watch_out_when_creating_a_new_machine_its_prices_are_initialized_at_0_for_all_subscriptions:"Cuidado! Ao criar uma nova máquina, os preços são inicializados em 0 para todas as assinaturas."
consider_changing_them_before_creating_any_reservation_slot:"Concidere alterá-lo antes de criar qualquer slot de reserva."
availabilities_notice:"Exportar para Excel livro com todos os slots disponíveis para reserva, e suas ocupações."
ongoing_reservations:"Reservas em curso"
no_reservations:"Sem reservas"
confirmation_required:"Confirmação Obrigatória"
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_the_USER_s_reservation_the_DATE_at_TIME_concerning_RESERVATION:"Você realmente deseja cancelar a reserva do usuário {USER}, em {DATE} ás {TIME}, sobre {RESERVATION}?"
reservation_was_successfully_cancelled:"A reserva foi cancelada com sucesso"
unable_to_remove_the_last_machine_of_the_slot_delete_the_slot_rather:"Não é possível remover a última máquina do slot. Delete o slot primeiramente."
do_you_really_want_to_remove_MACHINE_from_this_slot:"Você realmente deseja remover \"{MACHINE}\" desse slot?"
this_will_prevent_any_new_reservation_on_this_slot_but_wont_cancel_those_existing:"Isso impedirá qualquer nova reserva neste slot, mas não cancelará os existentes."
beware_this_cannot_be_reverted:"Cuidado: isso não pode ser revertido."
the_machine_was_successfully_removed_from_the_slot:"A máquina foi removida com sucesso desse slot."
select_period:"Please select a period for the recurrence"
select_nb_period:"Please select a number of periods for the recurrence"
select_end_date:"Please select the date of the last occurrence"
about_to_create:"You are about to create the following {TYPE, select, machines{machine} training{training} space{space} other{other}} {NUMBER, plural, one{slot} other{slots}}:"
divided_in_slots:"{COUNT, plural, =1{This slot} other{These slots}} will be open for booking in {DURATION}-minutes increments. Contact your system administrator to change this setting."
slots_not_deleted:"On {TOTAL} slots, {COUNT, plural, =1{one was not deleted} other{{COUNT} were not deleted}}. Some reservations may exist on {COUNT, plural, =1{it} other{them}}."
intro:"Fab-manager allows to automatically import calendar events, at RFC 5545 iCalendar format, from external URL. These URL are synchronized every hours and the events are shown in the public calendar. You can trigger a synchronisation too, by clicking on the corresponding button, in front of each import."
add_a_new_training:"Adicionar um novo treinamento"
beware_when_creating_a_training_its_reservation_prices_are_initialized_to_zero:"Cuidado, ao criar um treinamento, seu preço de reserva é inicializado em zero."
dont_forget_to_change_them_before_creating_slots_for_this_training:"Não se esqueça de alterá-lo antes de criar slots para este treinamento."
list_of_the_subscription_plans:"Lista dos planos de assinatura"
beware_the_subscriptions_are_disabled_on_this_application:"Atenção, as assinaturas estão desativadas nesta aplicação."
you_can_create_some_but_they_wont_be_available_until_the_project_is_redeployed_by_the_server_manager:"Você pode criar alguns, mas eles não estarão disponíveis até que o projeto seja reimplantado pelo gerenciador de servidores."
for_safety_reasons_please_dont_create_subscriptions_if_you_dont_want_intend_to_use_them_later:"Por razões de segurança, não crie inscrições se não pretender utilizá-las posteriormente."
add_a_new_subscription_plan:"Adicionar novo plano de assinatura"
add_a_subscription_plan:"Adicionar plano de assinatura"
unable_to_create_the_subscription_please_try_again:"Não é possível criar plano de assinatura. por favor tente novamente."
successfully_created_subscriptions_dont_forget_to_redefine_prices:"Assinaturas criadas com sucesso. Não se esqueça de redefinir os preços."
unable_to_save_this_user_check_that_there_isnt_an_already_a_user_with_the_same_name:"Impossível salvar este usuário. Certifique-se que ele não possui o mesmo nome de outro usuário."
warning_invoices_disabled:"Warning : invoices are not enabled. No invoices will be generated by Fab-manager. Nevertheless, you must correctly fill the information below, especially VAT."
2_digits_month_number:"2 digits month number (eg. 01)"
3_characters_month_name:"3 characters month name (eg. JAN)"
day_in_the_month:"Day in the month (eg. 1)"
2_digits_day_in_the_month:"2 digits in the month (eg. 01)"
n_digits_daily_count_of_invoices:"(n) digits, daily count of invoices (eg. ddd => 002 : 2nd invoice of the day)"
n_digits_monthly_count_of_invoices:"(n) digits, monthly count of invoices (eg. mmmm => 0012 : 12th invoice of the month)"
n_digits_annual_amount_of_invoices:"(n) digits, annual count of invoices (ex. yyyyyy => 000008 : 8th invoice of this year)"
beware_if_the_number_exceed_the_specified_length_it_will_be_truncated_by_the_left:"Beware: if the number exceed the specified length, it will be truncated by the left."
confirm_close_START_END:"Do you really want to close the accounting period between {START} and {END}? Any subsequent changes will be impossible"
period_must_match_fiscal_year:"A closing must occur at the end of a minimum annual period, or per financial year when it is not calendar-based."
this_may_take_a_while:"This operation will take some time to complete."
period_START_END_closed_success:"The accounting period from {START} to {END} has been successfully closed. Archive generation is running, you'll be notified when it's done."
failed_to_close_period:"An error occurred, unable to close the accounting period"
no_periods:"No closings for now"
accounting_codes:"Accounting codes"
accounting_journal_code:"Journal code"
general_journal_code:"Journal code"
accounting_card_client_code:"Card clients code"
card_client_code:"Accounting code for clients who paid by card"
accounting_card_client_label:"Card clients label"
card_client_label:"Account label for clients who paid by card"
an_error_occurred_while_saving_changes:"An error occurred when saving changes."
export_is_running_you_ll_be_notified_when_its_ready:"Export is running. You'll be notified when it's ready."
add_a_tag:"Adicionar tag"
tag_name:"Nome da tag"
new_tag_successfully_saved:"Nova tag salva com sucesso."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_new_tag:"Um erro ocorreu ao salvar nova tag."
confirmation_required:"Delete this tag?"
confirm_delete_tag_html:"Do you really want to delete this tag?<br>Users and slots currently associated with this tag will be dissociated.<br><strong>Warning: This cannot be undone!</strong>"
tag_successfully_deleted:"Tag excluída com sucesso."
an_error_occurred_and_the_tag_deletion_failed:"Um erro ocorreu ao excluir tag."
search_for_an_authentication_provider:"Procurar um provedor de autenticação"
add_a_new_authentication_provider:"Adicionar um novo provedor de autenticação"
strategy_name:"Nome da estratégia"
unknown:"Desconhecido: "
previous_provider:"Fornecedor anterior"
confirmation_required:"Delete the provider?"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_the_TYPE_authentication_provider_NAME:"Deseja realmente excluir o provedor de autenticação {TYPE}: {NAME}?"
authentication_provider_successfully_deleted:"Provedor de autenticação excluido com sucesso."
an_error_occurred_unable_to_delete_the_specified_provider:"Ocorreu um erro: não é possível excluir o provedor especificado."
changes_successfully_saved:"Mudanças salvas com sucesso."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_changes:"Um erro ocorreu ao salvar mudanças."
new_group_successfully_saved:"Novo grupo salvo com sucesso."
an_error_occurred_when_saving_the_new_group:"Um erro ocorreu ao salvar novo grupo."
group_successfully_deleted:"Grupo excluido com sucesso."
unable_to_delete_group_because_some_users_and_or_groups_are_still_linked_to_it:"Não é possível excluir o grupo porque alguns usuários e / ou grupos ainda estão vinculados a ele."
info:"You can upload a CSV file to create new members or update existing ones. Your file must user the identifiers below to specify the group, the trainings and the tags of the members."
required_fields:"Your file must contain, at least, the following information for each user to create: email, name, first name and group. If the password is empty, it will be generated. On updates, the empty fields will be kept as is."
about_example:"Please refer to the provided example file to generate a correct CSV file. Be careful to use Unicode UTF-8 encoding."
you_intentionally_decide_to_extend_the_user_s_subscription_by_offering_him_free_days:"Você intencionalmente decidir estender a inscrição do usuário, oferecendo-lhe dias livres."
you_intentionally_decide_to_extend_the_user_s_subscription_by_charging_him_again_for_his_current_subscription:"Você decide intencionalmente estender a assinatura do usuário cobrando-o novamente por sua assinatura atual."
credits_will_be_reset:"O saldo de créditos gratuitos (treinamento / máquinas / espaços) do usuário será redefinido, os créditos não utilizados serão perdidos."
administrator_successfully_created_he_will_receive_his_connection_directives_by_email:"Administrator criado com sucesso. {GENDER, select, female{Ela} other{Ele}} receberá {GENDER, select, female{sua} other{seu}} diretivas de conexão por e-mail."
it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider:"É necessário definir a correspondência entre User.uid ea API para adicionar este fornecedor."
security_issue_detected:"Erro de segurança detectado"
beware_the_oauth2_authenticatoin_provider_you_are_about_to_add_isnt_using_HTTPS:"Cuidado: o provedor OAuth 2 que você está prestes a adicionar não está usando HTTPS."
this_is_a_serious_security_issue_on_internet_and_should_never_be_used_except_for_testing_purposes:"Este é um problema de segurança grave na Internet e nunca deve ser usado, exceto para fins de teste."
it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider:"É necessário definir a correspondência entre User.uid ea API para adicionar este fornecedor."
message_of_the_machine_booking_page:"Mensagem na página de reserva de máquina:"
type_the_message_content:"Digite o conteúdo da mensagem"
warning_message_of_the_training_booking_page:"Mensagem de aviso da página de reserva de treinamento:"
information_message_of_the_training_reservation_page:"Mensagem de informação da página de reservas de treinamentos:"
message_of_the_subscriptions_page:"Mensagem da página de inscrições:"
message_of_the_events_page:"Mensagem da página de eventos:"
message_of_the_spaces_page:"Mensagem da página de espaços:"
legal_documents:"Documentos legais"
if_these_documents_are_not_filled_no_consent_about_them_will_be_asked_to_the_user:"Se estes documentos não forem preenchidos, não será solicitado consentimento."
general_terms_and_conditions:"Termos gerais e condições"
terms_of_service:"Termos de serviço"
customize_the_graphics:"Customização gráfica"
for_an_optimal_rendering_the_logo_image_must_be_at_the_PNG_format_with_a_transparent_background_and_with_an_aspect_ratio_3.5_times_wider_than_the_height:"Para uma renderização ideal, a imagem do logotipo deve estar no formato PNG com um fundo transparente e uma relação de aspecto 3,5 mais larga do que a altura."
concerning_the_favicon_it_must_be_at_ICO_format_with_a_size_of_16x16_pixels:"Em relação ao favicon, ele deve estar no formato ICO com um tamanho de 16x16 pixels."
remember_to_refresh_the_page_for_the_changes_to_take_effect:"Lembre-se de recarregar a página para que estas alterações tenham efeito."
logo_white_background:"Logo (fundo branco)"
change_the_logo:"Mudar logo"
logo_black_background:"Logo (fundo preto)"
change_the_favicon:"Trocar favicon"
main_colour:"Cor principal:"
secondary_colour:"Cor secundária:"
background_picture_of_the_profile_banner:"Imagem de plano de fundo do perfil"
change_the_profile_banner:"Alterar a capa do perfil"
home_page:"Página inicial"
news_of_the_home_page:"Notícias da página inicial:"
type_your_news_here:"Escreva aqui suas notícias"
leave_it_empty_to_not_bring_up_any_news_on_the_home_page:"Deixe vazio para não abrir nenhuma notícia na home page"
twitter_stream:"Twitter Stream:"
name_of_the_twitter_account:"Nome da conta do Twitter"
customize_home_page_css:"Customise the stylesheet og the home page"
home_css_notice_html:"You can customize the stylesheet which will apply to the home page, using the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SASS</a> syntax. These styles will be automatically subordinated to the <code>.home-page</code> selector to prevent any risk of breaking the application. Meanwhile please be careful, any changes in the home page editor at the top of the page may broke your styles, always refer to the HTML code."
watch_out_when_creating_a_new_space_its_prices_are_initialized_at_0_for_all_subscriptions:"Cuidado! Ao criar um novo espaço, seus preços são inicializados em 0 para todas as assinaturas."
consider_changing_its_prices_before_creating_any_reservation_slot:"Considere alterar seus preços antes de criar qualquer slot de reserva."
content:"<p>If you want to restart this contextual help, press <strong>F1</strong> at any time or click on [? Help] from the user's menu.</p><p>If you need additional help, you can <a href='' target='_blank'>check the user guide</a> (only in French for now).</p><p>The Fab-manager's team also provides personalized support (help with getting started, help with installation, customization, etc.), <a href=''>contact-us</a> for more info.</p>"
content:"<p>When creating a training, you can define a default number of places. However, the number of actual places may be modified for each session.</p><p>The training sessions are scheduled from the administrator tab « Calendar ».</p><p>Another thing: it is possible to associate one or more machines with a training. This makes it a prerequisite for the reservation of these machines.</p>"
content:"By default, only active courses are displayed here. Display the others by choosing another filter here."
title:"Trainings monitoring"
content:"Once a training session is finished, you can validate the training for the members present from this screen. This validation is essential to allow them to use the associated machines, if applicable."
content:"From this screen, you can plan the slots during which training, machines and spaces will be bookable by members."
title:"The calendar"
content:"Click in the calendar to start creating a new availability range. You can directly select the entire time range desired by maintaining your click."
content:"Start generating an Excel file, listing all the availability slots created in the calendar."
title:"Import external calendars"
content:"Allows you to import calendars from an external source in iCal format."
content:"Here you can create, modify and delete members and administrators. You can also manage groups, labels, import / export with spreadsheet files and connect SSO software."
title:"Members list"
content:"By default, this table lists all the members of your Fab-manager. You can sort the list in a different order by clicking on the header of each column."
title:"Find a user"
content:"This input field allows you to search for any text on all of the columns in the table below."
title:"Filter the list"
content:"<p>Filter the list below to display only users who have not confirmed their email address or inactive accounts for more than 3 years.</p><p>Please notice that the GDPR requires that you delete any accounts inactive for more than 3 years.</p>"
title:"Members actions"
content:"<p>The buttons in this column allow you to display and modify all of the member's parameters, or to delete them irreversibly.</p><p>In the event of a deletion, the billing information will be kept for 10 years and statistical data will also be kept anonymously.</p>"
content:"Each of these buttons starts the generation of an Excel file listing all the members, subscriptions or reservations, current and past."
title:"Import members"
content:"Allows you to import a list of members to create in Fab-manager, from a CSV file."
title:"Manage administrators"
content:"In the same way as the members, manage the administrators of your Fab-manager here.<br>The administrators can take reservations for any member as well as modify all the parameters of the software."
content:"<p>Groups allow you to better segment your price list.</p><p>When you set up Fab-manager for the first time, it is recommended to start by defining the groups.</p>"
content:"The labels allow you to reserve certain slots for users associated with these same labels."
title:"Single Sign-On"
content:"Here you can set up and manage a single authentication system (SSO)."
content:"<p>Here you will be able to download invoices and credit notes issued, as well as manage everything related to accounting and invoicing.</p><p>If you use third-party software to manage your invoices, it is possible to deactivate the billing module. For this, contact your system administrator.</p>"
title:"Invoices list"
content:"By default, this table lists all the invoices and credit notes issued by Fab-manager. You can sort the list in a different order by clicking on the header of each column."
title:"Chaining indicator"
content:"<p>This icon ensures the inalterability of the accounting data of the invoice on this line, in accordance with the French finance law of 2018 against VAT fraud.</p><p>If a red icon appears instead of this one , please contact technical support immediately.</p>"
content:"Click here to download the invoice in PDF format."
title:"Credit note"
content:"Allows you to generate a credit note for the invoice on this line or some of its sub-elements. <strong>Warning:</strong> This will only generate the accounting document, the actual refund of the user will always be your responsibility."
content:"<p>Here you can modify the parameters for invoices generation. Click on the item you are interested in to start editing.</p><p>In particular, this is where you can set if you are subject to VAT and the applicable rate.</p>"
title:"Accounting codes"
content:"Set the accounting codes here for all kinds of entries generated by the software. This setting is only required if you use the accounting export functionality."
title:"Accounting export"
content:"Once the codes have been configured, click here to access the interface allowing you to export the entries to a third-party accounting software."
title:"Close accounting periods"
content:"<p>The regulations of your country may require you to close your accounts regularly. The interface accessible from this button allows you to do this.</p> <p><strong>In France,</strong> if you are subject to VAT anti-fraud law <a href='' target='_blank'>BOI-TVA-DECLA-30-10-30-20160803</a>, this closing is mandatory at least once a year.</p><p>As a reminder, if you have to use a certified software (<a href='' target='_blank'>take the test here</a>), you are under the legal obligation to provide a certificate of compliance of the software. <a href=''>Contact-us<a/> to get it.</p>"
title:"Subscriptions & Prices"
content:"Manage subscription plans and prices for the various services you offer to your members."
title:"New subscription plan"
content:"Create subscription plans to offer preferential prices on machines and spaces to regular users."
content:"Define training prices here, by user group."
content:"Define here the prices of the machine slots, by user group. These prices will be applied to users who do not have subscriptions."
content:"In the same way, define here the prices of the spaces slots, for the users without subscriptions."
content:"<p>Credits allow you to give certain services for free to users who subscribe to a plan.</p><p>You can, for example, offer 2 hours of 3D printer for all annual subscriptions; or training of your choice for student subscribers, etc.</p>"
content:"Create and manage promotional coupons allowing to offer punctual discounts to their holders."
content:"Create events, track their reservations and organize them from this page."
title:"The events"
content:"This list displays all past or future events, as well as the number of reservations for each of them."
title:"Filter events"
content:"Only display upcoming events in the list below; or on the contrary, only those already passed."
content:"Categories help your users know what type of event it is. A category is required for each of the newly created events."
content:"<p>Themes are an additional (and optional) categorization of your events. They can group together different events of very different forms.</p><p>For example, a two-day course about marquetry and an evening workshop about the handling of the wood planer, can be found in the theme « carpentry ».</p>"
title:"Age groups"
content:"This other optional filter will help your users find events suited to their profile."
title:"Pricing categories"
content:"The price of events does not depend on groups or subscriptions, but on the categories you define on this page."
content:"Here you can define all the elements that will be available for members to document the projects they carry out."
title:"Manage reports"
content:"<p>Access here the management of reports.</p><p>Visitors can signal projects, for example for copyright infringement or for hate speech.</p><p>GDPR requires you to delete this reporting data once the required actions have been taken.</p>"
content:"<p>From here, you will be able to access many statistics on your members and their uses within your Fab Lab.</p><p>In accordance with GDPR, users who have deleted their account continue to be reported in the statistics, but anonymously.</p>"
title:"Export data"
content:"You can choose to export all or part of the statistical data to an Excel file."
content:"Visualize the evolution over time of the main uses of your Fab Lab, thanks to graphs and curves."
title:"Application customization"
content:"From here, you can configure the general settings of Fab-manager as well as customize various elements of the interface."
title:"Customize home page"
content:"<p>This WYSIWYG editor allows you to customize the appearance of the home page while using different components (last tweet, brief, etc.).</p><p><strong>Warning:</strong> Keep in mind that any uncontrolled changes can break the appearance of the home page.</p>"
title:"Insert a component"
content:"Click here to insert a pre-existing component into the home page."
title:"Display HTML code"
content:"This button allows you to directly view and modify the code of the home page. This is the recommended way to proceed, but it requires prior knowledge of HTML."
title:"Go back"
content:"At any time, you can restore the original home page by clicking here."
title:"Customize the style sheet"
content:"For advanced users, it is possible to define a custom style sheet (CSS) for the home page."
content:"Fully personalize this page to present your activity."
title:"Privacy policy"
content:"<p>EExplain here how you use the data you collect about your members.</p><p>GDPR requires that a confidentiality policy is defined, as well as a data protection officer.</p>"
content:"Click here to view a privacy policy draft with holes, which you just need to read and complete."
content:"Fab-manager offers an open API allowing third-party software to deal simply with its data. This screen allows you to grant accesses to this API."
content:"Click here to access the API online documentation."