neutral position into a slider. During calibration the slider moves and the
min and max values are updated appropriately. Also make the collective channel
skippable in the configuration wizard.
Created "simple wizard" button witch bypasses the sticks identification screen.
Small bugfix to fix GCS crashing if trying to upload a firmware bigger then the HW capacity.
Spelling mistakes
Show inverted movement as soon as checkbox is checked.
Bring back flightmode change messagebox.
Layout issues (this was not a issue on win so not sure its fixed).
Support for flightmode binary switches neutral=min+(max-min)/2.
Flightmode slider not changing according to command.
Mode 1 roll on the right (still think it doesn't make sense :) )
Anyone who wants to, please improve my transmitter icon. I am not an artist.
git-svn-id: svn:// ebee16cc-31ac-478f-84a7-5cbb03baadba