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Angular is only dependency (no jQuery). 8K minified or 2K gzipped.
Check out [the live demo](http://oblador.github.io/angular-scroll/) or the [source code](https://github.com/oblador/angular-scroll/blob/master/example/index.html).
#### With bower:
$ bower install angular-scroll
#### With npm (for use with browserify):
$ npm install angular-scroll
You can also download the [production version](https://raw.github.com/oblador/angular-scroll/master/angular-scroll.min.js)or the [development version](https://raw.github.com/oblador/angular-scroll/master/angular-scroll.js).
If you prefer a CDN hosted version (which might speed up your load times), check out [cdnjs.com/libraries/angular-scroll](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/angular-scroll).
Don't forget to add `duScroll` to your module dependencies.
`angular.element` Scroll API
This module extends the `angular.element` object with a few jQuery like functions. Note that `$document` is an `angular.element`, for usage example see below. In case of name collisions existing jQuery or jqlite functions will be preserved, just use the prefixed version: ie `.duScrollTo()` instead of `.scrollTo()`.
#### `.scrollTo( left, top [, duration [, easing ] ] )`
Scrolls the element/window to the specified left/top position. If `duration` is specified the scrolling is animated for n milliseconds. If `easing` is ommited the animation will default to the `duScrollEasing` function.
#### `.scrollTo( element [, offset, [, duration [, easing ] ] ] )`
Alias of `.scrollToElement`.
#### `.scrollToElement( element [, offset, [, duration [, easing ] ] ] )`
Scrolls to the specified element, if `offset` is passed it will be subtracted from the elements position which is good if one uses floating menus.
#### `.scrollToElementAnimated( element [, offset, [, duration [, easing ] ] ] )`
Convenience function. Works exactly the same as `scrollToElement` but uses the default values from `duScrollOffset`, `duScrollDuration` and `duScrollEasing` unless otherwise specified.
#### `.scrollTop|scrollLeft( )`
Returns current scroll position.
#### `.scrollTop|scrollLeft( top [, duration [, easing ] ] )`
Scrolls to specified position in either axis, with optional animation.
#### `.scrollTopAnimated|scrollLeftAnimated( top [, duration [, easing ] ] )`
Convenience function like `scrollToElementAnimated` but for `scrollTop`/`scrollLeft`.
#### Promises
Animated scrolling returns a `$q` promise, it will resolve when the scrolling has finished or be rejected if cancelled (by starting another scroll animation before it finished).
#### Example
angular.module('myApp', ['duScroll']).
controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $document) {
var top = 400;
var duration = 2000; //milliseconds
//Scroll to the exact position
$document.scrollTop(top, duration).then(function() {
console && console.log('You just scrolled to the top!');
var offset = 30; //pixels; adjust for floating menu, context etc
//Scroll to #some-id with 30 px "padding"
//Note: Use this in a directive, not with document.getElementById
var someElement = angular.element(document.getElementById('some-id'));
$document.scrollToElement(someElement, offset, duration);
The above example can be achieved by configuration instead of arguments:
angular.module('myApp', ['duScroll'])
.value('duScrollDuration', 2000)
.value('duScrollOffset', 30)
.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $document) {
$document.scrollTopAnimated(400).then(function() {
console && console.log('You just scrolled to the top!');
var someElement = angular.element(document.getElementById('some-id'));
### `du-smooth-scroll`
Provides smooth anchor scrolling.
<a href="#anchor" du-smooth-scroll>Scroll it!</a>
### `du-scrollspy`
Observes whether the target element is at the top of the viewport (or container) and adds an `active` class if so. Takes optional `offset` and `duration` attributes which is passed on to `.scrollTo`,
<a href="#anchor" du-scrollspy>Am i active?</a>
or together with Bootstrap
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<li du-scrollspy="anchor"><a href="#anchor">Link</a></li>
### `du-spy-context`
Enables multiple sets of spies on the same target element. Takes optional `offset` attribute to
<ul du-spy-context class="nav navbar-nav">
<li du-scrollspy="anchor"><a href="#anchor">Link</a></li>
<ul du-spy-context class="nav navbar-nav">
<li du-scrollspy="anchor"><a href="#anchor">Link</a></li>
### `du-scroll-container`
Modifies behavior of `du-scrollspy` and `du-smooth-scroll` to observe/scroll within and element instead of the window/document. Good for modals/elements with `overflow: auto/scroll`.
<div du-scroll-container>
<p id="top">This is the top</p>
<p id="anchor">Scroll to me, or <a href="#top" du-smooth-scroll>the top</a></p>
If your links lie outside of the scrollable element, wrap them with the `du-scroll-container` directive and send the element id as argument:
<ul du-scroll-container="scroll-container">
<li><a href="#anchor" du-smooth-scroll>Link</a></li>
<div id="scroll-container">
### [All in together now](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cx4KtTezEFg&feature=kp)
The directives play well together, try [the demo](http://oblador.github.io/angular-scroll/container.html) or inspect its [source code](https://github.com/oblador/angular-scroll/blob/master/example/container.html).
<ul du-spy-context du-scroll-container="scroll-container">
<li><a href="#anchor" offset="30" du-smooth-scroll du-scrollspy>Link</a></li>
<ul du-spy-context du-scroll-container="scroll-container">
<li><a href="#anchor" offset="30" du-smooth-scroll du-scrollspy>Link</a></li>
<div id="scroll-container">
Observing Scroll Position
**NOTE:** the `$duScrollChanged` event and the `scrollPosition` service are deprecated. Use `angular.element().on()` together with `.scrollTop()` instead.
angular.module('myApp', ['duScroll']).
controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $document){
$document.on('scroll', function() {
console.log('Document scrolled to ', $document.scrollLeft(), $document.scrollTop());
var container = angular.element(document.getElementById('container'));
container.on('scroll', function() {
console.log('Container scrolled to ', container.scrollLeft(), container.scrollTop());
### Scroll speed
Duration is defined in milliseconds.
To set a scroll duration on a single anchor:
<a href="#anchor" du-smooth-scroll duration="5000">Scroll it!</a>
To change the default duration:
angular.module('myApp', ['duScroll']).value('duScrollDuration', 5000);
### Scroll easing
Set the `duScrollEasing` value to a function that takes and returns a value between 0 to 1. Here's [a few examples](https://gist.github.com/gre/1650294) to choose from.
function invertedEasingFunction(x) {
return 1-x;
angular.module('myApp', ['duScroll']).value('duScrollEasing', invertedEasingFunction);
You can also pass a custom easing function as the fourth argument in `scrollTo`.
### Greedy option
Set the `duScrollGreedy` value to `true` if the elements you are observing are not wrapping the whole section you want to observe, but merely the first one in the section (such as headlines).
angular.module('myApp', ['duScroll']).value('duScrollGreedy', true);
### Offset
To change default offset (in pixels) for the `du-smooth-scroll` directive:
angular.module('myApp', ['duScroll']).value('duScrollOffset', 30);
The `duScrollspy` directive fires the global events `duScrollspy:becameActive` and `duScrollspy:becameInactive` with an angular.element wrapped element as first argument. This is nice to have if you want the URL bar to reflect where on the page the visitor are, like this:
angular.module('myApp', ['duScroll']).
config(function($locationProvider) {
run(function($rootScope, $location){
$rootScope.$on('duScrollspy:becameActive', function($event, $element){
//Automaticly update location
var hash = $element.prop('hash');
if(hash) {
$ gulp
### Unit tests
$ npm test
### End to end tests
$ npm run update-webdriver
$ npm run protractor