change_the_user_s_group: "Ett fel förhindrade att ändra användarens grupp."
i_am: "I am"
select_group: "select a group"
i_want_duration: "I want to subscribe for"
all_durations: "All durations"
select_duration: "select a duration"
i_am: "Jag är"
select_group: "välj en grupp"
i_want_duration: "Jag vill prenumerera på"
all_durations: "Alla perioder"
select_duration: "välj period"
#Fablab's events list
the_fablab_s_events: "The events"
all_categories: "All categories"
for_all: "For all"
sold_out: "Sold Out"
cancelled: "Cancelled"
free_admission: "Free admission"
still_available: "available place(s)"
without_reservation: "Without reservation"
add_an_event: "Add an event"
load_the_next_events: "Load the next events..."
full_price_: "Full price:"
to_date: "to" #e.g. from 01/01 to 01/05
all_themes: "All themes"
the_fablab_s_events: "Evenemangen"
all_categories: "Alla kategorier"
for_all: "För alla"
sold_out: "Slutsåld"
cancelled: "Inställt"
free_admission: "Fri entré"
still_available: "tillgängliga lokaler"
without_reservation: "Utan bokning"
add_an_event: "Lägg till ett evenemang"
load_the_next_events: "Ladda nästa evenemang..."
full_price_: "Ordinarie pris:"
to_date: "till" #e.g. from 01/01 to 01/05
all_themes: "Alla teman"
#details and booking of an event
event_description: "Event description"
downloadable_documents: "Downloadable documents"
information_and_booking: "Information and booking"
event_description: "Evenmangsbeskrivning"
downloadable_documents: "Nedladdningsbara dokument"
information_and_booking: "Information och bokning"
family: "Event reserved for members"
nominative: "Nominative event"
dates: "Dates"
beginning: "Beginning:"
ending: "Ending:"
opening_hours: "Opening hours:"
all_day: "All day"
from_time: "From" #e.g. from 18:00 to 21:00
to_time: "to" #e.g. from 18:00 to 21:00
full_price_: "Full price:"
tickets_still_availables: "Tickets still available:"
sold_out: "Sold out."
without_reservation: "Without reservation"
cancelled: "Cancelled"
ticket: "{NUMBER, plural, one{ticket} other{tickets}}"
make_a_gift_of_this_reservation: "Make a gift of this reservation"
thank_you_your_payment_has_been_successfully_registered: "Thank you. Your payment has been successfully registered!"
thank_you_your_pre_registration_has_been_successfully_saved: "Thank you. Your pre-registration has been successfully saved!"
you_can_find_your_reservation_s_details_on_your_: "You can find your reservation's details on your"
informed_by_email_your_pre_registration: "You will be kept informed by email of the progress made regarding your pre-registration."
dashboard: "dashboard"
you_booked_DATE: "You booked ({DATE}):"
you_pre_booked_DATE: "Your pre-registration ({DATE}):"
canceled_reservation_SEATS: "Reservation canceled ({SEATS} seats)"
book: "Book"
confirm_and_pay: "Confirm and pay"
confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Cash} other{Pay}}: {AMOUNT}" #(contexte : validate a payment of $20,00)
online_payment_disabled: "Payment by credit card is not available. Please contact us directly."
please_select_a_member_first: "Please select a member first"
change_the_reservation: "Change the reservation"
you_can_shift_this_reservation_on_the_following_slots: "You can shift this reservation on the following slots:"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_event: "Do you really want to delete this event?"
all_reservations_for_this_event_will_be_canceled: All reservations for this event will be canceled.
delete_recurring_event: "You're about to delete a periodic event. What do you want to do?"
delete_this_event: "Only this event"
delete_this_and_next: "This event and the following"
delete_all: "All events"
event_successfully_deleted: "Event successfully deleted."
events_deleted: "The event, and {COUNT, plural, =1{one other} other{{COUNT} others}}, have been deleted"
unable_to_delete_the_event: "Unable to delete the event, it may be booked by a member"
events_not_deleted: "On {TOTAL} events, {COUNT, plural, =1{one was not deleted} other{{COUNT} were not deleted}}. Some reservations may exists on {COUNT, plural, =1{it} other{them}}."
cancel_the_reservation: "Cancel the reservation"
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation_this_apply_to_all_booked_tickets: "Do you really want to cancel this reservation? This apply to ALL booked tickets."
reservation_was_successfully_cancelled: "Reservation was successfully cancelled."
cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed."
event_is_over: "The event is over."
thanks_for_coming: "Thanks for coming!"
view_event_list: "View events to come"
share_on_facebook: "Share on Facebook"
share_on_twitter: "Share on Twitter"
last_name_and_first_name: "Last name and first name"
pre_book: "Pre-book"
pre_registration_end_date: "Deadline for pre-registration"
pre_registration: "Pre-registration"
family: "Evenemang reserverat för medlemmar"
nominative: "Personligt evenemang"
dates: "Datum"
beginning: "Början:"
ending: "Slutar:"
opening_hours: "Öppettider:"
all_day: "Heldag"
from_time: "Från" #e.g. from 18:00 to 21:00
to_time: "till" #e.g. from 18:00 to 21:00
full_price_: "Ordinarie pris:"
tickets_still_availables: "Biljetter finns kvar:"
sold_out: "Slutsåld."
without_reservation: "Utan bokning"
cancelled: "Inställt"
ticket: "{NUMBER, plural, one{biljett} other{biljetter}}"
make_a_gift_of_this_reservation: "Ge bort denna bokning som gåva"
thank_you_your_payment_has_been_successfully_registered: "Tack. Din betalning har registrerats!"
thank_you_your_pre_registration_has_been_successfully_saved: "Tack. Din föranmälan har sparats!"
you_can_find_your_reservation_s_details_on_your_: "Du kan hitta dina bokningsuppgifter på din"
informed_by_email_your_pre_registration: "Du kommer att hållas informerad via e-post om de händelser som gäller din föranmälan."
dashboard: "översikt"
you_booked_DATE: "Du bokade ({DATE}):"
you_pre_booked_DATE: "Din föranmälan ({DATE}):"
canceled_reservation_SEATS: "Bokning avbokad ({SEATS} platser)"
book: "Boka"
confirm_and_pay: "Bekräfta och betala"
confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Kontant} other{Betala}}: {AMOUNT}" #(contexte : validate a payment of $20,00)
online_payment_disabled: "Betalning med kreditkort är inte tillgänglig. Vänligen kontakta oss direkt."
please_select_a_member_first: "Välj en medlem först"
change_the_reservation: "Avbryt bokningen"
you_can_shift_this_reservation_on_the_following_slots: "Du kan flytta denna bokning till följande tillfällen:"
confirmation_required: "Verifiering krävs"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_event: "Vill du radera detta evenemang?"
all_reservations_for_this_event_will_be_canceled: Alla bokningar av detta evenemang kommer att raderas.
delete_recurring_event: "Du håller på att ta bort en återkommande händelse. Vad vill du göra?"
delete_this_event: "Bara detta evenemang"
delete_this_and_next: "Detta evenemang samt framtida"
delete_all: "Alla evenemang"
event_successfully_deleted: "Evenemanget är raderat."
events_deleted: "Evenemanget och {COUNT, plural, one {}=1{ett annat} other{{COUNT} alla andra}}har tagits bort"
unable_to_delete_the_event: "Det går inte att ta bort händelsen, den kan ha bokats av en medlem"
events_not_deleted: "Av {TOTAL} evenemang {COUNT, plural, one {}=1{togs ett inte bort} other{togs {COUNT} inte bort}}. Vissa reservationer kan finnas på {COUNT, plural, one {}=1{det} other{dem}}."
cancel_the_reservation: "Avbryt bokningen"
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation_this_apply_to_all_booked_tickets: "Vill du verkligen avboka denna bokning? Detta gäller för ALLA bokade biljetter."
reservation_was_successfully_cancelled: "Reservationen har avbrutits."
cancellation_failed: "Avbokning misslyckades."
event_is_over: "Evenemanget är över."
thanks_for_coming: "Tack för ditt besök!"
view_event_list: "Visa kommande evenemang"
share_on_facebook: "Dela på Facebook"
share_on_twitter: "Dela på Twitter"
last_name_and_first_name: "För- och efternamn"
pre_book: "Förboka"
pre_registration_end_date: "Deadline för förbokning"
pre_registration: "Föranmälan"
#public calendar
calendar: "Calendar"
show_unavailables: "Show unavailable slots"
filter_calendar: "Filter calendar"
trainings: "Trainings"
machines: "Machines"
spaces: "Spaces"
events: "Events"
externals: "Other calendars"
choose_a_machine: "Choose a machine"
cancel: "Cancel"
calendar: "Kalender"
show_unavailables: "Visa obokbara platser"
filter_calendar: "Filtrera kalender"
trainings: "Utbildningar"
machines: "Utrustning"
spaces: "Lokaler"
events: "Evenemang"
externals: "Andra kalendrar"
choose_a_machine: "Välj utrustning"
cancel: "Avbryt"
#list of spaces
the_spaces: "The spaces"
new_availability: "Open reservations"
add_a_space: "Add a space"
status_enabled: "Enabled"
status_disabled: "Disabled"
status_all: "All"
book: "Book"
the_spaces: "Lokalerna"
new_availability: "Öppna bokningar"
add_a_space: "Lägg till lokal"
status_enabled: "Aktiverad"
status_disabled: "Inaktiverad"
status_all: "Alla"
book: "Boka"
#display the details of a space
book_this_space: "Book this space"
unauthorized_operation: "Unauthorized operation"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_space: "Do you really want to delete this space?"
the_space_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "Unable to delete this space, because it is already reserved by some users."
characteristics: "Characteristics"
files_to_download: "Files to download"
projects_using_the_space: "Projects using the space"
book_this_space: "Boka utrustning"
unauthorized_operation: "Obehörig åtgärd"
confirmation_required: "Verifiering krävs"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_space: "Vill du verkligen ta bort denna lokal?"
the_space_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "Det går inte att ta bort denna lokal, eftersom den redan är reserverad av en användare."
characteristics: "Egenskaper"
files_to_download: "Filer att ladda ner"
projects_using_the_space: "Projekt som använder lokalen"
#public store
fablab_store: "Store"
unexpected_error_occurred: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."
add_to_cart_success: "Product added to the cart."
fablab_store: "Butik"
unexpected_error_occurred: "Ett oväntat fel inträffade. Var god försök senare."
add_to_cart_success: "Produkten har lagts till i varukorgen."
all_products: "All the products"
filter: "Filter"
filter_clear: "Clear all"
filter_apply: "Apply"
filter_categories: "Categories"
filter_machines: "By machines"
filter_keywords_reference: "By keywords or reference"
in_stock_only: "Available products only"
all_products: "Alla produkter"
filter: "Filtrera"
filter_clear: "Rensa allt"
filter_apply: "Verkställ"
filter_categories: "Kategorier"
filter_machines: "Utrustningen"
filter_keywords_reference: "Med sökord eller referens"
in_stock_only: "Endast tillgängliga produkter"
name_az: "A-Z"
name_za: "Z-A"
price_low: "Price: low to high"
price_high: "Price: high to low"
name_az: "A-Ö"
name_za: "Ö-A"
price_low: "Pris: lågt till högt"
price_high: "Högt till lågt"
ref: "ref: {REF}"
add_to_cart_success: "Product added to the cart."
unexpected_error_occurred: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."
show_more: "Display more"
show_less: "Display less"
documentation: "Documentation"
minimum_purchase: "Minimum purchase: "
add_to_cart: "Add to cart"
stock_limit: "You have reached the current stock limit"
add_to_cart_success: "Produkten har lagts till i varukorgen."
unexpected_error_occurred: "Ett oväntat fel inträffade. Var god försök senare."
show_more: "Visa mer"
show_less: "Visa mindre"
documentation: "Dokumentation"
minimum_purchase: "Minsta köp: "
add_to_cart: "Lägg till I varukorgen"
stock_limit: "Du har nått den aktuella lagergränsen"
available: "Available"
limited_stock: "Limited stock"
out_of_stock: "Out of stock"
available: "Tillgänglig"
limited_stock: "Begränsat lager"
out_of_stock: "Tillfälligt slut"
minimum_purchase: "Minimum purchase: "
add: "Add"
add_to_cart: "Add to cart"
stock_limit: "You have reached the current stock limit"
minimum_purchase: "Minsta köp: "
add: "Lägg till"
add_to_cart: "Lägg till i varukorgen"
stock_limit: "Du har nått den aktuella lagergränsen"
per_unit: "/ unit"
free: "Free"
per_unit: "/ enhet"
free: "Gratis"
my_cart: "My Cart"
my_cart: "Min varukorg"
my_cart: "My Cart"
my_cart: "Min varukorg"
checkout: "Checkout"
cart_is_empty: "Your cart is empty"
pickup: "Pickup your products"
checkout_header: "Total amount for your cart"
checkout_products_COUNT: "Your cart contains {COUNT} {COUNT, plural, =1{product} other{products}}"
checkout_products_total: "Products total"
checkout_gift_total: "Discount total"
checkout_coupon: "Coupon"
checkout_total: "Cart total"
checkout_error: "An unexpected error occurred. Please contact the administrator."
checkout_success: "Purchase confirmed. Thanks!"
select_user: "Please select a user before continuing."
checkout: "Kassa"
cart_is_empty: "Din varukorg är tom"
pickup: "Hämta dina produkter"
checkout_header: "Totalt belopp för din varukorg"
checkout_products_COUNT: "Din varukorg innehåller {COUNT} {COUNT, plural, one {}=1{produkt} other{produkter}}"
checkout_products_total: "Produkter totalt"
checkout_gift_total: "Rabatt totalt"
checkout_coupon: "Rabattkupong"
checkout_total: "Totalt kundvagn"
checkout_error: "Oväntat fel uppstod. Vänligen kontakta systemadministratören."
checkout_success: "Köp bekräftat. Tack!"
select_user: "Välj en användare innan du fortsätter."
offer_product: "Offer the product"
total: "Total"
offer_product: "Erbjud produkten"
total: "Totalt"
unauthorized_offering_product: "You can't offer anything to yourself"
unauthorized_offering_product: "Du kan inte erbjuda något till dig själv"
reference_short: "ref:"
minimum_purchase: "Minimum purchase: "
stock_limit: "You have reached the current stock limit"
unit: "Unit"
update_item: "Update"
minimum_purchase: "Minsta köp: "
stock_limit: "Du har nått den aktuella lagergränsen"
unit: "Enhet"
update_item: "Uppdatera"
product_not_found: "This product is no longer available, please remove it from your cart."
out_of_stock: "This product is out of stock, please remove it from your cart."
stock_limit_QUANTITY: "Only {QUANTITY} {QUANTITY, plural, =1{unit} other{units}} left in stock, please adjust the quantity of items."
quantity_min_QUANTITY: "Minimum number of product was changed to {QUANTITY}, please adjust the quantity of items."
price_changed_PRICE: "The product price was modified to {PRICE}"
product_not_found: "Denna produkt är inte längre tillgänglig, vänligen ta bort den från din varukorg."
out_of_stock: "Denna produkt är slut i lager, vänligen ta bort den från din varukorg."
stock_limit_QUANTITY: "Endast {QUANTITY} {QUANTITY, plural, one {}=1{enhet} other{enheter}} kvar i lager, vänligen justera antalet objekt."
quantity_min_QUANTITY: "Minsta antal av produkten ändrades till {QUANTITY}, vänligen justera antalet objekt."
price_changed_PRICE: "Produktens pris har ändrats till {PRICE}"
reservation: "Reservation"
offer_reservation: "Offer the reservation"
reservation: "Bokning"
offer_reservation: "Erbjud bokningen"
slot: "{DATE}: {START} - {END}"
offered: "offered"
offered: "erbjuds"
heading: "My orders"
heading: "Mina beställningar"
newest: "Newest first"
oldest: "Oldest first"
newest: "Senaste först"
oldest: "Äldsta först"
select_a_member: "Select a member"
start_typing: "Start typing..."
select_a_member: "Välj en medlem"
start_typing: "Börja skriva..."
heading: "Children"
member_heading: "My Children"
add_child: "Add a child"
heading: "Barn"
member_heading: "Mina barn"
add_child: "Lägg till barn"
edit_child: "Edit child"
new_child: "New child"
edit_child: "Redigera barn"
new_child: "Nytt barn"
child_form_info: "Only children under 18 years old can be added to your Family account. Supporting documents may be requested to validate your child's account and allow you to register them for events."
first_name: "First name"
last_name: "Last name"
birthday: "Birthday"
email: "Email"
phone: "Phone"
save: "Save"
supporting_documents: "Supporting documents"
to_complete: "To complete"
refuse_documents_info: "You can refuse a selection of documents by clicking on the following button."
refuse_documents: "Refuse documents"
child_form_info: "Endast barn under 18 år kan läggas till i ditt familjekonto. Underlag kan begäras för att validera ditt barns konto och tillåta dig att registrera dem för evenemang."
first_name: "Förnamn"
last_name: "Efternamn"
birthday: "Födelsedatum"
email: "E-post"
phone: "Telefon"
save: "Spara"
supporting_documents: "Underlag"
to_complete: "Att slutföra"
refuse_documents_info: "Du kan avböja ett urval av dokument genom att klicka på följande knapp."
refuse_documents: "Avböj dokument"
first_name: "Child first name"
last_name: "Child last name"
birthday: "Birthday"
deleted: "The child has been deleted."
unable_to_delete: "Unable to delete the child."
first_name: "Barns förnamn"
last_name: "Barns efternamn"
birthday: "Födelsedatum"
deleted: "Barnet har tagits bort."
unable_to_delete: "Det går inte att ta bort barnet."
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
confirm: "Confirm"
confirm_delete_child: "Do you really want to remove this child?"
confirmation_required: "Verifiering krävs"
confirm: "Bekräfta"
confirm_delete_child: "Vill du verkligen ta bort detta barn?"
title: "Thank you for your attention"
content: "<p>If you want to restart this contextual help, press <strong>F1</strong> at any time or click on « ? Help » from the user's menu.</p><p>If you need additional help, you can <a href='http://guide-fr.fab.mn' target='_blank'>check the user guide</a> (only in French for now).</p><p>The Fab-manager's team also provides personalized support (help with getting started, help with installation, customization, etc.), <a href='mailto:contact@fab-manager.com'>contact-us</a> for more info.</p>"
title: "Tack för er uppmärksamhet"
content: "<p>Om du vill starta om denna kontextuella hjälp, tryck på <strong>F1</strong> när som helst eller klicka på « ? Hjälp » från användarens meny.</p><p>Om du behöver ytterligare hjälp kan du kolla i <a href='http://guide-fr.fab.mn' target='_blank'>användarhandboken</a> (endast på franska just nu).</p><p>Fab-managers team ger även personlig support (hjälp med att komma igång, hjälp med installation, anpassning etc. , <a href='mailto:contact@fab-manager.com'>Kontakta oss</a> för mer information.</p>"
title: "Welcome to Fab-manager"
content: "To help you get started with the application, we are going to take a quick tour of the features."
title: "Välkommen till Fab-manager"
content: "För att hjälpa dig komma igång med systemet, kommer vi att ta en snabb rundtur bland funktionerna."
title: "Home page"
content: "Clicking here will take you back to the home page where you are currently."
title: "Startsida"
content: "Klicka här kommer att ta dig tillbaka till sidan där du är för närvarande."
title: "Machines"
content: "<p>This page will allow you to consult the list of all machines and reserve a slot on behalf of a member.</p><p>A machine can be, for example, a 3D printer.</p><p>Members can also access this page and reserve a machine themselves, if credit card payment is enabled, or if some prices are equal to 0.</p>"
title: "Utrustning"
content: "<p>Den här sidan låter dig konsultera listan över all utrustning och reservera en lokal åt en medlem.</p><p>Utrustning kan till exempel vara en TV.</p><p>Medlemmar kan också komma åt denna sida och reservera utrustning själva, om kreditkortsbetalning är aktiverad, eller om vissa priser är lika med 0.</p>"
title: "Trainings"
content: "<p>This page will allow you to consult the list of all training sessions and to register a member for a training session.</p><p>Trainings can be set as prerequisites before allowing reservation of certain machines.</p><p>Members can also access this page and register for a training session themselves, if credit card payment is enabled, or if some prices are equal to 0.</p>"
title: "Utbildningar"
content: "<p>Den här sidan låter dig konsultera listan över all utrustning och reservera en lokal åt en medlem.</p><p>Utrustning kan till exempel vara en Tv.</p><p>Medlemmar kan också komma åt denna sida och reservera utrustning själva, om kreditkortsbetalning är aktiverad, eller om vissa priser är lika med 0.</p>"
title: "Spaces"
content: "<p>This page will allow you to consult the list of all available spaces and to reserve a place on a slot, on behalf of a member.</p><p>A space can be, for example, a woodshop or a meeting room.</p><p>Their particularity is that they can be booked by several people at the same time.</p><p>Members can also access this page and reserve a machine themselves, if credit card payment is enabled, or if some prices are equal to 0.</p>"
title: "Lokaler"
content: "<p>Den här sidan låter dig konsultera listan över all utrustning och reservera en lokal åt en medlem.</p><p>Utrustning kan till exempel vara en TV.</p><p>Medlemmar kan också komma åt denna sida och reservera utrustning själva, om kreditkortsbetalning är aktiverad, eller om vissa priser är lika med 0.</p>"
title: "Events"
content: "<p>An open house evening or an internship to make your desk lamp? It's over here!</p><p>Events can be free or paid (with different prices), with or without reservation.</p><p>Again, members can access this page and book themselves places for free events, or paid events if credit card payment is enabled.</p>"
title: "Evenemang"
content: "<p>Öppet hus eller föreningsmöt? Kolla här!</p><p>Evenemang kan vara gratis eller med betalning, med eller utan bokning.</p><p>Medlemmar kan komma åt denna sida och boka plats för gratis evenemang, eller betalda evenemang om kreditkortsbetalning är aktiverad.</p>"
title: "Agenda"
content: "Visualize at a glance everything that is scheduled for the next coming weeks (events, training, machines available, etc.)."
content: "Presentera i korthet allt som är planerat till de kommande veckorna (evenemang, kurser, tillgänglig utrustning m. m.)."
title: "Projects"
content: "<p>Document and share all your creations with the community.</p><p>If you use OpenLab, you will also be able to consult the projects of the entire Fab-manager network. <a href='mailto:contact@fab-manager.com'>Contact-us</a> to get your access, it's free!</p>"
title: "Projekt"
content: "<p>Dokumentera och dela alla dina projekt med föreningen.</p><p>Om du använder OpenLab, kommer du också att kunna besöka projekten i hela Fab-Manager-nätverket. <a href='mailto:contact@fab-manager.com'>Contact-us</a> för att få din tillgång, det är gratis!</p>"
title: "Subscriptions"
content: "Subscriptions provide a way to segment your prices and provide benefits to regular users."
title: "Prenumerationer"
content: "Prenumerationer ger ett sätt att segmentera dina priser och ge fördelar för medlemmar."
title: "{ROLE} section"
content: "<p>All of the elements below are only accessible to administrators and managers. They allow you to manage and configure Fab-manager.</p><p>At the end of this visit, click on one of them to find out more.</p>"
title: "{ROLE} sektion"
content: "<p>Alla element nedan är endast tillgängliga för administratörer. De tillåter dig att hantera och konfigurera Fab-manager.</p><p>I slutet av detta besök, klicka på ett av dem för att ta reda på mer.</p>"
title: "About"
content: "A page that you can fully customize, to present your activity and your structure."
title: "Om"
content: "En sida som du kan anpassa helt och hållet, för att presentera din verksamhet och din struktur."
title: "Notifications center"
content: "<p>Every time something important happens (reservations, creation of accounts, activity of your members, etc.), you will be notified here.</p><p>Your members also receive notifications there.</p>"
title: "Notifieringscenter"
content: "<p>Varje gång något viktigt händer (reservationer, skapande av konton, aktivitet från dina medlemmar, etc)., du kommer att meddelas här.</p><p>Dina medlemmar får också meddelanden där.</p>"
title: "User's menu"
content: "<p>Find your personal information here as well as all your activity on Fab-manager.</p><p>This space is also available for all your members.</p>"
title: "Användarens meny"
content: "<p>Hitta din personliga information här samt all din aktivitet på Fab-manager.</p><p>Detta utrymme är också tillgängligt för alla dina medlemmar.</p>"
title: "News"
content: "<p>This space allows you to display the latest news from your structure.</p><p>You can easily change its content from « Customization », « Home page ».</p>"
title: "Nyheter"
content: "<p>Detta utrymme låter dig visa de senaste nyheterna från din verksamhet.</p><p>Du kan enkelt ändra dess innehåll från « Anpassning », « Hemsida ».</p>"
title: "Last projects"
content: "<p>This carousel scrolls through the latest projects documented by your members.</p>"
title: "Senaste projekten"
content: "<p>Detta bildspel rullar igenom de senaste projekten som dokumenterats av dina medlemmar.</p>"
title: "Last tweet"
content: "<p>The last tweet of your Tweeter feed can be shown here.</p><p>Configure it from « Customization », « Home page ».</p>"
title: "Senaste tweet"
content: "<p>Den sista tweeten i ditt Twitter-flöde kan visas här.</p><p>Konfigurera det från « Anpassning », « Startsida ».</p>"
title: "Last members"
content: "The last registered members who have validated their address and agreed to be contacted will be shown here."
title: "Senaste medlemmar"
content: "De senast registrerade medlemmar som har bekräftat sin adress och godkänt att bli kontaktade kommer att visas här."
title: "Upcoming events"
content: "The next three scheduled events are displayed in this space."
title: "Kommande evenemang"
content: "De kommande tre schemalagda evenemangen visas i detta utrymme."
title: "Customize the home page"
content: "<p>This page can be fully personalized.</p><p>You can <a href='mailto:contact@fab-manager.com'>contact-us</a> to make a tailored customization of the home page.</p>"
title: "Anpassa startsidan"
content: "<p>Denna sida kan vara helt personlig.</p><p>Du kan <a href='mailto:contact@fab-manager.com'>kontakta oss</a> för att göra en skräddarsydd anpassning av startsidan.</p>"
title: "Application version"
content: "Hover your cursor over this icon to find out the version of Fab-manager. If you are not up to date, this will be reported here and you'll be able to get details by clicking on it."
title: "Programversion"
content: "Håll muspekaren över denna ikon för att ta reda på versionen av Fab-manager. Om du inte är uppdaterad, kommer detta att rapporteras här och du kommer att kunna få information genom att klicka på den."
title: "Machines"
content: "<p>Machines are the tools available for your users. You must create here the machines which can then be reserved by the members.</p><p>You can also create entries for non-bookable or free access machines, then you just need to not associate availability slots with them.</p>"
title: "Utrustning"
content: "<p>Utrustning är de maskiner och verktyg som finns tillgängliga för dina användare. Här måste du skapa utrustning som sedan kan reserveras av medlemmarna.</p><p>Du kan också skapa poster för icke-bokningsbar eller gratis tillgänglig utrustning, då du behöver bara inte associera bokningsbakara tider med dem.</p>"
title: "Machines"
content: "Machines are the tools available for the users to reserve."
title: "Utrustning"
content: "Utrustning är de maskiner och verktyg som finns tillgängliga för användarna att reservera."
title: "View"
content: "To modify or delete a machine, click here first. You will not be able to delete a machine that has already been associated with availability slots, but you can deactivate it."
title: "Visa"
content: "För att ändra eller ta bort utrustning, klicka här först. Du kommer inte att kunna ta bort utrustning som redan har förknippats med bokningsbara tider, men du kan inaktivera den."
title: "Reserve"
content: "Click here to access an agenda showing free slots. This will let you book this machine for an user and manage existing reservations."
title: "Reservera"
content: "Klicka här för att se en kalender som visar bokningsbara tider. Detta låter dig boka denna utrustning och hantera befintliga bokningar."
title: "Spaces"
content: "<p>Spaces are places available for your users. For example, a meeting room or a woodshop. You must create here the spaces which can then be reserved by members.</p><p>The specificity of the spaces is that they can be reserved by several users at the same time.</p>"
title: "Lokaler"
content: "<p>Lokaler är tillgängliga för dina användare. Till exempel ett mötesrum eller ett kök. Här kan du skapa de lokaler som sedan kan reserveras av medlemmar.</p><p>Lokalerna kan reserveras av flera användare samtidigt.</p>"
title: "Spaces"
content: "<p>Spaces are places available to users, by reservation. For example, a meeting room or a woodshop.</p><p>The specificity of the spaces is that they can be reserved by several users at the same time.</p>"
title: "Lokaler"
content: "<p>Lokaler är tillgängliga för dina användare. Till exempel ett mötesrum eller ett kök. Här kan du skapa de lokaler som sedan kan reserveras av medlemmar.</p><p>Lokalerna kan reserveras av flera användare samtidigt.</p>"
title: "View"
content: "To modify or delete a space, click here first. You will not be able to delete a space that has already been associated with availability slots, but you can deactivate it."
title: "Visa"
content: "För att ändra eller ta bort en lokal, klicka här först. Du kommer inte att kunna ta bort en lokal som redan har förknippats med bokningsbara tider, men du kan inaktivera den."
title: "Reserve"
content: "Click here to access an agenda showing free slots. This will let you book this space for an user and manage existing reservations."
title: "Reservera"
content: "Klicka här för att se en kalender som visar bokningsbara tider. Detta låter dig boka denna lokal och hantera befintliga bokningar."

View File

@ -3,553 +3,553 @@ sv:
#translations of common buttons
confirm_changes: "Confirm changes"
consult: "Consult"
edit: "Edit"
change: "Change"
delete: "Delete"
browse: "Browse"
cancel: "Cancel"
close: "Close"
clear: "Clear"
today: "Today"
confirm: "Confirm"
save: "Save"
"yes": "Yes"
"no": "No"
apply: "Apply"
confirm_changes: "Bekräfta ändringar"
consult: "Fråga"
edit: "Redigera"
change: "Ändra"
delete: "Ta bort"
browse: "Bläddra"
cancel: "Avbryt"
close: "Avsluta"
clear: "Rensa"
today: "Idag"
confirm: "Bekräfta"
save: "Spara"
"yes": "Ja"
"no": "Nej"
apply: "Verkställ"
you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_quit_this_page: "You will lose any unsaved modification if you quit this page"
you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_reload_this_page: "You will lose any unsaved modification if you reload this page"
payment_card_declined: "Your card was declined."
you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_quit_this_page: "Du kommer att förlora alla osparade ändringar om du avslutar denna sida"
you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_reload_this_page: "Du kommer att förlora alla osparade ändringar om du laddar om denna sida"
payment_card_declined: "Ditt kort nekades."
title: "{OPERATOR, select, self{My group} other{User's group}}"
change: "Change {OPERATOR, select, self{my} other{his}} group"
cancel: "Cancel"
validate: "Validate group change"
success: "Group successfully changed"
title: "{OPERATOR, select, self{Min grupp} other{Användargruppen}}"
change: "Ändra {OPERATOR, select, self{min} other{hans/hennes}} grupp"
cancel: "Avbryt"
validate: "Validera gruppändring"
success: "Gruppen har skapats"
payment_card_error: "A problem occurred with your payment card:"
payment_card_error: "Ett problem uppstod med ditt betalkort:"
#text editor
text_placeholder: "Type something…"
text_placeholder: "Skriv någonting…"
link_placeholder: "Paste link…"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
new_tab: "Open in a new tab"
add_link: "Insert a link"
add_video: "Embed a video"
add_image: "Insert an image"
link_placeholder: "Klistra in länk…"
url_placeholder: "Klistra in url…"
new_tab: "Öppna i en ny flik"
add_link: "Infoga länk"
add_video: "Bädda in en video"
add_image: "Infoga en bild"
#modal dialog
close: "Close"
close: "Avsluta"
follow_us: "Follow us"
networks_update_success: "Social networks update successful"
networks_update_error: "Problem trying to update social networks"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
save: "Save"
website_invalid: "The website address is not a valid URL"
follow_us: "Följ oss"
networks_update_success: "Uppdatering av sociala nätverk lyckades"
networks_update_error: "Problem med att uppdatera sociala nätverk"
url_placeholder: "Klistra in url…"
save: "Spara"
website_invalid: "Webbplatsens adress är inte en giltig URL"
url_placeholder: "Paste url…"
website_invalid: "The website address is not a valid URL"
url_placeholder: "Klistra in url…"
website_invalid: "Webbplatsens adress är inte en giltig URL"
#user edition form
add_an_avatar: "Add an avatar"
change: "Change"
add_an_avatar: "Lägg till en avatar"
change: "Ändra"
personal_data: "Personal"
account_data: "Account"
account_networks: "Social networks"
organization_data: "Organization"
profile_data: "Profile"
preferences_data: "Preferences"
declare_organization: "I declare to be an organization"
declare_organization_help: "If you declare to be an organization, your invoices will be issued in the name of the organization."
pseudonym: "Nickname"
external_id: "External identifier"
first_name: "First name"
surname: "Surname"
email_address: "Email address"
organization_name: "Organization name"
organization_address: "Organization address"
profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} is required"
date_of_birth: "Date of birth"
website: "Website"
website_invalid: "The website address is not a valid URL"
job: "Job"
interests: "Interests"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "CAD Softwares mastered"
birthday: "Date of birth"
birthday_is_required: "Date of birth is required."
address: "Address"
phone_number: "Phone number"
phone_number_invalid: "Phone number is invalid."
allow_public_profile: "I agree to share my email address with registered users of the site"
allow_public_profile_help: "You will have a public profile and other users will be able to associate you in their projects."
allow_newsletter: "I accept to receive information from the FabLab"
used_for_statistics: "This data will be used for statistical purposes"
used_for_invoicing: "This data will be used for billing purposes"
used_for_reservation: "This data will be used in case of change on one of your bookings"
used_for_profile: "This data will only be displayed on your profile"
group: "Group"
trainings: "Trainings"
tags: "Tags"
note: "Private note"
note_help: "This note is only visible to administrators and managers. The member cannot see it."
terms_and_conditions_html: "I've read and accept <a href=\"{POLICY_URL}\" target=\"_blank\">the terms and conditions<a/>"
must_accept_terms: "You must accept the terms and conditions"
save: "Save"
personal_data: "Personligt"
account_data: "Konto"
account_networks: "Sociala nätverk"
organization_data: "Organisation"
profile_data: "Profil"
preferences_data: "Inställningar"
declare_organization: "Jag företräder en organisation"
declare_organization_help: "Om du företräder en organisation kommer dina fakturor att utfärdas i organisationens namn."
pseudonym: "Smeknamn"
external_id: "Extern identifierare"
first_name: "Förnamn"
surname: "Efternamn"
email_address: "E-postadress"
organization_name: "Organisationsnamn"
organization_address: "Organisationsadress"
profile_custom_field_is_required: "{FEILD} krävs"
date_of_birth: "Födelsedatum"
website: "Webbsida"
website_invalid: "Webbplatsens adress är inte en giltig URL"
job: "Jobb"
interests: "Intressen"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "Färdigheter"
birthday: "Födelsedatum"
birthday_is_required: "Födelsedatum krävs."
address: "Adress"
phone_number: "Telefonnummer"
phone_number_invalid: "Telefonnumret är ogiltigt."
allow_public_profile: "Jag samtycker till att dela min e-postadress med registrerade medlemmar på denna sida"
allow_public_profile_help: "Du kommer att ha en publik profil och andra användare kommer att kunna knyta dig till sina projekt."
allow_newsletter: "Jag accepterar att få information från FabLab"
used_for_statistics: "Dessa uppgifter kommer att användas för statistiska ändamål"
used_for_invoicing: "Dessa uppgifter kommer att användas för faktureringsändamål"
used_for_reservation: "Dessa uppgifter kommer att användas i händelse av ändring av dina bokningar"
used_for_profile: "Denna data kommer endast att visas på din profil"
group: "Grupp"
trainings: "Utbildningar"
tags: "Taggar"
note: "Personlig anteckning"
note_help: "Denna anteckning är endast synlig för administratörer och chefer. Medlemmen kan inte se den."
terms_and_conditions_html: "Jag har läst och godkänt <a href=\"{POLICY_URL}\" target=\"_blank\">användarvillkoren<a/>"
must_accept_terms: "Du måste acceptera villkoren"
save: "Spara"
label: "Gender"
label: "Kön"
man: "Man"
woman: "Woman"
woman: "Kvinna"
change_my_password: "Change my password"
confirm_current: "Confirm your current password"
change_my_password: "Byt lösenord"
confirm_current: "Bekräfta ditt nuvarande lösenord"
confirm: "OK"
wrong_password: "Wrong password"
wrong_password: "Fel lösenord"
new_password: "New password"
confirm_password: "Confirm password"
help: "Your password must be minimum 12 characters long, have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character."
password_too_short: "Password is too short (must be at least 12 characters)"
confirmation_mismatch: "Confirmation mismatch with password."
new_password: "Nytt lösenord"
confirm_password: "Bekräfta lösenord"
help: "Lösenordet måste bestå av minst 12 tecken, minst en stor bokstav, en liten bokstav, ett nummer och ett specialtecken."
password_too_short: "Lösenordet är för kort (minst 12 tecken)"
confirmation_mismatch: "Lösenorden stämmer inte överens."
not_in_requirements: "Your password doesn't meet the minimal requirements"
0: "Very weak password"
1: "Weak password"
2: "Almost ok"
3: "Good password"
4: "Excellent password"
not_in_requirements: "Ditt lösenord uppfyller inte kraven"
0: "Väldigt svagt lösenord"
1: "Svagt lösenord"
2: "Nästan ok"
3: "Bra lösenord"
4: "Utmärkt lösenord"
#project edition form
name: "Name"
name_is_required: "Name is required."
illustration: "Visual"
illustration_recommendation: "Maximum display size: 932 * 700 px (unconstrained ratio)."
add_an_illustration: "Add an illustration"
CAD_file: "CAD file"
CAD_files: "CAD files"
allowed_extensions: "Allowed extensions:"
add_a_new_file: "Add a new file"
description: "Description"
description_is_required: "Description is required."
steps: "Steps"
step_N: "Step {INDEX}"
step_title: "Step title"
step_image: "Image"
add_a_picture: "Add a picture"
change_the_picture: "Change the picture"
delete_the_step: "Delete the step"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_step: "Do you really want to delete this step?"
add_a_new_step: "Add a new step"
publish_your_project: "Publish your project"
or: "or"
employed_materials: "Employed materials"
employed_machines: "Employed machines"
collaborators: "Collaborators"
author: Author
creative_commons_licences: "Creative Commons licences"
licence: "Licence"
themes: "Themes"
tags: "Tags"
save_as_draft: "Save as draft"
name: "Namn"
name_is_required: "Namn måste fyllas i."
illustration: "Visuellt"
illustration_recommendation: "Maximal skärmstorlek: 932 * 700 px (obegränsad förhållande)."
add_an_illustration: "Lägg till en illustration"
CAD_file: "CAD-fil"
CAD_files: "CAD-filer"
allowed_extensions: "Tillåtna filändelser:"
add_a_new_file: "Lägg till ny fil"
description: "Beskrivning"
description_is_required: "Beskrivning krävs."
steps: "Steg"
step_N: "Steg {INDEX}"
step_title: "Titel på steg"
step_image: "Bild"
add_a_picture: "Lägg till en bild"
change_the_picture: "Ändra bilden"
delete_the_step: "Ta bort steget"
confirmation_required: "Verifiering krävs"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_step: "Vill du radera detta steg?"
add_a_new_step: "Lägg till nytt steg"
publish_your_project: "Publicera ditt projekt"
or: "eller"
employed_materials: "Använda råvaror"
employed_machines: "Använd utrustning"
collaborators: "Medverkande"
author: Skapare
creative_commons_licences: "Creative Commons-licenser"
licence: "Licens"
themes: "Teman"
tags: "Taggar"
save_as_draft: "Spara som utkast"
status: "Status"
#button to book a machine reservation
book_this_machine: "Book this machine"
book_this_machine: "Boka utrustning"
#frame to select a plan to subscribe
subscribe_online: "subscribe online"
do_not_subscribe: "do not subscribe"
subscribe_online: "prenumerera online"
do_not_subscribe: "prenumerera inte"
#admin: choose a member to interact with
select_a_member: "Select a member"
start_typing: "Start typing..."
member_not_validated: "This member has not yet been validated."
select_a_member: "Välj en medlem"
start_typing: "Börja skriva..."
member_not_validated: "Denna medlem har ännu inte validerats."
#payment modal
online_payment: "Online payment"
i_have_read_and_accept_: "I have read, and accept "
_the_general_terms_and_conditions: "the general terms and conditions."
payment_schedule_html: "<p>You're about to subscribe to a payment schedule of {DEADLINES} months.</p><p>By paying this bill, you agree to send instructions to the financial institution that issue your card, to take payments from your card account, for the whole duration of this subscription. This imply that your card data are saved by {GATEWAY} and a series of payments will be initiated on your behalf, conforming to the payment schedule previously shown.</p>"
confirm_payment_of_: "Pay: {AMOUNT}"
validate: "Validate"
online_payment: "Onlinebetalning"
i_have_read_and_accept_: "Jag har läst och accepterat "
_the_general_terms_and_conditions: "läs de allmänna villkoren."
payment_schedule_html: "<p>Du är på väg att prenumerera enligt ett betalningsschema på {DEADLINES} månader.</p><p>Genom att betala denna faktura godkänner du att skicka instruktioner till det finansiella institut som utfärdar ditt kort, att ta betalningar från ditt kortkonto, under hela denna prenumeration. Detta innebär att dina kortuppgifter sparas av {GATEWAY} och en rad betalningar kommer att initieras för din räkning, som överensstämmer med den betalningsplan som tidigare visats.</p>"
confirm_payment_of_: "Betala: {AMOUNT}"
validate: "Bekräfta"
#dialog of on site payment for reservations
booking_confirmation: "Booking confirmation"
here_is_the_summary_of_the_slots_to_book_for_the_current_user: "Here is the summary of the slots to book for the current user:"
subscription_confirmation: "Subscription confirmation"
here_is_the_subscription_summary: "Here is the subscription summary:"
payment_method: "Payment method"
method_card: "Online by card"
method_check: "By check"
card_collection_info: "By validating, you'll be prompted for the member's card number. This card will be automatically charged at the deadlines."
check_collection_info: "By validating, you confirm that you have {DEADLINES} checks, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments."
booking_confirmation: "Bokningsbekräftelse"
here_is_the_summary_of_the_slots_to_book_for_the_current_user: "Här är sammanfattningen av tider att boka för den aktuella användaren:"
subscription_confirmation: "Bekräftelse på prenumeration"
here_is_the_subscription_summary: "Här är prenumerationssammanfattningen:"
payment_method: "Betalningsmetod"
method_card: "Online med kort"
method_check: "Med check"
card_collection_info: "Genom att validera kommer du att bli tillfrågad om medlemmens kortnummer. Detta kort kommer att debiteras automatiskt vid deadlines."
check_collection_info: "Genom att validera bekräftar du att du har {DEADLINES} kontroller, så att du kan samla in alla månadsbetalningar."
#partial form to edit/create a user (admin view)
user: "User"
incomplete_profile: "Incomplete profile"
user_profile: "User profile"
warning_incomplete_user_profile_probably_imported_from_sso: "Warning: This user's profile is incomplete. As \"single sign-on\" (SSO) authentication is currently enabled, it may probably be an imported but non merged account. Do not modify it unless you know what your doing."
group: "Group"
group_is_required: "Group is required."
trainings: "Trainings"
tags: "Tags"
children: "Children"
user: "Användare"
incomplete_profile: "Ofullständig profil"
user_profile: "Användarprofil"
warning_incomplete_user_profile_probably_imported_from_sso: "Varning: Denna användares profil är ofullständig. Eftersom \"single sign-on\" (SSO) autentisering för närvarande är aktiverad, kan det förmodligen vara ett importerat men icke länkat konto. Ändra inte det om du inte vet vad du gör."
group: "Grupp"
group_is_required: "Grupp krävs."
trainings: "Utbildningar"
tags: "Taggar"
children: "Barn"
#machine/training slot modification modal
change_the_slot: "Change the slot"
do_you_want_to_change_your_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Do you want to change your booking slot, initially planned at:"
do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Do you want to change {NAME}'s booking slot, initially planned at:"
cancel_this_reservation: "Cancel this reservation"
i_want_to_change_date: "I want to change date"
deleted_user: "deleted user"
change_the_slot: "Ändra bokningstiden"
do_you_want_to_change_your_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Vill du ändra din bokningstid, ursprungligen planerad:"
do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Vill du ändra bokningstiden för {NAME}, ursprungligen planerad:"
cancel_this_reservation: "Avbryt bokningen"
i_want_to_change_date: "Jag vill ändra datum"
deleted_user: "raderad användare"
#user public profile
last_activity_html: "Last activity <br><strong>on {DATE}</strong>"
to_come: "to come"
approved: "approved"
projects: "Projects"
no_projects: "No projects"
author: "Author"
collaborator: "Collaborator"
private_profile: "Private profile"
interests: "Interests"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "CAD softwares mastered"
email_address: "Email address"
trainings: "Trainings"
no_trainings: "No trainings"
last_activity_html: "Senaste aktivitet <br><strong>den {DATE}</strong>"
to_come: "kommande"
approved: "godkänt"
projects: "Projekt"
no_projects: "Inga projekt"
author: "Upphovsman"
collaborator: "Samarbetspartner"
private_profile: "Privat profil"
interests: "Intressen"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "Färdigheter"
email_address: "E-postadress"
trainings: "Utbildningar"
no_trainings: "Inga utbildningar"
wallet: 'Wallet'
your_wallet_amount: 'Your amount available'
wallet_amount: 'Amount available'
no_transactions_for_now: 'No transactions for now'
date: "Date"
wallet: 'Plånbok'
your_wallet_amount: 'Ditt tillgängliga belopp'
wallet_amount: 'Belopp tillgängligt'
no_transactions_for_now: 'Inga transaktioner just nu'
date: "Datum"
operation: 'Operation'
operator: 'Operator'
amount: 'Amount'
credit: 'Credit'
debit: 'Debit'
credit_title: 'Credit wallet'
credit_label: 'Set the amount to be credited'
confirm_credit_label: 'Confirm the amount to be credited'
generate_a_refund_invoice: "Generate a refund invoice"
description_optional: "Description (optional):"
will_appear_on_the_refund_invoice: "Will appear on the refund invoice."
to_credit: 'Credit'
wallet_credit_successfully: "Wallet of user is credited successfully."
a_problem_occurred_for_wallet_credit: "A problem is occurred while taking the credit of wallet."
amount_is_required: "The amount is required."
amount_minimum_1: "The amount minimum is 1"
amount_confirm_is_required: "The amount confirmation is required."
amount_confirm_does_not_match: "The amount confirmation does not match."
debit_subscription: "Pay for a subscription"
debit_reservation_training: "Pay for a training reservation"
debit_reservation_machine: "Pay for a machine reservation"
debit_reservation_event: "Pay for an event reservation"
warning_uneditable_credit: "Warning: once validated, the credited amount won't be editable anymore."
operator: 'Operatör'
amount: 'Belopp'
credit: 'Kredit'
debit: 'Debet'
credit_title: 'Kreditplånbok'
credit_label: 'Ange beloppet som ska krediteras'
confirm_credit_label: 'Bekräfta beloppet som ska krediteras'
generate_a_refund_invoice: "Generera en kreditnota"
description_optional: "Beskrivning (frivillig):"
will_appear_on_the_refund_invoice: "Kommer att visas på kreditnota."
to_credit: 'Kredit'
wallet_credit_successfully: "Användarens plånbok krediteras framgångsrikt."
a_problem_occurred_for_wallet_credit: "Ett problem uppstod när du krediterade plånboken."
amount_is_required: "Beloppet är obligatoriskt."
amount_minimum_1: "Minsta belopp är 1"
amount_confirm_is_required: "Bekräftelsen är obligatorisk."
amount_confirm_does_not_match: "Beloppen överensstämmer inte."
debit_subscription: "Betala för en prenumeration"
debit_reservation_training: "Betala för bokad utbildning"
debit_reservation_machine: "Betala för bokad utrustning"
debit_reservation_event: "Betala för en evenemangsbokning"
warning_uneditable_credit: "Varning: När det har validerats kommer det krediterade beloppet inte längre att kunna redigeras."
you_have_AMOUNT_in_wallet: "You have {AMOUNT} on your wallet"
wallet_pay_ITEM: "You pay your {ITEM} directly."
item_reservation: "reservation"
item_subscription: "subscription"
item_first_deadline: "first deadline"
item_other: "purchase"
credit_AMOUNT_for_pay_ITEM: "You still have {AMOUNT} to pay to validate your {ITEM}."
client_have_AMOUNT_in_wallet: "The member has {AMOUNT} on his wallet"
client_wallet_pay_ITEM: "The member can directly pay his {ITEM}."
client_credit_AMOUNT_for_pay_ITEM: "{AMOUNT} are remaining to pay to validate the {ITEM}"
other_deadlines_no_wallet: "Warning: the remaining wallet balance cannot be used for the next deadlines."
you_have_AMOUNT_in_wallet: "Du har {AMOUNT} i din plånbok"
wallet_pay_ITEM: "Du betalar din {ITEM} direkt."
item_reservation: "bokning"
item_subscription: "prenumeration"
item_first_deadline: "första deadline"
item_other: "p"
credit_AMOUNT_for_pay_ITEM: "Du har fortfarande {AMOUNT} att betala för att validera din {ITEM}."
client_have_AMOUNT_in_wallet: "Medlemmen har {AMOUNT} på sin plånbok"
client_wallet_pay_ITEM: "Medlemmen kan betala direkt för {ITEM}."
client_credit_AMOUNT_for_pay_ITEM: "{AMOUNT} återstår att betala, för att validera {ITEM}"
other_deadlines_no_wallet: "Varning: det återstående plånbokssaldot kan inte användas för kommande betalningar."
#coupon (promotional) (creation/edition form)
name: "Name"
name_is_required: "Name is required."
code: "Code"
code_is_required: "Code is required."
code_must_be_composed_of_capital_letters_digits_and_or_dashes: "The code must be composed of capital letters, digits and/or dashes."
kind_of_coupon: "Kind of coupon"
percentage: "Percentage"
amount: "Amount"
amount_off: "Amount off"
percent_off: "Percentage off"
percent_off_is_required: "Percentage off is required."
percentage_must_be_between_0_and_100: "Percentage must be between 0 and 100."
validity_per_user: "Validity per user"
once: "Just once"
forever: "Each use"
warn_validity_once: "Please note that when this coupon will be used with a payment schedule, the discount will be applied to the first deadline only."
warn_validity_forever: "Please note that when this coupon will be used with a payment schedule, the discount will be applied to each deadlines."
validity_per_user_is_required: "Validity per user is required."
valid_until: "Valid until (included)"
leave_empty_for_no_limit: "Do not specify any limit by leaving the field empty."
max_usages: "Maximum usages allowed"
max_usages_must_be_equal_or_greater_than_0: "The maximum usages allowed must be greater than 0."
enabled: "Active"
name: "Namn"
name_is_required: "Namn måste fyllas i."
code: "Kod"
code_is_required: "Kod krävs."
code_must_be_composed_of_capital_letters_digits_and_or_dashes: "Koden måste bestå av stora bokstäver, siffror och/eller bindestreck."
kind_of_coupon: "Typ av kupong"
percentage: "Procent"
amount: "Belopp"
amount_off: "Belopp av"
percent_off: "Procentsats"
percent_off_is_required: "Procentsats krävs."
percentage_must_be_between_0_and_100: "Andel måste vara mellan 1 och 100."
validity_per_user: "Giltighet per användare"
once: "Bara en gång"
forever: "Varje användning"
warn_validity_once: "Observera att när denna kupong kommer att användas med ett betalningsschema kommer rabatten endast att tillämpas på den första betalningen."
warn_validity_forever: "Observera att när denna kupong används med ett betalningsschema kommer rabatten endast att tillämpas på den första betalningen."
validity_per_user_is_required: "Giltighet per användare krävs."
valid_until: "Giltig till (ingår)"
leave_empty_for_no_limit: "Ange inte någon gräns genom att lämna fältet tomt."
max_usages: "Maximal användning tillåts"
max_usages_must_be_equal_or_greater_than_0: "De maximalt tillåtna användningsområdena måste vara fler än 0."
enabled: "Aktiv"
#coupon (input zone for users)
i_have_a_coupon: "I have a coupon!"
code_: "Code:"
the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_PERCENT_discount: "The coupon has been applied. You get a {PERCENT}% discount."
the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_AMOUNT_CURRENCY: "The coupon has been applied. You get a discount of {AMOUNT} {CURRENCY}."
coupon_validity_once: "This coupon is valid only once. In case of payment schedule, only for the first deadline."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_disabled: "Unable to apply the coupon: this code was disabled."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_expired: "Unable to apply the coupon: this code has expired."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_sold_out: "Unable to apply the coupon: this code reached its quota."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_already_used: "Unable to apply the coupon: you have already used this code once before."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_amount_exceeded: "Unable to apply the coupon: the discount exceed the total amount of this purchase."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_undefined: "Unable to apply the coupon: an unexpected error occurred, please contact the Fablab's manager."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_rejected: "This code does not exists."
i_have_a_coupon: "Jag har en kupong!"
code_: "Kod:"
the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_PERCENT_discount: "Kupongen har tillämpats. Du får en {PERCENT}% rabatt."
the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_AMOUNT_CURRENCY: "Kupongen har använts. Du får rabatt på {AMOUNT} {CURRENCY}."
coupon_validity_once: "Denna kupong gäller endast en gång. Vid betalningsschema, endast för det första förfallodatumet."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_disabled: "Det går inte att använda kupongen: den här koden har inaktiverats."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_expired: "Det går inte att använda kupongen: den här koden har gått ut."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_sold_out: "Det går inte att tillämpa kupongen: denna kod är utnyttjad."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_already_used: "Det går inte att tillämpa kupongen: du har redan använt denna kod en gång tidigare."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_amount_exceeded: "Det går inte att tillämpa kupongen: rabatten överstiger det totala beloppet för detta köp."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_undefined: "Det gick inte att tillämpa kupongen: ett oväntat fel uppstod, kontakta oss."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_rejected: "Denna kod existerar inte."
your_payment_schedule: "Your payment schedule"
NUMBER_monthly_payment_of_AMOUNT: "{NUMBER} monthly {NUMBER, plural, =1{payment} other{payments}} of {AMOUNT}"
first_debit: "First debit on the day of the order."
monthly_payment_NUMBER: "{NUMBER}{NUMBER, plural, =1{st} =2{nd} =3{rd} other{th}} monthly payment: "
debit: "Debit on the day of the order."
view_full_schedule: "View the complete payment schedule"
your_payment_schedule: "Ditt betalningsschema"
NUMBER_monthly_payment_of_AMOUNT: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, one {}=1{månatlig betalning} other{månatligabetalningar}} av {AMOUNT}"
first_debit: "Första debiteringen på beställningsdagen."
monthly_payment_NUMBER: "{NUMBER}{NUMBER, plural, one {}=1{:a} =2{:a} =3{:e} other{:e}} månadsbetalning: "
debit: "Debitering på beställningsdagen."
view_full_schedule: "Visa hela betalningsschemat"
monthly_payment: "Monthly payment"
monthly_payment: "Månadsbetalning"
#shopping cart module for reservations
summary: "Summary"
select_one_or_more_slots_in_the_calendar: "Select one {SINGLE, select, true{slot} other{or more slots}} in the calendar"
select_a_plan: "Select a plan here"
you_ve_just_selected_the_slot: "You've just selected the slot:"
datetime_to_time: "{START_DATETIME} to {END_TIME}" #eg: Thursday, September 4, 1986 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM
cost_of_TYPE: "Cost of the {TYPE, select, Machine{machine slot} Training{training} Space{space slot} other{element}}"
offer_this_slot: "Offer this slot"
confirm_this_slot: "Confirm this slot"
remove_this_slot: "Remove this slot"
to_benefit_from_attractive_prices: "To benefit from attractive prices"
view_our_subscriptions: "View our subscriptions"
or: "or"
cost_of_the_subscription: "Cost of the subscription"
subscription_price: "Subscription price"
you_ve_just_selected_a_subscription_html: "You've just selected a <strong>subscription</strong>:"
confirm_and_pay: "Confirm and pay"
you_have_settled_the_following_TYPE: "You have settled the following {TYPE, select, Machine{machine slots} Training{training} other{elements}}:"
you_have_settled_a_: "You have settled a"
summary: "Sammanfattning"
select_one_or_more_slots_in_the_calendar: "Välj en {SINGLE, select, true{tid} other{eller fler tider}} i kalendern"
select_a_plan: "Välj en plan här"
you_ve_just_selected_the_slot: "Du har valt tiden:"
datetime_to_time: "{START_DATETIME} till {END_TIME}" #eg: Thursday, September 4, 1986 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM
cost_of_TYPE: "Kostnad för {TYPE, select, Machine{utrustning} Training{utbildning} Space{lokal} other{objekt}}"
offer_this_slot: "Erbjud denna tid"
confirm_this_slot: "Bekräfta denna tid"
remove_this_slot: "Ta bort denna tid"
to_benefit_from_attractive_prices: "Dra nytta av attraktiva priser"
view_our_subscriptions: "Visa våra prenumerationer"
or: "eller"
cost_of_the_subscription: "Kostnad för prenumerationen"
subscription_price: "Prenumerationspris"
you_ve_just_selected_a_subscription_html: "Du har valt <strong>prenumerationen</strong>:"
confirm_and_pay: "Bekräfta och betala"
you_have_settled_the_following_TYPE: "Du har betalat för följande {TYPE, select, Machine{utrustning} Training{utbildning} other{objekt}}:"
you_have_settled_a_: "Du har betalat en"
total_: "TOTAL:"
thank_you_your_payment_has_been_successfully_registered: "Thank you. Your payment has been successfully registered !"
your_invoice_will_be_available_soon_from_your_: "Your invoice will be available soon from your"
dashboard: "Dashboard"
i_want_to_change_the_following_reservation: "I want to change the following reservation:"
cancel_my_modification: "Cancel my modification"
select_a_new_slot_in_the_calendar: "Select a new slot in the calendar"
cancel_my_selection: "Cancel my selection"
tags_of_the_original_slot: "Tags of the original slot:"
tags_of_the_destination_slot: "Tags of the destination slot:"
confirm_my_modification: "Confirm my modification"
your_booking_slot_was_successfully_moved_from_: "Your booking slot was successfully moved from"
to_date: "to" #eg. from 01 to 05 january.
please_select_a_member_first: "Please select a member first"
unable_to_select_plan_if_slots_in_the_past: "Unable to select a plan if any of the selected slots is in the past"
unable_to_change_the_reservation: "Unable to change the reservation"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation_html: "<p>Do you really want to cancel this reservation?</p><p>Warning: if this reservation was made free of charge, as part of a subscription, the credits used will not be re-credited.</p>"
reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "Reservation was cancelled successfully."
cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed."
confirm_payment_of_html: "{METHOD, select, card{Pay by card} other{Pay on site}}: {AMOUNT}"
a_problem_occurred_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "A problem occurred during the payment process. Please try again later."
none: "None"
online_payment_disabled: "Online payment is not available. Please contact the FabLab's reception directly."
slot_restrict_plans: "This slot is restricted for the plans below:"
slot_restrict_subscriptions_must_select_plan: "The slot is restricted for the subscribers. Please select a plan first."
slot_restrict_plans_of_others_groups: "The slot is restricted for the subscribers of others groups."
selected_plan_dont_match_slot: "Selected plan don't match this slot"
user_plan_dont_match_slot: "User subscribed plan don't match this slot"
no_plan_match_slot: "You dont have any matching plan for this slot"
slot_at_same_time: "Conflict with others reservations"
do_you_really_want_to_book_slot_at_same_time: "Do you really want to book this slot? Other bookings take place at the same time"
unable_to_book_slot_because_really_have_reservation_at_same_time: "Unable to book this slot because the following reservation occurs at the same time."
tags_mismatch: "Tags mismatch"
confirm_book_slot_tags_mismatch: "Do you really want to book this slot? {USER} does not have any of the required tags."
unable_to_book_slot_tags_mismatch: "Unable to book this slot because you don't have any of the required tags."
slot_tags: "Slot tags"
user_tags: "User tags"
no_tags: "No tags"
user_validation_required_alert: "Warning!<br>Your administrator must validate your account. Then, you'll then be able to access all the booking features."
select_the_reservation_context: "Select the context of the reservation"
please_select_a_reservation_context: "Please select the context of the reservation first"
child_validation_required_alert: "Your administrator must validate your child account. Then, you'll then be able to book the event."
child_birthday_must_be_under_18_years_ago_alert: "Your child must be under 18. Then, you'll then be able to book the event."
thank_you_your_payment_has_been_successfully_registered: "Tack. Din betalning har registrerats !"
your_invoice_will_be_available_soon_from_your_: "Din faktura kommer att finnas tillgänglig från din översiktsvy inom kort"
dashboard: "Översikt"
i_want_to_change_the_following_reservation: "Jag vill ändra följande bokning:"
cancel_my_modification: "Avbryt ändringar"
select_a_new_slot_in_the_calendar: "Välj en ny tid i kalendern"
cancel_my_selection: "Avbryt val"
tags_of_the_original_slot: "Taggar på den ursprungliga bokningstiden:"
tags_of_the_destination_slot: "Taggar för destinationsbokningen:"
confirm_my_modification: "Bekräfta min ändring"
your_booking_slot_was_successfully_moved_from_: "Din bokningsplats har flyttats från"
to_date: "till" #eg. from 01 to 05 january.
please_select_a_member_first: "Välj en medlem först"
unable_to_select_plan_if_slots_in_the_past: "Det går inte att välja en plan om någon av de valda platserna är i det förflutna"
unable_to_change_the_reservation: "Det går inte att ändra bokningen"
confirmation_required: "Verifiering krävs"
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation_html: "<p>Vill du verkligen avboka denna bokning?</p><p>Varning: om denna bokning gjordes gratis, som en del av ett abonnemang, kommer krediterna som används inte att krediteras.</p>"
reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "Reserveringen avbröts."
cancellation_failed: "Avbokning misslyckades."
confirm_payment_of_html: "{METHOD, select, card{Betala med kort} other{Betala på plats}}: {AMOUNT}"
a_problem_occurred_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "Ett problem uppstod under betalningsprocessen. Försök igen senare."
none: "Inget"
online_payment_disabled: "Online-betalning är inte tillgänglig. Kontakta oss direkt."
slot_restrict_plans: "Denna bokningsplats är begränsad till planerna nedan:"
slot_restrict_subscriptions_must_select_plan: "Platsen är endast tillgänglig för prenumeranter. Välj en prenumeration först."
slot_restrict_plans_of_others_groups: "Platsen är endast tillgänglig för medlemmar i andra grupper."
selected_plan_dont_match_slot: "Vald plan matchar inte denna bokningsplats"
user_plan_dont_match_slot: "Vald plan matchar inte denna bokningsplats"
no_plan_match_slot: "Du har ingen matchande plan för denna bokningsplats"
slot_at_same_time: "Konflikt med andra bokningar"
do_you_really_want_to_book_slot_at_same_time: "Vill du verkligen boka denna tid? Andra bokningar sker samtidigt"
unable_to_book_slot_because_really_have_reservation_at_same_time: "Det går inte att boka denna tid eftersom efterföljande bokning överlappar."
tags_mismatch: "Taggarna matchar inte"
confirm_book_slot_tags_mismatch: "Vill du verkligen boka den här platsen? {USER} har inga av de taggar som krävs."
unable_to_book_slot_tags_mismatch: "Det går inte att boka denna plats eftersom du inte har någon av de nödvändiga taggarna."
slot_tags: "Bokningstaggar"
user_tags: "Användarens taggar"
no_tags: "Inga taggar"
user_validation_required_alert: "Varning!<br>Din administratör måste validera ditt konto. Då kommer du då att kunna komma åt alla bokningsfunktioner."
select_the_reservation_context: "Välj sammanhang för bokningen"
please_select_a_reservation_context: "Vänligen välj sammanhang för bokningen först"
child_validation_required_alert: "Administratören måste validera ditt barnkonto. Då kommer du då att kunna boka händelsen."
child_birthday_must_be_under_18_years_ago_alert: "Ditt barn måste vara under 18. Då kommer du då att kunna boka evenemanget."
#feature-tour modal
previous: "Previous"
next: "Next"
end: "End the tour"
previous: "Föregående"
next: "Nästa"
end: "Avsluta turen"
#help modal
title: "Help"
what_to_do: "What do you want to do?"
tour: "Start the feature tour"
guide: "Open the user's manual"
title: "Hlp"
what_to_do: "Vad vill du göra?"
tour: "Starta funktionsturen"
guide: "Öppna användarens manual"
resolve_action: "Resolve the action"
resolve_action: "Lös åtgärden"
ok_button: "OK"
#2nd factor authentication for card payments
pending: "Pending for action..."
success: "Thank you, your card setup is complete. The payment will be proceeded shortly."
pending: "Väntar på åtgärd..."
success: "Tack, dina kortinställningar är färdiga. Betalningen kommer att fortsätta inom kort."
#the summary table of all payment schedules
schedule_num: "Schedule #"
date: "Date"
price: "Price"
customer: "Customer"
deadline: "Deadline"
amount: "Amount"
state: "State"
download: "Download"
state_new: "Not yet due"
state_pending_check: "Waiting for the cashing of the check"
state_pending_transfer: "Waiting for the tranfer confirmation"
state_pending_card: "Waiting for the card payment"
state_requires_payment_method: "The credit card must be updated"
state_requires_action: "Action required"
state_paid: "Paid"
state_error: "Error"
state_gateway_canceled: "Canceled by the payment gateway"
state_canceled: "Canceled"
method_card: "by card"
method_check: "by check"
method_transfer: "by transfer"
schedule_num: "Schema #"
date: "Datum"
price: "Pris"
customer: "Kund"
deadline: "Tidsfrist"
amount: "Belopp"
state: "Län"
download: "Ladda ner"
state_new: "Ännu inte upplupen"
state_pending_check: "Väntar på inbetalning av checken"
state_pending_transfer: "Väntar på överföringsbekräftelse"
state_pending_card: "Väntar på kortbetalning"
state_requires_payment_method: "Kreditkortet måste uppdateras"
state_requires_action: "Åtgärd krävs"
state_paid: "Betald"
state_error: "Fel"
state_gateway_canceled: "Avbruten av betalningsgateway"
state_canceled: "Avbruten"
method_card: "med kort"
method_check: "med check"
method_transfer: "med överföring"
download: "Download"
cancel_subscription: "Cancel the subscription"
confirm_payment: "Confirm payment"
confirm_check: "Confirm cashing"
resolve_action: "Resolve the action"
update_card: "Update the card"
update_payment_mean: "Update the payment mean"
please_ask_reception: "For any questions, please contact the FabLab's reception."
confirm_button: "Confirm"
confirm_check_cashing: "Confirm the cashing of the check"
confirm_check_cashing_body: "You must cash a check of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the cashing of the check, an invoice will be generated for this due date."
confirm_bank_transfer: "Confirm the bank transfer"
confirm_bank_transfer_body: "You must confirm the receipt of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the bank transfer, an invoice will be generated for this due date."
confirm_cancel_subscription: "You're about to cancel this payment schedule and the related subscription. Are you sure?"
download: "Ladda ner"
cancel_subscription: "Avsluta prenumerationen"
confirm_payment: "Bekräfta betalning"
confirm_check: "Bekräfta inbetalning"
resolve_action: "Lös åtgärden"
update_card: "Uppdatera kortet"
update_payment_mean: "Uppdatera betalningsmedel"
please_ask_reception: "För eventuella frågor, kontakta oss."
confirm_button: "Bekräfta"
confirm_check_cashing: "Väntar på inbetalning av checken"
confirm_check_cashing_body: "Du måste betala en check på {AMOUNT} inom tidsfristen som löper ut den {DATE}. Genom att bekräfta utbetalningen av checken, kommer en faktura att genereras för detta förfallodatum."
confirm_bank_transfer: "Bekräfta banköverföringen"
confirm_bank_transfer_body: "Du måste bekräfta mottagandet på {AMOUNT} inom tidsfristen som löper ut den {DATE}. Genom att bekräfta utbetalningen av checken, kommer en faktura att genereras för detta förfallodatum."
confirm_cancel_subscription: "Du är på väg att avbryta denna betalningsplan och den relaterade prenumerationen. Är du säker?"
online_payment_disabled: "Online payment is not available. Please contact the FabLab's reception directly."
unexpected_error: "An error occurred. Please report this issue to the Fab-Manager's team."
online_payment_disabled: "Online-betalning är inte tillgänglig. Kontakta oss direkt."
unexpected_error: "Ett fel uppstod. Rapportera problemet till oss."
unexpected_error: "An error occurred. Please report this issue to the Fab-Manager's team."
unexpected_error: "Ett fel uppstod. Rapportera problemet till oss."
update_card: "Update the card"
validate_button: "Validate the new card"
update_card: "Uppdatera kortet"
validate_button: "Validera det nya kortet"
update_card: "Update the card"
validate_button: "Validate the new card"
update_card: "Uppdatera kortet"
validate_button: "Validera det nya kortet"
create_label: "Add {VALUE}"
create_label: "Lägg till {VALUE}"
select_all: "Select all"
unselect_all: "Unselect all"
select_all: "Markera allt"
unselect_all: "Avmarkera allt"
placeholder: "Add a file"
browse: "Browse"
edit: "Edit"
placeholder: "Lägg till en fil"
browse: "Bläddra"
edit: "Redigera"
browse: "Browse"
edit: "Edit"
main_image: "Main visual"
browse: "Bläddra"
edit: "Redigera"
main_image: "Huvudbild"
total: "Total"
client: "Client"
created_at: "Order creation"
last_update: "Last update"
total: "Totalt"
client: "Kund"
created_at: "Order skapad"
last_update: "Senast uppdaterad"
cart: 'Cart'
in_progress: 'Under preparation'
paid: "Paid"
payment_failed: "Payment error"
canceled: "Canceled"
ready: "Ready"
refunded: "Refunded"
delivered: "Delivered"
cart: 'Varukorg'
in_progress: 'Under behandling'
paid: "Betald"
payment_failed: "Fel vid betalning"
canceled: "Avbruten"
ready: "Färdig"
refunded: "Återbetald"
delivered: "Levererat"
back_to_list: "Back to list"
see_invoice: "See invoice"
tracking: "Order tracking"
client: "Client"
created_at: "Creation date"
last_update: "Last update"
cart: "Cart"
back_to_list: "Tillbaka till listan"
see_invoice: "Se faktura"
tracking: "Spåra beställning"
client: "Kund"
created_at: "Skapad datum"
last_update: "Senast uppdaterad"
cart: "Varukorg"
reference_short: "ref:"
unit: "Unit"
item_total: "Total"
payment_informations: "Payment informations"
amount: "Amount"
products_total: "Products total"
gift_total: "Discount total"
coupon: "Coupon"
cart_total: "Cart total"
pickup: "Pickup your products"
unit: "Enhet"
item_total: "Totalt"
payment_informations: "Betalningsinformation"
amount: "Belopp"
products_total: "Produkter totalt"
gift_total: "Rabatt totalt"
coupon: "Rabattkupong"
cart_total: "Totalt varukorg"
pickup: "Hämta dina produkter"
cart: 'Cart'
in_progress: 'Under preparation'
paid: "Paid"
payment_failed: "Payment error"
canceled: "Canceled"
ready: "Ready"
refunded: "Refunded"
delivered: "Delivered"
cart: 'Varukorg'
in_progress: 'Under behandling'
paid: "Betald"
payment_failed: "Fel vid betalning"
canceled: "Avbruten"
ready: "Färdig"
refunded: "Återbetald"
delivered: "Levererat"
by_wallet: "by wallet"
settlement_by_debit_card: "Settlement by debit card"
settlement_done_at_the_reception: "Settlement done at the reception"
settlement_by_wallet: "Settlement by wallet"
on_DATE_at_TIME: "on {DATE} at {TIME},"
for_an_amount_of_AMOUNT: "for an amount of {AMOUNT}"
and: 'and'
by_wallet: "med plånbok"
settlement_by_debit_card: "Betalning med betalkort"
settlement_done_at_the_reception: "Betalning görs på plats"
settlement_by_wallet: "Betalning med plånbok"
on_DATE_at_TIME: "den {DATE} kl {TIME},"
for_an_amount_of_AMOUNT: "för ett belopp på {AMOUNT}"
and: 'och'
cart: 'Cart'
in_progress: 'Under preparation'
paid: "Paid"
payment_failed: "Payment error"
canceled: "Canceled"
ready: "Ready"
refunded: "Refunded"
delivered: "Delivered"
confirm: 'Confirm'
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
confirm_order_in_progress_html: "Please confirm that this order in being prepared."
order_in_progress_success: "Order is under preparation"
confirm_order_ready_html: "Please confirm that this order is ready."
order_ready_note: 'You can leave a message to the customer about withdrawal instructions'
order_ready_success: "Order is ready"
confirm_order_delivered_html: "Please confirm that this order was delivered."
order_delivered_success: "Order was delivered"
confirm_order_canceled_html: "<strong>Do you really want to cancel this order?</strong><p>If this impacts stock, please reflect the change in <em>edit product &gt; stock management</em>. This won't be automatic.</p>"
order_canceled_success: "Order was canceled"
confirm_order_refunded_html: "<strong>Do you really want to refund this order?</strong><p>If so, please refund the customer and generate the credit note from the <em>Invoices</em> tab.</p><p>If this affects stocks, please edit your product and reflect the change in the <em>stock management</em> tab.</p><p>These actions will not be automatic.</p>"
order_refunded_success: "Order was refunded"
cart: 'Varukorg'
in_progress: 'Under behandling'
paid: "Betald"
payment_failed: "Fel vid betalning"
canceled: "Avbruten"
ready: "Färdig"
refunded: "Återbetald"
delivered: "Levererat"
confirm: 'Bekräfta'
confirmation_required: "Verifiering krävs"
confirm_order_in_progress_html: "Vänligen bekräfta att denna order är förberedd."
order_in_progress_success: "Beställningen är under behandling"
confirm_order_ready_html: "Vänligen bekräfta att denna beställning är klar."
order_ready_note: 'Du kan lämna ett meddelande till kunden om instruktioner för uttag'
order_ready_success: "Beställningen är klar"
confirm_order_delivered_html: "Vänligen bekräfta att denna beställning är klar."
order_delivered_success: "Beställningen levererades"
confirm_order_canceled_html: "<strong>Vill du verkligen annullera denna beställning?</strong><p>Om detta påverkar lager, vänligen repetera förändringen under <em>redigera produkt &gt; lagerhantering</em>. Detta kommer inte att ske automatiskt.</p>"
order_canceled_success: "Beställningen avbröts"
confirm_order_refunded_html: "<strong>Vill du verkligen återbetala denna beställning?</strong><p>Om så är fallet, vänligen återbetala kunden och generera kreditfaktura från <em>Fakturor</em> -fliken.</p><p>Om detta påverkar lager, vänligen redigera din produkt och repeteraunderförändringen i <em>lagerhantering</em> -fliken.</p><p>Dessa åtgärder kommer inte att ske automatiskt.</p>"
order_refunded_success: "Ordern har återbetalats"
modal_title: "You have some unsaved changes"
confirmation_message: "If you leave this page, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?"
confirmation_button: "Yes, don't save"
modal_title: "Du har några osparade ändringar"
confirmation_message: "Om du lämnar den här sidan kommer dina ändringar att gå förlorade. Är du säker på att du vill fortsätta?"
confirmation_button: "Ja, spara inte"
keyword: "Keyword: {KEYWORD}"
stock_internal: "Private stock"
stock_external: "Public stock"
keyword: "Nyckelord: {KEYWORD}"
stock_internal: "Privat lager"
stock_external: "Publikt lager"
calendar: "Calendar"
show_unavailables: "Show complete slots"
filter_calendar: "Filter calendar"
trainings: "Trainings"
machines: "Machines"
spaces: "Spaces"
events: "Events"
externals: "Other calendars"
show_reserved_uniq: "Show only slots with reservations"
calendar: "Kalender"
show_unavailables: "Visa otillgängliga tider"
filter_calendar: "Filtrera kalender"
trainings: "Utbildningar"
machines: "Utrustning"
spaces: "Lokaler"
events: "Evenemang"
externals: "Andra kalendrar"
show_reserved_uniq: "Visa endast tider med bokningar"
machine_uncategorized: "Uncategorized machines"
machine_uncategorized: "Okategoriserad utrustning"
save_reminder: "Do not forget to save your changes"
cancel: "Cancel"
save_reminder: "Glöm inte att spara dina ändringar"
cancel: "Avbryt"

View File

@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ sv:
#See http://apidock.com/ruby/DateTime/strftime for a list of available directives
hour_minute: "%I:%M %p"
hour_minute: "%H:%M"

View File

@ -2,62 +2,62 @@
confirmed: "Your account was successfully confirmed."
send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes."
send_paranoid_instructions: "If your email address exists in our database, you will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes."
confirmed: "Ditt konto har uppdaterats."
send_instructions: "Inom några minuter får du ett e-postmeddelande med instruktioner för hur du bekräftar ditt konto."
send_paranoid_instructions: "Om din e-postadress finns i vår databas får du inom några minuter ett e-postmeddelande med instruktioner för hur du bekräftar ditt konto."
already_authenticated: "You are already signed in."
inactive: "Your account is not activated yet."
invalid: "Invalid email or password."
locked: "Your account is locked."
last_attempt: "You have one more attempt before your account will be locked."
not_found_in_database: "Invalid email or password."
timeout: "Your session expired. Please sign in again to continue."
unauthenticated: "You need to sign in or sign up before continuing."
unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing. Please click on the link below the form."
already_authenticated: "Du har redan loggat in."
inactive: "Ditt konto har inte aktiverats ännu."
invalid: "Ogiltig e-postadress eller lösenord."
locked: "Ditt konto är låst."
last_attempt: "Du har ett försök kvar innan vi låser kontot."
not_found_in_database: "Ogiltig e-postadress eller lösenord."
timeout: "Din session har upphört att gälla. Vänligen logga in igen om du vill fortsätta."
unauthenticated: "Du måste logga in eller skapa ett konto innan du kan fortsätta."
unconfirmed: "Du måste bekräfta ditt konto innan du fortsätter. Klicka på länken nedanför formuläret."
action: "Confirm my email address"
instruction: "You can finalize your registration by confirming your email address. Please click on the following link:"
subject: "Confirmation instructions"
action: "Bekräfta e-postadress"
instruction: "Du kan slutföra din registrering genom att bekräfta din e-postadress. Klicka på följande länk:"
subject: "Bekräftelseinstruktioner"
action: "Change my password"
instruction: "Someone asked for a link to change your password. You can do it through the link below."
ignore_otherwise: "If you have not made this request, please ignore this message."
subject: "Reset password instructions"
action: "Byt lösenord"
instruction: "Någon har begärt att ändra ditt lösenordet. Du kan göra det genom länken nedan."
ignore_otherwise: "Om du inte har gjort denna begäran, vänligen ignorera detta meddelande."
subject: "Instruktioner för återställning av lösenord"
subject: "Unlock Instructions"
subject: "Instruktioner för upplåsning"
failure: "Could not authenticate you from %{kind} because \"%{reason}\"."
success: "Successfully authenticated from %{kind} account."
failure: "Kunde inte autentisera dig med %{kind} på grund av \"%{reason}\"."
success: "Autentiserat med %{kind}-konto."
no_token: "You can't access this page without coming from a password reset email. If you do come from a password reset email, please make sure you used the full URL provided."
send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password in a few minutes."
send_paranoid_instructions: "If your email address exists in our database, you will receive a password recovery link at your email address in a few minutes."
updated: "Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in."
updated_not_active: "Your password was changed successfully."
no_token: "Tillgång till den här sidan kräver att du fått ett mejl som sätter tillbaka ditt lösenord. Om du kom hit från ett sådant mejl, säkerställ att du har använt hela URL: en."
send_instructions: "Du kommer få ett mejl med instruktioner för hur du kan återställa ditt lösenord inom några minuter."
send_paranoid_instructions: "Om din e-postadress finns i vår databas kommer du att få en länk för lösenordsåterställning via e-post inom några minuter."
updated: "Ditt lösenord har ändrats. Du är nu inloggad."
updated_not_active: "Ditt lösenord har ändrats."
destroyed: "Bye! Your account was successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon."
signed_up: "Welcome! You have signed up successfully."
signed_up_but_inactive: "You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is not yet activated."
signed_up_but_locked: "You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is locked."
signed_up_but_unconfirmed: "A message with a confirmation link has been sent to your email address. Please open the link to activate your account."
update_needs_confirmation: "You updated your account successfully, but we need to verify your new email address. Please check your email and click on the confirm link to finalize confirming your new email address."
updated: "You updated your account successfully."
destroyed: "Hej då! Ditt konto har nu avslutats. Vi hoppas att vi snart ses igen."
signed_up: "Välkommen! Du har registrerat dig."
signed_up_but_inactive: "Din registrering är klar. Men vi kunde inte logga in dig eftersom ditt konto ännu inte är aktiverat."
signed_up_but_locked: "Din registrering är klar. Men vi kunde inte logga in dig eftersom ditt konto är låst."
signed_up_but_unconfirmed: "Ett meddelande med en bekräftelselänk har skickats till din e-postadress. Aktivera ditt konto genom att klicka på den länken."
update_needs_confirmation: "Du uppdaterade ditt konto, men vi måste verifiera din nya e-postadress. Kontrollera din e-post och klicka på bekräftelselänken för att slutföra bekräftandet av din nya e-postadress."
updated: "Ditt konto har uppdaterats."
signed_in: "Signed in successfully."
signed_out: "Signed out successfully."
signed_in: "Inloggningen lyckades."
signed_out: "Du har loggats ut."
send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock your account in a few minutes."
send_paranoid_instructions: "If your account exists, you will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock it in a few minutes."
unlocked: "Your account has been unlocked successfully. Please sign in to continue."
send_instructions: "Inom några minuter får du ett e-postmeddelande med instruktioner för hur du låser upp ditt konto."
send_paranoid_instructions: "Om ditt konto finns får du inom några minuter ett e-postmeddelande med instruktioner för hur du låser upp det."
unlocked: "Ditt konto har blivit upplåst. Logga in för att fortsätta."
already_confirmed: "This email was already confirmed, please try signing in."
confirmation_period_expired: "needs to be confirmed within %{period}, please request a new one"
expired: "has expired, please request a new one"
not_found: "This email was not found"
not_locked: "was not locked"
already_confirmed: "Detta e-postmeddelande har redan bekräftats, försök logga in."
confirmation_period_expired: "måste bekräftas inom %{period}, vänligen begär ett nytt"
expired: "har gått ut, vänligen begär ett nytt"
not_found: "Meddelandet hittades inte"
not_locked: ""
one: "1 error prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"
other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"
one: "1 fel gjorde att denna %{resource} inte kunde sparas:"
other: "%{count} fel gjorde att denna %{resource} inte kunde sparas:"

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ fr:
gateway_amount_too_large: "Les paiements supérieurs à %{AMOUNT} ne sont pas pris en charge. Merci de passer commande directement à l'accueil."
product_in_use: "Ce produit a déjà été commandé"
slug_already_used: "est déjà utilisée"
birthday_less_than_18_years_ago: "l'age devez avoir au moins 18 ans"
birthday_less_than_18_years_ago: "L'age doit être inférieur à 18 ans"
code_format_error: "seules les majuscules, chiffres et tirets sont autorisés"

View File

@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
see_you_later: "See you soon on {GENDER, select, neutral{} other{the}}" #messageFormat interpolation
sincerely: "Sincerely,"
signature: "The Fab Lab team."
do_not_reply: "Please do not reply to this email."
see_you_later: "Vi ses snart {GENDER, select, neutral{} other{}}" #messageFormat interpolation
sincerely: "Vänliga hälsningar,"
signature: "Fab Lab teamet."
do_not_reply: "Vänligen svara inte på detta meddelande."
subject: "Your FabLab account has been successfully created"
subject: "Ditt FabLab-konto har skapats"
hello: "Hello %{NAME},"
intro: "The FabLab team has just created an account for you, on {GENDER, select, neutral{} other{the}} {FABLAB} website:" #messageFormat interpolation
connection_parameters: "Here are your connection parameters:"
account_name: "Account name:"
password: "Password:"
temporary_password: "This is a temporary password, you can modify it in your «My account» screen."
keep_advantages: "With this account, you keep all the advantages linked to your Fab Lab user profile (trainings, subscriptions plans)."
to_use_platform: "To use the website, please"
logon_or_login: "create a new account or log in by clicking here."
token_if_link_problem: "If you experience issues with the link, you can enter the following code at your first connection attempt:"
hello: "Hej %{NAME},"
intro: "FabLab-teamet har just skapat ett konto åt dig, på sidan {GENDER, select, neutral{} other{}} {FABLAB} :" #messageFormat interpolation
connection_parameters: "Här är dina inloggningsuppgifter:"
account_name: "Kontonamn:"
password: "Lösenord:"
temporary_password: "Detta är ett tillfälligt lösenord, du kan ändra det på sidan «Mitt konto»."
keep_advantages: "Med detta konto behåller du alla fördelar som är kopplade till din Fab Lab-användarprofil (utbildningar, prenumerationsplaner)."
to_use_platform: "För att använda webbplatsen, vänligen"
logon_or_login: "skapa ett nytt konto eller logga in genom att klicka här."
token_if_link_problem: "Om du upplever problem med länken kan du ange följande kod vid ditt första inloggningsförsök:"
subject: "You have changed group"
subject: "Du har bytt grupp"
warning: "You have changed group. Inspections can be conducted at the lab to verify the legitimacy of this change."
user_invalidated: "Your account was invalidated, please upload your new supporting documents to validate your account."
warning: "Du har bytt grupp. Kontroller kan utföras i lokalen för att kontrollera legitimiteten i denna ändring."
user_invalidated: "Ditt konto har blivit ogiltigförklarat, ladda upp dina nya underlag för att validera ditt konto."
subject: "A member has changed group"
subject: "En användare har ändrat sin grupp"
user_changed_group_html: "User <em><strong>%{NAME}</strong></em> has changed group."
previous_group: "Previous group:"
new_group: "New group:"
user_invalidated: "The user's account was invalidated."
user_changed_group_html: "Användare <em><strong>%{NAME}</strong></em> ändrade grupp."
previous_group: "Föregående grupp:"
new_group: "Ny grupp:"
user_invalidated: "Användarens konto har ogiltigförklarats."
subject: "A subscription has been extended"
subject: "En prenumeration har förlängts"
subscription_extended_html: "Subscription <strong><em>{PLAN}</em></strong> for user <strong><em>{NAME}</strong></em> has been extended {FREE, select, true{for free} other{}} until {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation
subscription_extended_html: "Prenumeration <strong><em>{PLAN}</em></strong> av medlemmen <strong><em>{NAME}</strong></em> har förlängts {FREE, select, true{gratis} other{}} tills {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation
subject: "Your subscription plan has been extended"
subject: "Din prenumerationsplan har förlängts"
your_plan: "Your subscription plan"
has_been_extended: "has been extended"
free: "for free"
until: "until"
your_plan: "Din prenumerationsplan"
has_been_extended: "har utökats"
free: "gratis"
until: "till och med"
subject: "A subscription plan has been purchased"
subject: "En prenumeration har köpts"
a_plan: "A subscription plan"
was_purchased_by_member: "has been purchased by user"
a_plan: "En prenumerationsplan"
was_purchased_by_member: "har köpts av användaren"
subject: "A project has been published"
subject: "Ett projekt har publicerats"
new_project_published: "A new project has been published:"
new_project_published: "Ett nytt projekt har publicerat:"
subject: "Invitation to collaborate on a project"
subject: "Inbjudan att delta i ett projekt"
your_are_invited_to_take_part_in_a_project: "You are invited to join this project:"
to_accept_the_invitation_click_on_following_link: "To accept this invitation, please click on the following link:"
your_are_invited_to_take_part_in_a_project: "Du är inbjuden att delta i detta projekt:"
to_accept_the_invitation_click_on_following_link: "För att tacka ja till denna inbjudan, klicka på följande länk:"
subject: "New collaborator in your project"
subject: "Ny medarbetare i ditt projekt"
the_member: "the user"
accepted_your_invitation_to_take_part_in_the_project: "has accepted your invitation to join your project:"
the_member: "användaren"
accepted_your_invitation_to_take_part_in_the_project: "har accepterat din inbjudan att gå med i ditt projekt:"
subject: "Your training has been validated"
subject: "Din utbildning har validerats"
your_training: "Your training"
has_been_validated: "has been validated"
your_training: "Din utbildning"
has_been_validated: "har validerats"
subject: "Your subscription has been successfully purchased"
subject: "Din prenumeration har köpts"
plan_subscribed_html: "You have subscribed the plan: <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong>."
rolling_subscription_stops_on: "Your subscription will end %{DURATION} after your first training. Otherwise, it will stop on %{DATE}."
subscription_stops_on: "Your subscription will end on %{DATE}."
plan_subscribed_html: "Du har prenumererat på planen: <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong>."
rolling_subscription_stops_on: "Din prenumeration avslutas %{DURATION} efter din första utbildning. Annars kommer den att sluta på %{DATE}."
subscription_stops_on: "Din prenumeration avslutas den %{DATE}."
subject: "Your reservation has been successfully saved"
subject: "Din bokning har sparats"
reservation_saved_html: "You reservation <strong><em>%{RESERVATION}</em></strong> has been successfully saved"
your_reserved_slots: "Your reserved slots are:"
reservation_saved_html: "Din bokning <strong><em>%{RESERVATION}</em></strong> har sparats"
your_reserved_slots: "Dina bokade platser är:"
subject: "Your pre-registration has been successfully saved"
subject: "Din föranmälan har sparats"
reservation_saved_html: "You pre-registration <strong><em>%{RESERVATION}</em></strong> has been successfully saved"
your_reserved_slots: "Your pre-booked slots are:"
reservation_warning: "<strong><em>This email does not count as registration to %{RESERVATION}.</em></strong><br/>You will receive another email to confirm or deny your request."
reservation_saved_html: "Din föranmälan <strong><em>%{RESERVATION}</em></strong> har sparats"
your_reserved_slots: "Dina förbokade platser är:"
reservation_warning: "<strong><em>Detta mail räknas inte som registrering till %{RESERVATION}.</em></strong><br/>Du kommer att få ett annat e-postmeddelande för att bekräfta eller neka din begäran."
subject: "Your subscription has been updated"
subject: "Din prenumeration har uppdaterats"
new_plan_html: "You have changed your plan to <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong>."
new_plan_html: "Du har ändrat din plan till <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong>."
subject: "New reservation"
subject: "Ny Bokning"
member_reserved_html: "User %{NAME} has reserved <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong>."
reserved_slots: "Reserved slots are:"
member_reserved_html: "Användare %{NAME} har bokat <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong>."
reserved_slots: "Bokade platser är:"
subject: "New pre-registration"
subject: "Ny föranmälan"
member_reserved_html: "User %{NAME} has pre-reserved <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong>."
reserved_slots: "Pre-reserved slots are:"
member_reserved_html: "Användare %{NAME} har förbokat <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong>."
reserved_slots: "Förbokade platser är:"
subject: "Your reservation slot has been successfully changed"
subject: "Din bokning har sparats"
reservation_changed_to: "Your reservation slot has been changed to:"
previous_date: "Previous date:"
reservation_changed_to: "Din bokning har ändrats till:"
previous_date: "Tidigare datum:"
subject: "A reservation slot has been modified"
subject: "En plats har ändrats"
slot_modified: "User %{NAME} had modified his reservation slot"
new_date: "New slot"
old_date: "Previous slot"
slot_modified: "Användare %{NAME} hade ändrat sin plats"
new_date: "Ny plats"
old_date: "Föregående plats"
subject: "A user account has been created"
subject: "Användarkonto har skapats"
new_account_created: "A new user account has been created on the website:"
user_of_group_html: "The user has registered in the group <strong>%{GROUP}</strong>"
account_for_organization: "This account manage an organization:"
new_account_created: "Ett nytt användarkonto har skapats på webbplatsen:"
user_of_group_html: "Användaren har registrerat sig i gruppen <strong>%{GROUP}</strong>"
account_for_organization: "Detta konto företräder en organisation:"
subject: "A user's child has been created"
subject: "En användares barn har lagts till"
new_child_created: "A new user's child has been created on the website"
new_child_created: "Ett nytt barn har lagts till på webbplatsen"
subject: "A subscription has been purchased"
subject: "En prenumeration har köpts"
plan_subscribed_html: "A plan <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong> has been subscribed by user <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
plan_subscribed_html: "En plan <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong> har prenumererats på av användaren <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
subject: "Your FabLab's invoice"
subject: "Din FabLabfaktura"
please_find_attached_html: "Please find as attached file your invoice from {DATE}, with an amount of {AMOUNT} concerning your {TYPE, select, Reservation{reservation} OrderItem{order} other{subscription}}." #messageFormat interpolation
invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "You can access your invoice in %{DASHBOARD} on the Fab Lab website."
your_dashboard: "your dashboard"
please_find_attached_html: "Som bifogad fil hittar du din faktura från {DATE}med ett belopp på {AMOUNT} för din {TYPE, select, Reservation{reservation} OrderItem{order} other{prenumeration}}." #messageFormat interpolation
invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "Du kan komma åt din faktura i %{DASHBOARD} på Fab Labs webbplats."
your_dashboard: "din kontrollpanel"
subject: "Reservation reminder"
subject: "Bokningspåminnelse"
this_is_a_reminder_about_your_reservation_RESERVABLE_to_be_held_on_DATE_html: "This is a reminder about your reservation <strong>%{RESERVABLE}</strong> to be held on <em>%{DATE}</em>"
this_reservation_concerns_the_following_slots: "This reservation concerns the following slots:"
this_is_a_reminder_about_your_reservation_RESERVABLE_to_be_held_on_DATE_html: "Detta är en påminnelse om din bokning <strong>%{RESERVABLE}</strong> som hålls på <em>%{DATE}</em>"
this_reservation_concerns_the_following_slots: "Denna bokning gäller följande platser:"
subject: "Your FabLab's refund invoice"
subject: "Din FabLabkreditnota"
please_find_attached_html: "Please find as attached file your refund invoice from {DATE}, with an amount of {AMOUNT} concerning your {TYPE, select, Reservation{reservation} WalletTransaction{wallet credit} other{subscription}}." #messageFormat interpolation
please_find_attached_html: "Som bifogad fil hittar du din faktura från {DATE}med ett belopp på {AMOUNT} för din {TYPE, select, Reservation{reservation} WalletTransaction{wallet credit} other{subscription}}." #messageFormat interpolation
invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "You can access your refund invoice in %{DASHBOARD} on the Fab Lab website."
your_dashboard: "your dashboard"

View File

@ -2,748 +2,748 @@ sv:
#subscription plan duration
one: 'one year'
other: '%{count} years'
one: 'ett år'
other: '%{count} år'
one: 'one month'
other: '%{count} months'
one: 'en månad'
other: '%{count} månader'
one: 'one week'
other: '%{count} weeks'
one: 'en vecka'
other: '%{count} veckor'
amount: "The price"
amount: "Priset"
slug: "URL"
carrierwave_processing_error: "failed to be processed"
carrierwave_integrity_error: "is not of an allowed file type"
carrierwave_download_error: "could not be downloaded"
extension_whitelist_error: "You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, allowed types: %{allowed_types}"
extension_blacklist_error: "You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, prohibited types: %{prohibited_types}"
content_type_whitelist_error: "You are not allowed to upload %{content_type} files, allowed types: %{allowed_types}"
rmagick_processing_error: "Failed to manipulate with rmagick, maybe it is not an image?"
mime_types_processing_error: "Failed to process file with MIME::Types, maybe not valid content-type?"
mini_magick_processing_error: "Failed to manipulate the file, maybe it is not an image?"
wrong_size: "is the wrong size (should be %{file_size})"
size_too_small: "is too small (should be at least %{file_size})"
size_too_big: "is too big (should be at most %{file_size})"
export_not_found: "Requested export was not found. It was probably deleted, please generate a new export."
percentage_out_of_range: "Percentage must be included between 0 and 100"
cannot_be_blank_at_same_time: "cannot be blank when %{field} is blank too"
cannot_be_in_the_past: "cannot be in the past"
cannot_be_before_previous_value: "cannot be before the previous value"
cannot_overlap: "can't overlap an existing accounting period"
cannot_encompass: "can't encompass an existing accounting period"
in_closed_period: "can't be within a closed accounting period"
invalid_footprint: "invoice's checksum is invalid"
end_before_start: "The end date can't be before the start date. Pick a date after %{START}"
invalid_duration: "The allowed duration must be between 1 day and 1 year. Your period is %{DAYS} days long."
must_be_in_the_past: "The period must be strictly prior to today's date."
registration_disabled: "Registration is disabled"
undefined_in_store: "must be defined to make the product available in the store"
gateway_error: "Payement gateway error: %{MESSAGE}"
gateway_amount_too_small: "Payments under %{AMOUNT} are not supported. Please order directly at the reception."
gateway_amount_too_large: "Payments above %{AMOUNT} are not supported. Please order directly at the reception."
product_in_use: "This product have already been ordered"
slug_already_used: "is already used"
birthday_less_than_18_years_ago: "Birthday must be under 18 years ago"
carrierwave_processing_error: "misslyckades att bearbetas"
carrierwave_integrity_error: "är inte av en tillåten filtyp"
carrierwave_download_error: "kunde inte laddas ner"
extension_whitelist_error: "Du kan inte ladda upp %{extension} filer, tillåtna typer: %{allowed_types}"
extension_blacklist_error: "Du kan inte ladda upp %{extension} filer, förbjudna typer: %{prohibited_types}"
content_type_whitelist_error: "Du kan inte ladda upp %{content_type} filer, tillåtna typer: %{allowed_types}"
rmagick_processing_error: "Misslyckades att redigera med rmagick, kanske är det inte en bild?"
mime_types_processing_error: "Det gick inte att bearbeta filen med MIME::Types, kanske inte giltig innehållstyp?"
mini_magick_processing_error: "Misslyckades att redigera filen, kanske är det inte en bild?"
wrong_size: "är fel storlek (ska vara %{file_size})"
size_too_small: "är för liten (bör vara minst %{file_size})"
size_too_big: "är för stor (bör vara som mest %{file_size})"
export_not_found: "Begärd export hittades inte. Det har förmodligen tagits bort, vänligen generera en ny export."
percentage_out_of_range: "Procent måste anges mellan 0 och 100"
cannot_be_blank_at_same_time: "kan inte vara tomt när %{field} är tomt också"
cannot_be_in_the_past: "kan inte vara i det förflutna"
cannot_be_before_previous_value: "kan inte vara innan föregående värde"
cannot_overlap: "kan inte överlappa en befintlig redovisningsperiod"
cannot_encompass: "kan inte omfatta en befintlig redovisningsperiod"
in_closed_period: "kan inte vara inom en stängd redovisningsperiod"
invalid_footprint: "fakturans kontrollsumma är ogiltig"
end_before_start: "Slutdatumet kan inte vara före startdatumet. Välj ett datum efter %{START}"
invalid_duration: "Den tillåtna perioden måste vara mellan 1 dag och 1 år. Din period är %{DAYS} dagar lång."
must_be_in_the_past: "Perioden måste vara strikt innan dagens datum."
registration_disabled: "Registrering inaktiverad"
undefined_in_store: "måste definieras för att göra produkten tillgänglig i butiken"
gateway_error: "Fel hos betalningsleverantör: %{MESSAGE}"
gateway_amount_too_small: "Betalningar under %{AMOUNT} stöds inte. Vänligen beställ direkt i receptionen."
gateway_amount_too_large: "Betalningar över %{AMOUNT} stöds inte. Vänligen beställ direkt i receptionen."
product_in_use: "Denna produkt har redan beställts"
slug_already_used: "används redan"
birthday_less_than_18_years_ago: "Födelsedag måste vara mindre än 18 år sedan"
code_format_error: "only caps letters, numbers, and dashes are allowed"
code_format_error: "bara stora bokstäver, siffror och bindestreck är tillåtna"
api_documentation: "API Documentation"
code: "HTTP code"
api_documentation: "API-dokumentation"
code: "HTTP-kod"
#error messages when importing an account from an SSO
email_already_linked_to_another_account_please_input_your_authentication_code: "E-mail address \"%{OLD_MAIL}\" is already linked to another account, please input your authentication code."
your_username_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Your username (%{USERNAME}) is already linked to another account, unable to update it."
your_email_address_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Your e-mail address (%{EMAIL}) is already linked to another account, unable to update it."
this_account_is_already_linked_to_an_user_of_the_platform: "This %{NAME} account is already linked to an user of the platform."
email_already_linked_to_another_account_please_input_your_authentication_code: "E-postadress \"%{OLD_MAIL}\" är redan länkad till ett annat konto, vänligen ange din autentiseringskod."
your_username_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Ditt användarnamn (%{USERNAME}) är redan kopplat till ett annat konto, det gick inte att uppdatera det."
your_email_address_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Din e-postadress (%{EMAIL}) är redan kopplad till ett annat konto, det gick inte att uppdatera det."
this_account_is_already_linked_to_an_user_of_the_platform: "Detta %{NAME} konto är redan länkat till en användare av plattformen."
#availability slots in the calendar
not_available: "Not available"
reserving: "I'm reserving"
i_ve_reserved: "I've reserved"
blocked: "Blocked"
length_must_be_slot_multiple: "must be at least %{MIN} minutes after the start date"
must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "must be associated with at least 1 machine"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
not_available: "Inte tillgänglig"
reserving: "Jag bokar"
i_ve_reserved: "Jag har bokat"
blocked: "Blockerad"
length_must_be_slot_multiple: "måste vara minst %{MIN} minuter efter startdatum"
must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "måste vara associerad med minst 1 maskin"
deleted_user: "Raderad användare"
#members management
unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "Unable to change the group while a subscription is running"
please_input_the_authentication_code_sent_to_the_address: "Please input the authentication code sent to the e-mail address %{EMAIL}"
your_authentication_code_is_not_valid: "Your authentication code is not valid."
current_authentication_method_no_code: "The current authentication method does not require any migration code"
requested_account_does_not_exists: "The requested account does not exist"
unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "Det går inte att ändra gruppen medan en prenumeration är aktiv"
please_input_the_authentication_code_sent_to_the_address: "Ange autentiseringskoden som skickats till e-postadressen %{EMAIL}"
your_authentication_code_is_not_valid: "Ogiltig aktiveringskod."
current_authentication_method_no_code: "Den aktuella autentiseringsmetoden kräver ingen migreringskod"
requested_account_does_not_exists: "Det begärda kontot finns inte"
#SSO external authentication
local_database_provider_already_exists: 'A "Local Database" provider already exists. Unable to create another.'
matching_between_User_uid_and_API_required: "It is required to set the matching between User.uid and the API to add this provider."
local_database_provider_already_exists: 'En "lokal databas-leverantör" finns redan. Kan inte skapa en till.'
matching_between_User_uid_and_API_required: "Matchningen mellan User.uid och API behöver ställas in för att lägga till denna leverantör."
#PDF invoices generation
refund_invoice_reference: "Refund invoice reference: %{REF}"
invoice_reference: "Invoice reference: %{REF}"
code: "Code: %{CODE}"
order_number: "Order #: %{NUMBER}"
invoice_issued_on_DATE: "Invoice issued on %{DATE}"
refund_invoice_issued_on_DATE: "Refund invoice issued on %{DATE}"
wallet_credit: "Wallet credit"
cancellation_of_invoice_REF: "Cancellation of invoice %{REF}"
reservation_of_USER_on_DATE_at_TIME: "Reservation of %{USER} on %{DATE} at %{TIME}"
cancellation: "Cancellation"
object: "Object:"
order_summary: "Order summary:"
details: "Details"
amount: "Amount"
subscription_extended_for_free_from_START_to_END: "Subscription extended for free - From %{START} to %{END}"
subscription_NAME_from_START_to_END: "Subscription %{NAME} - From %{START} to %{END}"
machine_reservation_DESCRIPTION: "Machine reservation - %{DESCRIPTION}"
space_reservation_DESCRIPTION: "Space reservation - %{DESCRIPTION}"
training_reservation_DESCRIPTION: "Training reservation - %{DESCRIPTION}"
event_reservation_DESCRIPTION: "Event reservation - %{DESCRIPTION}"
from_payment_schedule: "Due %{NUMBER} out of %{TOTAL}, from %{DATE}. Repayment schedule %{SCHEDULE}"
null_invoice: "Invoice at nil, billing jump following a malfunction of the Fab Manager software"
refund_invoice_reference: "Kreditnotereferens: %{REF}"
invoice_reference: "Fakturareferens: %{REF}"
code: "Kod: %{CODE}"
order_number: "Beställnings#: %{NUMBER}"
invoice_issued_on_DATE: "Faktura utfärdad den%{DATE}"
refund_invoice_issued_on_DATE: "Kreditnota utfärdad den %{DATE}"
wallet_credit: "Plånbokens krediter"
cancellation_of_invoice_REF: "Avbokning av faktura %{REF}"
reservation_of_USER_on_DATE_at_TIME: "Bokning av %{USER} på %{DATE} på %{TIME}"
cancellation: "Avbokning"
object: "Objekt:"
order_summary: "Beställningsöversikt:"
details: "Detaljer"
amount: "Belopp"
subscription_extended_for_free_from_START_to_END: "Prenumerationen förlängs kostnadsfritt - Från %{START} till %{END}"
subscription_NAME_from_START_to_END: "Prenumeration %{NAME} - Från %{START} till %{END}"
machine_reservation_DESCRIPTION: "Utrustningsbokning - %{DESCRIPTION}"
space_reservation_DESCRIPTION: "Lokalbokning - %{DESCRIPTION}"
training_reservation_DESCRIPTION: "Kursbokning - %{DESCRIPTION}"
event_reservation_DESCRIPTION: "Evenemangsbokning - %{DESCRIPTION}"
from_payment_schedule: "Att betala %{NUMBER} av %{TOTAL}, från %{DATE}. Återbetalningsschema %{SCHEDULE}"
null_invoice: "Faktura på noll, fakturering hoppades över efter ett fel i Fab Manager programvaran"
one: "One full price ticket"
other: "%{count} full price tickets"
one: "En fullprisbiljett"
other: "%{count} biljetter till fullt priset"
one: "One %{NAME} ticket"
other: "%{count} %{NAME} tickets"
coupon_CODE_discount_of_DISCOUNT: "Coupon {CODE}: discount of {DISCOUNT}{TYPE, select, percent_off{%} other{}}" #messageFormat interpolation
total_including_all_taxes: "Total incl. all taxes"
including_VAT_RATE: "Including %{NAME} %{RATE}% of %{AMOUNT}"
including_total_excluding_taxes: "Including Total excl. taxes"
including_amount_payed_on_ordering: "Including amount payed on ordering"
total_amount: "Total amount"
refund_on_DATE: "Refund on %{DATE}"
by_card_online_payment: "by card (online payment)"
by_cheque: "by cheque"
by_transfer: "by transfer"
by_cash: "by cash"
by_wallet: "by wallet"
no_refund: "No refund"
settlement_by_debit_card: "Settlement by debit card"
settlement_done_at_the_reception: "Settlement done at the reception"
settlement_by_wallet: "Settlement by wallet"
on_DATE_at_TIME: "on %{DATE} at %{TIME},"
for_an_amount_of_AMOUNT: "for an amount of %{AMOUNT}"
on_DATE_from_START_to_END: "On %{DATE} from %{START} to %{END}" #eg: on feb. 7 from 7AM to 9AM
from_STARTDATE_to_ENDDATE_from_STARTTIME_to_ENDTIME: "From %{STARTDATE} to %{ENDDATE}, from %{STARTTIME} to %{ENDTIME}" #eg: from feb. 7 to feb. 10, from 6PM to 10PM
subscription_of_NAME_for_DURATION_starting_from_DATE: "Subscription of %{NAME} for %{DURATION} starting from %{DATE}"
subscription_of_NAME_extended_starting_from_STARTDATE_until_ENDDATE: "Subscription of %{NAME} extended (Free days) starting from %{STARTDATE} until %{ENDDATE}"
and: 'and'
invoice_text_example: "Our association is not subject to VAT"
error_invoice: "Erroneous invoice. The items below ware not booked. Please contact the FabLab for a refund."
prepaid_pack: "Prepaid pack of hours"
pack_item: "Pack of %{COUNT} hours for the %{ITEM}"
order: "Your order on the store"
unable_to_find_pdf: "We cannot find your invoice. If you ordered recently, it may have not been generated yet. Please retry in a moment."
one: "En %{NAME} biljett"
other: "%{count} %{NAME} biljetter"
coupon_CODE_discount_of_DISCOUNT: "Kupong {CODE}: rabatt på {DISCOUNT}{TYPE, select, percent_off{%} other{}}" #messageFormat interpolation
total_including_all_taxes: "Totalt inkl. moms"
VAT: "Moms"
including_VAT_RATE: "Inklusive %{NAME} %{RATE}% av %{AMOUNT}"
including_total_excluding_taxes: "Totalt exkl. moms"
including_amount_payed_on_ordering: "Inklusive belopp som betalades vid beställning"
total_amount: "Totalt belopp"
refund_on_DATE: "Återbetalning den %{DATE}"
by_card_online_payment: "med kort (onlinebetalning)"
by_cheque: "med check"
by_transfer: "med överföring"
by_cash: "med kontanter"
by_wallet: "med plånbok"
no_refund: "Ingen återbetalning"
settlement_by_debit_card: "Betalning med betalkort"
settlement_done_at_the_reception: "Betalning görs i receptionen"
settlement_by_wallet: "Betalning med plånbok"
on_DATE_at_TIME: "den %{DATE} kl %{TIME},"
for_an_amount_of_AMOUNT: "för ett belopp på %{AMOUNT}"
on_DATE_from_START_to_END: "Den %{DATE} från %{START} till %{END}" #eg: on feb. 7 from 7AM to 9AM
from_STARTDATE_to_ENDDATE_from_STARTTIME_to_ENDTIME: "Från %{STARTDATE} till %{ENDDATE}, från %{STARTTIME} till %{ENDTIME}" #eg: from feb. 7 to feb. 10, from 6PM to 10PM
subscription_of_NAME_for_DURATION_starting_from_DATE: "Prenumeration på %{NAME} för %{DURATION} med start från %{DATE}"
subscription_of_NAME_extended_starting_from_STARTDATE_until_ENDDATE: "Prenumeration på %{NAME} förlängd (fria dagar) från %{STARTDATE} till %{ENDDATE}"
and: 'och'
invoice_text_example: "Vår förening är inte momspliktig"
error_invoice: "Felaktig faktura. Objekt nedan är inte bokade. Kontakta oss för återbetalning."
prepaid_pack: "Förbetalda timmar"
pack_item: "Paketet %{COUNT} timmar för %{ITEM}"
order: "Din beställning i butiken"
unable_to_find_pdf: "Vi kan inte hitta din faktura. Om du beställde den senaste tiden kanske den inte har genererats ännu. Försök igen strax."
#PDF payment schedule generation
schedule_reference: "Payment schedule reference: %{REF}"
schedule_issued_on_DATE: "Schedule issued on %{DATE}"
object: "Object: Payment schedule for %{ITEM}"
subscription_of_NAME_for_DURATION_starting_from_DATE: "the subscription of %{NAME} for %{DURATION} starting from %{DATE}"
deadlines: "Table of your deadlines"
deadline_date: "Payment date"
deadline_amount: "Amount including tax"
total_amount: "Total amount"
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debits will be made by {METHOD, select, card{card} transfer{bank transfer} other{check}} for each deadlines."
settlement_by_wallet: "%{AMOUNT} will be debited from your wallet to settle the first deadline."
schedule_reference: "Referens till betalningsschema: %{REF}"
schedule_issued_on_DATE: "Schemat utfärdat på %{DATE}"
object: "Objekt: Betalningsschema för %{ITEM}"
subscription_of_NAME_for_DURATION_starting_from_DATE: "prenumeration på %{NAME} för %{DURATION} med start från %{DATE}"
deadlines: "Lista över dina deadlines"
deadline_date: "Betalningsdatum"
deadline_amount: "Belopp inklusive moms"
total_amount: "Totalt belopp"
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debitering kommer att göras från {METHOD, select, card{kort} transfer{banköverföring} other{kontant}} för varje deadline."
settlement_by_wallet: "%{AMOUNT} kommer att debiteras från din plånbok för att reglera den första deadlinen."
#CVS accounting export (columns headers)
journal_code: "Journal code"
date: "Entry date"
account_code: "Account code"
account_label: "Account label"
piece: "Document"
line_label: "Entry label"
debit_origin: "Origin debit"
credit_origin: "Origin credit"
debit_euro: "Euro debit"
credit_euro: "Euro credit"
lettering: "Lettering"
journal_code: "Journalkod"
date: "Transaktionsdatum"
account_code: "Kontokod"
account_label: "Kontonamn"
piece: "Dokument"
line_label: "Postens etikett"
debit_origin: "Ursprungsdebitering"
credit_origin: "Ursprungskredititering"
debit_euro: "Euro debitering"
credit_euro: "Euro kreditering"
lettering: "Textning"
VAT: 'Moms'
subscription_abbreviation: "subscr."
Machine_reservation_abbreviation: "machine reserv."
Training_reservation_abbreviation: "training reserv."
Event_reservation_abbreviation: "event reserv."
Space_reservation_abbreviation: "space reserv."
wallet_abbreviation: "wallet"
shop_order_abbreviation: "shop order"
subscription_abbreviation: "pren."
Machine_reservation_abbreviation: "maskin reserv."
Training_reservation_abbreviation: "utbildning reserv."
Event_reservation_abbreviation: "evenemang reserv."
Space_reservation_abbreviation: "lokal reserv."
wallet_abbreviation: "plånbok"
shop_order_abbreviation: "butiksbeställning"
start_date: "Start date"
end_date: "End date"
vat_rate: "%{NAME} rate"
amount: "Total amount"
start_date: "Startdatum"
end_date: "Slutdatum"
vat_rate: "%{NAME} procentsats"
amount: "Totalt belopp"
#training availabilities
i_ve_reserved: "I've reserved"
i_ve_reserved: "Jag har bokat"
completed: "Full"
refund_for_auto_cancel: "This training session was cancelled due to an insufficient number of participants."
refund_for_auto_cancel: "Utbildningen avbröts på grund av otillräckligt antal deltagare."
#error messages when updating an event
error_deleting_reserved_price: "Unable to delete the requested price because it is associated with some reservations"
other_error: "An unexpected error occurred while updating the event"
error_deleting_reserved_price: "Det går inte att ta bort det begärda priset eftersom det är associerat med vissa bokningar"
other_error: "Ett oväntat fel inträffade när evenemanget uppdaterades"
#event duration
#members list export to EXCEL format
members: "Members"
members: "Medlemmar"
id: "ID"
external_id: "External ID"
surname: "Surname"
first_name: "First name"
email: "E-mail"
newsletter: "Newsletter"
last_login: "Last login"
gender: "Gender"
age: "Age"
address: "Address"
phone: "Phone"
website: "Website"
job: "Job"
interests: "Interests"
cad_software_mastered: "CAD Softwares mastered"
group: "Group"
subscription: "Subscription"
subscription_end_date: "Subscription end date"
validated_trainings: "Validated trainings"
tags: "Tags"
number_of_invoices: "Number of invoices"
projects: "Projects"
external_id: "Externt ID"
surname: "Efternamn"
first_name: "Förnamn"
email: "E-postadress"
newsletter: "Nyhetsbrev"
last_login: "Senaste inloggning"
gender: "Kön"
age: "Ålder"
address: "Adress"
phone: "Telefon"
website: "Webbsida"
job: "Jobb"
interests: "Intressen"
cad_software_mastered: "Färdigheter"
group: "Grupp"
subscription: "Prenumeration"
subscription_end_date: "Slutdatum för prenumeration"
validated_trainings: "Validerade utbildningar"
tags: "Taggar"
number_of_invoices: "Antal fakturor"
projects: "Projekt"
facebook: "Facebook"
twitter: "Twitter"
echo_sciences: "Echosciences"
organization: "Organization"
organization_address: "Organization address"
note: "Note"
echo_sciences: "Naturvetenskap"
organization: "Organisation"
organization_address: "Organisationsadress"
note: "Anteckning"
man: "Man"
woman: "Woman"
without_subscriptions: "Without subscriptions"
woman: "Kvinna"
without_subscriptions: "Utan prenumerationer"
#machines/trainings/events reservations list to EXCEL format
reservations: "Reservations"
customer_id: "Customer ID"
customer: "Customer"
email: "E-mail"
reservation_date: "Reservation date"
reservation_type: "Reservation type"
reservation_object: "Reservation object"
slots_number_hours_tickets: "Slots number (hours/tickets)"
payment_method: "Payment method"
local_payment: "Payment at the reception"
online_payment: "Online payment"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
coupon: "Coupon used"
reservations: "Bokningar"
customer_id: "Kund-ID"
customer: "Kund"
email: "E-postadress"
reservation_date: "Bokningsdatum"
reservation_type: "Typ av bokning"
reservation_object: "Bokningsobjekt"
slots_number_hours_tickets: "Antal platser (timmar/biljetter)"
payment_method: "Betalningsmetod"
local_payment: "Betalning i receptionen"
online_payment: "Onlinebetalning"
deleted_user: "Raderad användare"
coupon: "Kupong använd"
#subscriptions list export to EXCEL format
subscriptions: "Subscriptions"
subscriptions: "Prenumerationer"
id: "ID"
customer: "Customer"
email: "E-mail"
subscription: "Subscription"
customer: "Kund"
email: "E-postadress"
subscription: "Prenumeration"
period: "Period"
start_date: "Start date"
expiration_date: "Expiration date"
amount: "Amount"
local_payment: "Payment at the reception"
online_payment: "Online payment"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
start_date: "Startdatum"
expiration_date: "Utgångsdatum"
amount: "Belopp"
local_payment: "Betalning i receptionen"
online_payment: "Onlinebetalning"
deleted_user: "Raderad användare"
#reservation slots export, by type, to EXCEL format
machines: "Machines"
trainings: "Trainings"
spaces: "Spaces"
events: "Events"
day_of_week: "Day of week"
date: "Date"
slot: "Slot"
machine: "Machine"
training: "Training"
space: "Space"
event: "Event"
reservations: "Reservations"
available_seats: "Available seats"
machines: "Utrustning"
trainings: "Utbildningar"
spaces: "Lokaler"
events: "Evenemang"
day_of_week: "Veckodag"
date: "Datum"
slot: "Lucka"
machine: "Utrustning"
training: "Utbildning"
space: "Lokal"
event: "Evenemang"
reservations: "Bokningar"
available_seats: "Lediga platser"
description_slot: "You have booked %{COUNT} slots of %{ITEM}"
description_training: "You have booked a %{TYPE} training"
description_event: "You have booked %{NUMBER} tickets for this event"
alarm_summary: "Remind your reservation"
description_slot: "Du har bokat %{COUNT} platser i %{ITEM}"
description_training: "Du har bokat en %{TYPE} utbildning"
description_event: "Du har bokat %{NUMBER} biljetter till detta evenemang"
alarm_summary: "Påminnelse om din bokning"
member: "Member"
manager: "Manager"
admin: "Administrator"
member: "Medlem"
manager: "Ansvarig"
admin: "Administratör"
#internal app notifications
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
deleted_user: "Raderad användare"
an_abuse_was_reported_on_TYPE_ID_NAME_html: "An abuse was reported on <strong>%{TYPE} %{ID}: <em>%{NAME}</em></strong>."
an_abuse_was_reported_on_TYPE_ID_NAME_html: "Felaktig användning rapporterades på <strong>%{TYPE} %{ID}: <em>%{NAME}</em></strong>."
a_RESERVABLE_reservation_was_made_by_USER_html: "A <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> reservation was made by <strong><em>%{USER}</em></strong>."
a_RESERVABLE_reservation_was_made_by_USER_html: "En <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> bokning gjordes av <strong><em>%{USER}</em></strong>."
a_RESERVABLE_reservation_was_made_by_USER_html: "A <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> pre-registration was made by <strong><em>%{USER}</em></strong>."
a_RESERVABLE_reservation_was_made_by_USER_html: "En <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> föranmälan gjordes av <strong><em>%{USER}</em></strong>."
account_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_has_completed_its_information_html: "Account imported from <strong><em>%{PROVIDER}</strong> (%{UID})</em> has completed its information."
account_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_has_completed_its_information_html: "Konto importerat från <strong><em>%{PROVIDER}</strong> (%{UID})</em> har överfört sin information."
USER_s_reservation_on_the_DATE_was_cancelled_remember_to_generate_a_refund_invoice_if_applicable_html: "<strong><em>%{USER}</em></strong>'s reservation, on the %{DATE}, was cancelled. Remember to generate a refund invoice if applicable."
USER_s_reservation_on_the_DATE_was_cancelled_remember_to_generate_a_refund_invoice_if_applicable_html: "<strong><em>%{USER}</em></strong>s bokning, den %{DATE}, avbröts. Kom ihåg att generera en återbetalningsfaktura om det behövs."
a_booking_slot_was_modified: "A booking slot was modified."
a_booking_slot_was_modified: "En bokningsplats ändrades."
subscription_PLAN_has_been_subscribed_by_USER_html: "Subscription <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong> has been subscribed by <strong><em>%{USER}</strong></em>."
subscription_PLAN_has_been_subscribed_by_USER_html: "Prenumerationen <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong> har tecknats av <strong><em>%{USER}</strong></em>."
USER_s_subscription_has_been_cancelled: "%{USER}'s subscription has been cancelled."
USER_s_subscription_has_been_cancelled: "%{USER} s prenumeration har avbrutits."
subscription_PLAN_of_the_member_USER_has_been_extended_FREE_until_DATE_html: "Subscription <strong><em>{PLAN}</em></strong> of the member <strong><em>{USER}</strong></em> has been extended {FREE, select, true{for free} other{}} until {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation
subscription_PLAN_of_the_member_USER_has_been_extended_FREE_until_DATE_html: "Prenumeration <strong><em>{PLAN}</em></strong> av medlemmen <strong><em>{USER}</strong></em> har förlängts {FREE, select, true{gratis} other{}} tills {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation
USER_s_subscription_has_expired: "%{USER}'s subscription has expired."
USER_s_subscription_has_expired: "%{USER} s prenumeration har löpt ut."
USER_s_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: "%{USER}'s subscription will expire in 7 days."
USER_s_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: "%{USER} s prenumeration löper ut om 7 dagar."
auto_cancelled_training: "The %{TRAINING} training session scheduled for %{DATE}, has been automatically canceled due to an insufficient number of participants."
auto_refund: "The members were automatically refunded on their wallet."
manual_refund: "Please refund each members."
auto_cancelled_training: "Utbildningen %{TRAINING} som är schemalagd för %{DATE}, har avbrutits automatiskt på grund av otillräckligt antal deltagare."
auto_refund: "Medlemmarna har återbetalats automatiskt till sin plånbok."
manual_refund: "Vänligen återbetala varje medlem."
user_NAME_changed_his_group_html: "User <strong><em>{NAME}</strong></em> changed group." #messageFormat interpolation
user_NAME_changed_his_group_html: "Användare <strong><em>{NAME}</strong></em> ändrade grupp." #messageFormat interpolation
user_NAME_has_merged_his_account_with_the_one_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_html: "<strong><em>{NAME}</strong></em>'s account was merged with the one imported from <strong><em>{PROVIDER} </strong> ({%UID})</em>." #messageFormat interpolation
user_NAME_has_merged_his_account_with_the_one_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_html: "<strong><em>{NAME}</strong></em>s konto slogs samman med det importerade från <strong><em>{PROVIDER} </strong> ({%UID})</em>." #messageFormat interpolation
project_NAME_has_been_published_html: "Project <a href='/#!/projects/%{ID}'><strong><em>%{NAME}<em></strong></a> has been published."
project_NAME_has_been_published_html: "Projekt <a href='/#!/projects/%{ID}'><strong><em>%{NAME}<em></strong></a> har publicerats."
a_new_user_account_has_been_created_NAME_EMAIL_html: "A new user account has been created: <strong><em>%{NAME} &lt;%{EMAIL}&gt;</strong></em>."
a_new_user_account_has_been_created_NAME_EMAIL_html: "Ett nytt användarkonto har skapats: <strong><em>%{NAME} &lt;%{EMAIL}&gt;</strong></em>."
a_new_child_has_been_created_NAME_html: "A new child has been created: <strong><em>%{NAME}</em></strong>."
a_new_child_has_been_created_NAME_html: "Ett nytt barn har skapats: <strong><em>%{NAME}</em></strong>."
a_new_user_account_has_been_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_html: "A new user account has been imported from: <strong><em>%{PROVIDER}</strong> (%{UID})</em>."
a_new_user_account_has_been_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_html: "Ett nytt användarkonto har importerats från: <strong><em>%{PROVIDER}</strong> (%{UID})</em>."
your_reservation_RESERVABLE_was_successfully_saved_html: "Your reservation <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> was successfully saved."
your_reservation_RESERVABLE_was_successfully_saved_html: "Din bokning <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> har sparats."
your_reservation_RESERVABLE_was_successfully_saved_html: "Your pre-registration <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> was successfully saved."
your_reservation_RESERVABLE_was_successfully_saved_html: "Din föranmälan <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> har sparats."
reminder_you_have_a_reservation_RESERVABLE_to_be_held_on_DATE_html: "Reminder: You have a reservation <strong>%{RESERVABLE}</strong> to be held on <em>%{DATE}</em>"
reminder_you_have_a_reservation_RESERVABLE_to_be_held_on_DATE_html: "Påminnelse: Du har en bokning <strong>%{RESERVABLE}</strong> som hålls den <em>%{DATE}</em>"
your_reservation_RESERVABLE_of_DATE_was_successfully_cancelled: "Your reservation %{RESERVABLE} of %{DATE} was successfully cancelled."
your_reservation_RESERVABLE_of_DATE_was_successfully_cancelled: "Din bokning %{RESERVABLE} den %{DATE} har avbrutits."
your_reservation_slot_was_successfully_changed: "Your reservation slot was successfully changed."
your_reservation_slot_was_successfully_changed: "Din bokning har sparats."
you_have_subscribed_to_PLAN_html: "You have subscribed to <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong>."
you_have_subscribed_to_PLAN_html: "Du har prenumererat på <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong>."
you_have_changed_your_subscription_to_PLAN_html: "You have changed your subscription to <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong>."
you_have_changed_your_subscription_to_PLAN_html: "Du har ändrat din prenumeration till <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong>."
your_subscription_PLAN_was_successfully_cancelled_html: "Your subscription <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong> was successfully cancelled."
your_subscription_PLAN_was_successfully_cancelled_html: "Ditt prenumeration <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong> har avbrutits."
your_subscription_PLAN_has_been_extended_FREE_until_DATE_html: "Your subscription <strong><em>{PLAN}</em></strong> has been extended {FREE, select, true{for free} other{}} until {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation
your_subscription_PLAN_has_been_extended_FREE_until_DATE_html: "Din prenumeration <strong><em>{PLAN}</em></strong> har förlängts {FREE, select, true{kostnadsfritt} other{}} tills {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation
your_subscription_has_expired: "Your subscription has expired."
your_subscription_has_expired: "Din prenumeration har löpt ut."
your_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: "Your subscription will expire in 7 days."
your_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: "Din prenumeration upphör om 7 dagar."
training_authorization_revoked: "Your authorization to use %{MACHINES} has been revoked because it has expired."
training_authorization_revoked: "Ditt tillstånd att använda %{MACHINES} har återkallats eftersom det har löpt ut."
auto_cancelled_training: "The %{TRAINING} training session scheduled for %{DATE}, has been canceled due to an insufficient number of participants."
auto_refund: "You were refunded on your wallet."
auto_cancelled_training: "Utbildningen %{TRAINING} som är schemalagd för %{DATE}, har avbrutits automatiskt på grund av otillräckligt antal deltagare."
auto_refund: "Du har återbetalats till din plånbok."
invalidated: "Your authorization to use %{MACHINES} has been invalidated due to a lack of reservations."
invalidated: "Ditt tillstånd att använda %{MACHINES} har ogiltigförklarats på grund av brist på reservationer."
subscription_partner_PLAN_has_been_subscribed_by_USER_html: "Partner subscription <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong> has been subscribed by <strong><em>%{USER}</strong></em>."
subscription_partner_PLAN_has_been_subscribed_by_USER_html: "Partnerprenumeration <strong><em>%{PLAN}</em></strong> har prenumererats av <strong><em>%{USER}</strong></em>."
USER_became_collaborator_of_your_project: "%{USER} became collaborator of your project:"
USER_became_collaborator_of_your_project: "%{USER} blev samarbetspartner för ditt projekt:"
you_are_invited_to_collaborate_on_the_project: "You are invited to collaborate on the project:"
you_are_invited_to_collaborate_on_the_project: "Du är inbjuden att delta i projektet:"
your_account_was_migrated: "You account was successfully migrated to the new authentication system."
your_account_was_migrated: "Ditt konto har migrerats till det nya autentiseringssystemet."
your_profile_was_completed: "Your profile was successfully completed, you now have access to the entire platform."
your_profile_was_completed: "Din profil har färdigställts, du har nu tillgång till hela plattformen."
your_TRAINING_was_validated_html: "Your training <strong><em>%{TRAINING}</em></strong> was successfully validated."
your_TRAINING_was_validated_html: "Din utbildning <strong><em>%{TRAINING}</em></strong> har validerats."
your_group_has_changed: "Your group has changed."
your_group_has_changed: "Din grupp har ändrats."
your_avoir_is_ready_html: "Your refund invoice #%{REFERENCE}, of %{AMOUNT}, is ready. <a href='api/invoices/%{INVOICE_ID}/download' target='_blank'>Click here to download</a>."
your_avoir_is_ready_html: "Din kreditnota #%{REFERENCE}, av %{AMOUNT}, är klar. <a href='api/invoices/%{INVOICE_ID}/download' target='_blank'>Klicka här för att ladda ner</a>."
your_invoice_is_ready_html: "Your invoice #%{REFERENCE}, of %{AMOUNT} is ready. <a href='api/invoices/%{INVOICE_ID}/download' target='_blank'>Click here to download</a>."
your_invoice_is_ready_html: "Din faktura #%{REFERENCE}, av %{AMOUNT} är klar. <a href='api/invoices/%{INVOICE_ID}/download' target='_blank'>Klicka här för att ladda ner</a>."
unknown_notification: "Unknown notification"
notification_ID_wrong_type_TYPE_unknown: "Notification %{ID} wrong (type %{TYPE} unknown)"
unknown_notification: "Okänd avisering"
notification_ID_wrong_type_TYPE_unknown: "Notifiering %{ID} fel (typ %{TYPE} okänd)"
your_wallet_is_credited: "Your wallet has been credited by administrator"
your_wallet_is_credited: "Din plånbok har krediterats av administratören"
wallet_is_credited: "The wallet of member %{USER} has been credited %{AMOUNT}"
wallet_is_credited: "Plånboken för medlemmen %{USER} har krediterats %{AMOUNT}"
export: "The export"
statistics_global: "of all the statistics"
statistics_account: "of the registration statistics"
statistics_event: "of statistics about events"
statistics_machine: "of statistics about machine slots"
statistics_project: "of statistics about projects"
statistics_subscription: "of subscription statistics"
statistics_training: "of statistics about trainings"
statistics_space: "of statistics about spaces"
statistics_order: "of statistics about store orders"
users_members: "of the members' list"
users_subscriptions: "of the subscriptions' list"
users_reservations: "of the reservations' list"
availabilities_index: "of the reservations availabilities"
accounting_acd: "of the accounting data to ACD"
accounting_vat: "of the collected VAT"
is_over: "is over."
download_here: "Download here"
export: "Exporten"
statistics_global: "av all statistik"
statistics_account: "av bokningsstatistiken"
statistics_event: "statistik om evenemang"
statistics_machine: "statistik om utrustningsbokningar"
statistics_project: "statistik om projekt"
statistics_subscription: "av prenumerationsstatistik"
statistics_training: "statistik om projekt"
statistics_space: "statistik om lokaler"
statistics_order: "statistik över butiksbeställningar"
users_members: "av medlemmarnas lista"
users_subscriptions: "av listan över prenumerationer"
users_reservations: "av bokningslistan"
availabilities_index: "av bokningens tillgänglighet"
accounting_acd: "av bokföringsdata till ACD"
accounting_vat: "av den ingående momsen"
is_over: "är färdig."
download_here: "Ladda ner här"
import_over: "%{CATEGORY} import is over. "
members: "Members"
view_results: "View results."
import_over: "%{CATEGORY} importen är färdig. "
members: "Medlemmar"
view_results: "Visa resultat."
low_stock: "Low stock for %{PRODUCT}. "
view_product: "View the product."
low_stock: "Lågt lager för %{PRODUCT}. "
view_product: "Visa produkten."
enjoy_a_discount_of_PERCENT_with_code_CODE: "Enjoy a discount of %{PERCENT}% with code %{CODE}"
enjoy_a_discount_of_AMOUNT_with_code_CODE: "Enjoy a discount of %{AMOUNT} with code %{CODE}"
enjoy_a_discount_of_PERCENT_with_code_CODE: "Ta del av en rabatt på %{PERCENT}% med koden %{CODE}"
enjoy_a_discount_of_AMOUNT_with_code_CODE: "Ta del av en rabatt på %{AMOUNT}% med koden %{CODE}"
warning_free_disk_space: "Warning: the server's available disk space is now %{AVAILABLE} MiB"
warning_free_disk_space: "Varning: serverns tillgängliga diskutrymme är nu %{AVAILABLE} MB"
warning_last_closed_period_over_1_year: "Please remind to periodically close your accounting periods. Last closed period ended at %{LAST_END}"
warning_no_closed_periods: "Please remind to periodically close your accounting periods. You have to close periods from %{FIRST_DATE}"
warning_last_closed_period_over_1_year: "Vänligen kom ihåg att regelbundet stänga dina redovisningsperioder. Senast stängd period avslutades på %{LAST_END}"
warning_no_closed_periods: "Vänligen kom ihåg att regelbundet stänga dina redovisningsperioder. Senaste stängd period avslutades på %{FIRST_DATE}"
archive_complete: "Data archiving from %{START} to %{END} is done. <a href='api/accounting_periods/%{ID}/archive' target='_blank'>click here to download</a>. Remember to save it on an external secured media."
archive_complete: "Dataarkivering från %{START} till %{END} är klart. <a href='api/accounting_periods/%{ID}/archive' target='_blank'>klicka här för att ladda ner</a>. Kom ihåg att spara den på ett säkert, externt medium."
policy_updated: "Privacy policy updated."
click_to_show: "Click here to consult"
policy_updated: "Integritetspolicy uppdaterad."
click_to_show: "Klicka här för att fråga"
refund_created: "A refund of %{AMOUNT} has been created for user %{USER}"
refund_created: "En återbetalning av %{AMOUNT} har skapats för användaren %{USER}"
your_role_is_ROLE: "Your role has been changed to %{ROLE}."
your_role_is_ROLE: "Din roll har ändrats till %{ROLE}."
user_NAME_changed_ROLE_html: "User <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> is now %{ROLE}."
user_NAME_changed_ROLE_html: "Användare <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> är nu %{ROLE}."
all_objects_sync: "All data were successfully synchronized on Stripe."
all_objects_sync: "Alla data har synkroniserats till Stripe."
order_paid_html: "A new order has been placed. <a href='/#!/admin/store/orders/%{ID}'>View details</a>."
order_paid_html: "En ny order har lagts till. <a href='/#!/admin/store/orders/%{ID}'>Visa detaljer</a>."
your_schedule_is_ready_html: "Your payment schedule #%{REFERENCE}, of %{AMOUNT}, is ready. <a href='api/payment_schedules/%{SCHEDULE_ID}/download' target='_blank'>Click here to download</a>."
your_schedule_is_ready_html: "Ditt betalningsschema #%{REFERENCE}, %{AMOUNT}, är klart. <a href='api/payment_schedules/%{SCHEDULE_ID}/download' target='_blank'>Klicka här för att ladda ner</a>."
schedule_error: "An error occurred for the card debit of the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_error: "Ett fel uppstod för kortdebitering som löpte ut den %{DATE} för schemat %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_error: "An error occurred for the card debit of the %{DATE} deadline, for your schedule %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_error: "Ett fel uppstod för kortdebitering som löpte ut %{DATE}, för ditt schema %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_failed: "Failed card debit for the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_failed: "Ett fel uppstod för kortdebitering som löpte ut den %{DATE} för schemat %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_failed: "Failed card debit for the %{DATE} deadline, for your schedule %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_failed: "Ett fel uppstod för kortdebitering som löpte ut %{DATE}, för ditt schema %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_canceled: "The payment schedule %{REFERENCE} was canceled by the gateway. An action is required."
schedule_canceled: "Betalningsschemat %{REFERENCE} avbröts av betalningsleverantören. En åtgärd krävs."
schedule_canceled: "Your payment schedule %{REFERENCE} was canceled by the gateway."
schedule_canceled: "Ditt betalningsschema %{REFERENCE} avbröts av betalningsleverantören."
schedule_deadline: "You must cash the check for the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_deadline: "Du måste betala in checken inom tidsfristen, %{DATE} för schemat %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_deadline: "You must confirm the bank direct debit for the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_deadline: "Du måste bekräfta autogiro inom tidsfristen %{DATE}, för schema %{REFERENCE}"
limit_reached: "For %{DATE}, you have reached your daily limit of %{HOURS} hours of %{ITEM} reservation."
limit_reached: "För %{DATE} har du nått din dagliga gräns för %{HOURS} timmars bokning av %{ITEM}."
supporting_document_files_uploaded: "Supporting document uploaded by member <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
supporting_document_files_uploaded: "Underlag uppladdat av medlemmen <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
supporting_document_files_uploaded: "Supporting document changed by member <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
supporting_document_files_uploaded: "Underlag ändrat av medlemmen <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
supporting_document_files_uploaded: "Child's <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> supporting document uploaded."
supporting_document_files_uploaded: "Barnet <strong><em>%{NAME} s</strong></em> underlag uppladdat."
supporting_document_files_uploaded: "Supporting document changed by child <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
supporting_document_files_uploaded: "Underlag ändrat av barnet <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em>."
account_validated: "Your account is valid."
account_validated: "Ditt konto är giltigt."
account_invalidated: "Your account is invalid."
account_invalidated: "Ditt konto är ogiltigt."
child_validated: "Your account child is valid."
child_validated: "Ditt barns konto är giltigt."
child_invalidated: "Your account child is invalid."
child_invalidated: "Ditt barns konto är ogiltigt."
refusal: "Your supporting documents were refused"
refusal: "Dina underlag avvisades"
reminder_message: "This is a reminder for you to upload your supporting documents."
reminder_message: "Detta är en påminnelse för dig att ladda upp dina underlag."
refusal: "Member's supporting document <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> was refused."
refusal: "Medlemmens underlag <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> avvisades."
refusal: "Your child's supporting documents were refused"
refusal: "Ditt barns underlag avvisades"
refusal: "Child's supporting document <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> was refused."
refusal: "Barnets underlag <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> avvisades."
order_ready: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is ready"
order_ready: "Din beställning %{REFERENCE} är redo"
order_canceled: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is canceled"
order_canceled: "Din beställning %{REFERENCE} är avbruten"
order_refunded: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is refunded"
order_refunded: "Din beställning %{REFERENCE} har återbetalats"
your_reservation_RESERVABLE_was_validated_html: "Your reservation <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> was successfully validated."
your_reservation_RESERVABLE_was_validated_html: "Din bokning <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> har validerats."
a_RESERVABLE_reservation_was_validated_html: "A <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> reservation of <strong><em>%{NAME}</em></strong> was validated."
a_RESERVABLE_reservation_was_validated_html: "En <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> bokning av <strong><em>%{NAME}</em></strong> validerades."
your_reservation_RESERVABLE_was_invalidated_html: "Your pre-registration of <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> wasn't validated."
your_reservation_RESERVABLE_was_invalidated_html: "Din föranmälan av <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> validerades inte."
a_RESERVABLE_reservation_was_invalidated_html: "A <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> pre-registration of <strong><em>%{NAME}</em></strong> was invalidated."
a_RESERVABLE_reservation_was_invalidated_html: "En <strong><em>%{RESERVABLE}</em></strong> föranmälan av <strong><em>%{NAME}</em></strong> ogiltigförklarades."
child_age_will_be_18_years_ago: "Your child %{NAME} will turn 18 on %{DATE}, at which point they will be automatically detached from your Family account. They will need to create their own account in order to make reservations."
child_age_will_be_18_years_ago: "Ditt barn %{NAME} kommer att fylla 18 den %{DATE}, och det kommer automatiskt att kopplas bort från ditt familjekonto. Det måste skapa ett eget konto för att kunna göra reservationer."
#statistics tools for admins
subscriptions: "Subscriptions"
machines_hours: "Machines slots"
machine_dates: "Slots dates"
space_dates: "Slots dates"
spaces: "Spaces"
orders: "Orders"
trainings: "Trainings"
events: "Events"
registrations: "Registrations"
projects: "Projects"
users: "Users"
training_id: "Training ID"
training_date: "Training Date"
event_id: "Event ID"
event_date: "Event Date"
event_name: "Event Name"
event_theme: "Theme"
age_range: "Age Range"
themes: "Themes"
components: "Components"
machines: "Machines"
user_id: "User ID"
group: "Group"
bookings: "Bookings"
hours_number: "Hours number"
tickets_number: "Tickets number"
revenue: "Revenue"
account_creation: "Account creation"
project_publication: "Project publication"
duration: "Duration"
store: "Store"
paid-processed: "Paid and/or processed"
aborted: "Aborted"
subscriptions: "Prenumerationer"
machines_hours: "Utrustning bokningsplatser"
machine_dates: "Datum för bokningsplatser"
space_dates: "Datum för bokningsplatser"
spaces: "Lokaler"
orders: "Beställningar"
trainings: "Utbildningar"
events: "Evenemang"
registrations: "Bokningar"
projects: "Projekt"
users: "Användare"
training_id: "Utbildnings-ID"
training_date: "Utbildningsdatum"
event_id: "Evenemangs-ID"
event_date: "Evenemangsdatum"
event_name: "Evenemangsnamn"
event_theme: "Tema"
age_range: "Åldersintervall"
themes: "Teman"
components: "Komponenter"
machines: "Utrustning"
user_id: "Användar-ID"
group: "Grupp"
bookings: "Bokningar"
hours_number: "Antal timmar"
tickets_number: "Biljettnummer"
revenue: "Intäkter"
account_creation: "Skapa konto"
project_publication: "Projektpublikation"
duration: "Varaktighet"
store: "Butik"
paid-processed: "Betalad och/eller bearbetad"
aborted: "Avbruten"
project_status: Status
project_name: Name
project_user_names: Collaborators
project_name: Namn
project_user_names: Medverkande
#statistics exports to the Excel file format
entries: "Entries"
revenue: "Revenue"
average_age: "Average Age"
total: "Total"
date: "Date"
user: "User"
email: "Email"
phone: "Phone"
gender: "Gender"
age: "Age"
type: "Type"
entries: "Inlägg"
revenue: "Intäkter"
average_age: "Medelålder"
total: "Totalt"
date: "Datum"
user: "Användare"
email: "E-post"
phone: "Telefon"
gender: "Kön"
age: "Ålder"
type: "Typ"
male: "Man"
female: "Woman"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
reservation_context: "Reservation context"
coupon: "Coupon"
project_author: Author
female: "Kvinna"
deleted_user: "Raderad användare"
reservation_context: "Kontext för bokning"
coupon: "Rabattkupong"
project_author: Skapare
#initial price's category for events, created to replace the old "reduced amount" property
reduced_fare: "Reduced fare"
reduced_fare_if_you_are_under_25_student_or_unemployed: "Reduced fare if you are under 25, student or unemployed."
reduced_fare: "Reducerat pris"
reduced_fare_if_you_are_under_25_student_or_unemployed: "Reducerat pris om du är under 25, student eller arbetslös."
free_extension: "Free extension of a subscription, until %{DATE}"
must_be_after_expiration: "The new expiration date must be set after the current expiration date"
group_subscription_mismatch: "Your group mismatch with your subscription. Please report this error."
free_extension: "Gratis förlängning av en prenumeration tills %{DATE}"
must_be_after_expiration: "Det nya förfallodatumet måste anges efter det aktuella förfallodatumet"
group_subscription_mismatch: "Din grupp stämmer inte med din prenumeration. Vänligen rapportera detta fel."
birthday_in_past: "The date of birth must be in the past"
birthday_in_past: "Födelsedatum måste vara i det förflutna"
please_contact_FABLAB: "Please contact us for withdrawal instructions."
please_contact_FABLAB: "Vänligen kontakta oss för återkallningsinstruktioner."
slot: "The slot doesn't exist"
availability: "The availaility doesn't exist"
full: "The slot is already fully reserved"
deadline: "You can't reserve a slot %{MINUTES} minutes prior to its start"
limit_reached: "You have reached the booking limit of %{HOURS}H per day for the %{RESERVABLE}, for your current subscription. Please adjust your reservation."
restricted: "This availability is restricted for subscribers"
plan: "This subscription plan is disabled"
plan_group: "This subscription plan is reserved for members of group %{GROUP}"
reserved: "This slot is already reserved"
pack: "This prepaid pack is disabled"
pack_group: "This prepaid pack is reserved for members of group %{GROUP}"
space: "This space is disabled"
machine: "This machine is disabled"
reservable: "This machine is not reservable"
blocked_by_another_reservation: "This slot is blocked by another reservation"
slot: "Platsen finns inte"
availability: "Tillgängligheten finns inte"
full: "Platsen är redan fullt bokad"
deadline: "Du kan inte reservera en plats %{MINUTES} minuter innan dess start"
limit_reached: "Du har nått bokningsgränsen för %{HOURS}H per dag för %{RESERVABLE}, för ditt nuvarande abonnemang. Vänligen justera din bokning."
restricted: "Denna tillgänglighet är begränsad till prenumeranter"
plan: "Prenumerationsplanen är inaktiverad"
plan_group: "Denna prenumerationsplan är reserverad för medlemmar i gruppen %{GROUP}"
reserved: "Denna plats är redan reserverad"
pack: "Detta förbetalda paket är inaktiverat"
pack_group: "Detta förbetalda paket är reserverat för medlemmar i gruppen %{GROUP}"
space: "Denna lokal är inaktiverad"
machine: "Denna utrustning är inaktiverad"
reservable: "Denna utrustning är inte bokningsbar"
blocked_by_another_reservation: "Denna plats är blockerad av en annan bokning"
select_user: "Please select a user before continuing"
select_user: "Välj en användare innan du fortsätter"
locked_setting: "the setting is locked."
about_title: "\"About\" page title"
about_body: "\"About\" page content"
about_contacts: "\"About\" page contacts"
privacy_draft: "Privacy policy draft"
privacy_body: "Privacy policy"
privacy_dpo: "Data protection officer address"
twitter_name: "Twitter feed name"
home_blogpost: "Homepage's brief"
machine_explications_alert: "Explanation message on the machine reservation page"
training_explications_alert: "Explanation message on the training reservation page"
training_information_message: "Information message on the machine reservation page"
subscription_explications_alert: "Explanation message on the subscription page"
invoice_logo: "Invoices' logo"
invoice_reference: "Invoice's reference"
invoice_code-active: "Activation of the invoices' code"
invoice_code-value: "Invoices' code"
invoice_order-nb: "Invoice's order number"
invoice_VAT-active: "Activation of the VAT"
invoice_VAT-rate: "VAT rate"
invoice_VAT-rate_Product: "VAT rate for shop's product sales"
invoice_VAT-rate_Event: "VAT rate for event reservations"
invoice_VAT-rate_Machine: "VAT rate for machine reservations"
invoice_VAT-rate_Subscription: "VAT rate for subscriptions"
invoice_VAT-rate_Space: "VAT rate for space reservations"
invoice_VAT-rate_Training: "VAT rate for training reservations"
invoice_text: "Invoices' text"
invoice_legals: "Invoices' legal information"
booking_window_start: "Opening time"
booking_window_end: "Closing time"
booking_move_enable: "Activation of reservations moving"
booking_move_delay: "Preventive delay before any reservation move"
booking_cancel_enable: "Activation of reservations cancelling"
booking_cancel_delay: "Preventive delay before any reservation cancellation"
main_color: "Main colour"
secondary_color: "Secondary colour"
fablab_name: "Fablab's name"
name_genre: "Title concordance"
reminder_enable: "Activation of reservations reminding"
reminder_delay: "Delay before sending the reminder"
event_explications_alert: "Explanation message on the event reservation page"
space_explications_alert: "Explanation message on the space reservation page"
visibility_yearly: "Maximum visibility for annual subscribers"
visibility_others: "Maximum visibility for other members"
reservation_deadline: "Prevent reservation before it starts"
display_name_enable: "Display names in the calendar"
machines_sort_by: "Machines display order"
accounting_sales_journal_code: "Sales journal code"
accounting_payment_card_code: "Card payments code"
accounting_payment_card_label: "Card payments label"
accounting_payment_card_journal_code: "Card clients journal code"
accounting_payment_wallet_code: "Wallet payments code"
accounting_payment_wallet_label: "Wallet payments label"
accounting_payment_wallet_journal_code: "Wallet payments journal code"
accounting_payment_other_code: "Other payment means code"
accounting_payment_other_label: "Other payment means label"
accounting_payment_other_journal_code: "Other payment means journal code"
accounting_wallet_code: "Wallet credit code"
accounting_wallet_label: "Wallet credit label"
accounting_wallet_journal_code: "Wallet credit journal code"
accounting_VAT_code: "VAT code"
accounting_VAT_label: "VAT label"
accounting_VAT_journal_code: "VAT journal code"
accounting_subscription_code: "Subscriptions code"
accounting_subscription_label: "Subscriptions label"
accounting_Machine_code: "Machines code"
accounting_Machine_label: "Machines label"
accounting_Training_code: "Trainings code"
accounting_Training_label: "Trainings label"
accounting_Event_code: "Events code"
accounting_Event_label: "Events label"
accounting_Space_code: "Spaces code"
accounting_Space_label: "Spaces label"
accounting_Pack_code: "Prepaid-hours pack code"
accounting_Pack_label: "Prepaid-hours pack label"
accounting_Product_code: "Store products code"
accounting_Product_label: "Store products label"
hub_last_version: "Last Fab-manager's version"
hub_public_key: "Instance public key"
fab_analytics: "Fab Analytics"
link_name: "Link title to the \"About\" page"
home_content: "The home page"
home_css: "Stylesheet of the home page"
origin: "Instance URL"
uuid: "Instance ID"
phone_required: "Phone required?"
tracking_id: "Tracking ID"
book_overlapping_slots: "Book overlapping slots"
slot_duration: "Default duration of booking slots"
events_in_calendar: "Display events in the calendar"
spaces_module: "Spaces module"
plans_module: "Plans modules"
invoicing_module: "Invoicing module"
facebook_app_id: "Facebook App ID"
twitter_analytics: "Twitter analytics account"
recaptcha_site_key: "reCAPTCHA Site Key"
recaptcha_secret_key: "reCAPTCHA Secret Key"
feature_tour_display: "Feature tour display mode"
email_from: "Expeditor's address"
disqus_shortname: "Disqus shortname"
allowed_cad_extensions: "Allowed CAD files extensions"
allowed_cad_mime_types: "Allowed CAD files MIME types"
locked_setting: "inställningen är låst."
about_title: "\"Om\" sidan titel"
about_body: "\"Om\" sidan innehåll"
about_contacts: "\"Om\" sidan kontakter"
privacy_draft: "Utkast till integritetspolicy"
privacy_body: "Integritetspolicy"
privacy_dpo: "Adress till dataskyddsombud"
twitter_name: "Namn på Twitter-flöde"
home_blogpost: "Startsidans sammanfattning"
machine_explications_alert: "Förklaringsmeddelande på sidan för bokning av utrustning"
training_explications_alert: "Förklaringsmeddelande på bokningssidan för utbildningar"
training_information_message: "Informationsmeddelande på sidan för bokning av utrustning"
subscription_explications_alert: "Förklaringsmeddelande på prenumerationssidan"
invoice_logo: "Fakturalogotyp"
invoice_reference: "Fakturareferens"
invoice_code-active: "Aktivering av fakturakod"
invoice_code-value: "Fakturakod"
invoice_order-nb: "Fakturans ordernummer"
invoice_VAT-active: "Aktivering av moms"
invoice_VAT-rate: "Momssats"
invoice_VAT-rate_Product: "Momssats för butikens produktförsäljning"
invoice_VAT-rate_Event: "Momssats för bokning av evenemang"
invoice_VAT-rate_Machine: "Momssats för bokning av utrustning"
invoice_VAT-rate_Subscription: "Momssats för prenumerationer"
invoice_VAT-rate_Space: "Momssats för bokning av lokaler"
invoice_VAT-rate_Training: "Momssats för bokning av utbildning"
invoice_text: "Fakturatext"
invoice_legals: "Fakturas juridiska information"
booking_window_start: "Öppningstid"
booking_window_end: "Stängningstid"
booking_move_enable: "Aktivering av bokningar flyttar"
booking_move_delay: "Förebyggande dröjsmål innan bokning flyttas"
booking_cancel_enable: "Aktivera avbokning"
booking_cancel_delay: "Förebyggande dröjsmål innan bokning flyttas"
main_color: "Primär färg"
secondary_color: "Sekundär färg"
fablab_name: "Fablabs namn"
name_genre: "Titels överensstämmelse"
reminder_enable: "Aktivera bokningspåminnelser"
reminder_delay: "Fördröjning innan påminnelse skickas"
event_explications_alert: "Förklaringsmeddelande på sidan för bokning av händelser"
space_explications_alert: "Förklaringsmeddelande på sidan för lokalreservation"
visibility_yearly: "Maximal synlighet för årliga prenumeranter"
visibility_others: "Maximal synlighet för andra medlemmar"
reservation_deadline: "Förhindra bokning innan den börjar"
display_name_enable: "Visa namn i kalendern"
machines_sort_by: "Utrustnings visningsordning"
accounting_sales_journal_code: "Försäljning journalkod"
accounting_payment_card_code: "Kortets betalningskod"
accounting_payment_card_label: "Etikett för kortbetalningar"
accounting_payment_card_journal_code: "Kortets klientjournalkod"
accounting_payment_wallet_code: "Betalningskod för plånboken"
accounting_payment_wallet_label: "Etikett för plånboksbetalningar"
accounting_payment_wallet_journal_code: "Betalningskod för plånboken"
accounting_payment_other_code: "Kod för annan betalning"
accounting_payment_other_label: "Etikett för annan betalning"
accounting_payment_other_journal_code: "Kod för annan betalning"
accounting_wallet_code: "Plånbokens kreditkod"
accounting_wallet_label: "Plånbokskredit etikett"
accounting_wallet_journal_code: "Betalningskod för plånboken"
accounting_VAT_code: "Momsregistreringsnummer"
accounting_VAT_label: "Momsetikett"
accounting_VAT_journal_code: "Momsjornalkod"
accounting_subscription_code: "Prenumerationskod"
accounting_subscription_label: "Etikett för prenumerationer"
accounting_Machine_code: "Utrustningens kod"
accounting_Machine_label: "Etikett för utrustning"
accounting_Training_code: "Utbildnings kod"
accounting_Training_label: "Etikett för utbildningar"
accounting_Event_code: "Kod för evenemang"
accounting_Event_label: "Etikett för evenemang"
accounting_Space_code: "Kod för lokaler"
accounting_Space_label: "Etikett för lokaler"
accounting_Pack_code: "Förbetalda tim-paketskod"
accounting_Pack_label: "Förbetalda tim-paketsetikett"
accounting_Product_code: "Produkters kod"
accounting_Product_label: "Etikett för produkter"
hub_last_version: "Senaste Fab-managerns version"
hub_public_key: "Instansens publika nyckel"
fab_analytics: "Fab Analys"
link_name: "Länk titeln till sidan \"Om\""
home_content: "Startsidan"
home_css: "Stilmall för startsidan"
origin: "Instansens URL"
uuid: "Instans ID"
phone_required: "Telefon krävs?"
tracking_id: "Spårnings-ID"
book_overlapping_slots: "Boka överlappande platser"
slot_duration: "Standardlängd för bokning av platser"
events_in_calendar: "Visa evenemang i kalendern"
spaces_module: "Modulen Lokaler"
plans_module: "Modulen Planer"
invoicing_module: "Faktureringsmodul"
facebook_app_id: "ID för Facebook-app"
twitter_analytics: "Twitter-analyskonto"
recaptcha_site_key: "reCAPTCHA webbplatsnyckel"
recaptcha_secret_key: "reCAPTCHA hemlig nyckel"
feature_tour_display: "Visningsläge för guidad tur"
email_from: "Utförarens adress"
disqus_shortname: "Disqus kortnamn"
allowed_cad_extensions: "Tillåtna CAD-filnamn"
allowed_cad_mime_types: "Tillåtna CAD-filer MIME-typer"
openlab_app_id: "OpenLab ID"
openlab_app_secret: "OpenLab secret"
openlab_default: "Default projects gallery view"
online_payment_module: "Online payments module"
stripe_public_key: "Stripe public key"
stripe_secret_key: "Stripe secret key"
stripe_currency: "Stripe currency"
invoice_prefix: "Invoices' files prefix"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
wallet_module: "Wallet module"
statistics_module: "Statistics module"
upcoming_events_shown: "Display limit for upcoming events"
payment_schedule_prefix: "Payment schedule's files prefix"
trainings_module: "Trainings module"
address_required: "Address required"
accounting_Error_code: "Errors code"
accounting_Error_label: "Errors label"
payment_gateway: "Payment gateway"
payzen_username: "PayZen username"
payzen_password: "PayZen password"
openlab_app_secret: "OpenLab hemlighet"
openlab_default: "Förvald projektgallerivy"
online_payment_module: "Onlinebetalningsmodul"
stripe_public_key: "Stripe publik nyckel"
stripe_secret_key: "Stripe hemlig nyckel"
stripe_currency: "Stripe valuta"
invoice_prefix: "Fakturor filnamnsprefix"
confirmation_required: "Verifiering krävs"
wallet_module: "Plånboksmodul"
statistics_module: "Statistikmodul"
upcoming_events_shown: "Visa gräns för kommande evenemang"
payment_schedule_prefix: "Prefix för betalningsschemats filer"
trainings_module: "Utbildningsmodul"
address_required: "Adress krävs"
accounting_Error_code: "Felkod"
accounting_Error_label: "Felbeskrivning"
payment_gateway: "Betallösning"
payzen_username: "PayZen användarnamn"
payzen_password: "PayZen lösenord"
payzen_endpoint: "PayZen API endpoint"
payzen_public_key: "PayZen client public key"
payzen_public_key: "PayZen klient publik nyckel"
payzen_hmac: "PayZen HMAC-SHA-256 key"
payzen_currency: "PayZen currency"
public_agenda_module: "Public agenda module"
renew_pack_threshold: "Threshold for packs renewal"
pack_only_for_subscription: "Restrict packs for subscribers"
overlapping_categories: "Categories for overlapping booking prevention"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
facebook: "facebook"
twitter: "twitter"
payzen_currency: "PayZen valuta"
public_agenda_module: "Modul för publikt kalendarium"
renew_pack_threshold: "Tröskelvärde för förnyelse av paket"
pack_only_for_subscription: "Begränsa paket för prenumeranter"
overlapping_categories: "Kategorier för att förebygga överlappande bokning"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Utökade priser samma dag"
public_registrations: "Öppna registreringar"
facebook: "Facebook"
twitter: "Twitter"
viadeo: "viadeo"
linkedin: "linkedin"
instagram: "instagram"
youtube: "youtube"
vimeo: "vimeo"
dailymotion: "dailymotion"
github: "github"
instagram: "Instagram"
youtube: "YouTube"
vimeo: "Vimeo"
dailymotion: "Dailymotion"
github: "GitHub"
echosciences: "echosciences"
pinterest: "pinterest"
lastfm: "lastfm"
flickr: "flickr"
machines_module: "Machines module"
user_change_group: "Allow users to change their group"
store_module: "Store module"
store_withdrawal_instructions: "Withdrawal instructions"
store_hidden: "Store hidden to the public"
advanced_accounting: "Advanced accounting"
external_id: "external identifier"
prevent_invoices_zero: "prevent building invoices at 0"
invoice_VAT-name: "VAT name"
trainings_auto_cancel: "Trainings automatic cancellation"
trainings_auto_cancel_threshold: "Minimum participants for automatic cancellation"
trainings_auto_cancel_deadline: "Automatic cancellation deadline"
trainings_authorization_validity: "Trainings validity period"
trainings_authorization_validity_duration: "Trainings validity period duration"
trainings_invalidation_rule: "Trainings automatic invalidation"
trainings_invalidation_rule_period: "Grace period before invalidating a training"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Presence of member filter on projects list"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Presence of dates filter on projects list"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Placeholder for categories filter in project gallery"
project_categories_wording: "Wording used to replace \"Categories\" on public pages"
reservation_context_feature: "Force member to select the nature of his reservation when reserving"
family_account: "Family account"
pinterest: "Pinterest"
lastfm: "Last.fm"
flickr: "Flickr"
machines_module: "Utrustningsmodul"
user_change_group: "Tillåt användare att ändra sin grupp"
store_module: "Butiksmodul"
store_withdrawal_instructions: "Uttagsinstruktioner"
store_hidden: "Butiken är dold för allmänheten"
advanced_accounting: "Avancerad redovisning"
external_id: "extern identifierare"
prevent_invoices_zero: "förhindra att fakturor på 0 skapas"
invoice_VAT-name: "Momsbeteckning"
trainings_auto_cancel: "Utbildning automatisk avbokning"
trainings_auto_cancel_threshold: "Minsta antal deltagare för automatisk avbokning"
trainings_auto_cancel_deadline: "Tidsfristen för automatisk avbokning"
trainings_authorization_validity: "Utbildningens giltighetstid"
trainings_authorization_validity_duration: "Utbildningens giltighetstid varaktighet"
trainings_invalidation_rule: "Utbildning automatisk ogiltigförklaring"
trainings_invalidation_rule_period: "Frist innan en träning ogiltigförklaras"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Filtrera på närvaro i projektlistan"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Filtrera på datum i projektlistan"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Platshållare för kategorifilter i projektgalleriet"
project_categories_wording: "Ord som används för att ersätta \"Kategorier\" på publika sidor"
reservation_context_feature: "Tvinga medlem att välja typ av bokning "
family_account: "Familjekonto"
#statuses of projects
new: "New"
pending: "Pending"
done: "Done"
abandoned: "Abandoned"
new: "Ny"
pending: "Väntar"
done: "Klar"
abandoned: "Övergiven"