mirror of https://github.com/LaCasemate/fab-manager.git synced 2025-03-22 13:19:50 +01:00

New translations app.shared.en.yml (Norwegian)

This commit is contained in:
Sylvain 2021-07-29 13:52:17 +02:00 committed by Peng Du
parent 3b72f290ec
commit 33309ef141

View File

@ -129,24 +129,24 @@
booking_confirmation: "Bestillingsbekreftelse"
here_is_the_summary_of_the_slots_to_book_for_the_current_user: "Her er oppsummering av tidslukene som reserveres for nåværende bruker:"
subscription_confirmation: "Bekreft abonnement"
here_is_the_subscription_summary: "Here is the subscription summary:"
payment_method: "Payment method"
method_card: "Online by card"
method_check: "By check"
card_collection_info: "By validating, you'll be prompted for the member's card number. This card will be automatically charged at the deadlines."
here_is_the_subscription_summary: "Sammendrag:"
payment_method: "Betalingsmetode"
method_card: "Online med kort"
method_check: "Med sjekk"
card_collection_info: "Ved å validere vil du bli bedt om å oppgi kortnummeret til medlemmet. Dette kortet vil automatisk bli belastet på fristen."
check_collection_info: "By validating, you confirm that you have {DEADLINES} checks, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments."
#event edition form
title: "Title"
title_is_required: "Title is required."
title: "Tittel"
title_is_required: "Tittel er påkrevd."
matching_visual: "Matching visual"
choose_a_picture: "Choose a picture"
description: "Description"
description_is_required: "Description is required."
attachments: "Attachments"
add_a_new_file: "Add a new file"
event_type: "Event type"
dates_and_opening_hours: "Dates and opening hours"
choose_a_picture: "Velg bilde"
description: "Beskrivelse"
description_is_required: "Beskrivelse er påkrevd."
attachments: "Vedlegg"
add_a_new_file: "Legg til ny fil"
event_type: "Type arrangement"
dates_and_opening_hours: "Datoer og åpningstider"
all_day: "Hele dagen"
start_date: "Startdato"
end_date: "Sluttdato"
@ -255,64 +255,64 @@
provided_url_is_not_a_valid_url: "Provided URL is not a valid URL."
authorization_endpoint: "Authorization endpoint"
oauth2_authorization_endpoint_is_required: "OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint is required."
provided_endpoint_is_not_valid: "Provided endpoint is not valid."
token_acquisition_endpoint: "Token acquisition endpoint"
provided_endpoint_is_not_valid: "Angitt endepunkt er ikke gyldig."
token_acquisition_endpoint: "Token anskaffelses endepunkt"
oauth2_token_acquisition_endpoint_is_required: "OAuth 2.0 token utløpsendepunkt er nødvendig."
profil_edition_url: "Profil-URL"
profile_edition_url_is_required: "Profile edition URL is required."
client_identifier: "Client identifier"
oauth2_client_identifier_is_required: "OAuth 2.0 client identifier is required."
obtain_it_when_registering_with_your_provider: "Obtain it when registering with your provider."
client_secret: "Client secret"
oauth2_client_secret_is_required: "OAuth 2.0 client secret is required."
define_the_fields_mapping: "Define the fields mapping"
add_a_match: "Add a match"
model: "Model"
field: "Fiels"
profile_edition_url_is_required: "URL for profilversjon er påkrevd."
client_identifier: "Klient-ID"
oauth2_client_identifier_is_required: "OAuth 2.0 klient-ID er nødvendig."
obtain_it_when_registering_with_your_provider: "Få det når du registrerer deg hos leverandøren din."
client_secret: "Klienthemmelighet"
oauth2_client_secret_is_required: "OAuth 2.0 klient-hemmelighet er nødvendig."
define_the_fields_mapping: "Definer tilordning av felter"
add_a_match: "Legg til en match"
model: "Modell"
field: "Felt"
api_endpoint_url: "API endpoint URL"
api_type: "API type"
api_fields: "API fields"
api_fields: "API-felt"
#machine/training slot modification modal
change_the_slot: "Change the slot"
do_you_want_to_change_your_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Do you want to change your booking slot, initially planned at:"
do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Do you want to change {NAME}'s booking slot, initially planned at:"
cancel_this_reservation: "Cancel this reservation"
i_want_to_change_date: "I want to change date"
do_you_want_to_change_your_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Vil du endre din bestilling som er planlagt på:"
do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Vil du endre {NAME} sin bestillingsplass, som opprinnelig er planlagt på:"
cancel_this_reservation: "Avbryt reservasjon"
i_want_to_change_date: "Jeg vil endre dato"
#user public profile
last_activity_html: "Last activity <br><strong>on {DATE}</strong>"
to_come: "to come"
approved: "approved"
projects: "Projects"
no_projects: "No projects"
author: "Author"
collaborator: "Collaborator"
private_profile: "Private profile"
interests: "Interests"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "CAD softwares mastered"
email_address: "Email address"
trainings: "Trainings"
no_trainings: "No trainings"
last_activity_html: "Siste aktivitet <br><strong>{DATE}</strong>"
to_come: "å komme"
approved: "godkjent"
projects: "Prosjekter"
no_projects: "Ingen prosjekter"
author: "Forfatter"
collaborator: "Samarbeidspartnere"
private_profile: "Privat profil"
interests: "Interesser"
CAD_softwares_mastered: "Mestret CAD-programvare"
email_address: "E-postadresse"
trainings: "Opplæringer/kurs"
no_trainings: "Ingen opplæringer/kurs"
wallet: 'Wallet'
your_wallet_amount: 'Your amount available'
wallet_amount: 'Amount available'
no_transactions_for_now: 'No transactions for now'
date: "Date"
operation: 'Operation'
operator: 'Operator'
amount: 'Amount'
credit: 'Credit'
debit: 'Debit'
credit_title: 'Credit wallet'
credit_label: 'Set the amount to be credited'
confirm_credit_label: 'Confirm the amount to be credited'
generate_a_refund_invoice: "Generate a refund invoice"
creation_date_for_the_refund: "Creation date for the refund"
creation_date_is_required: "Creation date is required."
description_optional: "Description (optional):"
wallet: 'Virtuell lommebok'
your_wallet_amount: 'Tilgjengelig beløp'
wallet_amount: 'Beløp tilgjengelig'
no_transactions_for_now: 'Ingen transaksjoner nå'
date: "Dato"
operation: 'Handling'
operator: 'Operatør'
amount: 'Beløp'
credit: 'Kreditt'
debit: 'Debet'
credit_title: 'Krediter lommebok'
credit_label: 'Velg beløp for kreditering'
confirm_credit_label: 'Bekreft beløpet som skal krediteres'
generate_a_refund_invoice: "Genererer en refusjons- faktura"
creation_date_for_the_refund: "Refusjonsdato"
creation_date_is_required: "Opprettelsesdato er påkrevd."
description_optional: "Beskrivelse (valgfritt):"
will_appear_on_the_refund_invoice: "Will appear on the refund invoice."
to_credit: 'Credit'
wallet_credit_successfully: "Wallet of user is credited successfully."
@ -368,36 +368,36 @@
i_have_a_coupon: "Jeg har en kupong!"
code_: "Kode:"
the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_PERCENT_discount: "The coupon has been applied. You get a {PERCENT}% discount."
the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_AMOUNT_CURRENCY: "The coupon has been applied. You get a discount of {AMOUNT} {CURRENCY}."
coupon_validity_once: "This coupon is valid only once. In case of payment schedule, only for the first deadline."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_disabled: "Unable to apply the coupon: this code was disabled."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_expired: "Unable to apply the coupon: this code has expired."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_sold_out: "Unable to apply the coupon: this code reached its quota."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_already_used: "Unable to apply the coupon: you have already used this code once before."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_amount_exceeded: "Unable to apply the coupon: the discount exceed the total amount of this purchase."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_undefined: "Unable to apply the coupon: an unexpected error occurred, please contact the Fablab's manager."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_rejected: "This code does not exists."
the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_AMOUNT_CURRENCY: "Kupongen er brukt. Du får en rabatt på {AMOUNT} {CURRENCY}."
coupon_validity_once: "Denne kupongen er kun gyldig en gang. Ved betalingsopplegg gjelder det kun for første frist."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_disabled: "Kunne ikke bruke kupongen: denne koden ble deaktivert."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_expired: "Kunne ikke bruke kupongen: denne koden er utløpt."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_sold_out: "Kunne ikke bruke kupongen: denne koden har nådd kvoten."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_already_used: "Kunne ikke bruke kupongen: du har allerede brukt denne koden en gang før."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_amount_exceeded: "Kunne ikke bruke kupongen: rabatten overstiger totalbeløpet på dette kjøpet."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_undefined: "Kunne ikke legge til kupong: det oppstod en uventet feil, vennligst kontakt ledelsen."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_rejected: "Denne koden finnes ikke."
#form to create/edit a space
name: "Name"
name_is_required: "Name is required."
illustration: "Illustration"
add_an_illustration: "Add an illustration"
description: "Description"
description_is_required: "Description is required."
characteristics: "Characteristics"
characteristics_are_required: "Characteristics are required."
attached_files_pdf: "Attached files (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Attach a file"
add_an_attachment: "Add an attachment"
default_places: "Default maximum tickets"
default_places_is_required: "Default maximum tickets is required."
disable_space: "Disable space"
name: "Navn"
name_is_required: "Navn er påkrevd."
illustration: "Illustrasjon"
add_an_illustration: "Legg til en illustrasjon"
description: "Beskrivelse"
description_is_required: "Beskrivelse er påkrevd."
characteristics: "Egenskaper"
characteristics_are_required: "Egenskaper er påkrevd."
attached_files_pdf: "Vedlagte filer (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Legg ved fil"
add_an_attachment: "Legg til vedlegg"
default_places: "Standard maksimalt antall billetter"
default_places_is_required: "Standard maksimalt antall billetter er påkrevd."
disable_space: "Deaktiver rom/plass"
#shopping cart module for reservations
summary: "Summary"
select_one_or_more_slots_in_the_calendar: "Select one {SINGLE, select, true{slot} other{or more slots}} in the calendar"
select_a_plan: "Select a plan here"
summary: "Sammendrag"
select_one_or_more_slots_in_the_calendar: "Velg {SINGLE, select, true{en tidsluke} other{flere tidsluker}} i kalenderen"
select_a_plan: "Velg en plan her"
you_ve_just_selected_the_slot: "You've just selected the slot:"
datetime_to_time: "{START_DATETIME} to {END_TIME}" #eg: Thursday, September 4, 1986 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM
cost_of_TYPE: "Cost of the {TYPE, select, Machine{machine slot} Training{training} Space{space slot} other{element}}"