2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
# include "qpu_assembler.h"
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
# include "vc4_qpu_defines.h"
Instruction restrictions
* The last three instructions of any program ( Thread End plus the following two delay - slot instructions ) must
not do varyings read , uniforms read or any kind of VPM , VDR , or VDW read or write .
* The Program End instruction must not write to either physical regfile A or B .
* The Program End instruction and the following two delay slot instructions must not write or read address 14
in either regfile A or B .
* The final program instruction ( the second delay slot instruction ) must not do a TLB Z write .
* A scoreboard wait must not occur in the first two instructions of a fragment shader . This is either the
explicit Wait for Scoreboard signal or an implicit wait with the first tile - buffer read or write instruction .
* If TMU_NOSWAP is written , the write must be three instructions before the first TMU write instruction .
For example , if TMU_NOSWAP is written in the first shader instruction , the first TMU write cannot occur
before the 4 th shader instruction .
* An instruction must not read from a location in physical regfile A or B that was written to by the previous
instruction .
* After an SFU lookup instruction , accumulator r4 must not be read in the following two instructions . Any
other instruction that results in r4 being written ( that is , TMU read , TLB read , SFU lookup ) cannot occur in
the two instructions following an SFU lookup .
* An instruction that does a vector rotate by r5 must not immediately follow an instruction that writes to r5 .
* An instruction that does a vector rotate must not immediately follow an instruction that writes to the
accumulator that is being rotated .
* After an instruction that does a TLB Z write , the multisample mask must not be read as an instruction
input argument in the following two instruction . The TLB Z write instruction can , however , be followed
immediately by a TLB color write .
* A single instruction can only perform a maximum of one of the following closely coupled peripheral
accesses in a single instruction : TMU write , TMU read , TLB write , TLB read , TLB combined color read and
write , SFU write , Mutex read or Semaphore access .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
Format :
# comment
sig_bit_opt ; dstAdd . pack_opt = add_op . pm_opt . sf_opt . cond . unpack_opt . ws_opt ( srcA , srcB , raddr_a_opt , raddr_b_opt ) ; dstMul . pack_opt = mul_op . cond ( srcA , srcB ) ;
sig_small_imm ; dstAdd . pack_opt = add_op . pm_opt . sf_opt . cond . unpack_opt . ws_opt ( srcA , srcB , raddr_a_opt , small_imm ) ; dstMul . pack_opt = mul_op . cond ( srcA , srcB ) ;
sig_branch ; dstAdd = branch . rel_opt . reg_opt . ws_opt ( address , condition , raddr_a_opt ) ; dstMul = branch ( ) ;
sig_load_imm ; dstAdd . pack_opt = sem_inc . pm_opt . sf_opt . cond . ws_opt ( sem_number , 27 bit_imm_opt ) ; dstMul . pack_opt = sem_inc . cond ( ) ;
sig_load_imm ; dstAdd . pack_opt = load32 . pm_opt . sf_opt . cond . ws_opt ( immediate32bit_value ) ; dstMul . pack_opt = load32 . cond ( ) ;
sig_load_imm ; dstAdd . pack_opt = load16 . pm_opt . signed_opt . sf_opt . cond . ws_opt ( int16_imm , int16_imm ) ; dstMul . pack_opt = load16 . cond ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = How to formulate instructions : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
1 )
You must specify the signal bits at the beginning of each instruction :
sig_brk , sig_none , sig_switch , sig_end , sig_wait_score , sig_unlock_score , sig_thread_switch , sig_coverage_load ,
sig_color_load , sig_color_load_end , sig_load_tmu0 , sig_load_tmu1 , sig_alpha_mask_load , sig_small_imm , sig_load_imm , sig_branch
2 )
Then you must specify the output register for the ADD pipeline .
rx0 - 31 , r0 - 3 , r5 , tmu_noswap , host_int , nop , uniforms_addr , quad_x , quad_y , ms_flags , rev_flags , tlb_stencil_setup
tlb_z , tlb_color_ms , tlb_color_all , vpm , vr_setup , vr_addr , mutex_release , sfu_recip , sfu_recipsqrt , sfu_exp ,
sfu_log , tmu0_s , tmu0_t , tmu0_r , tmu0_b , tmu1_s , tmu1_t , tmu1_r , tmu1_b
3 )
If the ADD instruction writes to regfile A ( ie . you don ' t specify the WS flag later ) and PM flag won ' t be specified ,
then you can specify the pack mode for regfile A here ( omitting means nop )
nop , 16 a , 16 b , 8888 , 8 a , 8 b , 8 c , 8 d , sta , 16 a . sat , 16 b . sat , 8888. sat , 8 a . sat , 8 b . sat , 8 c . sat , 8 d . sat
4 )
Then you must specify your operation for the ADD pipeline . If you are writing a non - ALU instruction , you can specify either
branch , sem_inc , sem_dec , load32 or load16 here instead .
Operations available :
nop , fadd , fsub , fmin , fmax , fminabs , fmaxabs , ftoi , itof , add , sub , shr , asr , ror , shl , min , max , and , or , xor , not , clz , v8adds , v8subs
5 )
Then you can specify a range of modifiers ( order is not important ) :
PM bit : pm
SF bit : sf
WS bit : ws
REL bit : rel
REG bit : reg
SIGNED bit : signed
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
Conditional execution for the ADD pipeline ( default is never ) : never , always , zs , zc , ns , nc , cs , cc
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
Unpack modes ( from regfile A , or if PM is set from R4 ) : nop , 16 a , 16 b , 8 d_rep , 8 a , 8 b , 8 c , 8 d
6 )
Then you must specify the arguments for the ALU operation .
srcA , srcB can be : r0 - r5 or a , b for regfiles A and B , or imm for the small immediate value .
raddr_a and raddr_b can be specified afterwards as optional extra arguments ( omitting means nop ) .
raddr_a : ra0 - 31 , pay_zw , uni , vary , elem , nop , x_pix , ms_flags , vpm_read , vpm_ld_busy , vpm_ld_wait , mutex_acq
raddr_b : rb0 - 31 , pay_zw , uni , vary , elem , nop , y_pix , rev_flag , vpm_read , vpm_st_busy , vpm_st_wait , mutex_acq
For branch operation , you must specify :
the jump address as a 32 bit value ( can be relative if REL is set )
the branch condition : all_zs , all_zc , any_zs , any_zc , all_ns , all_nc , any_ns , any_nc , all_cs , all_cc , any_cs , any_cc , always
and an optional raddr_a ( if REG flag is set ) , see above
For a semaphore instruction , you need to specify which semaphore ( 0 - 15 ) you want to modify , then an optional 27 bit immediate value ( ms 16 bits might be usable . . . ) .
7 )
Then you must specify the output register for the MUL pipeline .
See above for options .
8 )
If the MUL instruction writes to regfile A ( ie . you specify the WS flag ) then you can set the pack operation for regfile A here :
nop , 16 a , 16 b , 8888 , 8 a , 8 b , 8 c , 8 d , sta , 16 a . sat , 16 b . sat , 8888. sat , 8 a . sat , 8 b . sat , 8 c . sat , 8 d . sat
You if specify the PM flag , then you can set the pack operation for the MUL output here :
nop , 8888 , 8 a , 8 b , 8 c , 8 d
9 )
Then you must specify your operation for the MUL pipeline . If you are writing a non - ALU instruction , you can specify either
branch , sem_inc , sem_dec , load32 or load16 here instead .
Operations available :
nop , fmul , mul24 , v8muld , v8min , v8max , v8adds , v8subs
10 )
Then you can specify a range of modifiers ( order is not important ) :
Conditional execution for the MUL pipeline : never , always , zs , zc , ns , nc , cs , cc
11 )
Then you must specify the arguments for the ALU operation .
srcA , srcB can be : r0 - r5 or a , b for regfiles A and B , or imm for the small immediate value .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Examples :
sig_none ; rx0 . nop = add . pm . sf . always ( r0 , r1 , 0 ) ; rx0 . nop = fmul . always ( r2 , r3 ) ;
sig_branch ; rx0 = branch . pm . rel . reg . always ( 0xdeadbeef , ra1 ) ; rx0 = branch ( ) ;
sig_none ; rx0 . nop = sem_inc . pm . sf . always ( 1 , 0x7ffffff ) ; rx0 . nop = sem_inc . always ( ) ;
sig_load_imm ; rx0 . nop = load32 . pm . sf . always ( 0xdeadbeef ) ; rx0 . nop = load32 . always ( ) ;
sig_load_imm ; rx0 . nop = load16 . pm . sf . signed . always ( 1 , 2 ) ; rx0 . nop = load16 . always ( ) ;
# mov
sig_none ; rx0 . nop = or ( r0 , r0 ) ; rx0 = v8min ( r1 , r1 ) ;
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
# nop
sig_none ; nop = nop ( nop , nop ) ; nop = nop ( nop , nop ) ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
uint64_t encode_alu ( qpu_sig_bits sig_bits ,
qpu_unpack unpack_mode ,
//If the pm bit is set, the unpack field programs the r4 unpack unit,
//and the pack field is used to program the color
//conversion on the output of the mul unit
uint8_t pack_unpack_select ,
uint8_t pack_mode ,
qpu_cond add_cond ,
qpu_cond mul_cond ,
uint8_t set_flags , //Flags are updated from the add ALU unless the add ALU performed a NOP (or its condition code was NEVER) in which case flags are updated from the mul ALU
uint8_t write_swap_flag , //0: add writes to A, mul to B, 1: add writes to B, mul to A
qpu_waddr waddr_add ,
qpu_waddr waddr_mul ,
qpu_op_mul op_mul ,
qpu_op_add op_add ,
qpu_raddr raddr_a ,
qpu_raddr raddr_b ,
qpu_mux add_a ,
qpu_mux add_b ,
qpu_mux mul_a ,
qpu_mux mul_b
uint64_t res = 0 ;
uint64_t tmp = 0 ;
tmp = sig_bits & 0xf ; //mask ls 4 bits
res | = tmp < < QPU_SIG_SHIFT ;
tmp = unpack_mode & 0x7 ; //mask ls 3 bits
res | = tmp < < QPU_UNPACK_SHIFT ;
tmp = pack_unpack_select & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 56 ;
tmp = pack_mode & 0xf ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_PACK_SHIFT ;
tmp = add_cond & 0x7 ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_COND_ADD_SHIFT ;
tmp = mul_cond & 0x7 ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_COND_MUL_SHIFT ;
tmp = set_flags & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 45 ;
tmp = write_swap_flag & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 44 ;
tmp = waddr_add & 0x3f ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_WADDR_ADD_SHIFT ;
tmp = waddr_mul & 0x3f ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_WADDR_MUL_SHIFT ;
tmp = op_mul & 0x7 ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_OP_MUL_SHIFT ;
tmp = op_add & 0x1f ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_OP_ADD_SHIFT ;
tmp = raddr_a & 0x3f ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_RADDR_A_SHIFT ;
tmp = raddr_b & 0x3f ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_RADDR_B_SHIFT ;
tmp = add_a & 0x7 ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_ADD_A_SHIFT ;
tmp = add_b & 0x7 ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_ADD_B_SHIFT ;
tmp = mul_a & 0x7 ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_MUL_A_SHIFT ;
tmp = mul_b & 0x7 ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_MUL_B_SHIFT ;
return res ;
uint64_t encode_alu_small_imm ( qpu_unpack unpack_mode ,
uint8_t pack_unpack_select ,
uint8_t pack_mode ,
qpu_cond add_cond ,
qpu_cond mul_cond ,
uint8_t set_flags , //Flags are updated from the add ALU unless the add ALU performed a NOP (or its condition code was NEVER) in which case flags are updated from the mul ALU
uint8_t write_swap_flag , //0: add writes to A, mul to B, 1: add writes to B, mul to A
qpu_waddr waddr_add ,
qpu_waddr waddr_mul ,
qpu_op_mul op_mul ,
qpu_op_add op_add ,
qpu_raddr raddr_a ,
uint8_t small_imm ,
qpu_mux add_a ,
qpu_mux add_b ,
qpu_mux mul_a ,
qpu_mux mul_b
return encode_alu ( 0xd ,
unpack_mode ,
pack_unpack_select ,
pack_mode ,
add_cond ,
mul_cond ,
set_flags ,
write_swap_flag ,
waddr_add ,
waddr_mul ,
op_mul ,
op_add ,
raddr_a ,
small_imm ,
add_a ,
add_b ,
mul_a ,
mul_b ) ;
uint64_t encode_branch ( qpu_branch_cond branch_cond ,
uint8_t is_relative , //if set branch target is relative to PC+4
uint8_t use_raddr_a , //if set add value of raddr_a (from simd elem 0) to branch target
qpu_raddr raddr_a ,
uint8_t write_swap_bit ,
qpu_waddr waddr_add ,
qpu_waddr waddr_mul ,
uint32_t imm //always added to branch target, set to 0 if unused
uint64_t res = 0 ;
uint64_t tmp = 0 ;
tmp = 0xf ;
res | = tmp < < 60 ;
tmp = branch_cond & 0xf ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_BRANCH_COND_SHIFT ;
tmp = is_relative & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 51 ;
tmp = use_raddr_a & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 50 ;
tmp = raddr_a & 0x1f ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_BRANCH_RADDR_A_SHIFT ;
tmp = write_swap_bit & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 44 ;
tmp = waddr_add & 0x3f ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_WADDR_ADD_SHIFT ;
tmp = waddr_mul & 0x3f ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_WADDR_MUL_SHIFT ;
res | = imm ;
return res ;
uint64_t encode_semaphore ( uint8_t pack_unpack_select ,
uint8_t pack_mode ,
qpu_cond cond_add ,
qpu_cond cond_mul ,
uint8_t set_flags ,
uint8_t write_swap ,
qpu_waddr waddr_add ,
qpu_waddr waddr_mul ,
uint8_t incr_sem , //if 1 increment semaphore
uint8_t sem , //4 bit semaphore selector
uint32_t imm_val //27bit immediate value loaded into all 16 simd elements
uint64_t res = 0 ;
uint64_t tmp = 0 ;
tmp = 0x74 ;
res | = tmp < < 57 ;
tmp = pack_unpack_select & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 56 ;
tmp = pack_mode & 0xf ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_PACK_SHIFT ;
tmp = cond_add & 0x7 ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_COND_ADD_SHIFT ;
tmp = cond_mul & 0x7 ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_COND_MUL_SHIFT ;
tmp = set_flags & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 45 ;
tmp = write_swap & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 44 ;
tmp = waddr_add & 0x3f ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_WADDR_ADD_SHIFT ;
tmp = waddr_mul & 0x3f ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_WADDR_MUL_SHIFT ;
tmp = imm_val & 0x7ffffff ;
res | = tmp < < 5 ;
tmp = incr_sem & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 4 ;
res | = sem & 0xf ;
return res ;
//write immediate value across simd array
uint64_t encode_load_imm ( uint8_t pack_unpack_select ,
uint8_t pack_mode ,
qpu_cond cond_add ,
qpu_cond cond_mul ,
uint8_t set_flags ,
uint8_t write_swap ,
qpu_waddr waddr_add ,
qpu_waddr waddr_mul ,
uint32_t imm //2x16bit or 1x32bit uint
uint64_t res = 0 ;
uint64_t tmp = 0 ;
tmp = 0x70 ;
res | = tmp < < 57 ;
tmp = pack_unpack_select & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 56 ;
tmp = pack_mode & 0xf ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_PACK_SHIFT ;
tmp = cond_add & 0x7 ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_COND_ADD_SHIFT ;
tmp = cond_mul & 0x7 ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_COND_MUL_SHIFT ;
tmp = set_flags & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 45 ;
tmp = write_swap & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 44 ;
tmp = waddr_add & 0x3f ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_WADDR_ADD_SHIFT ;
tmp = waddr_mul & 0x3f ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_WADDR_MUL_SHIFT ;
res | = imm ;
return res ;
//write per element MS bit and LS bit across simd array
uint64_t encode_load_imm_per_elem (
uint8_t signed_or_unsigned , //1 for signed, 0 for unsigned
uint8_t pack_unpack_select ,
uint8_t pack_mode ,
qpu_cond cond_add ,
qpu_cond cond_mul ,
uint8_t set_flags ,
uint8_t write_swap ,
qpu_waddr waddr_add ,
qpu_waddr waddr_mul ,
uint16_t ms_bit , //per element MS (sign) bit
uint16_t ls_bit //per element LS bit
uint64_t res = 0 ;
uint64_t tmp = 0 ;
tmp = 0x71 ;
tmp | = ! signed_or_unsigned < < 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 57 ;
tmp = pack_unpack_select & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 56 ;
tmp = pack_mode & 0xf ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_PACK_SHIFT ;
tmp = cond_add & 0x7 ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_COND_ADD_SHIFT ;
tmp = cond_mul & 0x7 ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_COND_MUL_SHIFT ;
tmp = set_flags & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 45 ;
tmp = write_swap & 1 ;
res | = tmp < < 44 ;
tmp = waddr_add & 0x3f ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_WADDR_ADD_SHIFT ;
tmp = waddr_mul & 0x3f ;
res | = tmp < < QPU_WADDR_MUL_SHIFT ;
tmp = ms_bit ;
res | = tmp < < 16 ;
res | = ls_bit ;
return res ;
qpu_sig_bits parse_sig_bit ( char * str )
unsigned num_sig_bits = sizeof ( qpu_sig_bits_str ) / sizeof ( const char * ) ;
for ( unsigned c = 0 ; c < num_sig_bits & & str ; + + c )
if ( qpu_sig_bits_str [ c ] & & strcmp ( str , qpu_sig_bits_str [ c ] ) = = 0 )
return c ;
return - 1 ;
void parse_dst ( char * * str , qpu_waddr * waddr , uint8_t * pack_mode , unsigned is_add , unsigned pm_set )
char * dst = strtok ( * str , " . " ) ;
char * pack = strtok ( 0 , " . " ) ;
//advance token past dst strings so we can tokenize further
if ( dst )
if ( pack )
* str = pack ;
* str = dst ;
while ( * * str )
( * str ) + + ;
* str + = 1 ;
uint8_t waddr_res = 0 ;
uint8_t pack_mode_res = 0 ;
for ( unsigned c = 0 ; c < 2 & & dst & & ! waddr_res ; + + c )
for ( unsigned d = 0 ; d < 64 ; + + d )
if ( qpu_waddr_str [ c ] [ d ] & & strcmp ( dst , qpu_waddr_str [ c ] [ d ] ) = = 0 )
waddr_res = d ;
break ;
if ( dst & & dst [ 0 ] = = ' r ' & & dst [ 1 ] = = ' x ' )
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
waddr_res = strtoul ( dst + 2 , 0 , 0 ) ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
unsigned num_pack_a_str = sizeof ( qpu_pack_a_str ) / sizeof ( const char * ) ;
for ( unsigned c = 0 ; c < num_pack_a_str & & pack & & ! pack_mode_res ; + + c )
if ( qpu_pack_a_str [ c ] & & strcmp ( pack , qpu_pack_a_str [ c ] ) = = 0 )
pack_mode_res = c ;
break ;
unsigned num_pack_mul_str = sizeof ( qpu_pack_mul_str ) / sizeof ( const char * ) ;
for ( unsigned c = 0 ; c < num_pack_mul_str & & pack & & ! pack_mode_res ; + + c )
if ( qpu_pack_mul_str [ c ] & & strcmp ( pack , qpu_pack_mul_str [ c ] ) = = 0 )
pack_mode_res = c ;
break ;
* waddr = waddr_res ;
if ( is_add | | pm_set )
* pack_mode = pack_mode_res ;
void parse_op_modifiers ( char * * str , uint8_t * signed_or_unsigned , uint8_t * ws , uint8_t * pm , uint8_t * sf , qpu_cond * condition , qpu_unpack * unpack_mode , uint8_t * rel , uint8_t * reg , unsigned is_add )
char * modifier = strtok ( * str , " . " ) ;
//at most 5 modifiers supported
for ( int c = 0 ; c < 5 ; + + c )
if ( modifier )
* str = modifier ;
if ( strcmp ( modifier , " pm " ) = = 0 & & is_add )
* pm = 1 ;
modifier = strtok ( 0 , " . " ) ;
continue ;
if ( strcmp ( modifier , " ws " ) = = 0 & & is_add )
* ws = 1 ;
modifier = strtok ( 0 , " . " ) ;
continue ;
if ( strcmp ( modifier , " rel " ) = = 0 & & is_add )
* rel = 1 ;
modifier = strtok ( 0 , " . " ) ;
continue ;
if ( strcmp ( modifier , " reg " ) = = 0 & & is_add )
* reg = 1 ;
modifier = strtok ( 0 , " . " ) ;
continue ;
if ( strcmp ( modifier , " sf " ) = = 0 & & is_add )
* sf = 1 ;
modifier = strtok ( 0 , " . " ) ;
continue ;
if ( strcmp ( modifier , " signed " ) = = 0 & & is_add )
* signed_or_unsigned = 1 ;
modifier = strtok ( 0 , " . " ) ;
continue ;
unsigned found = 0 ;
unsigned num_conds = sizeof ( qpu_cond_str ) / sizeof ( const char * ) ;
for ( unsigned d = 0 ; d < num_conds ; + + d )
if ( qpu_cond_str [ d ] & & strcmp ( modifier , qpu_cond_str [ d ] ) = = 0 )
* condition = d ;
found = 1 ;
break ;
if ( found )
modifier = strtok ( 0 , " . " ) ;
continue ;
if ( is_add )
unsigned num_unpack_modes = sizeof ( qpu_unpack_str ) / sizeof ( const char * ) ;
for ( unsigned d = 0 ; d < num_unpack_modes ; + + d )
if ( qpu_unpack_str [ d ] & & strcmp ( modifier , qpu_unpack_str [ d ] ) = = 0 )
* unpack_mode = d ;
break ;
modifier = strtok ( 0 , " . " ) ;
//advance token past op strings so we can tokenize further
while ( * * str )
( * str ) + + ;
* str + = 1 ;
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
void parse_op ( char * * str , qpu_alu_type * type , qpu_op_add * op_add , qpu_op_mul * op_mul , uint8_t * is_sem_inc , qpu_load_type * load_type , unsigned is_add )
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
char * op = strtok ( * str , " . " ) ;
if ( op & & strcmp ( op , " sem_inc " ) = = 0 )
* type = QPU_SEM ;
* is_sem_inc = 1 ;
else if ( op & & strcmp ( op , " sem_dec " ) = = 0 )
* type = QPU_SEM ;
* is_sem_inc = 0 ;
else if ( op & & strcmp ( op , " branch " ) = = 0 )
* type = QPU_BRANCH ;
else if ( op & & strcmp ( op , " load32 " ) = = 0 )
* type = QPU_LOAD_IMM ;
* load_type = QPU_LOAD32 ;
else if ( op & & strcmp ( op , " load16 " ) = = 0 )
* type = QPU_LOAD_IMM ;
* load_type = QPU_LOAD16 ;
* type = QPU_ALU ;
unsigned num_add_ops = sizeof ( qpu_op_add_str ) / sizeof ( const char * ) ;
unsigned num_mul_ops = sizeof ( qpu_op_mul_str ) / sizeof ( const char * ) ;
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
if ( is_add )
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
for ( unsigned c = 0 ; c < num_add_ops & & op ; + + c )
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
if ( qpu_op_add_str [ c ] & & strcmp ( op , qpu_op_add_str [ c ] ) = = 0 )
* op_add = c ;
break ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
for ( unsigned c = 0 ; c < num_mul_ops & & op ; + + c )
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
if ( qpu_op_mul_str [ c ] & & strcmp ( op , qpu_op_mul_str [ c ] ) = = 0 )
* op_mul = c ;
break ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
if ( op )
* str = op ;
//advance token past op strings so we can tokenize further
while ( * * str )
( * str ) + + ;
* str + = 1 ;
void parse_args_alu ( char * * str , qpu_mux * in_a , qpu_mux * in_b , uint8_t * raddr_a , uint8_t * raddr_b , uint8_t is_si )
char * arg = strtok ( * str , " \n \v \f \r \t , " ) ;
unsigned num_muxes = sizeof ( qpu_mux_str ) / sizeof ( const char * ) ;
for ( unsigned c = 0 ; c < num_muxes & & arg ; + + c )
if ( qpu_mux_str [ c ] & & strcmp ( arg , qpu_mux_str [ c ] ) = = 0 )
* str = arg ;
* in_a = c ;
break ;
arg = strtok ( 0 , " \n \v \f \r \t , " ) ;
for ( unsigned c = 0 ; c < num_muxes & & arg ; + + c )
if ( qpu_mux_str [ c ] & & strcmp ( arg , qpu_mux_str [ c ] ) = = 0 )
* str = arg ;
* in_b = c ;
break ;
arg = strtok ( 0 , " \n \v \f \r \t , " ) ;
if ( arg )
uint8_t raddr_a_res = 0 ;
for ( unsigned d = 0 ; d < 52 ; + + d )
if ( qpu_raddr_str [ 0 ] [ d ] & & strcmp ( arg , qpu_raddr_str [ 0 ] [ d ] ) = = 0 )
raddr_a_res = d ;
break ;
if ( ! raddr_a_res & & arg & & arg [ 0 ] = = ' r ' & & arg [ 1 ] = = ' a ' )
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
raddr_a_res = strtoul ( arg + 2 , 0 , 0 ) ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
* raddr_a = raddr_a_res ;
* str = arg ;
arg = strtok ( 0 , " \n \v \f \r \t , " ) ;
if ( arg )
uint8_t raddr_b_res = 0 ;
for ( unsigned c = 0 ; c < 2 & & arg & & ! raddr_b_res ; + + c )
for ( unsigned d = 0 ; d < 52 ; + + d )
if ( qpu_raddr_str [ c ] [ d ] & & strcmp ( arg , qpu_raddr_str [ c ] [ d ] ) = = 0 )
raddr_b_res = d ;
break ;
if ( ! raddr_b_res & & arg & & arg [ 0 ] = = ' r ' & & arg [ 1 ] = = ' b ' )
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
raddr_b_res = strtoul ( arg + 2 , 0 , 0 ) ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
if ( is_si )
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
uint32_t si = strtoul ( arg , 0 , 0 ) ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
raddr_b_res = qpu_encode_small_immediate ( si ) ;
* raddr_b = raddr_b_res ;
* str = arg ;
//advance token past arg strings so we can tokenize further
while ( * * str )
( * str ) + + ;
* str + = 1 ;
void parse_args_sem ( char * * str , uint8_t * sem , uint32_t * imm32 )
char * arg = strtok ( * str , " \n \v \f \r \t , " ) ;
if ( arg )
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
* sem = strtoul ( arg , 0 , 0 ) ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
* str = arg ;
arg = strtok ( 0 , " \n \v \f \r \t , " ) ;
if ( arg )
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
* imm32 = strtoul ( arg , 0 , 0 ) ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
* str = arg ;
//advance token past arg strings so we can tokenize further
while ( * * str )
( * str ) + + ;
* str + = 1 ;
void parse_args_branch ( char * * str , uint32_t * imm32 , qpu_branch_cond * branch_cond , uint8_t * raddr_a )
char * arg = strtok ( * str , " \n \v \f \r \t , " ) ;
if ( arg )
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
* imm32 = strtoul ( arg , 0 , 0 ) ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
* str = arg ;
arg = strtok ( 0 , " \n \v \f \r \t , " ) ;
if ( arg )
unsigned num_branch_conds = sizeof ( qpu_branch_cond_str ) / sizeof ( const char * ) ;
for ( unsigned c = 0 ; c < num_branch_conds & & arg ; + + c )
if ( qpu_branch_cond_str [ c ] & & strcmp ( arg , qpu_branch_cond_str [ c ] ) = = 0 )
* branch_cond = c ;
* str = arg ;
break ;
arg = strtok ( 0 , " \n \v \f \r \t , " ) ;
if ( arg )
uint8_t raddr_a_res = 0 ;
for ( unsigned c = 0 ; c < 2 & & arg & & ! raddr_a_res ; + + c )
for ( unsigned d = 0 ; d < 52 ; + + d )
if ( qpu_raddr_str [ c ] [ d ] & & strcmp ( arg , qpu_raddr_str [ c ] [ d ] ) = = 0 )
raddr_a_res = d ;
break ;
if ( ! raddr_a_res & & arg & & arg [ 0 ] = = ' r ' & & arg [ 1 ] = = ' a ' )
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
raddr_a_res = strtoul ( arg + 2 , 0 , 0 ) ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
* raddr_a = raddr_a_res ;
* str = arg ;
//advance token past arg strings so we can tokenize further
while ( * * str )
( * str ) + + ;
* str + = 1 ;
void parse_args_load ( char * * str , qpu_load_type load_type , uint32_t * imm32 , uint16_t * ms_imm16 , uint16_t * ls_imm16 )
char * arg = strtok ( * str , " \n \v \f \r \t , " ) ;
if ( load_type = = QPU_LOAD32 )
if ( arg )
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
* imm32 = strtoul ( arg , 0 , 0 ) ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
* str = arg ;
if ( arg )
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
* ms_imm16 = strtoul ( arg , 0 , 0 ) ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
* str = arg ;
arg = strtok ( 0 , " \n \v \f \r \t , " ) ;
if ( arg )
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
* ls_imm16 = strtoul ( arg , 0 , 0 ) ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
* str = arg ;
//advance token past arg strings so we can tokenize further
while ( * * str )
( * str ) + + ;
* str + = 1 ;
void assemble_qpu_asm ( char * str , uint64_t * instructions )
unsigned instruction_counter = 0 ;
//delete lines that have comments in them
char * comment_token = strstr ( str , " # " ) ;
while ( comment_token )
while ( * comment_token ! = ' \n ' )
* comment_token = ' ' ;
comment_token + + ;
* comment_token = ' ' ;
comment_token = strstr ( comment_token , " # " ) ;
//parse string token by token
char * token = strtok ( str , " \n \v \f \r \t ; " ) ;
while ( token )
qpu_sig_bits sig_bit = QPU_SIG_NONE ;
qpu_alu_type type = QPU_ALU ;
qpu_op_add op_add = QPU_A_NOP ;
qpu_op_mul op_mul = QPU_M_NOP ;
qpu_mux mul_a = 0 ;
qpu_mux mul_b = 0 ;
qpu_mux add_a = 0 ;
qpu_mux add_b = 0 ;
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
qpu_cond cond_mul = QPU_COND_NEVER ;
qpu_cond cond_add = QPU_COND_NEVER ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
qpu_waddr waddr_add = QPU_W_NOP ;
qpu_waddr waddr_mul = QPU_W_NOP ;
qpu_waddr raddr_a = QPU_R_NOP ;
qpu_waddr raddr_b = QPU_R_NOP ;
uint8_t pack_unpack_select = 0 ;
uint8_t pack_mode = QPU_PACK_A_NOP ;
qpu_unpack unpack_mode = QPU_UNPACK_NOP ;
uint8_t is_sem_inc = 0 ;
uint8_t rel = 0 ;
uint8_t reg = 0 ;
uint8_t ws = 0 ;
uint8_t sf = 0 ;
uint32_t imm32 = 0 ;
uint16_t ms_imm16 = 0 ;
uint16_t ls_imm16 = 0 ;
uint8_t semaphore = 0 ;
qpu_load_type load_type = QPU_LOAD32 ;
uint8_t is_signed = 0 ;
qpu_branch_cond branch_cond = QPU_COND_BRANCH_ALWAYS ;
sig_bit = parse_sig_bit ( token ) ;
if ( sig_bit < 0 )
break ;
//get dst for add
token = strtok ( 0 , " \n \v \f \r \t =; " ) ;
parse_dst ( & token , & waddr_add , & pack_mode , 1 , 0 ) ;
//check op
token = strtok ( token , " \n \v \f \r \t =( " ) ;
unsigned has_modifiers = strstr ( token , " . " ) ! = 0 ;
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
parse_op ( & token , & type , & op_add , & op_mul , & is_sem_inc , & load_type , 1 ) ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
//get modifiers
if ( has_modifiers )
//token = strtok(token, " \n\v\f\r\t");
parse_op_modifiers ( & token , & is_signed , & ws , & pack_unpack_select , & sf , & cond_add , & unpack_mode , & rel , & reg , 1 ) ;
if ( type = = QPU_ALU )
//get arguments for add
token = strtok ( token , " ) " ) ;
parse_args_alu ( & token , & add_a , & add_b , & raddr_a , & raddr_b , sig_bit = = QPU_SIG_SMALL_IMM ) ;
else if ( type = = QPU_SEM )
//get arguments for sem
token = strtok ( token , " ) " ) ;
parse_args_sem ( & token , & semaphore , & imm32 ) ;
else if ( type = = QPU_BRANCH )
//get arguments for branch
token = strtok ( token , " ) " ) ;
parse_args_branch ( & token , & imm32 , & branch_cond , & raddr_a ) ;
else if ( type = = QPU_LOAD_IMM )
//get arguments for load imm
token = strtok ( token , " ) " ) ;
parse_args_load ( & token , load_type , & imm32 , & ms_imm16 , & ls_imm16 ) ;
//get dst for mul
token = strtok ( token , " \n \v \f \r \t =; " ) ;
parse_dst ( & token , & waddr_mul , & pack_mode , 0 , pack_unpack_select ) ;
//check op
token = strtok ( token , " \n \v \f \r \t =( " ) ;
has_modifiers = strstr ( token , " . " ) ! = 0 ;
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00
parse_op ( & token , & type , & op_add , & op_mul , & is_sem_inc , & load_type , 0 ) ;
2019-04-20 14:30:42 +01:00
//get modifiers
if ( has_modifiers )
//token = strtok(token, " \n\v\f\r\t(");
parse_op_modifiers ( & token , & is_signed , & ws , & pack_unpack_select , & sf , & cond_mul , & unpack_mode , & rel , & reg , 0 ) ;
token = strtok ( token , " ) " ) ;
if ( type = = QPU_ALU )
//get arguments for mul
parse_args_alu ( & token , & mul_a , & mul_b , & raddr_a , & raddr_b , sig_bit = = QPU_SIG_SMALL_IMM ) ;
if ( type = = QPU_ALU )
if ( sig_bit = = QPU_SIG_SMALL_IMM )
instructions [ instruction_counter ] = encode_alu_small_imm ( unpack_mode , pack_unpack_select , pack_mode , cond_add , cond_mul , sf , ws , waddr_add , waddr_mul , op_mul , op_add , raddr_a , raddr_b , add_a , add_b , mul_a , mul_b ) ;
instructions [ instruction_counter ] = encode_alu ( sig_bit , unpack_mode , pack_unpack_select , pack_mode , cond_add , cond_mul , sf , ws , waddr_add , waddr_mul , op_mul , op_add , raddr_a , raddr_b , add_a , add_b , mul_a , mul_b ) ;
else if ( type = = QPU_SEM )
instructions [ instruction_counter ] = encode_semaphore ( pack_unpack_select , pack_mode , cond_add , cond_mul , sf , ws , waddr_add , waddr_mul , is_sem_inc , semaphore , imm32 ) ;
else if ( type = = QPU_BRANCH )
instructions [ instruction_counter ] = encode_branch ( branch_cond , rel , reg , raddr_a , ws , waddr_add , waddr_mul , imm32 ) ;
else if ( type = = QPU_LOAD_IMM )
if ( load_type = = QPU_LOAD32 )
instructions [ instruction_counter ] = encode_load_imm ( pack_unpack_select , pack_mode , cond_add , cond_mul , sf , ws , waddr_add , waddr_mul , imm32 ) ;
instructions [ instruction_counter ] = encode_load_imm_per_elem ( is_signed , pack_unpack_select , pack_mode , cond_add , cond_mul , sf , ws , waddr_add , waddr_mul , ms_imm16 , ls_imm16 ) ;
instruction_counter + + ;
token = strtok ( token , " \n \v \f \r \t ; " ) ;
void disassemble_qpu_asm ( uint64_t instruction )
# define GET_BITFIELD(num_bits, place) (((instruction) & ((uint64_t)num_bits << place)) >> place)
qpu_sig_bits sig_bits = GET_BITFIELD ( 0xf , 60 ) ;
printf ( " %s ; " , qpu_sig_bits_str [ sig_bits ] ) ;
unsigned is_sem = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x7f , 57 ) = = 0x74 ;
qpu_waddr waddr_add = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x3f , QPU_WADDR_ADD_SHIFT ) ;
qpu_waddr waddr_mul = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x3f , QPU_WADDR_MUL_SHIFT ) ;
uint8_t ws = GET_BITFIELD ( 1 , 44 ) ;
uint8_t pm = GET_BITFIELD ( 1 , 56 ) ;
if ( waddr_add < = 31 )
printf ( " rx%d " , waddr_add ) ;
printf ( " %s " , qpu_waddr_str [ ws ] [ waddr_add ] ) ;
if ( is_sem )
uint8_t pack_mode = GET_BITFIELD ( 0xf , QPU_PACK_SHIFT ) ;
if ( ! ws & & ! pm )
printf ( " .%s " , qpu_pack_a_str [ pack_mode ] ) ;
uint8_t is_sem_inc = GET_BITFIELD ( 1 , 4 ) ;
printf ( " = %s " , is_sem_inc ? " sem_inc " : " sem_dec " ) ;
if ( ws )
printf ( " .ws " ) ;
if ( pm )
printf ( " .pm " ) ;
qpu_cond cond_add = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x7 , QPU_COND_ADD_SHIFT ) ;
printf ( " .%s " , qpu_cond_str [ cond_add ] ) ;
uint8_t sf = GET_BITFIELD ( 1 , 45 ) ;
if ( sf )
printf ( " .sf " ) ;
uint8_t sem = GET_BITFIELD ( 0xf , 0 ) ;
uint32_t imm_val = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x7ffffff , 5 ) ;
printf ( " (%d, %#x) ; " , sem , imm_val ) ;
if ( waddr_mul < = 31 )
printf ( " rx%d " , waddr_mul ) ;
printf ( " %s " , qpu_waddr_str [ ! ws ] [ waddr_mul ] ) ;
if ( pm )
printf ( " .%s " , qpu_pack_mul_str [ pack_mode ] ) ;
printf ( " = %s " , is_sem_inc ? " sem_inc " : " sem_dec " ) ;
qpu_cond cond_mul = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x7 , QPU_COND_MUL_SHIFT ) ;
printf ( " .%s() ; " , qpu_cond_str [ cond_mul ] ) ;
else if ( ! is_sem & & sig_bits = = QPU_SIG_LOAD_IMM )
qpu_load_type load_type = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x7f , 57 ) ! = 0x70 ;
uint8_t is_signed = ! GET_BITFIELD ( 1 , 58 ) ;
uint8_t pack_mode = GET_BITFIELD ( 0xf , QPU_PACK_SHIFT ) ;
if ( ! ws & & ! pm )
printf ( " .%s " , qpu_pack_a_str [ pack_mode ] ) ;
if ( load_type = = QPU_LOAD32 )
printf ( " = load32 " ) ;
printf ( " = load16 " ) ;
if ( ws )
printf ( " .ws " ) ;
if ( pm )
printf ( " .pm " ) ;
qpu_cond cond_add = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x7 , QPU_COND_ADD_SHIFT ) ;
printf ( " .%s " , qpu_cond_str [ cond_add ] ) ;
uint8_t sf = GET_BITFIELD ( 1 , 45 ) ;
if ( sf )
printf ( " .sf " ) ;
if ( load_type = = QPU_LOAD32 )
uint32_t imm = GET_BITFIELD ( 0xffffffff , 0 ) ;
printf ( " (%#x) ; " , imm ) ;
if ( is_signed )
printf ( " .signed " ) ;
uint16_t ms_imm = GET_BITFIELD ( 0xffff , 16 ) ;
uint16_t ls_imm = GET_BITFIELD ( 0xffff , 0 ) ;
printf ( is_signed ? " (%#x, %#x) ; " : " (%#x, %#x) ; " , ms_imm , ls_imm ) ;
if ( waddr_mul < = 31 )
printf ( " rx%d " , waddr_mul ) ;
printf ( " %s " , qpu_waddr_str [ ! ws ] [ waddr_mul ] ) ;
if ( load_type = = QPU_LOAD32 )
printf ( " = load32 " ) ;
printf ( " = load16 " ) ;
if ( pm )
printf ( " .%s " , qpu_pack_mul_str [ pack_mode ] ) ;
qpu_cond cond_mul = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x7 , QPU_COND_MUL_SHIFT ) ;
printf ( " .%s() ; " , qpu_cond_str [ cond_mul ] ) ;
else if ( ! is_sem & & sig_bits = = QPU_SIG_BRANCH )
printf ( " = branch " ) ;
if ( ws )
printf ( " .ws " ) ;
uint8_t is_relative = GET_BITFIELD ( 1 , 51 ) ;
if ( is_relative )
printf ( " .rel " ) ;
uint8_t use_addr_a = GET_BITFIELD ( 1 , 50 ) ;
if ( use_addr_a )
printf ( " .reg " ) ;
uint32_t imm = GET_BITFIELD ( 0xffffffff , 0 ) ;
qpu_branch_cond branch_cond = GET_BITFIELD ( 0xf , QPU_BRANCH_COND_SHIFT ) ;
qpu_raddr raddr_a = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x1f , QPU_BRANCH_RADDR_A_SHIFT ) ;
printf ( " (%#x, %s, " , imm , qpu_branch_cond_str [ branch_cond ] ) ;
if ( raddr_a < = 31 )
printf ( " ra%d " , raddr_a ) ;
printf ( " %s " , qpu_raddr_str [ 0 ] [ raddr_a ] ) ;
printf ( " ) ; " ) ;
if ( waddr_mul < = 31 )
printf ( " rx%d " , waddr_mul ) ;
printf ( " %s " , qpu_waddr_str [ ! ws ] [ waddr_mul ] ) ;
printf ( " = branch() ; " ) ;
uint8_t pack_mode = GET_BITFIELD ( 0xf , QPU_PACK_SHIFT ) ;
if ( ! pm )
printf ( " .%s " , qpu_pack_a_str [ pack_mode ] ) ;
qpu_op_add op_add = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x1f , QPU_OP_ADD_SHIFT ) ;
printf ( " = %s " , qpu_op_add_str [ op_add ] ) ;
if ( ws )
printf ( " .ws " ) ;
if ( pm )
printf ( " .pm " ) ;
qpu_cond cond_add = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x7 , QPU_COND_ADD_SHIFT ) ;
printf ( " .%s " , qpu_cond_str [ cond_add ] ) ;
uint8_t sf = GET_BITFIELD ( 1 , 45 ) ;
if ( sf )
printf ( " .sf " ) ;
qpu_unpack unpack_mode = GET_BITFIELD ( 0 X7 , QPU_UNPACK_SHIFT ) ;
printf ( " .%s " , qpu_unpack_str [ unpack_mode ] ) ;
qpu_raddr raddr_a = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x3f , QPU_RADDR_A_SHIFT ) ;
qpu_raddr raddr_b = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x3f , QPU_RADDR_B_SHIFT ) ;
qpu_mux add_a = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x7 , QPU_ADD_A_SHIFT ) ;
qpu_mux add_b = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x7 , QPU_ADD_B_SHIFT ) ;
printf ( " ( " ) ;
printf ( " %s, %s, " , qpu_mux_str [ add_a ] , qpu_mux_str [ add_b ] ) ;
if ( raddr_a < = 31 )
printf ( " ra%i " , raddr_a ) ;
printf ( " %s " , qpu_raddr_str [ 0 ] [ raddr_a ] ) ;
printf ( " , " ) ;
if ( sig_bits = = QPU_SIG_SMALL_IMM )
if ( raddr_b < 16 )
printf ( " %i " , raddr_b ) ;
else if ( raddr_b < 32 )
printf ( " %i " , raddr_b - 32 ) ;
float val = raddr_b < 40 ? 1 < < ( raddr_b - 32 ) : 1.0f / ( float ) ( 1 < < ( 48 - raddr_b ) ) ;
printf ( " %#x " , * ( uint32_t * ) & val ) ;
if ( raddr_b < = 31 )
printf ( " rb%i " , raddr_b ) ;
printf ( " %s " , qpu_raddr_str [ 1 ] [ raddr_b ] ) ;
printf ( " ) ; " ) ;
if ( waddr_mul < = 31 )
printf ( " rx%d " , waddr_mul ) ;
printf ( " %s " , qpu_waddr_str [ ! ws ] [ waddr_mul ] ) ;
if ( pm )
printf ( " .%s " , qpu_pack_mul_str [ pack_mode ] ) ;
qpu_op_mul op_mul = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x7 , QPU_OP_MUL_SHIFT ) ;
printf ( " = %s " , qpu_op_mul_str [ op_mul ] ) ;
qpu_cond cond_mul = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x7 , QPU_COND_MUL_SHIFT ) ;
printf ( " .%s " , qpu_cond_str [ cond_mul ] ) ;
qpu_mux mul_a = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x7 , QPU_MUL_A_SHIFT ) ;
qpu_mux mul_b = GET_BITFIELD ( 0x7 , QPU_MUL_B_SHIFT ) ;
printf ( " (%s, %s) ; " , qpu_mux_str [ mul_a ] , qpu_mux_str [ mul_b ] ) ;
printf ( " \n " ) ;
2019-04-21 12:03:45 +01:00