Disable stdcall aliasing and enable kill-at to ensure our exported
functions don't have the @8, @40, etc suffixes.
This still keeps `--enable-stdcall-fixup` as otherwise the linker can
get confused trying to find exports from the .def. This does not result
in aliases being added, just for them to be found to add to the export
This also switches d3d11 to use the MinGW provided dxgi.lib for linking
and d3d10 to use the MinGW provided d3d11.lib for linking.
Unfortunately the .a's we output seem to still have the @blah that we
killed so we cannot use them for internal linkage since using kill-at.
Tested that what we get out of MinGW now is what we want with dllexp.
Supercedes: #3590
➜ build git:(master) ✗ winedump -j export src/dxgi/dxgi.dll
Contents of src/dxgi/dxgi.dll: 129505860 bytes
Characteristics: 00000000
TimeDateStamp: 64C97A2D Tue Aug 1 22:33:33 2023
Version: 0.00
Ordinal base: 9
# of functions: 9
# of Names: 5
Addresses of functions: 00423028
Addresses of name ordinals: 00423060
Addresses of names: 0042304C
Entry Pt Ordn Name
00007C17 9 CreateDXGIFactory
00007BF3 10 CreateDXGIFactory1
00007B62 11 CreateDXGIFactory2
00007C3B 16 DXGIDeclareAdapterRemovalSupport
00007CD8 17 DXGIGetDebugInterface1
Done dumping src/dxgi/dxgi.dll
➜ build git:(fix-stdcall-32-bit) winedump -j export src/d3d11/d3d11.dll
Contents of src/d3d11/d3d11.dll: 263021637 bytes
Name: D3D11.DLL
Characteristics: 00000000
TimeDateStamp: 64C97A2E Tue Aug 1 22:33:34 2023
Version: 0.00
Ordinal base: 18
# of functions: 7
# of Names: 4
Addresses of functions: 005E3028
Addresses of name ordinals: 005E3054
Addresses of names: 005E3044
Entry Pt Ordn Name
00020045 18 D3D11CoreCreateDevice
000200AA 22 D3D11CreateDevice
0002010E 23 D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain
0002025F 24 D3D11On12CreateDevice
Done dumping src/d3d11/d3d11.dll
Import of DXGI in D3D11
offset 005e1014 dxgi.dll
Hint/Name Table: 005E408C
TimeDateStamp: 00000000 (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970)
ForwarderChain: 00000000
First thunk RVA: 005E4300
Thunk Ordn Name
005e4300 4 CreateDXGIFactory1
vkd3d-proton 2.8 released last year with support for the new swapchain
No need to keep support for this legacy interface hanging around when
it complicates adding DxgiOptions support to the swapchain.
FEX would like clean symbols for experimenting with making thunks down the line.
We also just shouldn't be exporting a bunch of random crap -- sadly -fvisibility=hidden doesn't help with a bunch of stuff :(
For reference, RADV also does this.
Notably, fairly generic functions to create/launch/destroy Cuda kernels,
and methods to fetch GPU virtual addresses and handles for DX11 resources.
Note: Requires some corresponding dxvk-nvapi changes for DLSS to
be initialized successfully.