mirror of https://github.com/LaCasemate/fab-manager.git synced 2024-12-01 12:24:28 +01:00

New translations en.yml (Norwegian)

This commit is contained in:
Sylvain 2021-07-20 18:13:08 +02:00 committed by Peng Du
parent 34af8a01ab
commit 24fd0bfb15

View File

@ -2,77 +2,77 @@
#subscription plan duration
one: 'one year'
one: 'ett år'
other: '%{count} years'
one: 'one month'
one: 'en måned'
other: '%{count} months'
one: 'one week'
one: 'en uke'
other: '%{count} weeks'
carrierwave_processing_error: "failed to be processed"
carrierwave_integrity_error: "is not of an allowed file type"
carrierwave_download_error: "could not be downloaded"
extension_whitelist_error: "You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, allowed types: %{allowed_types}"
extension_blacklist_error: "You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, prohibited types: %{prohibited_types}"
content_type_whitelist_error: "You are not allowed to upload %{content_type} files, allowed types: %{allowed_types}"
rmagick_processing_error: "Failed to manipulate with rmagick, maybe it is not an image? Original Error: %{e}"
mime_types_processing_error: "Failed to process file with MIME::Types, maybe not valid content-type? Original Error: %{e}"
mini_magick_processing_error: "Failed to manipulate with MiniMagick, maybe it is not an image? Original Error: %{e}"
wrong_size: "is the wrong size (should be %{file_size})"
size_too_small: "is too small (should be at least %{file_size})"
size_too_big: "is too big (should be at most %{file_size})"
export_not_found: "Requested export was not found. It was probably deleted, please generate a new export."
percentage_out_of_range: "Percentage must be included between 0 and 100"
cannot_be_blank_at_same_time: "cannot be blank when %{field} is blank too"
cannot_be_in_the_past: "cannot be in the past"
cannot_be_before_previous_value: "cannot be before the previous value"
cannot_overlap: "can't overlap an existing accounting period"
cannot_encompass: "can't encompass an existing accounting period"
in_closed_period: "can't be within a closed accounting period"
invalid_footprint: "invoice's checksum is invalid"
end_before_start: "The end date can't be before the start date. Pick a date after %{START}"
invalid_duration: "The allowed duration must be between 1 day and 1 year. Your period is %{DAYS} days long."
must_be_in_the_past: "The period must be strictly prior to today's date."
carrierwave_processing_error: "kunne ikke behandles"
carrierwave_integrity_error: "er ikke av tillatt filtype"
carrierwave_download_error: "kunne ikke lastes ned"
extension_whitelist_error: "Det er ikk tillatt å laste opp %{extension} filer. Tillatte filtyper er: %{allowed_types}"
extension_blacklist_error: "Det er ikk tillatt å laste opp %{extension} filer. Ikke tillate filtyper er: %{prohibited_types}"
content_type_whitelist_error: "Det er ikk tillatt å laste opp %{content_type} filer. Tillatte filtyper er: %{allowed_types}"
rmagick_processing_error: "Kan ikke manipulere med rmagick, kanskje er det ikke et bilde? Opprinnelig feil: %{e}"
mime_types_processing_error: "Kunne ikke behandle filen med MIME::Types, kanskje ikke gyldig innholdstype? Opprinnelig feil: %{e}"
mini_magick_processing_error: "Kunne ikke manipulere med MiniMagick, kanskje er det ikke et bilde? Opprinnelig feil: %{e}"
wrong_size: "har feil filstørrelse (skal være %{file_size})"
size_too_small: "er for liten (må være minst %{file_size})"
size_too_big: "er for stor (må være maks %{file_size})"
export_not_found: "Finner ikke forespurt eksport. Den ble sannsynligvis slettet, vennligst generer en ny eksport."
percentage_out_of_range: "Prosentverdi må være et tall mellom 0 og 100"
cannot_be_blank_at_same_time: "kan ikke være tom når %{field} er også tom"
cannot_be_in_the_past: "kan ikke være i fortiden"
cannot_be_before_previous_value: "kan ikke være før den forrige verdien"
cannot_overlap: "kan ikke overlappe eksisterende regnskapsperiode"
cannot_encompass: "kan ikke inkludere en eksisterende regnskapsperiode"
in_closed_period: "kan ikke være innenfor en avsluttet regnskapsperiode"
invalid_footprint: "fakturas kontrollsum er ugyldig"
end_before_start: "Sluttdatoen kan ikke være før startdato. Velg en dato etter %{START}"
invalid_duration: "Den tillatte varigheten må være mellom 1 dag og 1 år. Din periode er %{DAYS} dager lang."
must_be_in_the_past: "Perioden må være før dagens dato."
api_documentation: "API Documentation"
code: "HTTP code"
api_documentation: "API-dokumentasjon"
code: "HTTP kode"
#error messages when importing an account from a SSO
email_already_linked_to_another_account_please_input_your_authentication_code: "E-mail address \"%{OLD_MAIL}\" is already linked to another account, please input your authentication code."
your_username_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Your username (%{USERNAME}) is already linked to another account, unable to update it."
your_email_address_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Your e-mail address (%{EMAIL}) is already linked to another account, unable to update it."
this_account_is_already_linked_to_an_user_of_the_platform: "This %{NAME} account is already linked to an user of the platform."
email_already_linked_to_another_account_please_input_your_authentication_code: "E-postadressen \"%{OLD_MAIL}\" er allerede koblet til en annen konto, vennligst skriv inn din godkjenningskode."
your_username_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Brukernavnet ditt (%{USERNAME}) er allerede koblet til en annen konto, så ikke mulig å oppdatere kontoen."
your_email_address_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Din e-postadresse (%{EMAIL}) er allerede koblet til en annen konto og kan ikke oppdateres."
this_account_is_already_linked_to_an_user_of_the_platform: "Denne %{NAME} -kontoen er allerede knyttet til en bruker."
#availability slots in the calendar
not_available: "Not available"
i_ve_reserved: "I've reserved"
length_must_be_slot_multiple: "must be at least %{MIN} minutes after the start date"
must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "must be associated with at least 1 machine"
not_available: "Ikke tilgjengelig"
i_ve_reserved: "Jeg har reservert"
length_must_be_slot_multiple: "må være minst %{MIN} minutter etter startdatoen"
must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "må være tilknyttet minst 1 maskin"
#members management
unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "Unable to change the group while a subscription is running"
admins_cant_change_group: "Unable to remove an administrator from his dedicated group"
please_input_the_authentication_code_sent_to_the_address: "Please input the authentication code sent to the e-mail address %{EMAIL}"
your_authentication_code_is_not_valid: "Your authentication code is not valid."
current_authentication_method_no_code: "The current authentication method does not require any migration code"
requested_account_does_not_exists: "The requested account does not exist"
unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "Kan ikke endre gruppen mens et abonnement kjører"
admins_cant_change_group: "Kan ikke fjerne en administrator fra sin dedikerte gruppe"
please_input_the_authentication_code_sent_to_the_address: "Skriv inn autentiseringskoden sendt til e-postadressen %{EMAIL}"
your_authentication_code_is_not_valid: "Din autentiseringskode er ikke gyldig."
current_authentication_method_no_code: "Den nåværende autentiseringsmetoden krever ikke migrasjonskode"
requested_account_does_not_exists: "Den forespurte kontoen eksisterer ikke"
#PDF invoices generation
refund_invoice_reference: "Refund invoice reference: %{REF}"
invoice_reference: "Invoice reference: %{REF}"
code: "Code: %{CODE}"
order_number: "Order #: %{NUMBER}"
invoice_issued_on_DATE: "Invoice issued on %{DATE}"
refund_invoice_issued_on_DATE: "Refund invoice issued on %{DATE}"
wallet_credit: "Wallet credit"
cancellation_of_invoice_REF: "Cancellation of invoice %{REF}"
reservation_of_USER_on_DATE_at_TIME: "Reservation of %{USER} on %{DATE} at %{TIME}"
cancellation: "Cancellation"
object: "Object:"
refund_invoice_reference: "Referanse, refusjonsfaktura: %{REF}"
invoice_reference: "Fakturareferanse: %{REF}"
code: "Kode: %{CODE}"
order_number: "Ordre #: %{NUMBER}"
invoice_issued_on_DATE: "Faktura utstedt den %{DATE}"
refund_invoice_issued_on_DATE: "Tilbakebetalingsfaktura utstedt den %{DATE}"
wallet_credit: "Lommebok-kredit"
cancellation_of_invoice_REF: "Kansellering av faktura %{REF}"
reservation_of_USER_on_DATE_at_TIME: "Reservasjon for %{USER} på %{DATE} kl. %{TIME}"
cancellation: "Avbestilling"
object: "Objekt:"
order_summary: "Order summary:"
details: "Details"
amount: "Amount"
@ -131,19 +131,19 @@
journal_code: "Journal code"
date: "Entry date"
account_code: "Account code"
account_label: "Account label"
piece: "Document"
line_label: "Entry label"
debit_origin: "Origin debit"
credit_origin: "Origin credit"
debit_euro: "Euro debit"
credit_euro: "Euro credit"
account_code: "Kontokode"
account_label: "Kontoetikett"
piece: "Dokument"
line_label: "Oppføringetikett"
debit_origin: "Opprinnelig debet"
credit_origin: "Opprinnelig kreditt"
debit_euro: "debet i Euro"
credit_euro: "Kreditt i Euro"
lettering: "Lettering"
subscription: "subscr."
Machine_reservation: "machine reserv."
Training_reservation: "training reserv."
subscription: "abonn."
Machine_reservation: "maskinreserv."
Training_reservation: "bestilling, opplæring/kurs"
Event_reservation: "event reserv."
Space_reservation: "space reserv."
wallet: "wallet"