It is now possible to have 1 to 6 flight mode switch positions
(usefull for guidance, position hold and similar use).
The input channel range is divided into N (1 to 6) zones and each
zone represents a flight mode. Default is 3 zones (backward compatible),
but more can be chosen.
How to use: configure Tx mixers in a way they provide required number
of different values for the same FlightMode channel. For instance,
using Turnigy 9X radio with ER9X firmware, one can create a mixer like
-100 MAX ID0 Manual
R -50 MAX ID1 Stabilized1 (Rate)
R 0 MAX ID2 Stabilized2 (Attitude)
R 50 MAX RUD PositionHold
R 100 MAX ELE ReturnToBase
And set number of flight mode positions to 5. As a result, the 3-pos
switch (ID0, ID1, ID2) will provide first three flight modes, the rudder
D/R switch will override those and enable the 4th flight mode, and
elevator D/R switch will have highest precedence and activate the 5th
flight mode.
This will change the ManualControlSettings objectID.