This is necessary for compatibility with Meson's pkg module, which
generates pkg-config metadata containing "-lNAME" where NAME is the
first argument to shared_library(). Changing the name_prefix parameter
would break that.
Conversely, including .dll or .so in the first parameter would also
break that, so remove the `+dll_ext` part (in practice this is not a
functional change, because `dll_ext` is always set to an empty string).
Signed-off-by: Simon McVittie <>
FEX would like clean symbols for experimenting with making thunks down the line.
We also just shouldn't be exporting a bunch of random crap -- sadly -fvisibility=hidden doesn't help with a bunch of stuff :(
For reference, RADV also does this.
* [build] do not use shared_library/objects property with MSVC
* [util] use ./com/com_include.h instead of windef.h
It is required for Windows 10 SDK.
* [util] store thread procedure lambda in std::function
* [dxgi] fix annoying MSVC warning
warning C4099: 'IDXGIVkInteropDevice': type name first seen using 'class' now seen using 'struct'
This is part of a major refactoring process regarding DXGI->Vulkan
format conversions. Since we don't patch format lookup tables any
longer, we can create a global lookup table.
* [dxvk] fixes for MSVC
* nullptr -> int is illegal conversion for MSVC. nullptr was replaced with VK_NULL_HANDLE
* MSVC does not support source code strings longer than 65535 chars. String was replaced with array of chars.
* [utils] fixes for MSVC
* __mingw_uuidof() does not exists in MSVC
* apply GCC pragma only for GCC
* added missing header
* [dxbc] fixes for MSVC
*added missing header
* [dxgi] fixes for MSVC
* user __declspec(uuid()) instead of _mingw_uuidof()
* do not use DLLEXPORT macro for MSVC
* [d3d11] fixes for MSVC
* replace WINBOOL with BOOL
* do not declare D3D11 structs for MSVC
* do not use DLLEXPORT macro for MSVC
* [meson] fix build scripts for MSVC
* change cpp version from c++1z to c++latest for MSVC
* set -DOMINMAX definition for MSVC
* disable test and wine_utils for MSVC
* use .def files instead of __declspec(dllexport) for MSVC (bypass 'C2375: redefinition; different linkage' error)
* fix .def files for MinGW
* add --enable-stdcall-fixup linker flag for MinGW
* [utils] fixes for MSVC
* __mingw_uuidof() does not exists in MSVC
* apply GCC pragma only for GCC
* added missing header
* [dxvk] fixes for MSVC
* nullptr -> int is illegal conversion for MSVC. nullptr was replaced with VK_NULL_HANDLE
* MSVC does not support source code strings longer than 65535 chars. String was replaced with array of chars.
* [dxbc] fixes for MSVC
*added missing header
* [dxgi] fixes for MSVC
* user __declspec(uuid()) instead of _mingw_uuidof()
* [d3d11] fixes for MSVC
* replace WINBOOL with BOOL
* do not declare D3D11 structs
* [meson] fix build scripts for MSVC
* change cpp version from 1z to 17 for MSVC
* set -DOMINMAX definition for MSVC
* disable test and wine_utils for MSVC
* use .def files instead of __declspec(dllexport) (bypass 'C2375: redefinition; different linkage' error)