mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 00:29:17 +01:00
Merge branch 'dev' for release 5.3.10
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
# Changelog Fab-manager
## v5.3.10 2022 April 12
- Updated generate invoice reference method
- Set invoice reference is required
- Fix a bug: unable to show machine availability slot for admin
- Fix a bug: unable to confirm modification of reservation for client
- Fix a bug: unable to show deleted user in reservation slot
- Fix a bug: race condition on invoice after payment (concerning payment schedules) https://app.clickup.com/t/25zpmn1
- Fix a bug: form maxlength count to exclude spaces and newline
## v5.3.9 2022 April 01
- Optimise sql query, avoid to N+1
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ Application.Controllers.controller('ReserveMachineController', ['$scope', '$tran
slotId: $scope.events.modifiable.slot_id,
borderColor: $scope.events.modifiable.borderColor,
user: angular.copy($scope.events.modifiable.user),
title: $scope.currentUser.id === $scope.events.modifiable.user.id ? _t('app.logged.machines_reserve.i_ve_reserved') : _t('app.logged.machines_reserve.not_available')
title: (!$scope.events.modifiable.user || $scope.currentUser.id === $scope.events.modifiable.user.id) ? _t('app.logged.machines_reserve.i_ve_reserved') : _t('app.logged.machines_reserve.not_available')
$scope.events.modifiable.backgroundColor = 'white';
@ -564,7 +564,12 @@ Application.Directives.directive('cart', ['$rootScope', '$uibModal', 'dialogs',
return dialogs.confirm({
templateUrl: '/shared/confirm_modify_slot_modal.html',
resolve: {
object () { return $scope.slot; }
object () {
if ($scope.slot.user && !$scope.slot.user.name) {
$scope.slot.user.name = _t('app.shared.confirm_modify_slot_modal.deleted_user');
return $scope.slot;
, function (type) {
@ -80,7 +80,8 @@
<div class="widget-content no-bg auto wrapper" ng-class="{'reservations-locked': availability.lock}">
<ul class="list-unstyled" ng-if="reservations.length > 0">
<li ng-repeat="r in reservations" class="m-b-xs" ng-class="{'reservation-canceled':r.canceled_at}">
<span ng-if="r.user.name">{{r.user.name}}</span>
<span translate ng-if="!r.user.name">{{ 'app.admin.calendar.deleted_user' }}</span>
- <span class="label reservation-time">{{ r.start_at | amDateFormat:'LLL' }} - {{ r.end_at | amDateFormat:'LT' }}</span>
- <span class="label label-success text-white">{{r.reservable.name}}</span>
<span class="btn btn-warning btn-xs" ng-click="cancelBooking(r)" ng-if="!r.canceled_at"><i class="fa fa-times red"></i></span>
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
<div class="model">
<h4 translate>{{ 'app.admin.invoices.model' }}</h4>
<input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="model">
<span class="help-block error" ng-show="model.trim() === ''" translate>{{ 'app.admin.invoices.invoice_reference_is_required' }}</span>
<div class="help">
<h4 translate>{{ 'app.admin.invoices.documentation' }}</h4>
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="btn btn-warning" ng-click="ok()" translate>{{ 'app.shared.buttons.confirm' }}</button>
<button class="btn btn-warning" ng-click="ok()" ng-disabled="model.trim() === ''" translate>{{ 'app.shared.buttons.confirm' }}</button>
<button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="cancel()" translate>{{ 'app.shared.buttons.cancel' }}</button>
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
<span class="help-block error" ng-show="planForm['plan[base_name]'].$dirty && planForm['plan[base_name]'].$error.required" translate>{{ 'app.shared.plan.name_is_required' }}</span>
@ -93,6 +93,13 @@
<li ng-repeat="(key, errors) in planForm.$error track by $index"> <strong>{{ key }}</strong> errors
<li ng-repeat="e in errors">{{ e.$name }} has an error: <strong>{{ key }}</strong>.</li>
<div class="panel-footer no-padder">
<input type="submit" value="{{ 'app.shared.buttons.confirm_changes' | translate }}" class="r-b btn-valid btn btn-warning btn-block p-lg btn-lg text-u-c" ng-disabled="planForm.$invalid"/>
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<div class="modal-body">
<form name="trainingForm" novalidate>
<div class="form-group" ng-class="{'has-error': trainingForm['training[description]'].$dirty && trainingForm['training[description]'].$invalid }">
<textarea name="training[description]" class="form-control" placeholder="{{ 'app.admin.trainings.describe_the_training_in_a_few_words' | translate }}" ng-model="training.description" ng-maxlength="255"></textarea>
<textarea name="training[description]" class="form-control" placeholder="{{ 'app.admin.trainings.describe_the_training_in_a_few_words' | translate }}" ng-model="training.description" ng-maxlength="255" ng-trim="false"></textarea>
<span class="help-block" ng-show="trainingForm['training[description]'].$dirty && trainingForm['training[description]'].$error.maxlength" translate>{{ 'app.admin.trainings.description_is_limited_to_255_characters' }}</span>
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
<h1 translate>{{ 'app.shared.confirm_modify_slot_modal.change_the_slot' }}</h1>
<div class="modal-body">
<p ng-show="currentUser.id === object.user.id" translate>{{ 'app.shared.confirm_modify_slot_modal.do_you_want_to_change_your_booking_slot_initially_planned_at' }} </p>
<p ng-show="currentUser.id !== object.user.id" translate translate-values="{NAME: object.user.name}">{{ 'app.shared.confirm_modify_slot_modal.do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at' }}</p>
<p ng-show="!object.user" translate>{{ 'app.shared.confirm_modify_slot_modal.do_you_want_to_change_your_booking_slot_initially_planned_at' }} </p>
<p ng-show="object.user && currentUser.id !== object.user.id" translate translate-values="{NAME: object.user.name}">{{ 'app.shared.confirm_modify_slot_modal.do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at' }}</p>
<p><strong>{{object.start | amDateFormat: 'LL'}} : {{object.start | amDateFormat:'LT'}} - {{object.end | amDateFormat:'LT'}}</strong></p>
<div class="modal-footer">
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ class Availabilities::StatusService
slot.id = s.id
slot.is_reserved = true
slot.title = "#{slot.machine.name} - #{@show_name ? r.user&.profile&.full_name : I18n.t('availabilities.not_available')}"
user_name = r.user ? r.user&.profile&.full_name : I18n.t('availabilities.deleted_user');
slot.title = "#{slot.machine.name} - #{@show_name ? user_name : I18n.t('availabilities.deleted_user')}"
slot.can_modify = true if %w[admin manager].include?(@current_user_role)
slot.reservations.push r
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ class PaymentDocumentService
def generate_reference(document, date: DateTime.current)
pattern = Setting.get('invoice_reference')
reference = replace_invoice_number_pattern(pattern)
reference = replace_invoice_number_pattern(pattern, document.created_at)
reference = replace_date_pattern(reference, date)
if document.is_a? Avoir
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class PaymentDocumentService
pad_and_truncate(number_of_invoices('global'), match.to_s.length)
reference = replace_invoice_number_pattern(reference)
reference = replace_invoice_number_pattern(reference, invoice.created_at)
replace_date_pattern(reference, invoice.created_at)
@ -71,26 +71,25 @@ class PaymentDocumentService
# Returns the number of current invoices in the given range around the current date.
# If range is invalid or not specified, the total number of invoices is returned.
# @param range {String} 'day', 'month', 'year'
# @param date {Date} the ending date
# @return {Integer}
def number_of_invoices(range)
def number_of_invoices(range, date = DateTime.current)
case range.to_s
when 'day'
start = DateTime.current.beginning_of_day
ending = DateTime.current.end_of_day
start = date.beginning_of_day
when 'month'
start = DateTime.current.beginning_of_month
ending = DateTime.current.end_of_month
start = date.beginning_of_month
when 'year'
start = DateTime.current.beginning_of_year
ending = DateTime.current.end_of_year
start = date.beginning_of_year
return get_max_id(Invoice) + get_max_id(PaymentSchedule)
return Invoice.count + PaymentSchedule.count unless defined? start && defined? ending
ending = date
return Invoice.count + PaymentSchedule.count unless defined? start
Invoice.where('created_at >= :start_date AND created_at < :end_date', start_date: start, end_date: ending).length +
PaymentSchedule.where('created_at >= :start_date AND created_at < :end_date', start_date: start, end_date: ending).length
Invoice.where('created_at >= :start_date AND created_at <= :end_date', start_date: start, end_date: ending).length +
PaymentSchedule.where('created_at >= :start_date AND created_at <= :end_date', start_date: start, end_date: ending).length
@ -125,20 +124,20 @@ class PaymentDocumentService
# Replace the document number elements in the provided pattern with counts from the database
# @param reference {string}
def replace_invoice_number_pattern(reference)
def replace_invoice_number_pattern(reference, date)
copy = reference.dup
# document number per year (yy..yy)
copy.gsub!(/y+(?![^\[]*\])/) do |match|
pad_and_truncate(number_of_invoices('year'), match.to_s.length)
pad_and_truncate(number_of_invoices('year', date), match.to_s.length)
# document number per month (mm..mm)
copy.gsub!(/m+(?![^\[]*\])/) do |match|
pad_and_truncate(number_of_invoices('month'), match.to_s.length)
pad_and_truncate(number_of_invoices('month', date), match.to_s.length)
# document number per day (dd..dd)
copy.gsub!(/d+(?![^\[]*\])/) do |match|
pad_and_truncate(number_of_invoices('day'), match.to_s.length)
pad_and_truncate(number_of_invoices('day', date), match.to_s.length)
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ json.array!(@slots) do |slot|
# the user who booked the slot, if the slot was reserved
if (%w[admin manager].include? @current_user_role) && slot.reservation
json.user do
json.id slot.reservation.user.id
json.name slot.reservation.user.profile.full_name
json.id slot.reservation.user&.id
json.name slot.reservation.user&.profile&.full_name
json.tag_ids slot.availability.tag_ids
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ json.array!(@slots) do |slot|
# the user who booked the slot, if the slot was reserved
if (%w[admin manager].include? @current_user_role) && slot.reservation
json.user do
json.id slot.reservation.user.id
json.name slot.reservation.user.profile.full_name
json.id slot.reservation.user&.id
json.name slot.reservation.user&.profile&.full_name
json.tag_ids slot.availability.tag_ids
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
json.id reservation.id
json.user_id reservation.statistic_profile.user_id
json.user_full_name reservation.user.profile.full_name
json.user_full_name reservation.user&.profile&.full_name
json.message reservation.message
json.slots_attributes reservation.slots do |s|
json.id s.id
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ de:
slots: "Slots"
slots_of: "von"
minutes: "Minuten"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
#import external iCal calendar
icalendar_import: "iCalendar Import"
@ -508,6 +509,7 @@ de:
important_notes: "Wichtige Hinweise"
address_and_legal_information: "Adresse und rechtliche Informationen"
invoice_reference: "Rechnungsbezug"
invoice_reference_is_required: "Invoice reference is required."
text: "Text"
year: "Jahr"
month: "Monat"
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ en:
slots: "slots"
slots_of: "of"
minutes: "minutes"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
# import external iCal calendar
icalendar_import: "iCalendar import"
@ -508,6 +509,7 @@ en:
important_notes: "Important notes"
address_and_legal_information: "Address and legal information"
invoice_reference: "Invoice reference"
invoice_reference_is_required: "Invoice reference is required."
text: "text"
year: "Year"
month: "Month"
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ es:
slots: "slots"
slots_of: "of"
minutes: "minutes"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
#import external iCal calendar
icalendar_import: "iCalendar import"
@ -508,6 +509,7 @@ es:
important_notes: "Notas importantes"
address_and_legal_information: "Dirección e información legal"
invoice_reference: "Referencia de factura"
invoice_reference_is_required: "Invoice reference is required."
text: "text"
year: "Año"
month: "Mes"
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ fr:
slots: "créneaux"
slots_of: "de"
minutes: "minutes"
deleted_user: "Utilisateur supprimé"
#import external iCal calendar
icalendar_import: "Import iCalendar"
@ -508,6 +509,7 @@ fr:
important_notes: "Informations importantes"
address_and_legal_information: "Adresse et informations légales"
invoice_reference: "Référence facture"
invoice_reference_is_required: "La référence facture est requis."
text: "texte"
year: "Année"
month: "Mois"
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@
slots: "reservasjoner"
slots_of: "av"
minutes: "minutter"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
#import external iCal calendar
icalendar_import: "iCalendar import"
@ -508,6 +509,7 @@
important_notes: "Viktige merknader"
address_and_legal_information: "Adresse og juridisk informasjon"
invoice_reference: "Fakturareferanse"
invoice_reference_is_required: "Invoice reference is required."
text: "tekst"
year: "År"
month: "Måned"
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ pt:
slots: "slots"
slots_of: "do"
minutes: "minutos"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
#import external iCal calendar
icalendar_import: "importar iCalendar"
@ -508,6 +509,7 @@ pt:
important_notes: "Notas importantes"
address_and_legal_information: "Endereço e informações legais"
invoice_reference: "Referencia de fatura"
invoice_reference_is_required: "Invoice reference is required."
text: "texto"
year: "Ano"
month: "Mês"
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ zu:
slots: "crwdns20302:0crwdne20302:0"
slots_of: "crwdns20304:0crwdne20304:0"
minutes: "crwdns20288:0crwdne20288:0"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
#import external iCal calendar
icalendar_import: "crwdns6855:0crwdne6855:0"
@ -508,6 +509,7 @@ zu:
important_notes: "crwdns7385:0crwdne7385:0"
address_and_legal_information: "crwdns7387:0crwdne7387:0"
invoice_reference: "crwdns7389:0crwdne7389:0"
invoice_reference_is_required: "Invoice reference is required."
text: "crwdns21060:0crwdne21060:0"
year: "crwdns7391:0crwdne7391:0"
month: "crwdns7393:0crwdne7393:0"
@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ de:
do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Möchten Sie den {NAME}-Buchungsplatz ändern? Ursprünglich geplant um:"
cancel_this_reservation: "Reservierung stornieren"
i_want_to_change_date: "Ich möchte das Datum ändern"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
#user public profile
last_activity_html: "Letzte Aktivität <br><strong>am {DATE}</strong>"
@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ en:
do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Do you want to change {NAME}'s booking slot, initially planned at:"
cancel_this_reservation: "Cancel this reservation"
i_want_to_change_date: "I want to change date"
deleted_user: "deleted user"
#user public profile
last_activity_html: "Last activity <br><strong>on {DATE}</strong>"
@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ es:
do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Desea cambiar la reserva de {NAME} , efectuada inicialmente el:"
cancel_this_reservation: "Cancelar reserva"
i_want_to_change_date: "Quiero cambiar la fecha"
deleted_user: "deleted user"
#user public profile
last_activity_html: "Last activity <br><strong>on {DATE}</strong>"
@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ fr:
do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Souhaitez-vous changer le créneau de réservation de {NAME}, initialement prévu au :"
cancel_this_reservation: "Annuler cette réservation"
i_want_to_change_date: "Je veux changer de date"
deleted_user: "l'utilisateur supprimé"
#user public profile
last_activity_html: "Dernière activité <br><strong>le {DATE}</strong>"
@ -283,6 +283,7 @@
do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Vil du endre {NAME} sin bestillingsplass, som opprinnelig er planlagt på:"
cancel_this_reservation: "Avbryt reservasjon"
i_want_to_change_date: "Jeg vil endre dato"
deleted_user: "deleted user"
#user public profile
last_activity_html: "Siste aktivitet <br><strong>{DATE}</strong>"
@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ pt:
do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Você deseja alterar o agendamento do usuário {NAME}, inicialmente marcado para:"
cancel_this_reservation: "Cancelar essa reserva"
i_want_to_change_date: "Eu quero alterar a data"
deleted_user: "deleted user"
#user public profile
last_activity_html: "Última atividade <br><strong>em {DATE}</strong>"
@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ zu:
do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "crwdns9825:0{NAME}crwdne9825:0"
cancel_this_reservation: "crwdns9827:0crwdne9827:0"
i_want_to_change_date: "crwdns9829:0crwdne9829:0"
deleted_user: "deleted user"
#user public profile
last_activity_html: "crwdns9843:0{DATE}crwdne9843:0"
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ de:
i_ve_reserved: "Ich reservierte"
length_must_be_slot_multiple: "muss mindestens %{MIN} Minuten nach dem Startdatum liegen"
must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "muss mindestens einer Maschine zugeordnet sein"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
#members management
unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "Die Gruppe kann während eines Abonnements nicht geändert werden"
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ en:
i_ve_reserved: "I've reserved"
length_must_be_slot_multiple: "must be at least %{MIN} minutes after the start date"
must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "must be associated with at least 1 machine"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
#members management
unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "Unable to change the group while a subscription is running"
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ es:
i_ve_reserved: "He reservado"
length_must_be_slot_multiple: "Debe ser al menos %{MIN} minutos después de la fecha de inicio"
must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "debe estar asociado con al menos 1 máquina"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
#members management
unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "No se puede cambiar de grupo mientras haya una suscripción en curso"
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ fr:
i_ve_reserved: "J'ai réservé"
length_must_be_slot_multiple: "doit être au moins %{MIN} minutes après la date de début"
must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "doit être associé avec au moins 1 machine"
deleted_user: "Utilisateur supprimé"
#members management
unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "Impossible de changer le groupe tant qu'un abonnement est en cours"
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
i_ve_reserved: "Jeg har reservert"
length_must_be_slot_multiple: "må være minst %{MIN} minutter etter startdatoen"
must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "må være tilknyttet minst 1 maskin"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
#members management
unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "Kan ikke endre gruppen mens et abonnement kjører"
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ pt:
i_ve_reserved: "Eu reservei"
length_must_be_slot_multiple: "deve ser pelo menos %{MIN} minutos após a data de início"
must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "deve estar associada a pelo menos uma máquina"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
#members management
unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "Não é possível alterar o grupo enquanto uma assinatura está sendo executada"
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ zu:
i_ve_reserved: "crwdns3269:0crwdne3269:0"
length_must_be_slot_multiple: "crwdns3271:0%{MIN}crwdne3271:0"
must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "crwdns3273:0crwdne3273:0"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
#members management
unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "crwdns3275:0crwdne3275:0"
@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ class Stripe::Service < Payment::Service
pgo = PaymentGatewayObject.find_or_initialize_by(item: payment_schedule_item)
pgo.gateway_object = stp_invoice
elsif stp_invoice.status == 'draft'
return # Could be that the stripe invoice does not yet reflect the payment made by the member, because we called that service just after payment is made. We call return here and PaymentScheduleItemWorker will anyway call that method every hour
payment_schedule_item.update_attributes(state: 'error')
@ -126,5 +126,19 @@ namespace :fablab do
puts '-> Done'
desc 'Regenerate the invoices (invoices & avoirs) reference'
task :regenerate_invoices_reference, %i[year month] => :environment do |_task, args|
year = args.year || Time.current.year
month = args.month || Time.current.month
start_date = Time.zone.local(year.to_i, month.to_i, 1)
end_date = start_date.next_month
puts "-> Start regenerate the invoices reference between #{I18n.l start_date, format: :long} and " \
"#{I18n.l end_date - 1.minute, format: :long}"
invoices = Invoice.where('created_at >= :start_date AND created_at < :end_date', start_date: start_date, end_date: end_date)
.order(created_at: :asc)
puts '-> Done'
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "fab-manager",
"version": "5.3.9",
"version": "5.3.10",
"description": "Fab-manager is the FabLab management solution. It provides a comprehensive, web-based, open-source tool to simplify your administrative tasks and your marker's projects.",
"keywords": [
Reference in New Issue
Block a user