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# Install Fab-manager in production with docker-compose
This document will guide you through all the steps needed to set up your Fab-manager app on a production server, based on a solution using Docker and Docker-compose.
We recommend DigitalOcean, but these steps will work on any Docker-compatible cloud provider or local server.
In order to make it work, please use the same directories structure as described in this guide in your Fab-manager app folder.
You will need to be root through the rest of the setup.
##### Table of contents
1. [Preliminary steps](#preliminary-steps)<br/>
1.1. [Setup the server](#setup-the-server)<br/>
1.2. [Setup the domain name](#setup-the-domain-name)<br/>
1.3. [Connect through SSH](#connect-through-ssh)<br/>
1.4. [Prepare the server](#prepare-the-server)<br/>
2. [Install Fab-manager](#install-fab-manager)<br/>
3. [Docker utils](#docker-utils)
4. [Update Fab-manager](#update-fabmanager)<br/>
4.1. [Steps](#steps)<br/>
4.2. [Upgrade to the last version](#upgrade-to-the-last-version)<br/>
4.3. [Upgrade to a specific version](#upgrade-to-a-specific-version)
<a name="preliminary-steps"></a>
## Preliminary steps
<a name="setup-the-server"></a>
### Setup the server
There are many hosting providers on the internet, providing affordable virtual private serveurs (VPS).
Here's a non exhaustive list:
- [DigitalOcean](https://www.digitalocean.com/pricing/#droplet)
- [OVH](https://www.ovh.com/fr/vps/)
- [Amazon](https://aws.amazon.com/fr/ec2/)
- [Gandi](https://v4.gandi.net/hebergement/serveur/prix)
- [Ikoula](https://express.ikoula.com/fr/serveur-virtuel)
- [1&1](https://www.1and1.fr/serveurs-virtuels)
- [GoDaddy](https://fr.godaddy.com/hosting/vps-hosting)
- [and many others...](https://www.google.fr/search?q=vps+hosting)
Choose one, depending on your budget, on the server's location, on the uptime guarantee, etc.
You will need at least 2GB of addressable memory (RAM + swap) to install and use Fab-manager.
We recommend 4 GB RAM for larger communities.
On DigitalOcean, create a Droplet with One-click apps **"Docker on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS"**.
This way, Docker and Docker-compose are pre-installed.
Choose a datacenter and set your domain name as the hostname.
With other providers, choose a [supported operating system](../README.md#software-stack) and install docker on it:
- Install [Docker on Debian](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/docker-ce/debian/)
- Install [Docker on Ubuntu](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/)
Then install [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/)
<a name="setup-the-domain-name"></a>
### Setup the domain name
There are many domain name registrars on the internet, you may choose one that fit your needs.
You can find an exhaustive list [on the ICANN website](https://www.icann.org/registrar-reports/accredited-list.html)
1. Once done, buy a domain name on it
2. Replace the IP address of the domain with the IP address of your VPS (This is a DNS record type A)
3. **Do not** try to access your domain name right away, DNS are not aware of the change yet so **WAIT** and be patient.
<a name="connect-through-ssh"></a>
### Connect through SSH
You can already connect to the server with this command: `ssh root@server-ip`. When DNS propagation will be done, you will be able to
connect to the server with `ssh root@your-domain-name`.
<a name="prepare-the-server"></a>
### Prepare the server
Before installing Fab-manager, we recommend you to:
- Upgrade your system
- Setup the server timezone
- Add at least 2GB of swap memory
- Protect your SSH connection by forcing it through a RSA key
You can run the following script as root to easily perform all these operations:
\curl -sSL prepare-vps.sleede.com | bash
<a name="install-fab-manager"></a>
## Install Fab-manager
Run the following command to install Fab-manager.
This script will guide you through the installation process by checking the requirements and asking you the configuration elements.
\curl -sSL setup.fab-manager.com | bash
**OR**, if you don't want to install Fab-manager in `/apps/fabmanager`, use the following instead:
\curl -sSL setup.fab-manager.com | bash -s "/my/custom/path"
## Fab-manager for small configurations
If your server machine is not powerful, you can lower the system requirements by uninstalling ElasticSearch.
In order to remove ElasticSearch, you must **first** disable the statistics module from Customization > General > Modules.
Then, you can remove the `elasticsearch` service from the [docker-compose.yml](../setup/docker-compose.yml) file and restart the whole application:
docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d
Disabling ElasticSearch will save up to 800 Mb of memory.
<a name="docker-utils"></a>
## Docker utils
Below, you'll find a collection of useful commands to control your instance with docker-compose.
Before using any of these commands, you must first `cd` into the app directory.
- Read again the environment variables and restart
docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d
- Open a bash prompt in the app context
docker-compose exec fabmanager bash
- Show services status
docker-compose ps
- Example of command passing env variables
docker-compose run --rm -e VAR1=xxx -e VAR2=xxx fabmanager bundle exec rails my:command
<a name="update-fabmanager"></a>
## Update Fab-manager
*This procedure updates Fab-manager to the most recent version by default.*
> ⚠ If you are upgrading from a very outdated version, you must first upgrade to v2.8.3, then to v3.1.2 and finally to the last version
<a name="steps"></a>
### Steps
When a new version is available, follow this procedure to update Fab-manager app in a production environment, using docker-compose.
You can subscribe to [this atom feed](https://github.com/sleede/fab-manager/releases.atom) to get notified when a new release comes out.
1. go to your app folder
`cd /apps/fabmanager`
2. pull last docker images
`docker-compose pull`
3. stop the app
`docker-compose stop fabmanager`
4. remove old assets
`rm -Rf public/assets/`
5. compile new assets
`docker-compose run --rm fabmanager bundle exec rails assets:precompile`
6. run specific commands
**Do not forget** to check if there are commands to run for your upgrade. Those commands
are always specified in the [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/sleede/fab-manager/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) and prefixed by **[TODO DEPLOY]**.
They are also present in the [releases page](https://github.com/sleede/fab-manager/releases).
Those commands execute specific tasks and have to be run by hand.
Using docker, you must prefix these commands with `docker-compose run --rm fabmanager bundle exec`.
You can also ignore commands only applicable to development environnement, which are prefixed by `(dev)` in the CHANGELOG.
7. restart all containers
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d
You can check that all containers are running with `docker ps`.
<a name="upgrade-to-the-last-version"></a>
### Upgrade to the last version
It's the default behaviour as `docker-compose pull` command will fetch the latest versions of the docker images.
Be sure to run all the specific commands listed in the [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/sleede/fab-manager/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) between your actual
and the new version in sequential order. (Example: to update from 2.4.0 to 2.4.3, you will run the specific commands for the 2.4.1, then for the 2.4.2 and then for the 2.4.3).
<a name="upgrade-to-a-specific-version"></a>
### Upgrade to a specific version
Edit your [/apps/fabmanager/docker-compose.yml](../setup/docker-compose.yml#L4) file and change the following line:
image: sleede/fab-manager
For example, here we want to use the v3.1.2:
image: sleede/fab-manager:release-v3.1.2
Then run the normal upgrade procedure.