Fixes and probably many others
This commit strongly simplyfies the serial list code
Pluggable discovery introduced a bug since BoardPort.toString() started reporting only the name of the port, not the complete name_vid_pid needed to match liblistserial output.
Adding .toCompleteString() almost solves the bogus disconnection part alone, but resolveDeviceByVendorIdProductId() uses "0x" prefixes VID/PID, breaking it again.
In addition, all the logic used to match a board with its bootloader (to obtain a serial number on 32u4 boards) has been completely removed since it is currently useless (and unused).
If the package_index.json signature is not valid, a dialog box asking
the user to "update" the index is shown. Previously a java-exception
was printed if running from terminal or the IDE would not start at
all (with no apparent reason) if lanched from GUI.
When creating a new sketch, it is initialized with the BareMinimum example sketch. This example sketch uses 2-width whitespace indentation, which might differ from the user-defined tab settings. This commit makes the generated example sketch consistent with the user-defined tab settings.
Not wrapping these calls in FileUtils methods makes the code cleaner and easier to understand (FileUtils is very poorly documented, whereas direct calls contain proper documentation).
The swing UIManager class detects the correct look and feel settings by
looking inside the `sun.desktop` system property, here's the extract of
the JDK:
String desktop = AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetPropertyAction("sun.desktop"));
Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
if ("gnome".equals(desktop) &&
toolkit instanceof SunToolkit &&
((SunToolkit) toolkit).isNativeGTKAvailable()) {
// May be set on Linux and Solaris boxs.
return "";
Since we want always the GTK look and feel (even if the desktop is not
strictly a GNOME desktop) we force the `sun.desktop` property always to