confirm_your_new_account:"Bestätigen Sie Ihr neues Konto"
do_you_already_have_an_account:"Haben Sie bereits ein Konto?"
do_not_fill_the_form_beside_but_specify_here_the_code_you_ve_received_by_email_to_recover_your_access:"Füllen Sie nicht das Formular aus. Geben Sie stattdessen hier den Code an, den Sie per E-Mail erhalten haben, um Ihren Zugang wiederherzustellen."
just_specify_code_here_to_recover_access:"Geben Sie hier den Code an, den Sie per E-Mail erhalten haben, um Ihren Zugriff wiederherzustellen."
i_did_not_receive_the_code:"Ich habe den Code nicht erhalten"
an_unexpected_error_occurred_check_your_authentication_code:"Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihren Authentifizierungscode."
send_code_again:"Code erneut senden"
email_address_associated_with_your_account:"E-Mail-Adresse, die Ihrem Konto zugeordnet ist"
email_is_required:"E-Mail-Adresse ist erforderlich"
email_format_is_incorrect:"E-Mail-Format ist falsch"
code_successfully_sent_again:"Code erfolgreich erneut gesendet"
used_for_statistics:"Diese Daten werden für statistische Zwecke verwendet"
your_user_s_profile:"Ihr Benutzerprofil"
user_s_profile_is_required:"Benutzerprofil ist erforderlich."
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_:"Ich habe gelesen und akzeptiere"
your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated:"Your profile has been successfully updated."
rules_changed:"Please fill the following form to update your profile and continue to use the platform."
sso_intro:"You've just created a new account on {GENDER, select, neutral{} other{the}} {NAME}, by logging from"
duplicate_email_info:"It looks like your email address is already used by another user. Check your email address and please input below the code you have received."
details_needed_info:"To finalize your account, we need some more details."
title:"New on this platform?"
please_fill:"Please fill in the following form to create your account."
disabled_data_from_sso:"Some data may have already been provided by {NAME} and cannot be modified."
confirm_instructions_html:"Once you are done, please click on <strong>Save</strong> to confirm your account and start using the application."
duplicate_email_html:"It looks like your email address <strong>({EMAIL})</strong> is already associated with another account. If this account is not yours, please click on the following button to change the email associated with your {PROVIDER} account."
edit_profile:"Change my data"
after_edition_info_html:"Once your data are up to date, <strong>click on the synchronization button below</strong>, or <strong>disconnect then reconnect</strong> for your changes to take effect."
no_payment_schedules:"No payment schedules to display"
load_more:"Load more"
card_updated_success:"Your card was successfully updated"
file_successfully_uploaded:"The supporting documents were sent."
unable_to_upload:"Unable to send the supporting documents: "
supporting_documents_files:"Supporting documents"
my_documents_info:"Due to your group declaration, some supporting documents are required. Once submitted, these documents will be verified by the administrator."
upload_limits_alert_html:"Warning!</br>You can submit your documents as PDF or images (JPEG, PNG). Maximum allowed size: {SIZE} Mb"
file_size_error:"The file size exceeds the limit ({SIZE} MB)"
reservation_was_cancelled_successfully:"Die Reservierung wurde erfolgreich storniert."
cancellation_failed:"Stornierung fehlgeschlagen."
a_problem_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later:"Während des Zahlungsvorgangs ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut."