mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 14:19:52 +01:00
@ -1283,6 +1283,7 @@ de:
extended_prices: "Extended prices"
extended_prices_info_html: "Spaces can have different prices depending on the cumulated duration of the booking. You can choose if this apply to all bookings or only to those starting within the same day."
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
training_reservations: "Trainings"
machine_reservations: "Machines"
@ -1309,6 +1310,9 @@ de:
name: "Name"
created_at: "Erstellungsdatum"
updated_at: "Datum der letzten Aktualisierung"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
public_registrations_info: "Allow everyone to register a new account on the platform. If disabled, only administrators and managers can create new accounts."
public_registrations_allowed: "Public registrations allowed"
help: "Hilfe"
feature_tour: "Feature-Tour"
feature_tour_info_html: "<p>Wenn sich ein Administrator oder Manager anmeldet, wird beim jeweils ersten Besuch eines Abschnitts der Anwendung die Feature-Tour ausgelöst. Sie können dieses Verhalten auf einen der folgenden Werte ändern:</p><ul><li>« Einmal », um das Standardverhalten beizubehalten.</li><li>« Pro Sitzung », um die Tour jedes Mal anzuzeigen, wenn die Anwendung erneut geöffnet wird.</li><li>« Nur manuell », deaktiviert die automatische Anzeige der Touren. Es ist weiterhin möglich, sie durch Drücken der F1-Taste oder durch Klicken auf « Hilfe » im Benutzermenu zu starten.</li></ul>"
@ -1447,8 +1451,10 @@ de:
payment_method: "Payment method"
method_card: "Online by card"
method_check: "By check"
method_transfer: "By bank transfer"
card_collection_info: "By validating, you'll be prompted for the member's card number. This card will be automatically charged at the deadlines."
check_collection_info: "By validating, you confirm that you have {DEADLINES} checks, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments."
transfer_collection_info: "<p>By validating, you confirm that you set up {DEADLINES} bank direct debits, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments.</p><p><strong>Please note:</strong> the bank transfers are not automatically handled by Fab-manager.</p>"
online_payment_disabled: "Online payment is not available. You cannot collect this payment schedule by online card."
save: 'Save'
@ -1283,6 +1283,7 @@ es:
extended_prices: "Extended prices"
extended_prices_info_html: "Spaces can have different prices depending on the cumulated duration of the booking. You can choose if this apply to all bookings or only to those starting within the same day."
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
training_reservations: "Trainings"
machine_reservations: "Machines"
@ -1309,6 +1310,9 @@ es:
name: "Name"
created_at: "Creation date"
updated_at: "Last update date"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
public_registrations_info: "Allow everyone to register a new account on the platform. If disabled, only administrators and managers can create new accounts."
public_registrations_allowed: "Public registrations allowed"
help: "Help"
feature_tour: "Feature tour"
feature_tour_info_html: "<p>When an administrator or a manager in logged-in, a feature tour will be triggered the first time he/she visits each section of the application. You can change this behavior to one of the following values:</p><ul><li>« Once » to keep the default behavior.</li><li>« By session » to display the tours each time you reopen the application.</li><li>« Manual trigger » to prevent displaying the tours automatically. It'll still be possible to trigger them by pressing the F1 key or by clicking on « Help » in the user's menu.</li></ul>"
@ -1447,8 +1451,10 @@ es:
payment_method: "Payment method"
method_card: "Online by card"
method_check: "By check"
method_transfer: "By bank transfer"
card_collection_info: "By validating, you'll be prompted for the member's card number. This card will be automatically charged at the deadlines."
check_collection_info: "By validating, you confirm that you have {DEADLINES} checks, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments."
transfer_collection_info: "<p>By validating, you confirm that you set up {DEADLINES} bank direct debits, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments.</p><p><strong>Please note:</strong> the bank transfers are not automatically handled by Fab-manager.</p>"
online_payment_disabled: "Online payment is not available. You cannot collect this payment schedule by online card."
save: 'Save'
@ -1283,6 +1283,7 @@ fr:
extended_prices: "Prix étendus"
extended_prices_info_html: "Les espaces peuvent avoir des prix différents selon la durée cumulée de la réservation. Vous pouvez choisir si cela s'applique à toutes les réservations ou seulement à celles qui commencent dans la même journée."
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Prix étendus le même jour"
public_registrations: "Inscriptions publiques"
training_reservations: "Formations"
machine_reservations: "Machines"
@ -1309,6 +1310,9 @@ fr:
name: "Nom"
created_at: "Date de création"
updated_at: "Date de mise à jour"
public_registrations: "Inscriptions publiques"
public_registrations_info: "Permettre à tout le monde de créer un nouveau compte sur la plateforme. Si désactivé, seuls les administrateurs et les gestionnaires peuvent créer de nouveaux comptes."
public_registrations_allowed: "Inscriptions publiques autorisées"
help: "Aide"
feature_tour: "Visite guidée des fonctionnalités"
feature_tour_info_html: "<p>Lorsque un administrateur ou un gestionnaire est connecté, une visite guidée des fonctionnalités se déclenchera lors de la première visite de chaque section de l'application. Vous pouvez modifier ce comportement pour une des valeur suivantes :</p><ul><li>« Une fois » pour garder le comportement par défaut.</li><li>« Par session » pour afficher les visites guidées chaque fois que l'application est ouverte de nouveau.</li><li>« Lancement manuel » pour éviter l'affichage automatique des visites guidées. Il sera toujours possible de les déclencher en appuyant sur F1 ou en cliquant sur « Aide » dans le menu utilisateur.</li></ul>"
@ -1447,8 +1451,10 @@ fr:
payment_method: "Moyen de paiement"
method_card: "Carte bancaire en ligne"
method_check: "Par chèques"
method_transfer: "Par virement bancaire"
card_collection_info: "En validant, vous serez invité à saisir les informations de carte bancaire du membre. Cette carte sera prélevée automatiquement aux échéances."
check_collection_info: "En validant, vous confirmez être en possession de {DEADLINES} chèques permettant d'encaisser l'ensemble des mensualité."
transfer_collection_info: "<p>En validant, vous confirmez avoir mis en place {DEADLINES} prélèvements bancaires, vous permettant de percevoir toutes les mensualités.</p><p><strong>Veuillez noter :</strong> les prélèvements bancaires ne sont pas automatiquement gérés par Fab-manager.</p>"
online_payment_disabled: "Le paiement en ligne n'est pas disponible. Vous ne pouvez pas encaisser cet échéancier de paiement en utilisant la carte bancaire en ligne."
save: 'Enregistrer'
@ -1283,6 +1283,7 @@
extended_prices: "Extended prices"
extended_prices_info_html: "Spaces can have different prices depending on the cumulated duration of the booking. You can choose if this apply to all bookings or only to those starting within the same day."
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
training_reservations: "Trainings"
machine_reservations: "Machines"
@ -1309,6 +1310,9 @@
name: "Navn"
created_at: "Opprettelsesdato"
updated_at: "Sist oppdatert dato"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
public_registrations_info: "Allow everyone to register a new account on the platform. If disabled, only administrators and managers can create new accounts."
public_registrations_allowed: "Public registrations allowed"
help: "Hjelp"
feature_tour: "Funksjonsgjennomgang"
feature_tour_info_html: "<p>When an administrator or a manager in logged-in, a feature tour will be triggered the first time he/she visits each section of the application. You can change this behavior to one of the following values:</p><ul><li>« Once » to keep the default behavior.</li><li>« By session » to display the tours each time you reopen the application.</li><li>« Manual trigger » to prevent displaying the tours automatically. It'll still be possible to trigger them by pressing the F1 key or by clicking on « Help » in the user's menu.</li></ul>"
@ -1447,8 +1451,10 @@
payment_method: "Payment method"
method_card: "Online by card"
method_check: "By check"
method_transfer: "By bank transfer"
card_collection_info: "By validating, you'll be prompted for the member's card number. This card will be automatically charged at the deadlines."
check_collection_info: "By validating, you confirm that you have {DEADLINES} checks, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments."
transfer_collection_info: "<p>By validating, you confirm that you set up {DEADLINES} bank direct debits, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments.</p><p><strong>Please note:</strong> the bank transfers are not automatically handled by Fab-manager.</p>"
online_payment_disabled: "Online payment is not available. You cannot collect this payment schedule by online card."
save: 'Save'
@ -1283,6 +1283,7 @@ pt:
extended_prices: "Extended prices"
extended_prices_info_html: "Spaces can have different prices depending on the cumulated duration of the booking. You can choose if this apply to all bookings or only to those starting within the same day."
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
training_reservations: "Treinamentos"
machine_reservations: "Máquinas"
@ -1309,6 +1310,9 @@ pt:
name: "Nome"
created_at: "Data de criação"
updated_at: "Última Data de Atualização"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
public_registrations_info: "Allow everyone to register a new account on the platform. If disabled, only administrators and managers can create new accounts."
public_registrations_allowed: "Public registrations allowed"
help: "Ajuda"
feature_tour: "Tour de recursos"
feature_tour_info_html: "<p>Quando um administrador ou um gerente está logado, um tour de recurso será acionado na primeira vez que ele/ela visita cada seção do aplicativo. Você pode mudar esse comportamento para um dos seguintes valores:</p><ul><li>« Uma vez » para manter o comportamento padrão.</li><li>« Por sessão » para exibir os tours cada vez que você reabrir o aplicativo.</li><li>« Ativação manual » para evitar a exibição automática dos tours. Ainda será possível ativá-los pressionando a tecla F1 ou clicando em « Ajuda » no menu do usuário.</li></ul>"
@ -1447,8 +1451,10 @@ pt:
payment_method: "Método de pagamento"
method_card: "Online por cartão"
method_check: "Por verificação"
method_transfer: "By bank transfer"
card_collection_info: "Ao validar, será solicitado o número do cartão do membro. Este cartão será cobrado automaticamente nos prazos."
check_collection_info: "Ao validar, você confirma que tem {DEADLINES} checks, permitindo que você colete todos os pagamentos mensais."
transfer_collection_info: "<p>By validating, you confirm that you set up {DEADLINES} bank direct debits, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments.</p><p><strong>Please note:</strong> the bank transfers are not automatically handled by Fab-manager.</p>"
online_payment_disabled: "Pagamento online não está disponível. Você não pode selecionar este horário com pagamento online."
save: 'Salvar'
@ -1283,6 +1283,7 @@ zu:
extended_prices: "crwdns22167:0crwdne22167:0"
extended_prices_info_html: "crwdns22169:0crwdne22169:0"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "crwdns22171:0crwdne22171:0"
public_registrations: "crwdns22277:0crwdne22277:0"
training_reservations: "crwdns22111:0crwdne22111:0"
machine_reservations: "crwdns22113:0crwdne22113:0"
@ -1309,6 +1310,9 @@ zu:
name: "crwdns20758:0crwdne20758:0"
created_at: "crwdns20760:0crwdne20760:0"
updated_at: "crwdns20762:0crwdne20762:0"
public_registrations: "crwdns22279:0crwdne22279:0"
public_registrations_info: "crwdns22281:0crwdne22281:0"
public_registrations_allowed: "crwdns22283:0crwdne22283:0"
help: "crwdns20764:0crwdne20764:0"
feature_tour: "crwdns20766:0crwdne20766:0"
feature_tour_info_html: "crwdns20768:0crwdne20768:0"
@ -1447,8 +1451,10 @@ zu:
payment_method: "crwdns22010:0crwdne22010:0"
method_card: "crwdns22012:0crwdne22012:0"
method_check: "crwdns22014:0crwdne22014:0"
method_transfer: "crwdns22289:0crwdne22289:0"
card_collection_info: "crwdns22016:0crwdne22016:0"
check_collection_info: "crwdns22018:0{DEADLINES}crwdne22018:0"
transfer_collection_info: "crwdns22291:0{DEADLINES}crwdne22291:0"
online_payment_disabled: "crwdns22020:0crwdne22020:0"
save: 'crwdns22123:0crwdne22123:0'
@ -487,7 +487,8 @@ de:
state: "State"
download: "Download"
state_new: "Not yet due"
state_pending: "Waiting for the cashing of the check"
state_pending_check: "Waiting for the cashing of the check"
state_pending_transfer: "Waiting for the tranfer confirmation"
state_requires_payment_method: "The credit card must be updated"
state_requires_action: "Action required"
state_paid: "Paid"
@ -495,11 +496,14 @@ de:
state_canceled: "Canceled"
method_card: "by card"
method_check: "by check"
method_transfer: "by transfer"
confirm_payment: "Confirm payment"
solve: "Solve"
update_card: "Update the card"
confirm_check_cashing: "Confirm the cashing of the check"
confirm_check_cashing_body: "You must cash a check of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the cashing of the check, an invoice will be generated for this due date."
confirm_bank_transfer: "Confirm the bank transfer"
confirm_bank_transfer_body: "You must confirm the receipt of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the bank transfer, an invoice will be generated for this due date."
confirm_button: "Confirm"
resolve_action: "Resolve the action"
ok_button: "OK"
@ -487,7 +487,8 @@ es:
state: "State"
download: "Download"
state_new: "Not yet due"
state_pending: "Waiting for the cashing of the check"
state_pending_check: "Waiting for the cashing of the check"
state_pending_transfer: "Waiting for the tranfer confirmation"
state_requires_payment_method: "The credit card must be updated"
state_requires_action: "Action required"
state_paid: "Paid"
@ -495,11 +496,14 @@ es:
state_canceled: "Canceled"
method_card: "by card"
method_check: "by check"
method_transfer: "by transfer"
confirm_payment: "Confirm payment"
solve: "Solve"
update_card: "Update the card"
confirm_check_cashing: "Confirm the cashing of the check"
confirm_check_cashing_body: "You must cash a check of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the cashing of the check, an invoice will be generated for this due date."
confirm_bank_transfer: "Confirm the bank transfer"
confirm_bank_transfer_body: "You must confirm the receipt of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the bank transfer, an invoice will be generated for this due date."
confirm_button: "Confirm"
resolve_action: "Resolve the action"
ok_button: "OK"
@ -487,7 +487,8 @@ fr:
state: "État"
download: "Télécharger"
state_new: "Pas encore à l'échéance"
state_pending: "En attente de l'encaissement du chèque"
state_pending_check: "En attente de l'encaissement du chèque"
state_pending_transfer: "En attente de la confirmation du prélèvement"
state_requires_payment_method: "La carte bancaire doit être mise à jour"
state_requires_action: "Action requise"
state_paid: "Payée"
@ -495,11 +496,14 @@ fr:
state_canceled: "Annulée"
method_card: "par carte"
method_check: "par chèque"
method_transfer: "par prélèvement"
confirm_payment: "Confirmer l'encaissement"
solve: "Résoudre"
update_card: "Mettre à jour la carte"
confirm_check_cashing: "Confirmer l'encaissement du chèque"
confirm_check_cashing_body: "Vous devez encaisser un chèque de {AMOUNT} pour l'échéance du {DATE}. En confirmant l'encaissement du chèque, une facture sera générée pour cette échéance."
confirm_bank_transfer: "Confirmer le prélèvement"
confirm_bank_transfer_body: "Vous devez confirmer l'encaissement de {AMOUNT} pour l'échéance du {DATE}. En confirmant le prélèvement bancaire, une facture sera générée pour cette date d'échéance."
confirm_button: "Confirmer"
resolve_action: "Résoudre l'action"
ok_button: "OK"
@ -487,7 +487,8 @@
state: "Status"
download: "Last ned"
state_new: "Ikke forfalt ennå"
state_pending: "Venter på cashing av sjekk"
state_pending_check: "Waiting for the cashing of the check"
state_pending_transfer: "Waiting for the tranfer confirmation"
state_requires_payment_method: "Kredittkortet må oppdateres"
state_requires_action: "Handling kreves"
state_paid: "Betalt"
@ -495,11 +496,14 @@
state_canceled: "Avbrutt"
method_card: "med kort"
method_check: "med sjekk"
method_transfer: "by transfer"
confirm_payment: "Bekreft betaling"
solve: "Løs"
update_card: "Oppdater kortet"
confirm_check_cashing: "Confirm the cashing of the check"
confirm_check_cashing_body: "You must cash a check of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the cashing of the check, an invoice will be generated for this due date."
confirm_bank_transfer: "Confirm the bank transfer"
confirm_bank_transfer_body: "You must confirm the receipt of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the bank transfer, an invoice will be generated for this due date."
confirm_button: "Bekreft"
resolve_action: "Løs handlingen"
ok_button: "Ok"
@ -487,7 +487,8 @@ pt:
state: "Estado"
download: "Baixar"
state_new: "Ainda não vencido"
state_pending: "Esperando a validação manual"
state_pending_check: "Waiting for the cashing of the check"
state_pending_transfer: "Waiting for the tranfer confirmation"
state_requires_payment_method: "O cartão de crédito deve ser atualizado"
state_requires_action: "Ação necessária"
state_paid: "Pago"
@ -495,11 +496,14 @@ pt:
state_canceled: "Cancelado"
method_card: "por cartão"
method_check: "por verificação"
method_transfer: "by transfer"
confirm_payment: "Confirmar pagamento"
solve: "Resolver"
update_card: "Atualizar o cartão"
confirm_check_cashing: "Confirme o desconto de verificação"
confirm_check_cashing_body: "Você deve pagar uma verificação de {AMOUNT} pelo prazo de {DATE}. Ao confirmar o pagamento, uma fatura será gerada para este prazo."
confirm_bank_transfer: "Confirm the bank transfer"
confirm_bank_transfer_body: "You must confirm the receipt of {AMOUNT} for the deadline of {DATE}. By confirming the bank transfer, an invoice will be generated for this due date."
confirm_button: "Confirmar"
resolve_action: "Resolver a ação"
ok_button: "OK"
@ -487,7 +487,8 @@ zu:
state: "crwdns21004:0crwdne21004:0"
download: "crwdns21006:0crwdne21006:0"
state_new: "crwdns21008:0crwdne21008:0"
state_pending: "crwdns21010:0crwdne21010:0"
state_pending_check: "crwdns22293:0crwdne22293:0"
state_pending_transfer: "crwdns22295:0crwdne22295:0"
state_requires_payment_method: "crwdns21012:0crwdne21012:0"
state_requires_action: "crwdns21014:0crwdne21014:0"
state_paid: "crwdns21016:0crwdne21016:0"
@ -495,11 +496,14 @@ zu:
state_canceled: "crwdns21020:0crwdne21020:0"
method_card: "crwdns21500:0crwdne21500:0"
method_check: "crwdns21024:0crwdne21024:0"
method_transfer: "crwdns22297:0crwdne22297:0"
confirm_payment: "crwdns21026:0crwdne21026:0"
solve: "crwdns21028:0crwdne21028:0"
update_card: "crwdns21030:0crwdne21030:0"
confirm_check_cashing: "crwdns21032:0crwdne21032:0"
confirm_check_cashing_body: "crwdns21034:0{AMOUNT}crwdnd21034:0{DATE}crwdne21034:0"
confirm_bank_transfer: "crwdns22299:0crwdne22299:0"
confirm_bank_transfer_body: "crwdns22301:0{AMOUNT}crwdnd22301:0{DATE}crwdne22301:0"
confirm_button: "crwdns21036:0crwdne21036:0"
resolve_action: "crwdns21038:0crwdne21038:0"
ok_button: "crwdns21040:0crwdne21040:0"
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ de:
end_before_start: "Das Enddatum darf nicht vor dem Startdatum liegen. Wählen Sie ein Datum nach %{START}"
invalid_duration: "Der zulässige Zeitraum muss zwischen 1 Tag und 1 Jahr lang sein. Ihr Zeitraum ist %{DAYS} Tage lang."
must_be_in_the_past: "Der Zeitraum darf ausschließlich vor dem heutigen Datum liegen."
registration_disabled: "Registration is disabled"
api_documentation: "API-Dokumentation"
code: "HTTP code"
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ de:
deadline_date: "Payment date"
deadline_amount: "Betrag inklusive Steuern"
total_amount: "Total amount"
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debits will be made by {METHOD, select, card{card} other{check}} for each deadlines."
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debits will be made by {METHOD, select, card{card} transfer{bank transfer} other{check}} for each deadlines."
settlement_by_wallet: "%{AMOUNT} will be debited from your wallet to settle the first deadline."
#CVS accounting export (columns headers)
@ -372,6 +373,8 @@ de:
schedule_failed: "Failed card debit for the %{DATE} deadline, for your schedule %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_deadline: "You must cash the check for the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_deadline: "You must confirm the bank direct debit for the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
#statistics tools for admins
subscriptions: "Abonnements"
@ -542,3 +545,4 @@ de:
pack_only_for_subscription: "Restrict packs for subscribers"
overlapping_categories: "Categories for overlapping booking prevention"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ es:
end_before_start: "La fecha de fin no puede ser anterior a la fecha de inicio. Elija una fecha posterior a %{START}"
invalid_duration: "La duración permitida es de 1 día a 1 año. Su período es %{DAYS} días de largo."
must_be_in_the_past: "El período debe ser estrictamente anterior a la fecha de hoy."
registration_disabled: "Registration is disabled"
api_documentation: "Documentación API"
code: "HTTP code"
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ es:
deadline_date: "Payment date"
deadline_amount: "Total Incluyendo Impuesto"
total_amount: "Total amount"
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debits will be made by {METHOD, select, card{card} other{check}} for each deadlines."
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debits will be made by {METHOD, select, card{card} transfer{bank transfer} other{check}} for each deadlines."
settlement_by_wallet: "%{AMOUNT} will be debited from your wallet to settle the first deadline."
#CVS accounting export (columns headers)
@ -372,6 +373,8 @@ es:
schedule_failed: "Failed card debit for the %{DATE} deadline, for your schedule %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_deadline: "You must cash the check for the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_deadline: "You must confirm the bank direct debit for the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
#statistics tools for admins
subscriptions: "Suscripciones"
@ -542,3 +545,4 @@ es:
pack_only_for_subscription: "Restrict packs for subscribers"
overlapping_categories: "Categories for overlapping booking prevention"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ fr:
end_before_start: "La date de fin ne peut pas être antérieure à la date de début. Choisissez une date après le %{START}"
invalid_duration: "La durée doit être comprise entre 1 jour et 1 an. Votre période dure %{DAYS} jours."
must_be_in_the_past: "La période doit être strictement antérieure à la date du jour."
registration_disabled: "L'inscription est désactivée"
api_documentation: "Documentation de l'API"
code: "Code HTTP "
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ fr:
deadline_date: "Date du prélèvement"
deadline_amount: "Montant TTC"
total_amount: "Montant total"
settlement_by_METHOD: "Les prélèvements seront effectués par {METHOD, select, card{carte bancaire} other{chèque}} à l'échéance."
settlement_by_METHOD: "Les prélèvements seront effectués par {METHOD, select, card{carte bancaire} transfer{prélèvement bancaire} other{chèque}} à l'échéance."
settlement_by_wallet: "%{AMOUNT} seront prélevés de votre porte-monnaie pour régler la première échéance."
#CVS accounting export (columns headers)
@ -372,6 +373,8 @@ fr:
schedule_failed: "Échec du prélèvement par carte de l'échéance du %{DATE}, pour votre échéancier %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_deadline: "Vous devez encaisser le chèque de l'échéance du %{DATE}, pour l'échéancier %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_deadline: "Vous devez confirmer le prélèvement bancaire pour l'échéance du %{DATE} , pour l'échéancier %{REFERENCE}"
#statistics tools for admins
subscriptions: "Abonnements"
@ -542,3 +545,4 @@ fr:
pack_only_for_subscription: "Restreindre les packs pour les abonnés"
overlapping_categories: "Catégories pour la prévention du chevauchement des réservations"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Prix étendus le même jour"
public_registrations: "Inscriptions publiques"
@ -315,5 +315,11 @@ de:
remember: "In accordance with the %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, %{AMOUNT} was due to be debited on %{DATE}."
date: "This is a reminder to cash the scheduled check as soon as possible."
confirm: "Do not forget to confirm the receipt in your payment schedule management interface, so that the corresponding invoice will be generated."
subject: "Payment deadline"
remember: "In accordance with your %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, %{AMOUNT} was due to be debited on %{DATE}."
date: "This is a reminder to verify that the direct bank debit was successfull."
confirm: "Please confirm the receipt of funds in your payment schedule management interface, so that the corresponding invoice will be generated."
hello: "Hallo %{user_name}"
@ -315,5 +315,11 @@ es:
remember: "In accordance with the %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, %{AMOUNT} was due to be debited on %{DATE}."
date: "This is a reminder to cash the scheduled check as soon as possible."
confirm: "Do not forget to confirm the receipt in your payment schedule management interface, so that the corresponding invoice will be generated."
subject: "Payment deadline"
remember: "In accordance with your %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, %{AMOUNT} was due to be debited on %{DATE}."
date: "This is a reminder to verify that the direct bank debit was successfull."
confirm: "Please confirm the receipt of funds in your payment schedule management interface, so that the corresponding invoice will be generated."
hello: "¡Hola %{user_name}!"
@ -315,5 +315,11 @@ fr:
remember: "Conformément à l'échéancier de paiement %{REFERENCE}, une échéance de %{AMOUNT} était prévu pour être prélevée le %{DATE}."
date: "Ceci est un rappel d'encaisser le chèque prévu dès que possible."
confirm: "N'oubliez pas de confirmer l'encaissement dans votre interface de gestion des échéanciers, afin que la facture correspondante soit générée."
subject: "Échéance d'encaissement"
remember: "Conformément à l'échéancier de paiement %{REFERENCE}, une échéance de %{AMOUNT} était prévu pour être prélevée le %{DATE}."
date: "Ceci est un rappel pour vérifier que le prélèvement bancaire a bien été effectué."
confirm: "Veuillez confirmer la réception des fonds dans votre interface de gestion des échéanciers de paiement, afin que la facture correspondante soit générée."
hello: "Bonjour %{user_name}"
@ -315,5 +315,11 @@
remember: "In accordance with the %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, %{AMOUNT} was due to be debited on %{DATE}."
date: "This is a reminder to cash the scheduled check as soon as possible."
confirm: "Do not forget to confirm the receipt in your payment schedule management interface, so that the corresponding invoice will be generated."
subject: "Payment deadline"
remember: "In accordance with your %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, %{AMOUNT} was due to be debited on %{DATE}."
date: "This is a reminder to verify that the direct bank debit was successfull."
confirm: "Please confirm the receipt of funds in your payment schedule management interface, so that the corresponding invoice will be generated."
hello: "Hello %{user_name}"
@ -315,5 +315,11 @@ pt:
remember: "De acordo com a agenda de pagamento %{REFERENCE}, %{AMOUNT} deveria ser debitado em %{DATE}."
date: "Este é um lembrete para descontar o pagamento programado o mais rápido possível."
confirm: "Não se esqueça de confirmar o recibo na interface de gestão de agenda de pagamento, para que a fatura correspondente seja gerada."
subject: "Payment deadline"
remember: "In accordance with your %{REFERENCE} payment schedule, %{AMOUNT} was due to be debited on %{DATE}."
date: "This is a reminder to verify that the direct bank debit was successfull."
confirm: "Please confirm the receipt of funds in your payment schedule management interface, so that the corresponding invoice will be generated."
hello: "Olá %{user_name}"
@ -315,5 +315,11 @@ zu:
remember: "crwdns21152:0%{REFERENCE}crwdnd21152:0%{AMOUNT}crwdnd21152:0%{DATE}crwdne21152:0"
date: "crwdns21154:0crwdne21154:0"
confirm: "crwdns21156:0crwdne21156:0"
subject: "crwdns22307:0crwdne22307:0"
remember: "crwdns22309:0%{REFERENCE}crwdnd22309:0%{AMOUNT}crwdnd22309:0%{DATE}crwdne22309:0"
date: "crwdns22311:0crwdne22311:0"
confirm: "crwdns22313:0crwdne22313:0"
hello: "crwdns4215:0%{user_name}crwdne4215:0"
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
end_before_start: "Sluttdatoen kan ikke være før startdato. Velg en dato etter %{START}"
invalid_duration: "Den tillatte varigheten må være mellom 1 dag og 1 år. Din periode er %{DAYS} dager lang."
must_be_in_the_past: "Perioden må være før dagens dato."
registration_disabled: "Registration is disabled"
api_documentation: "API-dokumentasjon"
code: "HTTP kode"
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@
deadline_date: "Betalingsdato"
deadline_amount: "Beløp inkludert mva"
total_amount: "Totalbeløp"
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debitering vil bli utført av {METHOD, select, card{kort} other{sjekk}} for hver deadline."
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debits will be made by {METHOD, select, card{card} transfer{bank transfer} other{check}} for each deadlines."
settlement_by_wallet: "%{AMOUNT} vil bli trukket fra lommeboken for å gjøre opp den første fristen."
#CVS accounting export (columns headers)
@ -372,6 +373,8 @@
schedule_failed: "Failed card debit for the %{DATE} deadline, for your schedule %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_deadline: "You must cash the check for the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_deadline: "You must confirm the bank direct debit for the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
#statistics tools for admins
subscriptions: "Subscriptions"
@ -542,3 +545,4 @@
pack_only_for_subscription: "Restrict packs for subscribers"
overlapping_categories: "Categories for overlapping booking prevention"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ pt:
end_before_start: "A data final não pode ser anterior à data de início. Escolha uma data após %{START}"
invalid_duration: "A duração permitida deve ter entre 1 dia e 1 ano. Sua menstruação tem %{DAYS} dias."
must_be_in_the_past: "O período deve ser estritamente anterior à data de hoje."
registration_disabled: "Registration is disabled"
api_documentation: "Documentação da API"
code: "Código HTTP"
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ pt:
deadline_date: "Data de pagamento"
deadline_amount: "Valor incluindo impostos"
total_amount: "Valor total"
settlement_by_METHOD: "Os débitos serão feitos por {METHOD, select, card{cartão} other{verificação}} para cada prazo."
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debits will be made by {METHOD, select, card{card} transfer{bank transfer} other{check}} for each deadlines."
settlement_by_wallet: "%{AMOUNT} será debitado da sua carteira fixando o primeiro prazo."
#CVS accounting export (columns headers)
@ -372,6 +373,8 @@ pt:
schedule_failed: "Falha no débito para o período %{DATE} de agendamento %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_deadline: "Você deve realizar a verificação para a data limite de %{DATE} para agendar %{REFERENCE}"
schedule_deadline: "You must confirm the bank direct debit for the %{DATE} deadline, for schedule %{REFERENCE}"
#statistics tools for admins
subscriptions: "Assinaturas"
@ -542,3 +545,4 @@ pt:
pack_only_for_subscription: "Restringir pacotes para assinantes"
overlapping_categories: "Categorias para prevenção de reservas sobrepostas"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ zu:
end_before_start: "crwdns3205:0%{START}crwdne3205:0"
invalid_duration: "crwdns3207:0%{DAYS}crwdne3207:0"
must_be_in_the_past: "crwdns3209:0crwdne3209:0"
registration_disabled: "crwdns22285:0crwdne22285:0"
api_documentation: "crwdns3257:0crwdne3257:0"
code: "crwdns20914:0crwdne20914:0"
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ zu:
deadline_date: "crwdns21104:0crwdne21104:0"
deadline_amount: "crwdns21106:0crwdne21106:0"
total_amount: "crwdns21108:0crwdne21108:0"
settlement_by_METHOD: "crwdns21570:0METHOD={METHOD}crwdne21570:0"
settlement_by_METHOD: "crwdns22303:0METHOD={METHOD}crwdne22303:0"
settlement_by_wallet: "crwdns21112:0%{AMOUNT}crwdne21112:0"
#CVS accounting export (columns headers)
@ -372,6 +373,8 @@ zu:
schedule_failed: "crwdns21118:0%{DATE}crwdnd21118:0%{REFERENCE}crwdne21118:0"
schedule_deadline: "crwdns21120:0%{DATE}crwdnd21120:0%{REFERENCE}crwdne21120:0"
schedule_deadline: "crwdns22305:0%{DATE}crwdnd22305:0%{REFERENCE}crwdne22305:0"
#statistics tools for admins
subscriptions: "crwdns3689:0crwdne3689:0"
@ -542,3 +545,4 @@ zu:
pack_only_for_subscription: "crwdns22093:0crwdne22093:0"
overlapping_categories: "crwdns22129:0crwdne22129:0"
extended_prices_in_same_day: "crwdns22173:0crwdne22173:0"
public_registrations: "crwdns22287:0crwdne22287:0"
Reference in New Issue
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